Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

A fare increase will come from passing any legal expenses incurred by defending this action onto paying customers like you.
No, I'm saying that people shouldn't break rules and get violent and then turn around and sue the airline. Just to defend yourself costs money. He doesn't have a right to that seat. We've already been down that road. Numerous law people have said that. I know you don't want to believe it and it doesn't seem right, but that's just the way it is.

It's what's known as a frivolous lawsuit and they cost billions every year. All that expense is passed onto the consumer.

No, I'm saying that people shouldn't break rules and get violent and then turn around and sue the airline. Just to defend yourself costs money. He doesn't have a right to that seat. We've already been down that road. Numerous law people have said that. I know you don't want to believe it and it doesn't seem right, but that's just the way it is.

You're right, people shouldn't break rules and get violent.

Dao did neither. That's why he's going to make millions in a settlement.

And I've posted opinions from lawyers who posit he does have s right to that seat once he's in it and not violating any codes or rules.

Then where is the lawsuit?
Since I'm not privy to his personal affairs, I can only guess and say his lawyers are working on it. For all we know, they could already be negotiating a settlement to prevent Dao from filing s lawsuit. So a lawsuit may of may not even be coming. Plus I would imagine his lawyers are doing their due diligence in collecting all the evidence they can and interviewing all the witnesses they can and waiting for both United and airport security to complete their respective internal investigations.

This all translates into -- it takes more than a week. :eusa_doh:
A fare increase will come from passing any legal expenses incurred by defending this action onto paying customers like you.
If the market will bear a fare increase.......United would have already made it

If the market will not bear an increase, the public will take their business elsewhere
I'll admit the guy threw a bit of an immature tantrum - though if the reports coming out are right he's only allowed to practice medicine one day a week according to his license, and if that's the case that his /only/ day to treat patients was the next day then he has a /strong/ argument against being deplaned by lottery (also, correct me if I'm wrong here, but he was flying with his wife and she /wasn't/ deplaned?)

I'm willing to admit I'd have a fucking tantrum too, I don't think I'd take it to the point of wailing and getting knocked out simply because I have "some" pride, but damn straight everyone on that plane would know exactly how pissed I was by United's crappy decision.

I'm not clear about whether they separated them or kicked them both off. There is an image of (what looks like from behind maybe) his wife running after the body being dragged but she'd be doing that anyway regardless whether she was evicted or not.

But I do know United didn't bother to deplane their bags. They sent them on to Louisville without their owners. Sent them to the medical office instead of the residence in fact.

OK EverCurious -- here's an account from inside the plane confirming that you are correct, United evicted Dao but not his wife, separating them. They were returning from vacation in California.

>> John Fuller of Fairfax, Va., described a chaotic — and bloody — scene as aviation security officers tried to remove Dao from the plane.

Fuller said he and the other passengers — a military family with a young child, members of a high school lacrosse team and business travelers — were seated and buckled when a United employee came aboard and said that four people would have to leave the plane.

“She was very terse,” Fuller said. “She said ‘Four people need to get off this plane or we’re not going anywhere.’ ”

When no one budged, Fuller said the woman left and returned with a list. She marched down the aisle. First she told a young couple they would have to leave and then a woman. Then she approached Dao, who was sitting in an aisle seat. Dao refused. Fuller said Dao’s wife was not picked to leave.

Security was called and three officers boarded the plane. Millions of people worldwide have seen the video of what followed. “One person yanked him out of his seat and then I saw them starting to drag Dao,” Fuller said. A woman ran to the front of the plane shouting, “What are you doing to my husband?”​

[this would be the woman I referred to seen in the video]

>> “She kept shouting,” Fuller said. “The police kept telling her she needed to come out or they were going to arrest her. She finally stepped outside.”

But it wasn’t over, Fuller said. Dao returned. But now he was bleeding.

“There was blood spurting out of his mouth,” Fuller said. “He had an agitated … look. “He went by me and kept saying ‘I have to get home. I have to get home.’ ”

Fuller watched Dao stumble back to his seat.

The security officers returned, but refused to restrain Dao because he was injured and bleeding, Fuller said.

Two paramedics boarded the plane.

“I saw a paramedic escorting Mr. Dao from behind,” Fuller said. “He’d stuffed [paper] towels in [Dao’s] mouth.”

