Income equality bull shit.

The richest 85 people on Earth control as much wealth as the world's poorest 3.5 billion people.

Please tell us all again how those 3.5 billion people just need to start their own businesses.
Obviously there are major differences in parenting and many parents work very hard to give their children the best opportunity possible given their means.

There will never be absolute equality of opportunity.

That isn't the kind of opportunity I'm talking about.

What do you think the different kinds of opportunities being talked about are?

I probably should have said that differently.

That is only one of many opportunities. If one opportunity isn't an option, look for another.

Others would be grants and scholarships for school and training, spotting a need and filling it, and even opportunities that come from blind luck.
No, the problem is that when wealth is controlled by a few, we get an Oligarchy. The masses then start reaching for the pitchforks and torches and storm the Bastille. As I have stated before, it is amusing when you guys call Obama a socialist when he is nothing of the sort. He is a corporatist, just like every president. If Obama's a socialist, then he is the worst socialist that ever walked the earth.

obama is not a true socialist, he is as marxist collectivist. Nationalizing industry (healthcare) is a marxist collectivist mandate.

Oh, obviously. Every industrialized country in the world that provides health care to its citizens is a Marxist collective. :cuckoo:

No, some of them are monarchies, some are socialist, some are dictatorships, and some are partial democracies like Canada. The problem is that none of those systems work for the general population----------unless you consider equal misery a success.

and none of those countries "provide healthcare" they collect very high taxes and then decide which citizens are "entitled" to which medical procedures and treatments.

you silly libs think that socialized medicine is FREE and available equally to everyone, you live in a dream world.

Do you think the average Russian has the same access to healthcare as a member of the politburo? Wake up and think about what you are asking for.
The richest 85 people on Earth control as much wealth as the world's poorest 3.5 billion people.

Please tell us all again how those 3.5 billion people just need to start their own businesses.

No one is saying that there isn't a gap. And no one is saying that the people of sub Saharan Africa have the same opportunities as Americans.
The GOP argument is that those dirt poor Africans just need to start a bunch of tech companies in their dorm rooms.
The richest 85 people on Earth control as much wealth as the world's poorest 3.5 billion people.

Please tell us all again how those 3.5 billion people just need to start their own businesses.

some will and some will become very successful, some will fail. Thats life, no one guarantees you anything.

Stop being jealous of successful people and get off your ass and try to find your own success. Face reality----no one is going to take money from those 85 people and give it to you.

WTF do you want to do to those people? kill them for being successful? Damn, but you libs are stupid!
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The GOP argument is that those dirt poor Africans just need to start a bunch of tech companies in their dorm rooms.

well then why don't you put a few of them in your basement and take care of them?

What is it that you libs want?

What would you change?

What do you want to do to the rich?
That isn't the kind of opportunity I'm talking about.

What do you think the different kinds of opportunities being talked about are?

I probably should have said that differently.

That is only one of many opportunities. If one opportunity isn't an option, look for another.

Others would be grants and scholarships for school and training, spotting a need and filling it, and even opportunities that come from blind luck.

That really doesn't sound like equality of opportunity.

I think equality of opportunity is not really possible. I think the real goal is to try and equalize opportunity and to provide an "adequate" level of opportunity. Opportunity should also be free of discrimination based on things like race or gender.

I think what qualifies as "adequate" changes over time. The importance placed on education in our current economy drastically changes the equation compared to just 100 years ago.
What do you think the different kinds of opportunities being talked about are?

I probably should have said that differently.

That is only one of many opportunities. If one opportunity isn't an option, look for another.

Others would be grants and scholarships for school and training, spotting a need and filling it, and even opportunities that come from blind luck.

That really doesn't sound like equality of opportunity.

I think equality of opportunity is not really possible. I think the real goal is to try and equalize opportunity and to provide an "adequate" level of opportunity. Opportunity should also be free of discrimination based on things like race or gender.

I think what qualifies as "adequate" changes over time. The importance placed on education in our current economy drastically changes the equation compared to just 100 years ago.

you don't really want equal opportunity, you want equal results, you want everyone in the world to have the same income and standard of living-----------you are a dreamer, but dreams are just that----thoughts in your sleep with no connection to reality.
Student loan debt outweighs consumer credit card debt in the US.

The "poor" are trying to better themselves, and going thousands of dollars into debt to do so, and still not finding any real opportunities once they graduate.
Student loan debt outweighs consumer credit card debt in the US.

