Incompetence & Hatred

...I've been reading some comments in the news and a good one is these people give Trump free rent in their minds have to be a real DUMBASS/maniac/insane/stupid/etc to let Trump screw your mind up like he does

so you hate???!!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!! that means you are no better
you are not a good person either---you think you are better than are perfect/etc
You sound like the hater, you and your bithch Eddie!
spoken like a true republican
...I've been reading some comments in the news and a good one is these people give Trump free rent in their minds have to be a real DUMBASS/maniac/insane/stupid/etc to let Trump screw your mind up like he does

so you hate???!!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!! that means you are no better
you are not a good person either---you think you are better than are perfect/etc
You sound like the hater, you and your bithch Eddie!
spoken like a true republican
I'm not Rep or Dem or lib or con--I am American
I support American values/decency/common sense/etc
I'm anti-criminal--pro civility
...I've been reading some comments in the news and a good one is these people give Trump free rent in their minds have to be a real DUMBASS/maniac/insane/stupid/etc to let Trump screw your mind up like he does

so you hate???!!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!! that means you are no better
you are not a good person either---you think you are better than are perfect/etc
You sound like the hater, you and your bithch Eddie!
spoken like a true republican
I'm not Rep or Dem or lib or con--I am American
I support American values/decency/common sense/etc
I'm anti-criminal--pro civility
I like to be that way too but when you see a vermin in our presidency trying to tear down american values like the fbi or doj and scum allowing him to get away with it well then ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I get pissed off
...I've been reading some comments in the news and a good one is these people give Trump free rent in their minds have to be a real DUMBASS/maniac/insane/stupid/etc to let Trump screw your mind up like he does

so you hate???!!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!! that means you are no better
you are not a good person either---you think you are better than are perfect/etc
You sound like the hater, you and your bithch Eddie!
spoken like a true republican
I'm not Rep or Dem or lib or con--I am American
I support American values/decency/common sense/etc
I'm anti-criminal--pro civility
I like to be that way too but when you see a vermin in our presidency trying to tear down american values like the fbi or doj and scum allowing him to get away with it well then ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I get pissed off
that's just your OPINION--millions of others have the opposite opinion
I'm taking all my incompetence and hatred to the beach now Ocean looks calm
...I've been reading some comments in the news and a good one is these people give Trump free rent in their minds have to be a real DUMBASS/maniac/insane/stupid/etc to let Trump screw your mind up like he does

so you hate???!!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!! that means you are no better
you are not a good person either---you think you are better than are perfect/etc
You sound like the hater, you and your bithch Eddie!
spoken like a true republican
I'm not Rep or Dem or lib or con--I am American
I support American values/decency/common sense/etc
I'm anti-criminal--pro civility
I like to be that way too but when you see a vermin in our presidency trying to tear down american values like the fbi or doj and scum allowing him to get away with it well then ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I get pissed off
that's just your OPINION--millions of others have the opposite opinion
lets see what america has to say THIS election day
Years ago the FBI was acknowledged by the left as the enemy. Today the left wing blogs have tapped into the ignorant hysterical left wing anger and hatred so that they believe that a memo that few persons have seen will bring down federal law enforcement. Meanwhile the freaking hypocrite left enjoys their 401k's making money and the equivalent of a car payment (crumbs to Nancy Pelosi) extra in their paycheck while they reserve the option to hate the President..
Wow, yet another Trumpette pretending they give a rat's ass about our Constitution.
...yeah because Hussein ALWAYS followed the Constitution.

See, here is an example of how Trumpettes respond when their orange hero does stupid shit" : but,...but...but..., Obama did this and Hillary did that.

If they did, you had a meltdown. Now you love it.

Where in the Constitution does it allow people to discriminate for religious reasons?

Where does it give the President the right to end NAFTA?

Where does it give the President the right to ignore sanctions to Russia that the Congress passed?

Where does it give the resident the right to demand his cabinet be loyal to him over country.
We elected him to take care of us, we gave him all that. View attachment 174557

So you are a government teat sucker? And you thibk you have the right to trash the Constitution. Funny, I already knew that about you.
Are you trying to baffle me with bullshit again?
It doesn't even take bullshit to baffle you.
<snip></unsnip>Where does it give the resident the right to demand his cabinet be loyal to him over country.
This forum is brimming full with hundreds of so-called constitutional experts (99% are clueless however) One of them can answer your questions.
Demanding people who work for you be loyal is not a constitutional issue, it's simply common sense and an everyday occurrence, which is why the OP cannot possibly comprehend it.
It is when you are President you stupid shit.

The loyalty is to Country first.

Trump isn't asking them to commit treason, you fucking dumbass.
Oh really?

