Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

I'll admit the guy threw a bit of an immature tantrum - though if the reports coming out are right he's only allowed to practice medicine one day a week according to his license, and if that's the case that his /only/ day to treat patients was the next day then he has a /strong/ argument against being deplaned by lottery (also, correct me if I'm wrong here, but he was flying with his wife and she /wasn't/ deplaned?)

I'm willing to admit I'd have a fucking tantrum too, I don't think I'd take it to the point of wailing and getting knocked out simply because I have "some" pride, but damn straight everyone on that plane would know exactly how pissed I was by United's crappy decision.

I'm not clear about whether they separated them or kicked them both off. There is an image of (what looks like from behind maybe) his wife running after the body being dragged but she'd be doing that anyway regardless whether she was evicted or not.

But I do know United didn't bother to deplane their bags. They sent them on to Louisville without their owners. Sent them to the medical office instead of the residence in fact.
And that's fine, let them know, but behave like an adult.

Let me ask you something, Polo. Let's say a cop pulls you over and says you're under arrest for something you know you didn't do. You're innocent, but you're under arrest. Are you going to start swinging on that cop or will you deal with it in the court system? Start swinging on the cop and you might not make it to the courthouse.

I quote people all the time, I just don't feel like having to fix the quotes to make them look right.
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And that's fine, let them know, but behave like an adult.

Let me ask you something, Polo. Let's say a cop pulls you over and says you're under arrest for something you know you didn't do. You're innocent, but you're under arrest. Are you going to start swinging on that cop or will you deal with it in the court system? Start swinging on the cop and you might not make it to the courthouse.

Actually I've already been in that situation. The first thing they did was pull guns on me. Once they figured out they fucked up, they took the handcuffs off and let me go home.

But hey, they were right, right? Because might makes right, and Authority Must Always Be Obeyed by us Sheep, right?

Yeah I know what you mean. I spent the rest of that night jerking off to thoughts of their guns and wishing they had just pistol-whipped me or something, yea verily that I might know the sublime ecstasy of bending over so some authoritarian dickhead might have his power fantasy. Ah sweet Submission.



The video clearly shows him being asked nicely and him being arrogant about it.

What happened to him is his fault, I don't care what the CEO says now that he's trying to save face. Him and I both know this wouldn't have happened had this gay doctor not acted like a gay doctor. Thousands of people every year comply when asked to get off the plane. This idiot decided to make a spectacle out of it because he thought he was more important than anyone else.

Now he's looking at reconstruction surgery. Looks like just getting up would have been a lot easier.

Total crap. He was pissed off as he has a right to be. I would be furious, too. There is a huge difference between causing a disruption for the sake of it and being severely put out by the incompetence of the airline. Everybody is taking the 'legal' high ground. He's taking the moral one. And he is right. Period. And it looks like United's reaction to the situation agrees with him

Love it - a guy who paid his money, expects the service, then gets booted for no other reason than the airline's incompetence, is somehow in the wrong. No fucking way. Total BS....
No, he wasn't wrong for being pissed. I'd be pissed too. Shit as I was walking off the plane I'd probably make a HUGE scene. But I WOULD get off the plane.
I'll admit the guy threw a bit of an immature tantrum - though if the reports coming out are right he's only allowed to practice medicine one day a week according to his license, and if that's the case that his /only/ day to treat patients was the next day then he has a /strong/ argument against being deplaned by lottery (also, correct me if I'm wrong here, but he was flying with his wife and she /wasn't/ deplaned?)

I'm willing to admit I'd have a fucking tantrum too, I don't think I'd take it to the point of wailing and getting knocked out simply because I have "some" pride, but damn straight everyone on that plane would know exactly how pissed I was by United's crappy decision.
I did not see a tantrum in the video that was released

He was calm, but firm, he was not giving up his seat and he repeatedly explained why

Seemed like United threw a tantrum
Faun knew I was talking to him and he replied.

And right after this happened the CEO said they had done nothing wrong and Dao had behaved inappropriately when asked to leave.

Ya'll seem to conveniently forget that part. After it became a media frenzy he crawfished back and tried to save face with his company.
Now you're being disingenuous. That was the CEO's initial comment on the matter when he didn't have all the information. He has since apologized for the treatment Dao was subjected to and his current position is that Dao was not at fault in any way.
Well would you rather be a "wimp" and get 4 free flights plus this flight free, or be a "whiner" and scream like a baby, injure yourself, and be drug off the plane?
Ummm... that whining wimp who lost out on less than $2000 in flight vouchers ... will receive millions of dollars. And that's after his attorneys and doctors take their cut and the IRS takes theirs.

And the CEO already said that they did nothing wrong and the guy behaved poorly. That's in a letter to his employees. That was IMMEDIATELY released.

Show me where the CEO said that they violated their COC.
Again, that was the CEO's position before learning all of the facts. He now says Dao was not at fault in any way.
It was United that wrote the Contract of Carriage. Any ambiguity in what boarding is and what overbooking is the responsibility of the party who wrote it

And they, UA can ask him to deplane, period. It's their right...

