Incompetence & Hatred

When Trump was elected (by the EC, if not the population), I didn't like it. And thru the year, he has made his incompetence well known to me in the form of Mexico's wall dumped on me, lots of new jobs...part-time, repeal of mandated overtime, and the extension of routinely abused warrantless wiretaps But this latest assault, his vindictiveness that smells of defensive guilt, on the FBI and a legit investigation, this roadblocking, this slandering anyone including indicted and proven collaborators that you are willing to believe are innocent as newborn babes, Flynn, Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos, and the Renfield-type toadies Nunes and Ryan and Jordan and Murphy and King....all these have brought me to new depths. I am now into hatred of this destroyer of anyone more loyal to the Constitution than to him.

You're OP only proves you're a dumbass who doesn't understand the first thing about what's going on. If anyone is behaving like their guilty, it's all the Dims clucking about the memo. Trump is kicking Dim ass, and they just don't know how to handle it.

Then why did Nunes go Rogue x2..and you do still trust him Bipat? Even after he messed with the memo after being signed..?

So not ok.
While it is incompetence and hatred it plays to an audience. Some day people will wake to find they have been played, but by then there will be another demon to slay, another group to demonize. Snowflakes need a Trump, a blowhard to lead them and soothe their resentment that it is the other's fault, that the other is getting away with something or taking advantage. it seems to be a human trait of the weak. I'm not sure how you change this, look how dictators and charlatans come to power, they promise the impossible while blaming some segment of people, religion, culture etc. Immigrants are the modern scapegoat. And so it goes....

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

For the thoughtful reader:

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder

"Figure things out for yourself. Spend more time on long articles. Subsidize investigative journalism by subscribing to print media. Realize that some of what is on the internet is there to harm you. Learn about sites that investigate propaganda campaigns (some of which comes from abroad). Take responsibility for what you communicate with others." Lesson 11 'On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century' by Timothy Snyder
When Trump was elected (by the EC, if not the population), I didn't like it. And thru the year, he has made his incompetence well known to me in the form of Mexico's wall dumped on me, lots of new jobs...part-time, repeal of mandated overtime, and the extension of routinely abused warrantless wiretaps But this latest assault, his vindictiveness that smells of defensive guilt, on the FBI and a legit investigation, this roadblocking, this slandering anyone including indicted and proven collaborators that you are willing to believe are innocent as newborn babes, Flynn, Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos, and the Renfield-type toadies Nunes and Ryan and Jordan and Murphy and King....all these have brought me to new depths. I am now into hatred of this destroyer of anyone more loyal to the Constitution than to him.

You're OP only proves you're a dumbass who doesn't understand the first thing about what's going on. If anyone is behaving like their guilty, it's all the Dims clucking about the memo. Trump is kicking Dim ass, and they just don't know how to handle it.

This is suppose to be a NON_PARTISEN committee, the only thing this shows me is dysfunction and they need to gut the damn thing.
When Trump was elected (by the EC, if not the population), I didn't like it. And thru the year, he has made his incompetence well known to me in the form of Mexico's wall dumped on me, lots of new jobs...part-time, repeal of mandated overtime, and the extension of routinely abused warrantless wiretaps But this latest assault, his vindictiveness that smells of defensive guilt, on the FBI and a legit investigation, this roadblocking, this slandering anyone including indicted and proven collaborators that you are willing to believe are innocent as newborn babes, Flynn, Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos, and the Renfield-type toadies Nunes and Ryan and Jordan and Murphy and King....all these have brought me to new depths. I am now into hatred of this destroyer of anyone more loyal to the Constitution than to him.

You're OP only proves you're a dumbass who doesn't understand the first thing about what's going on. If anyone is behaving like their guilty, it's all the Dims clucking about the memo. Trump is kicking Dim ass, and they just don't know how to handle it.

Then why did Nunes go Rogue x2..and you do still trust him Bipat? Even after he messed with the memo after being signed..?

So not ok.

Do you always spew nothing but lies? Nunez didn't "go rogue, and he didn't make any changes to the memo after Trump agreed to publish it. At the request of the FBI, a couple of gramatical errors were corrected. A syntax change was made. The changes were made before sending it the White House.