Fuller, a retired Marine who works for the U.S. Veterans Affairs Department, then watched in horror as Dao collapsed next to his seat, lunged forward, spitting out the paper towels. They were covered in blood, Fuller said.

“The paramedic then turns to the captain of the plane and says, ‘Can you get me more towels?’ ”

Fuller said that’s when several passengers got up and left the plane. There was blood on the seats and on the floor, Fuller said. Eventually, a United official boarded the plane and told those remaining they’d have to leave.

Fuller said he was appalled by United’s cavalier attitude toward the cleanup. He said as far as he could tell, no hazmat team was called to clean the blood and no effort was made to protect passengers when Dao returned to the plane, bleeding.

About 45 minutes later, the passengers were allowed to reboard, Fuller said. When the four uniformed crew members boarded, passengers booed. One shouted, ‘You should be ashamed to work for this airline,’ ” Fuller said. <<

Doncha love that language? "Four people need to get off this plane" ------- not "the airline needs to arrange its own affairs because it was too incompetent to plan ahead" but ........... "four people need to get off". "We fucked up, and it's your fault. You people who pay our salaires NEED to fix our fuckup". Damn, the unbridled naked arrogance.

Wow, yeah I'd have been livid then, I mean even more so than just getting chucked off. That's just nuts.

Gotta be honest, it sounds like another college graduate "better than thou" just fucked over United to me. Those liberal business policies are real shit.
Until a lawsuit is filed.....this is all moot.

The flight is considered overbooked if there are more people for the plane than it can hold. That can be determined before or after passengers are seated.
I'll admit the guy threw a bit of an immature tantrum - though if the reports coming out are right he's only allowed to practice medicine one day a week according to his license, and if that's the case that his /only/ day to treat patients was the next day then he has a /strong/ argument against being deplaned by lottery (also, correct me if I'm wrong here, but he was flying with his wife and she /wasn't/ deplaned?)

I'm willing to admit I'd have a fucking tantrum too, I don't think I'd take it to the point of wailing and getting knocked out simply because I have "some" pride, but damn straight everyone on that plane would know exactly how pissed I was by United's crappy decision.

I'm not clear about whether they separated them or kicked them both off. There is an image of (what looks like from behind maybe) his wife running after the body being dragged but she'd be doing that anyway regardless whether she was evicted or not.

But I do know United didn't bother to deplane their bags. They sent them on to Louisville without their owners. Sent them to the medical office instead of the residence in fact.

OK EverCurious -- here's an account from inside the plane confirming that you are correct, United evicted Dao but not his wife, separating them. They were returning from vacation in California.

>> John Fuller of Fairfax, Va., described a chaotic — and bloody — scene as aviation security officers tried to remove Dao from the plane.

Fuller said he and the other passengers — a military family with a young child, members of a high school lacrosse team and business travelers — were seated and buckled when a United employee came aboard and said that four people would have to leave the plane.

“She was very terse,” Fuller said. “She said ‘Four people need to get off this plane or we’re not going anywhere.’ ”

When no one budged, Fuller said the woman left and returned with a list. She marched down the aisle. First she told a young couple they would have to leave and then a woman. Then she approached Dao, who was sitting in an aisle seat. Dao refused. Fuller said Dao’s wife was not picked to leave.

Security was called and three officers boarded the plane. Millions of people worldwide have seen the video of what followed. “One person yanked him out of his seat and then I saw them starting to drag Dao,” Fuller said. A woman ran to the front of the plane shouting, “What are you doing to my husband?”​

[this would be the woman I referred to seen in the video]

>> “She kept shouting,” Fuller said. “The police kept telling her she needed to come out or they were going to arrest her. She finally stepped outside.”

But it wasn’t over, Fuller said. Dao returned. But now he was bleeding.

“There was blood spurting out of his mouth,” Fuller said. “He had an agitated … look. “He went by me and kept saying ‘I have to get home. I have to get home.’ ”

Fuller watched Dao stumble back to his seat.

The security officers returned, but refused to restrain Dao because he was injured and bleeding, Fuller said.

Two paramedics boarded the plane.

“I saw a paramedic escorting Mr. Dao from behind,” Fuller said. “He’d stuffed [paper] towels in [Dao’s] mouth.”

Fuller, a retired Marine who works for the U.S. Veterans Affairs Department, then watched in horror as Dao collapsed next to his seat, lunged forward, spitting out the paper towels. They were covered in blood, Fuller said.

