Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

  1. a person who tells lies.
    synonyms: deceiver, fibber, perjurer, false witness, fabricator, equivocator;

con art·ist
  1. a person who cheats or tricks others by persuading them to believe something that is not true.
    "the debonair con artist lives by scamming rich women"

1. welcher - someone who swindles you by not repaying a debt or wager. welsher. chiseler, chiseller, defrauder, grifter, scammer, swindler, gouger - a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud.
You've failed miserably to support your idiocy that he violated their contract of carriage. You posted it earlier and were shown there wasn't a single aspect of that contract that applied to Dao's circumstances. You were also shown that United's own CEO clearly stated Dao was not at fault in any way. It's anyone's guess why you persist in the face of the stark reality that Dao was the victim here?
To answer your question; the Japanese word for Divine Wind is "Kamikaze," which, toward the final days of WW--II was formed as a final act of suicidal desperation.

Even when they know it's over they won't give up.
You do understand its not me saying this, it's a university aviation law professor? Argue with him. Not me.

Uh --- who are you even posting to?

Are we to understand you have the knowledge to fix an airplane, yet can't figure out the quote button?
What are you, the professor on Gilligan's Island?
Faun knew I was talking to him and he replied.

And right after this happened the CEO said they had done nothing wrong and Dao had behaved inappropriately when asked to leave.

Ya'll seem to conveniently forget that part. After it became a media frenzy he crawfished back and tried to save face with his company.
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You do understand its not me saying this, it's a university aviation law professor? Argue with him. Not me.
Agreed. Like I said, these LWers are looney. They will always disregard all evidence and twist what few facts they know into a pretzel to fit their paradigm. They refuse to understand the difference between United airlines and Republic, much less the difference between airline employees and the City of Chicago's LEO's. They truly believe they are the experts when it comes to aviation law and how the law applies to both Contracts of Carriage and the FARs. Let's not forget these are the very same people who argued for months that Trump lost the election because Hillary won it by 3 million votes.

Sorry, man, but you can't have a calm, rational, logical and fact-based discussion with such people. If you do, they'll just end up calling you names, lying about you and ignoring all facts you present to them. They are disgusting hypocrites and not to be trusted.
Faun knew I was talking to him and he replied.

And right after this happened the CEO said they had done nothing wrong and Dao had behaved inappropriately when asked to leave.

Ya'll seem to conveniently forget that part. After it became a media frenzy he crawfished back and tried to save face with his company.
You're right.

It appeared that Munoz' first inquiry was to the airline police who probably responded with the standard routine, i.e., the police "acted appropriately." If not for the cellphone videos, Dao's injuries and the outraged testimony of dozens of passenger/witnesses, that canned bullshit would (as usual) have prevailed. But when the facts began to emerge Munoz realized he'd been lied to and he tossed the source of the lie under the bus.

As it is those cops will be lucky if one or more of them isn't convicted of felonious assault. The behavior of these goons is a patent example of what eventually comes of donut-shop legislation and the conseqauent bad habits many cops pick up over time.
If someone puts their hands on me to illegally remove me from a plane, I will.
And if they put hands on you to legally remove you, will you accept that, in addition to a lot of other charges, you'll be charged with resisting arrest and assault of a LEO?
They violated the law. They were removing him just because he was not a United employee, which is a clear violation of law.
We shall see, eh? In the meantime, let me know how your next flight goes when you tell the FA to go fuck herself/himself.
Dr. Dao just won the Lotto, he will be a very wealthy man by next year.
He'll need all of that money to pay off his FAA fines and make up for the loss of patients who don't want a nutjob criminal as their doctor.
FAA has no police authority, the matter would be prosecuted by the FBI. Have they pressed charges?
Dao caused a disruption by refusing to vacate the aircraft. By doing so, he interfered with the aircrew and the airline operations. Let's see what the Feds think about this, eh?

I'm also anticipating more passenger disruptions and flight cancellations over the summer. Should be fun and educational for all!