You're full of shit, in other words.
When Trump was elected (by the EC, if not the population), I didn't like it. And thru the year, he has made his incompetence well known to me in the form of Mexico's wall dumped on me, lots of new jobs...part-time, repeal of mandated overtime, and the extension of routinely abused warrantless wiretaps But this latest assault, his vindictiveness that smells of defensive guilt, on the FBI and a legit investigation, this roadblocking, this slandering anyone including indicted and proven collaborators that you are willing to believe are innocent as newborn babes, Flynn, Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos, and the Renfield-type toadies Nunes and Ryan and Jordan and Murphy and King....all these have brought me to new depths. I am now into hatred of this destroyer of anyone more loyal to the Constitution than to him.

You're OP only proves you're a dumbass who doesn't understand the first thing about what's going on. If anyone is behaving like their guilty, it's all the Dims clucking about the memo. Trump is kicking Dim ass, and they just don't know how to handle it.

This is suppose to be a NON_PARTISEN committee, the only thing this shows me is dysfunction and they need to gut the damn thing.
It's getting published, asshole. The FBI and DOJ are what need to be gutted.

The idea that Congress should be "non-political" doesn't pass the laugh test. That's like asking politicians not to lie.
When Trump was elected (by the EC, if not the population), I didn't like it. And thru the year, he has made his incompetence well known to me in the form of Mexico's wall dumped on me, lots of new jobs...part-time, repeal of mandated overtime, and the extension of routinely abused warrantless wiretaps But this latest assault, his vindictiveness that smells of defensive guilt, on the FBI and a legit investigation, this roadblocking, this slandering anyone including indicted and proven collaborators that you are willing to believe are innocent as newborn babes, Flynn, Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos, and the Renfield-type toadies Nunes and Ryan and Jordan and Murphy and King....all these have brought me to new depths. I am now into hatred of this destroyer of anyone more loyal to the Constitution than to him.
So your view is that the entire left, the press, the Obama era fbi and the Obama era doj can demonize, slander and hound Trump but he cannot fight back? What are you Gestapo?

How about he fight's back with the fucking truth & through legal means?

Trump does or says stupid shit & you asshats expect the press to be silent.

This is your problem: You are too God damn stupid to get that Trump gets treated the way he does because of the things he says & does.
Horse shit.
hate saying this but I'd vote for horseshit
Regressives are amazingly simple minded. In spite of the evidence to the contrary they stay stuck to the party line.

they are a dying breed though
I hope so, and It does look that way.

Hopefully we will get back the true representative of conservative, moderate, and real liberalism that has always worked in the country.
Liberalism has never worked.
Bri I just have to thank you Because you are the way you are as well as others here, I'm more convinced I and the moderate left are correct
Regressives are amazingly simple minded. In spite of the evidence to the contrary they stay stuck to the party line.

they are a dying breed though
I hope so, and It does look that way.

Hopefully we will get back the true representative of conservative, moderate, and real liberalism that has always worked in the country.
Liberalism has never worked.

No it doesn't not on it's own.
It works well in a representative republic, which is what we are.
When both parties have all three ideologies our constitution works very well.
Regressives are amazingly simple minded. In spite of the evidence to the contrary they stay stuck to the party line.

they are a dying breed though
I hope so, and It does look that way.

Hopefully we will get back the true representative of conservative, moderate, and real liberalism that has always worked in the country.
Liberalism has never worked.

No it doesn't not on it's own.
It works well in a representative republic, which is what we are.
When both parties have all three ideologies our constitution works very well.
The Constitution works if your idea of "working" is marching us down the road to totalitarianism. That's where we're headed.
Regressives are amazingly simple minded. In spite of the evidence to the contrary they stay stuck to the party line.

they are a dying breed though
I hope so, and It does look that way.

Hopefully we will get back the true representative of conservative, moderate, and real liberalism that has always worked in the country.
Liberalism has never worked.

No it doesn't not on it's own.
It works well in a representative republic, which is what we are.
When both parties have all three ideologies our constitution works very well.
sounds good peach but has it ever happened?
The funny and sad part is if the FBI and DOJ under Bush had done the same thing to Obama that has been alleged to have been done to Trump the Majority here and around the country would switch viewpoints.
When Trump was elected (by the EC, if not the population), I didn't like it. And thru the year, he has made his incompetence well known to me in the form of Mexico's wall dumped on me, lots of new jobs...part-time, repeal of mandated overtime, and the extension of routinely abused warrantless wiretaps But this latest assault, his vindictiveness that smells of defensive guilt, on the FBI and a legit investigation, this roadblocking, this slandering anyone including indicted and proven collaborators that you are willing to believe are innocent as newborn babes, Flynn, Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos, and the Renfield-type toadies Nunes and Ryan and Jordan and Murphy and King....all these have brought me to new depths. I am now into hatred of this destroyer of anyone more loyal to the Constitution than to him.