“The paramedic then turns to the captain of the plane and says, ‘Can you get me more towels?’ ”

Fuller said that’s when several passengers got up and left the plane. There was blood on the seats and on the floor, Fuller said. Eventually, a United official boarded the plane and told those remaining they’d have to leave.

Fuller said he was appalled by United’s cavalier attitude toward the cleanup. He said as far as he could tell, no hazmat team was called to clean the blood and no effort was made to protect passengers when Dao returned to the plane, bleeding.

About 45 minutes later, the passengers were allowed to reboard, Fuller said. When the four uniformed crew members boarded, passengers booed. One shouted, ‘You should be ashamed to work for this airline,’ ” Fuller said. <<

Doncha love that language? "Four people need to get off this plane" ------- not "the airline needs to arrange its own affairs because it was too incompetent to plan ahead" but ........... "four people need to get off". "We fucked up, and it's your fault. You people who pay our salaires NEED to fix our fuckup". Damn, the unbridled naked arrogance.

Wow, yeah I'd have been livid then, I mean even more so than just getting chucked off. That's just nuts.

Gotta be honest, it sounds like another college graduate "better than thou" just fucked over United to me. Those liberal business policies are real shit.

You have to be a rightie to think jackbooting innocent folks for corporate profit is a Liberal business policy. :eusa_doh:
I'll admit the guy threw a bit of an immature tantrum - though if the reports coming out are right he's only allowed to practice medicine one day a week according to his license, and if that's the case that his /only/ day to treat patients was the next day then he has a /strong/ argument against being deplaned by lottery (also, correct me if I'm wrong here, but he was flying with his wife and she /wasn't/ deplaned?)

I'm willing to admit I'd have a fucking tantrum too, I don't think I'd take it to the point of wailing and getting knocked out simply because I have "some" pride, but damn straight everyone on that plane would know exactly how pissed I was by United's crappy decision.

I'm not clear about whether they separated them or kicked them both off. There is an image of (what looks like from behind maybe) his wife running after the body being dragged but she'd be doing that anyway regardless whether she was evicted or not.

But I do know United didn't bother to deplane their bags. They sent them on to Louisville without their owners. Sent them to the medical office instead of the residence in fact.

OK EverCurious -- here's an account from inside the plane confirming that you are correct, United evicted Dao but not his wife, separating them. They were returning from vacation in California.

>> John Fuller of Fairfax, Va., described a chaotic — and bloody — scene as aviation security officers tried to remove Dao from the plane.

Fuller said he and the other passengers — a military family with a young child, members of a high school lacrosse team and business travelers — were seated and buckled when a United employee came aboard and said that four people would have to leave the plane.

“She was very terse,” Fuller said. “She said ‘Four people need to get off this plane or we’re not going anywhere.’ ”

When no one budged, Fuller said the woman left and returned with a list. She marched down the aisle. First she told a young couple they would have to leave and then a woman. Then she approached Dao, who was sitting in an aisle seat. Dao refused. Fuller said Dao’s wife was not picked to leave.

Security was called and three officers boarded the plane. Millions of people worldwide have seen the video of what followed. “One person yanked him out of his seat and then I saw them starting to drag Dao,” Fuller said. A woman ran to the front of the plane shouting, “What are you doing to my husband?”​

[this would be the woman I referred to seen in the video]

>> “She kept shouting,” Fuller said. “The police kept telling her she needed to come out or they were going to arrest her. She finally stepped outside.”

But it wasn’t over, Fuller said. Dao returned. But now he was bleeding.

“There was blood spurting out of his mouth,” Fuller said. “He had an agitated … look. “He went by me and kept saying ‘I have to get home. I have to get home.’ ”

Fuller watched Dao stumble back to his seat.

The security officers returned, but refused to restrain Dao because he was injured and bleeding, Fuller said.

Two paramedics boarded the plane.

“I saw a paramedic escorting Mr. Dao from behind,” Fuller said. “He’d stuffed [paper] towels in [Dao’s] mouth.”

Fuller, a retired Marine who works for the U.S. Veterans Affairs Department, then watched in horror as Dao collapsed next to his seat, lunged forward, spitting out the paper towels. They were covered in blood, Fuller said.

