Incompetent teachers or incompetent parents.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Who gets to make that judgment? Children? Who are not learning to read? We do not pay teacher to raise our kids. If a child is not reading by 5th grade, where is the parent? When one child is not learning and another is learning in the same class we need to look beyond the teacher. We need to take a look at that child’s parents and hold them equally responsible. Put then on probation and fined as we punish teachers by putting them on probation and fired. If we continue to treat our teacher like this, who will want to become a teacher when they can be fired at anytime? Maybe if we treated parent the same, they would think twice about having children. Just kidding.
When teachers were only required to have an 8th grade education to teach, children learned.
If a child is out gang banging, etc after school, he is not learning. And where is the parents?
Same goes for children of illegal aliens that cannot speak English when they start school. Hold that parent, who wants to work and live in an English speaking country, responsible. Instead of holding the illegal alien parent responsible we hold the teachers and tax payers responsible and punish them. When are we going to hold parents responsible for their children instead of government?
Ability to speak English should be another requirement along with vaccinations when starting school. This would save our country billions.
Case on point; Mariposa School of Language and Learning. Why do we need a special school to teach language while learning at this age? What other language is taught beside Spanish and English? The only reason this school exist is because there are 20 million illegal aliens in this country and it tells us a lot about who is in this country illegally.
I would not think of moving to a foreign country without speaking the language and teaching it to my children. Instead of putting the burden on the government of that country, It is also a safety issues. Those parents are incompetent and should pay a penalty. Because that child cannot speak English we are punishing teachers by requiring them to go back to school, at their expense, and become bi-lingual to speak those non-English speaking children English. Are those teachers being financially compensated for being bi-lingual?
We teach them English and they go home and speak Spanish to their parents and siblings. Then their siblings start school and cannot speak English.
Parents use to be responsible for their children and held their children accountable if they did not learn. What changed?
Our teachers are not incompetent. Our government and parents are incompetent.
Its definately the parents no doubt ... I dont know of teachers being put on probation or fired because of it. At the same time if it is the parents that make the difference what is it that teachers are doing?
Well can you answer your own very simple question. Here's a hint, how many teachers do you have in a lifetime, and how many parents? Got it yet?

"I wish I could have skipped college, I got to know some interesting people, but I can't say I learned anything. I probably would have learned it all anyway, just reading on my own." Saul Kripke
Rapidly Rising Cost of Teaching English to Illegal Aliens

The number of students in special English classes is rapidly rising during a period when overall public school enrollment in kindergarten through high school education is slightly declining. Over the ten-year period up to 2005, the number of students registered in Limited English Proficiency (LEP) programs increased by more than 1.2 million students. That was an increase of more than 38 percent and took the total number of students in these programs to nearly 4.5 million persons. Over the same period, total enrollment nationwide dropped by nearly half a million students — a one percent decline.

These programs to assist non-English speakers adapt to the educational environment in public schools are costly to local taxpayers and an added fiscal burden at the national level. In addition, expenditures on these remedial programs may absorb resources that otherwise would be available for native-English speaking students. ... nglish.htm
February 24, 2010, 6:54 pm
Getting Rid of Bad Teachers

In an article this week, The Times described the slow progress New York City officials are making in their efforts to get rid of teachers who have been judged incompetent. Despite a two-year push by the city, only three teachers have been fired, a rate of success that Schools Chancellor Joel Klein called “far too modest.” He and Mayor Michael Bloomberg have blamed the teachers’ union for defending the rules governing the system, which requires that teachers receive full pay while their cases are being decided (they spend the days in one of the system’s so-called rubber rooms), a burden that costs $30 million a year. The city’s critics point out that its officials approved many of the rules in the teachers’ contract.

New York City is hardly alone. Many other school systems in the country face problems in getting rid of teachers accused of misconduct or ineptitude — a recent article in Los Angeles Weekly detailed some of the toughest cases there.

A broader question for school reformers in New York City and elsewhere is: What is the most effective way to identify incompetent teachers and take steps to get rid of them? What would a fair and effective system consist of?

Getting Rid of Bad Teachers -
I think it's a combination of things....