The "poor" are trying to better themselves, and going thousands of dollars into debt to do so, and still not finding any real opportunities once they graduate.

and why is that? obama has had over 5 years and there are still no jobs being created. Could it be that his liberal economic ideas suck? Could it be that a country that is 17 trillion in debt has a hard time expanding its economy?
What do you think the different kinds of opportunities being talked about are?

I probably should have said that differently.

That is only one of many opportunities. If one opportunity isn't an option, look for another.

Others would be grants and scholarships for school and training, spotting a need and filling it, and even opportunities that come from blind luck.

That really doesn't sound like equality of opportunity.

I think equality of opportunity is not really possible. I think the real goal is to try and equalize opportunity and to provide an "adequate" level of opportunity. Opportunity should also be free of discrimination based on things like race or gender.

I think what qualifies as "adequate" changes over time. The importance placed on education in our current economy drastically changes the equation compared to just 100 years ago.

I disagree, it is equality of opportunity, obviously I'm not going to list every type there is. Equality if opportunity would by definition be free of descrimination.
Student loan debt outweighs consumer credit card debt in the US.

The "poor" are trying to better themselves, and going thousands of dollars into debt to do so, and still not finding any real opportunities once they graduate.

and why is that? obama has had over 5 years and there are still no jobs being created. Could it be that his liberal economic ideas suck? Could it be that a country that is 17 trillion in debt has a hard time expanding its economy?

Republicans spent over $4t of our money on killing Iraqis over lies. Don't talk about "fiscal responsibility" ever again.

Is it the government's role to create jobs? What about the 1% "job creators" who made 95% of the financial gains since 2009? Is 95% of the money not enough money to create jobs?
Student loan debt outweighs consumer credit card debt in the US.

The "poor" are trying to better themselves, and going thousands of dollars into debt to do so, and still not finding any real opportunities once they graduate.

There are many factors that explain why that is, it isn't that there isn't the opportunity. Again, what you are wanting is equality of outcome, and there is no guarantee of that and no one has a right to that.
Student loan debt outweighs consumer credit card debt in the US.

The "poor" are trying to better themselves, and going thousands of dollars into debt to do so, and still not finding any real opportunities once they graduate.

and why is that? obama has had over 5 years and there are still no jobs being created. Could it be that his liberal economic ideas suck? Could it be that a country that is 17 trillion in debt has a hard time expanding its economy?

Republicans spent over $4t of our money on killing Iraqis over lies. Don't talk about "fiscal responsibility" ever again.

Is it the government's role to create jobs? What about the 1% "job creators" who made 95% of the financial gains since 2009? Is 95% of the money not enough money to create jobs?

The government cannot create real jobs but it can destroy them. Obama and the Dems have done a lot of that.
How to close the gap
-Free 4 years of college for all making less then 100,000/year
-Internship from college to corporations/businesses for fast college to work.
-Craft schools...Same as the 4 years of college.

End all welfare if they don't do it.
Student loan debt outweighs consumer credit card debt in the US.

The "poor" are trying to better themselves, and going thousands of dollars into debt to do so, and still not finding any real opportunities once they graduate.

and why is that? obama has had over 5 years and there are still no jobs being created. Could it be that his liberal economic ideas suck? Could it be that a country that is 17 trillion in debt has a hard time expanding its economy?

Republicans spent over $4t of our money on killing Iraqis over lies. Don't talk about "fiscal responsibility" ever again.

Is it the government's role to create jobs? What about the 1% "job creators" who made 95% of the financial gains since 2009? Is 95% of the money not enough money to create jobs?

first of all, Iraq was a stupid mistake that wasted american lives.

second, everyone believed the bad intel, Bush did not make it up.

third, most of the money spent on wars goes to American companies and creates jobs for American blue collar workers. Who do you think builds tanks, planes, ships, ammo, boots, rations, humvees, etc? AMERICANS, thats who.

fourth, people and companies with money are sitting on it rather than invest and expand in this crappy obama economy with all the unknowns related to ACA, higher taxes, more regulations, shitty foreign relations, etc. Want jobs? get obama and the dems out of power.

fifth, both parties authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco, not just repubs.
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How to close the gap
-Free 4 years of college for all making less then 100,000/year
-Internship from college to corporations/businesses for fast college to work.
-Craft schools...Same as the 4 years of college.

End all welfare if they don't do it.

Who is going to pay for the college?
Are there going to be academic standards for entry?

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