I know the regulations, but that is not my point. The airline disrupted Dao, not the other way around. They interfered with his journey.

You can act all smug and knowledgeable about the regulations. Whoop de doo! However, the public backlash has been such that is looks like those regs might be overhauled. Maybe not at a legislative level, but at a company policy level. As it should be. Remember, it was airline incompetence that got the ball rolling in the first place. Not Dao booking his flight and expecting to get to the destination he paid to arrive at...
I definitely think the airline handled this situation horribly, but unfortunately, probably legally. He didn't break a law, per se, he broke a United Airlines rule. The FAA only cares about safety of flight, not overbookings, etc. But since United owns the plane and says get off, they get LEO on the plane to remove the passengers. It's all by the book.

I am CERTAINLY not an aviation attorney, however, I have been working at airports since 2002 and been a pilot since 1999 and a mechanic since 2009. I've been exposed to airlines, their regulations, etc for a long time. I had to get a high security badge on several occasions to work where I worked, which was around airliners. I've even worked ON airliners. But I digress. In doing so, I had to take and pass tests based on the rules and regs of airliners, airplane rules and regs, etc. As a pilot, I have to know the rules and regs.

To become an airplane mechanic, there is a multiple week course of studying and taking tests on nothing but FAR's. (By far the worst, driest class I ever took) Post 9/11, you don't fuck with those people. If they tell you to jump, you ask how high. If you don't, you end up like Dao. I'm not aware of any FAR that he violated. He violated a United rule, however.

So again, I'm not an attorney, but Politifact found an aviation attorney and he agrees with me, or more accurately, I agree with him. Any injuries he sustained while physically resisting don't change anything. Like resisting arrest, if you get hurt, oh well, shouldn't have resisted. If an airline tells you to get up, you get up. It's that simple. If you don't like it, don't fly. But just because you bought a ticket doesn't give you these iron clad rights you think you have. The video clearly shows him being asked nicely and him being arrogant about it.

What happened to him is his fault, I don't care what the CEO says now that he's trying to save face. Him and I both know this wouldn't have happened had this gay doctor not acted like a gay doctor. Thousands of people every year comply when asked to get off the plane. This idiot decided to make a spectacle out of it because he thought he was more important than anyone else.

Now he's looking at reconstruction surgery. Looks like just getting up would have been a lot easier.
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And I'll just reiterate what I said on page 1 or whatever;

I don't give two shits if United acted within their "legal" rights by ejecting a paying customer for their crew. As a paying customer I will /never/ book United again, period. Let them have their laws and their fucking plane, they're not having my money. Simple.
And I'll just reiterate what I said on page 1 or whatever;

I don't give two shits if United acted within their "legal" rights by ejecting a paying customer for their crew. As a paying customer I will /never/ book United again, period. Let them have their laws and their fucking plane, they're not having my money. Simple.

And THAT is how you hurt them the worst.
And I'll just reiterate what I said on page 1 or whatever;

I don't give two shits if United acted within their "legal" rights by ejecting a paying customer for their crew. As a paying customer I will /never/ book United again, period. Let them have their laws and their fucking plane, they're not having my money. Simple.

And THAT is how you hurt them the worst.


Though not me in particular since I'm retired now and travel maybe once a year to the summer house, but hopefully my more travel prone buddies will sock it to them on my behalf heh
I definitely think the airline handled this situation horribly, but unfortunately, probably legally. He didn't break a law, per se, he broke a United Airlines rule.

Stop right there, because NO HE DID NOT. I've been inviting anyone and everyone, including you, to cite any part of the Contract of Carriage --- which is UA's own document ---- indicating any UA rule Dao "broke".

And none of you can do it, because it doesn't exist.

So again, I'm not an attorney, but Politifact found an aviation attorney and he agrees with me, or more accurately, I agree with him.

Politifact apparently didn't bother to read the document it linked. See above. Moreover it refers to no aviation attorney as far as I read. The only attorney mentioned is Judge Napolitano (sp?) ----- who agrees with the rest of us that United had no grounds.