1. Parents who simply assume that the school will do all of the instruction and support that their child needs to learn. We all know that isn't the way it is supposed to work, nor does it work well that way. Parents need to be much more involved in their children's educational process. However as my generation (I'm 36) gets to be parents, many have realized that they didn't get the education either so they can't (or won't) try to help their own children because it would be a proof of what they themselves didn't learn 20 years ago.

2. The School Boards and Administrations. We have totally changed the whole ideal of education from the A,B,C's and 1,2,3's to being all about a ton of other irrelevant things that take time away from teaching basic educational skills. For example.... Why are we forcing kids who can't speak or read ENGLISH to take 2-3 years of a FOREIGN Language? Why are we forcing kids to take Art classes when they can't do basic Math? Why do we have Home Economics requirements for kids who can't tell you when the Declaration of Independence was signed? BASIC SKILLS FIRST!!!!! Only once you have proven you have mastered those basic skills do you get to go and do any of the fun stuff.

3. The teachers who are more interested in their own tenure and ensuring they don't voilate the "rights" of a student than they are about teaching. Now part of this has been brought on by affirmative action and our litigeous society. Part of it has been brought on by the general lack of discipline in out school systems and the total lack of any form of morals or values taught to students both at home and in the schools these days. However, some of it does boil down to certain teachers being more interested in their paycheck than their students and the near total inability to get these people out of the classrooms.
Incompetent parents are not an out for incompetent teachers.
Its definately the parents no doubt ... I dont know of teachers being put on probation or fired because of it. At the same time if it is the parents that make the difference what is it that teachers are doing?

Teacher are hire to TEACH. Not to raise children and displicine. Teachers are only with your kids a few hours a day. What are the parents doing? Parenting make all the difference.
Incompetent parents are not an out for incompetent teachers.

You sure about that? Why might a teacher be incompetent? Because she/he has a classroom full of children with zero support at home whom they have to micromanage and deal with, in essence, raise and teach the things that in society past, would have been learned at home?

Only so many minutes in a school day.

Teachers should not = parents, but that is often what you see.

Parents are too busy/young/drugged out/lazy, etc. But you can blame the teachers if it makes you feel less responsible.

Why is it that when you go into classrooms of a school where the standard is parental-involvement that, miraculously, the incompetent teachers seem to be non-existent?
Incompetent parents are not an out for incompetent teachers.

Teachers are not subsitutes for imcompetent parenting.

I agree. Bad teachers get paid and bad parnent don't. Why try to interchange them?

Why should a parent get paid to parent? No one forced their children on them? If you decided to have a kid, you should be responsible for that child. Make sure they are doing their homework instead of out gang banging and not just taking up space in school until they can drop out and gang bang full time.
What do you call a bad teacher and how do you determine he is incompetent. All a teacher needs is a text book and it is up to the child if he wants to learn or not and many don't want to learn.
If you choose to have a dog, you need to be responsible for that dog and not the neighborhood. You train that dog and not expect it to shit in your neighbor's yard and expect him to pick it up. Train your child like wise.
When children ditch school some places do hold the parent accountable. You had better see that junior gets to school and that junior is leaning. WE owe it to our children to make them responsible and hold them accountable also for their actions. Not to blame others for their failure.
All a child need to learn is a text book.
It is neglect and abuse for a parent not to hold their chldren accountable and give them the best parenting you can. But how can they when they are drugged out on alcohol, prescription drugs or street drugs and gangs banging themselves.
There is more to parenting then a booty call that results in giving birth to a child. And then possible expect the goverenment to provided for it and teachers to raise it.
It should not take a neighborhood to raise a child. I raised three by myself and they were taught from a very early age to be accountable for their actions.
There are thousand of children that are gang banging,etc and where are their parents. They should be kicking ass. A 14 year who is out dealing drugs and shooting up neighborhoods have no accountability.
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Teacher can't control students that they get
I am against using student test scores to evaluate teachers. Let me tell you why.
There are three major causal factors that determine a student's success in the classroom: intelligence, self-motivation and learning skills. Teachers have no control over any of these factors.
The most obvious of these factors is intelligence. No student can be taught or learn effectively without a fair amount of intelligence. Unfortunately, teachers are not allowed to pick their own students.
Teacher can't control students that they get | | The Reno Gazette-Journal

Another factor; When a child cannot understand and speak English he cannot comprehend and learn.

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