“The paramedic then turns to the captain of the plane and says, ‘Can you get me more towels?’ ”

Fuller said that’s when several passengers got up and left the plane. There was blood on the seats and on the floor, Fuller said. Eventually, a United official boarded the plane and told those remaining they’d have to leave.

Fuller said he was appalled by United’s cavalier attitude toward the cleanup. He said as far as he could tell, no hazmat team was called to clean the blood and no effort was made to protect passengers when Dao returned to the plane, bleeding.

About 45 minutes later, the passengers were allowed to reboard, Fuller said. When the four uniformed crew members boarded, passengers booed. One shouted, ‘You should be ashamed to work for this airline,’ ” Fuller said. <<

Doncha love that language? "Four people need to get off this plane" ------- not "the airline needs to arrange its own affairs because it was too incompetent to plan ahead" but ........... "four people need to get off". "We fucked up, and it's your fault. You people who pay our salaires NEED to fix our fuckup". Damn, the unbridled naked arrogance.

Wow, yeah I'd have been livid then, I mean even more so than just getting chucked off. That's just nuts.

Gotta be honest, it sounds like another college graduate "better than thou" just fucked over United to me. Those liberal business policies are real shit.

You have to be a rightie to think jackbooting innocent folks for corporate profit is a Liberal business policy. :eusa_doh:

Well it's more about that "holier than thou" attitude and the rigid inflexibility on the line between respecting customers and the bottom line. You see liberals are incorrectly taught that the only thing that matters is the bottom line, but it's actually not that simple, there are nuances and shades when you tie in things like PR, customer satisfaction, etc. etc. At some point a decently trained customer service agent (and yes flight attendants are that) would have the forward thinking to realize that if this hits the media customers were going to be outraged - and that was /before/ they violently forced the guy to give up his seat. Same too the CEO, I mean seriously what kind of AA winner is he saying it's okay to do that shit ?!? Jesus...
Until a lawsuit is filed.....this is all moot.

The flight is considered overbooked if there are more people for the plane than it can hold. That can be determined before or after passengers are seated.
More specifically, IIRC, "overbooked" is selling more seats than the plane can hold. This was not the case.
Until a lawsuit is filed.....this is all moot.

The flight is considered overbooked if there are more people for the plane than it can hold. That can be determined before or after passengers are seated.
The flight wasn't overbooked.

Then where is the lawsuit?
They are coming. It's America where I can sue you for simply disagreeing with me. OTOH, once in court, it's about proving I have a case.

All too often in "big money" situations like this (remember all the LWLs crowing about how much money Dao will get? It's all about money), a corporation has to make a decision as to whether it's cheaper to fight the case or simply throw some money at the whiner.
A fare increase will come from passing any legal expenses incurred by defending this action onto paying customers like you.
Agreed. As Delta already did, airlines will change their policies, but the costs of those policies will be felt by the customers.

Here's the deal, it's not 2000 anymore, it's 2017. Flights are full, overcapacity is limited if not nonexistent. The major complaint is "overbooked" flights aka full flights. If the flights are full, airlines can ratchet up prices to match the market until the flights are less than full.

Thanks, Dao! Your actions will become a meme by every customer who remarks about higher prices and flights leaving with empty seats because those seats were sold to no-shows. Airline employees rejoice!

Then where is the lawsuit?
They are coming. It's America where I can sue you for simply disagreeing with me. OTOH, once in court, it's about proving I have a case.

All too often in "big money" situations like this (remember all the LWLs crowing about how much money Dao will get? It's all about money), a corporation has to make a decision as to whether it's cheaper to fight the case or simply throw some money at the whiner.
It is United who was whining for people to give up their seats

When nobody would do it......they called in the Brute Squad
Every airline oversells every single flight. That's normal. If they can they will. Overbooked is if the flight has more people than it can hold. A flight can be overbooked and not full.
A fare increase will come from passing any legal expenses incurred by defending this action onto paying customers like you.
Agreed. As Delta already did, airlines will change their policies, but the costs of those policies will be felt by the customers.

Here's the deal, it's not 2000 anymore, it's 2017. Flights are full, overcapacity is limited if not nonexistent. The major complaint is "overbooked" flights aka full flights. If the flights are full, airlines can ratchet up prices to match the market until the flights are less than full.

Thanks, Dao! Your actions will become a meme by every customer who remarks about higher prices and flights leaving with empty seats because those seats were sold to no-shows. Airline employees rejoice!
Your bitterness is noted.

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