More moreover, your own link includes a sidebar that links to a REAL aviation attorney (which is here) --- who ALSO agrees with us. To wit:

>> Aviation attorney Arthur Wolk says he read all 45 pages of United’s Contract of Carriage and he believes the airline violated its own contract.

“I want to assure United Airlines they had absolutely no right to remove that man from the airplane. Absolutely no right to forcibly remove him from an airplane. They’re in trouble.”

.... According to Wolk, airlines can deny you a seat, but once you’re on board that’s a different story. <<​

--- which is EXACTLY what we've been pointing out here and challenging anyone to cite any part of that Contract that gives United an 'out' for their unprovoked assault. As I said, that's why you can't find it ----- because it doesn't exist.

If an airline tells you to get up, you get up. It's that simple. If you don't like it, don't fly. But just because you bought a ticket doesn't give you these iron clad rights you think you have.

Ah yes the Company's Always Right, and besides, look at the way he was dressed --- he was "asking for it". Or something along those authoritarian-sycophant lines.

What happened to him is his fault, I don't care what the CEO says now that he's trying to save face.

Of course you don't. The fact that even United itself agrees that they fucked up isn't something you want to hear, because hey, it would interrupt the flow of your pursuing a pointless point on the internet that you've already lost.

Now he's looking at reconstruction surgery. Looks like just getting up would have been a lot easier.

That's right, be a good drone and bend over. Lie back and think of England. Assume the position. Get up against the wall, pull your pants down and spread your cheeks. Resistance is futile.

Damn wimp.
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Faun knew I was talking to him and he replied.

And right after this happened the CEO said they had done nothing wrong and Dao had behaved inappropriately when asked to leave.

Ya'll seem to conveniently forget that part. After it became a media frenzy he crawfished back and tried to save face with his company.

Oh no, I remember that part. He defended his company before he examined the circumstances. Which kind of calls into question his own competence to be a leader at all. But when those details came out, particularly how UA violated its own Contract of Carriage --- he knew damn well he had nowhere to go.

At least he manned up and said he was wrong. You and Kamikaze ---- not so much.
Well would you rather be a "wimp" and get 4 free flights plus this flight free, or be a "whiner" and scream like a baby, injure yourself, and be drug off the plane?

And the CEO already said that they did nothing wrong and the guy behaved poorly. That's in a letter to his employees. That was IMMEDIATELY released.

Show me where the CEO said that they violated their COC.
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Well would you rather be a "wimp" and get 4 free flights plus this flight free, or be a "whiner" and scream like a baby, injure yourself, and be drug off the plane?

And the CEO already said that they didn't nothing wrong and the guy behaved poorly. That's in a letter to his employees. That was IMMEDIATELY released.

Show me where the CEO said that they violated their COC.

Dao did not "injure himself". Apparently you're not only a wimp but a damn liar too.

"Wow! What a black eye you have! What happened??"
"oh I .... uh..... 'fell'. Yeah that's it. I 'fell'".

It's very instructive which of us always takes the side of the aggressor.
I'll admit the guy threw a bit of an immature tantrum - though if the reports coming out are right he's only allowed to practice medicine one day a week according to his license, and if that's the case that his /only/ day to treat patients was the next day then he has a /strong/ argument against being deplaned by lottery (also, correct me if I'm wrong here, but he was flying with his wife and she /wasn't/ deplaned?)

I'm willing to admit I'd have a fucking tantrum too, I don't think I'd take it to the point of wailing and getting knocked out simply because I have "some" pride, but damn straight everyone on that plane would know exactly how pissed I was by United's crappy decision.
You do understand its not me saying this, it's a university aviation law professor? Argue with him. Not me.

Uh --- who are you even posting to?

Are we to understand you have the knowledge to fix an airplane, yet can't figure out the quote button?
What are you, the professor on Gilligan's Island?

Faun knew I was talking to him and he replied.


Finds ways to make a radio out of coconuts ------ can't figure out how to repair a boat


Can take an airplane apart and put it back together .... can't figure out a message board quote button.

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