Asking them not to investigate certain people from his campaign that colluded with the Russians?
<snip></unsnip>Where does it give the resident the right to demand his cabinet be loyal to him over country.
This forum is brimming full with hundreds of so-called constitutional experts (99% are clueless however) One of them can answer your questions.
Demanding people who work for you be loyal is not a constitutional issue, it's simply common sense and an everyday occurrence, which is why the OP cannot possibly comprehend it.
It is when you are President you stupid shit.

The loyalty is to Country first.

Trump isn't asking them to commit treason, you fucking dumbass.
Oh really?

Asking them not to investigate certain people from his campaign that colluded with the Russians?
Russians? When did this happen?
they are a dying breed though
I hope so, and It does look that way.

Hopefully we will get back the true representative of conservative, moderate, and real liberalism that has always worked in the country.
Liberalism has never worked.

No it doesn't not on it's own.
It works well in a representative republic, which is what we are.
When both parties have all three ideologies our constitution works very well.
sounds good peach but has it ever happened?

Yeah from 1776 till the elites took over.
My guess is ,after or a little before Kennedy was killed.
The concern here is that so many people really do hate so many other people.

Hate eats you alive. Ultimately it accomplishes nothing, because it just creates more hate.

The best description of hatred I've heard is that it is like eating poison every day hoping the other person dies.
yes but outside of Israel and Russia they all hate us now too

Actually, the overall consensus is that the foreign press is both amazed at how low we've sunk in our political division, and some actually feel sorry for our collective plight and hope for quick and much needed political "correction" in a year or so..

The only "correction" we need is to defeat a lot more Dims who are obstructing everything Trump is trying to do.
It amazes me that very few reflect that if they are angry and full of hate for their fellow citizens that somehow that’s not their fault it’s the other guys.

The only one who makes you angry is you. The only one that makes you hate is you.

Love and forgiveness are always going to lead you to a happier life
...I've been reading some comments in the news and a good one is these people give Trump free rent in their minds have to be a real DUMBASS/maniac/insane/stupid/etc to let Trump screw your mind up like he does

so you hate???!!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!! that means you are no better
you are not a good person either---you think you are better than are perfect/etc
You sound like the hater, you and your bithch Eddie!
spoken like a true republican
I'm not Rep or Dem or lib or con--I am American
I support American values/decency/common sense/etc
I'm anti-criminal--pro civility
I like to be that way too but when you see a vermin in our presidency trying to tear down american values like the fbi or doj and scum allowing him to get away with it well then ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I get pissed off

Importing illegals is not an American value, douchebag. Socialism isn't an American value. Trannies taking showers with little girls is not an American value. The idea that Dims represent American values couldn't be more absurd.
This forum is brimming full with hundreds of so-called constitutional experts (99% are clueless however) One of them can answer your questions.
Demanding people who work for you be loyal is not a constitutional issue, it's simply common sense and an everyday occurrence, which is why the OP cannot possibly comprehend it.
It is when you are President you stupid shit.

The loyalty is to Country first.

Trump isn't asking them to commit treason, you fucking dumbass.
Oh really?

Asking them not to investigate certain people from his campaign that colluded with the Russians?
Russians? When did this happen?
Who in the Trump camnpaign had contact with the Russians & why did they lie about it?
...I've been reading some comments in the news and a good one is these people give Trump free rent in their minds have to be a real DUMBASS/maniac/insane/stupid/etc to let Trump screw your mind up like he does

so you hate???!!!??? !!!!!!!!!!!! that means you are no better
you are not a good person either---you think you are better than are perfect/etc
You sound like the hater, you and your bithch Eddie!
spoken like a true republican
I'm not Rep or Dem or lib or con--I am American
I support American values/decency/common sense/etc
I'm anti-criminal--pro civility
I like to be that way too but when you see a vermin in our presidency trying to tear down american values like the fbi or doj and scum allowing him to get away with it well then ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I get pissed off

Importing illegals is not an American value, douchebag. Socialism isn't an American value. Trannies taking showers with little girls is not an American value. The idea that Dims represent American values couldn't be more absurd.

Who is importing illegals? You asshats keep making this claim. There are many socialistic programs in this country - all within the OK of the Constitution.

Trannies are not showering with little girls.

Liberals represent the ideals of America & the Constitution than you Trump loving dumbasses who voted for a fraud & business cheat to ruin this country. That is how much you hate America.
yes but outside of Israel and Russia they all hate us now too

Actually, the overall consensus is that the foreign press is both amazed at how low we've sunk in our political division, and some actually feel sorry for our collective plight and hope for quick and much needed political "correction" in a year or so..

The only "correction" we need is to defeat a lot more Dims who are obstructing everything Trump is trying to do.
Oh Jesus Fuck, Republicans control both houses & the White House. They couldn't pass shit that just took a majority vote.

Quit blaming Democrats because Republicans can't govern.

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