In your opinion who is the most intelligent member of the opposing faction?

Ted Cruz is both smart and the dumbest guy in the room at the same time.

Dick Cheney.
I was thinking Karl Rove.

I thought about that too. However like Steve Bannon I think he just happened to be there at the right time. At least he still has a job while Bannon appears to be going down in flames. must be said.....Karl Rove single-handedly saved the Republican party with his Gerrymandering plan. He caught the Democrats completely off-guard during the state elections...and ensured control for the minority Republicans--the tail wags the many places..due to Rove.

Like democrats don't gerrymander in States where they control the legislatures.

Both sides have been known to gerrymander but the GOP has taken it to a whole new level.

Please, I live in a very "red" district in a blue State, and my district crosses a body of water to link it to a hard blue minority area.

Pretty sure lot's of congressional districts cross a body of water. Is this Michigan?
My 30-year-old, on the other hand, is stupid on many things because she's had the time to learn it and has refused to do so.

So, if your 30 year old doesn't know how to change a fuel pump in a car, for no other reason than learning to work on cars was something that didn't interest her, she's stupid?

Wow, you must've been a real fuckin' treat to grow up with...

More like my 30-year-old started refusing to do her schoolwork in junior high and made us drag her through basic academics, kicking and screaming. The instant she graduated, she decided that was it for her. She actually does learn things she's interested in, and very quickly. That's how I know she's intelligent. But general knowledge things that any adult in this country should know? Nuh uh.

For the record, I believe she actually DOES know how to change a fuel pump.

Thanks for wasting my time trying to twist what I said into an opportunity to attack me, though. Saves a lot of time that might otherwise have been wasted mistakenly treating you as a person.

Do run along and fuck off now.
Morality aside for a moment, who do you see as the most intelligent of your opposition?

For me it has to be Trey Gowdy or Ted Cruz.

I think Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are probably both pretty smart, in a low cunning sort of way. Their leadership positions would require a certain amount of intelligence.

Honestly, it's hard to tell, because most Democrats spout illogical nonsense, and they're all pretty good at doing it with a straight face. So you end up having to guess which ones are true-believing useful idiots, and which ones are calculated liars.

Back in the day Carville was pretty sharp. Also ruthless.
If we are including politicians no longer in power, then I would nominate former senator Carl Levin as the smartest Democrat.
D s -When it comes to strategy -Carville of the newer ones Clintons, Manchin and Gabby. R s-- Rand Paul. Limbaugh ,Pence, Conda Rice
I put both sides ,because I am a registered democrat but will vote for the best candidate and policy. Not Party
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Since I am a registered Independent, I get to pick both sides. :D

I mentioned Carl Levin from the Democratic camp.

I would nominate Colin Powell as one of the smartest Republicans.
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Ted Cruz is both smart and the dumbest guy in the room at the same time.

Dick Cheney.
I was thinking Karl Rove.

I thought about that too. However like Steve Bannon I think he just happened to be there at the right time. At least he still has a job while Bannon appears to be going down in flames. must be said.....Karl Rove single-handedly saved the Republican party with his Gerrymandering plan. He caught the Democrats completely off-guard during the state elections...and ensured control for the minority Republicans--the tail wags the many places..due to Rove.

Like democrats don't gerrymander in States where they control the legislatures.

Both sides have been known to gerrymander but the GOP has taken it to a whole new level.

Please, I live in a very "red" district in a blue State, and my district crosses a body of water to link it to a hard blue minority area.

Pretty sure lot's of congressional districts cross a body of water. Is this Michigan?

NYC, and they don't have to considering the density of districts in the city.
Tulsi she should be a republican
She's as socialist as Bernie Sanders. It has always puzzled me as to why pseudocons admire her.

Relative to other leftists, she has respect for human life. That's not a socialist (or even a Democrat) belief.
She is pro-choice.

As I said, "relative to other leftists", meaning she doesn't support the "rip them out, kill them, and sell the body parts; and if they survive the procedure, smother them in the crib" philosophy that is now mainstream in the DNC.
Tulsi she should be a republican
She's as socialist as Bernie Sanders. It has always puzzled me as to why pseudocons admire her.

Relative to other leftists, she has respect for human life. That's not a socialist (or even a Democrat) belief.
She is pro-choice.

As I said, "relative to other leftists", meaning she doesn't support the "rip them out, kill them, and sell the body parts; and if they survive the procedure, smother them in the crib" philosophy that is now mainstream in the DNC.
That is not the mainstream opinion of the left. Stop drinking the Kool Aid.
Tulsi Gabbard backed Sanders in 2016.

She supports the Green New Deal.

She supports reparations for slavery.

She wants a $15 minimum wage.

She believes college should be free.

She supports closing down all existing nuclear power plants.

She supports a ban on assault weapons.

She supports Medicare For All.

Healthcare For All

People Before Profits & Politics "People Before Profits". An age-old socialist slogan.

Racial Justice

Hold Wall Street Accountable
“We must break up the big banks, reinstate Glass-Steagall, and get our economy back to working for the benefit of all Americans.”

Second Amendment Rights & Gun Safety
“We don’t have to wait for answers to these questions for Congress to pass legislation already supported by a majority of Americans, like universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole and reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons.”

Here's a bill cosponsored by Tulsi:

H.R.40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act To establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery.

"I'll usher in a Green Economy":

So...yeah. It has always puzzled me why a pseudocon would admire Tulsi Gabbard.

It tells me they never actually look into a politian's beliefs and just jump on whatever bandwagon is passing by.

Very shallow. Very, very shallow.
In terms of common sense and wisdom no democrat impresses me

But in terms of nice tits and ass its AOC hands down

You can't think of a single Democrat that you can admit possesses intelligence?
If they possessed intelligence they wouldn't be a Democrat to begin with.
Lol spoken by some one who follows a guy that tells ya to inject cleaners in your veins. Lol. You really think we care what you think? You're hilarious!
You can't think of a single Democrat that you can admit possesses intelligence?
Most democrats have intelligence

but I cant think of a singe one that uses their intelligence wisely

Sometimes I compare liberals to Italian sports cars in the 1950’s

Gobs of horsepower but crude suspension systems that put them in the hay bales a lot

so no, no democrat in captivity stands out to me
My 30-year-old, on the other hand, is stupid on many things because she's had the time to learn it and has refused to do so.

So, if your 30 year old doesn't know how to change a fuel pump in a car, for no other reason than learning to work on cars was something that didn't interest her, she's stupid?

Wow, you must've been a real fuckin' treat to grow up with...

More like my 30-year-old started refusing to do her schoolwork in junior high and made us drag her through basic academics, kicking and screaming. The instant she graduated, she decided that was it for her. She actually does learn things she's interested in, and very quickly. That's how I know she's intelligent. But general knowledge things that any adult in this country should know? Nuh uh.

For the record, I believe she actually DOES know how to change a fuel pump.

Thanks for wasting my time trying to twist what I said into an opportunity to attack me, though. Saves a lot of time that might otherwise have been wasted mistakenly treating you as a person.

Do run along and fuck off now.

Hey, you're the one bragging about your kid being stupid, not me...

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