Dao challenged law enforcement, it was recorded by the passenger right behind him, he told them they would have to drag him off the plane, they clearly accommodated him...
The plane was not overbooked per United.

I've read that, but UA still has the right to request anyone to deplane, if the FAA fines UA I'll stand corrected on this part, but the dumb ass should have left the plane...
The plane was not overbooked per United.

§250.2a Policy regarding denied boarding. In the event of an oversold flight, every carrier shall ensure that the smallest practicable number of persons holding confirmed reserved space on that flight are denied boarding involuntarily.

Dr Dao had already boarded.

(b) If an insufficient number of volunteers come forward, the carrier
may deny boarding to other passengers in accordance with its boarding priority rules. However, the carrier may not deny boarding to any passenger involuntarily who was earlier asked to volunteer without having been informed about the danger of being denied boarding involuntarily and the amount of Board-mandated compensation.

It's their plane, they can do with as they see fit, the CEO is doing damage control...

Dao is an idiot, society (morons like you) want to reward him for this, you're part of the problem and I hate paying for idiots like you. This will be covered in their next fair increase, Dao sucks at negotiating 101, hard to believe his is Vietnamese...
It was United that wrote the Contract of Carriage. Any ambiguity in what boarding is and what overbooking is the responsibility of the party who wrote it

And they, UA can ask him to deplane, period. It's their right...

Dao challenged law enforcement, it was recorded by the passenger right behind him, he told them they would have to drag him off the plane, they clearly accommodated him...
And ask him is all they could do.
That you think he's a Liberal only serves to demonstrate what a crazy nut you are.

Oh I am well aware of what he claims to be, in fact over the years I have probably agreed with him on a Conservative issue or two, but in regards to this issue, he has the logic of a Liberal. Based on both of your opinions / logic, UA should have just cancelled the flight and removed all of the passengers because Dao wouldn't follow their request?

It's their plane, their airline, their business and they have every right to do as they want as long as they don't break the law and they didn't. Again, you believe Dao should be rewarded for this. The real effect is the majority of air travelers will pay the price for this, want to bet?

The officers should have handled it better, no doubt, but in today's society we continue to abuse the boundaries and this is a perfect example, you have to be deaf, dumb and blind to challenge a LEO and that's exactly what Dao did.

The CEO is doing damage control, nothing more...
And ask him is all they could do.

Get back to me when the FAA fines UA, until then keep spinning on that pole up your ass...
Don't have to. The FAA is not involved in this. Who cares that you're banking on your strawman to win you an argument you already lost? :dunno:

And those involved have cleared Dao of any wrong-doing. United Airlines said Dao did nothing wrong and airport security said their officers should not have boarded that plane and they've put all three of them on administrative leave.
That you think he's a Liberal only serves to demonstrate what a crazy nut you are.

Oh I am well aware of what he claims to be, in fact over the years I have probably agreed with him on a Conservative issue or two, but in regards to this issue, he has the logic of a Liberal. Based on both of your opinions / logic, UA should have just cancelled the flight and removed all of the passengers because Dao wouldn't follow their request?
You're as insane as ever. He's no Liberal. That you think he is only exposes your senility. Just as your nutty opinion that my logic dictates they should have cancelled the flight. My logic says they should not have forced anybody to give up their seat just so they could put employees on that flight. Cancelling the flight would not have gotten their employees to Kentucky. That's how stupid you are.

It's their plane, their airline, their business and they have every right to do as they want as long as they don't break the law and they didn't. Again, you believe Dao should be rewarded for this. The real effect is the majority of air travelers will pay the price for this, want to bet? [/SIZE][/FONT]
No, they don't have that right. People have a right to get to their destination. The airlines accepted payment to provide that service. They are obligated to fulfill that service.

That should be evidence to you by the mere fact that the airline offers passengers incentives to give up a seat. If they could just toss anybody off a flight for any reason imaginable, they wouldn't pay passengers for their seat, they'd just take it.

And while there are circumstances beyond the control of an airline which allows an airline to delay, cancel a flight, deny a passenger from boarding or under extreme cases, have a belligerent, unruly, or threatening passenger off a plane -- there was no such circumstance that applied to Dao. And despite your idiotic notion that it's "their plane," as though that gives them the right to just kick people off for no good reason, the fat of the matter is they are engaged in a mutual written agreement with every passenger. The one posted earlier. And despite owning the plane, barring unforeseen exigencies, that are obligated to transport their passengers to their destination.

The officers should have handled it better, no doubt, but in today's society we continue to abuse the boundaries and this is a perfect example, you have to be deaf, dumb and blind to challenge a LEO and that's exactly what Dao did.

The CEO is doing damage control, nothing more... [/SIZE][/FONT]
Moron.... those weren't LEO's. Yet more nonsense exposing your ignorance on the matter. :eusa_doh:

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