You're OP only proves you're a dumbass who doesn't understand the first thing about what's going on. If anyone is behaving like their guilty, it's all the Dims clucking about the memo. Trump is kicking Dim ass, and they just don't know how to handle it.

Then why did Nunes go Rogue x2..and you do still trust him Bipat? Even after he messed with the memo after being signed..?

So not ok.
That’s Schiff lie and you believe it?
...I've been reading some comments in the news and a good one is these people give Trump free rent in their minds have to be a real DUMBASS/maniac/insane/stupid/etc to let Trump screw your mind up like he does

so you hate???!!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!! that means you are no better
you are not a good person either---you think you are better than are perfect/etc
When Trump was elected (by the EC, if not the population), I didn't like it. And thru the year, he has made his incompetence well known to me in the form of Mexico's wall dumped on me, lots of new jobs...part-time, repeal of mandated overtime, and the extension of routinely abused warrantless wiretaps But this latest assault, his vindictiveness that smells of defensive guilt, on the FBI and a legit investigation, this roadblocking, this slandering anyone including indicted and proven collaborators that you are willing to believe are innocent as newborn babes, Flynn, Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos, and the Renfield-type toadies Nunes and Ryan and Jordan and Murphy and King....all these have brought me to new depths. I am now into hatred of this destroyer of anyone more loyal to the Constitution than to him.

You're OP only proves you're a dumbass who doesn't understand the first thing about what's going on. If anyone is behaving like their guilty, it's all the Dims clucking about the memo. Trump is kicking Dim ass, and they just don't know how to handle it.

Then why did Nunes go Rogue x2..and you do still trust him Bipat? Even after he messed with the memo after being signed..?

So not ok.
That’s Schiff lie and you believe it?
To be honest Tree can't believe any of them BUT I'd believe a dem way before a repub have a world class lying pos in the wh and the world knows it
yes but outside of Israel and Russia they all hate us now too

Actually, the overall consensus is that the foreign press is both amazed at how low we've sunk in our political division, and some actually feel sorry for our collective plight and hope for quick and much needed political "correction" in a year or so..
...I've been reading some comments in the news and a good one is these people give Trump free rent in their minds have to be a real DUMBASS/maniac/insane/stupid/etc to let Trump screw your mind up like he does

so you hate???!!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!! that means you are no better
you are not a good person either---you think you are better than are perfect/etc
You sound like the hater, you and your bithch Eddie!
...I've been reading some comments in the news and a good one is these people give Trump free rent in their minds have to be a real DUMBASS/maniac/insane/stupid/etc to let Trump screw your mind up like he does

so you hate???!!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!! that means you are no better
you are not a good person either---you think you are better than are perfect/etc
You sound like the hater, you and your bithch Eddie!
sure--you really deduced that from my post??!!??
hahhahahaha are good !!
When Trump was elected (by the EC, if not the population), I didn't like it. And thru the year, he has made his incompetence well known to me in the form of Mexico's wall dumped on me, lots of new jobs...part-time, repeal of mandated overtime, and the extension of routinely abused warrantless wiretaps But this latest assault, his vindictiveness that smells of defensive guilt, on the FBI and a legit investigation, this roadblocking, this slandering anyone including indicted and proven collaborators that you are willing to believe are innocent as newborn babes, Flynn, Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos, and the Renfield-type toadies Nunes and Ryan and Jordan and Murphy and King....all these have brought me to new depths. I am now into hatred of this destroyer of anyone more loyal to the Constitution than to him.

Let me guess, you watch CNN?

Follow the logic, so you think a career business man who is not a politician, who has yet to fill all his positions, who's every move (even his wife and children) is scrutinized by the media more than any other president, who had to learn on the job how to navigate Washington DC, somehow has enough pull to block an investigation into an FBI filled with Obama cronies? For the love of God, think about what you are saying.

It's the typical reaction the left displays at any Republican politician. They are simultaneously too stupid to tie their own shoes AND evil geniuses capable of masterminding the most massive and complex conspiracies, all without leaving any evidence behind.

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