Increasing cash increases Inflation

be specific and cite for me where I supported the previous covid bills.... all I did is note democrats were fine with them. But besides trying to derail the POINT of this thread you got nothing on the point.
Be specific where you bitched and moaned about them and criticized Trump.

I'm sure you can...right?

Of course you can't. You're in a cult.
Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill tried to warn Republican Vice President Dick Cheney that his plan to explode budget deficits posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. “You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don’t matter,”...“We won the midterms. This is our due.” A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.
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Be specific where you bitched and moaned about them and criticized Trump.

I'm sure you can...right?

Of course you can't. You're in a cult.
I don't much pay attention to the news or congress, that has changed since February I have a room mate that has the news on 24/7 and he is a little deaf so it is pretty loud. If it wasn't mentioned here I did not see it unless major news. So be specific and remind me how our news service cared about the Trump bills or link to the thread that talked about them before February.
Trump economy is worse than Carter! Democrat President Carter added 10.4 million jobs in 4 years. Republican President Trump created 6.6 million jobs prior to Covid, Now a -4.1 million jobs deficit.
Trump economy is worse than Carter! Democrat President Carter added 10.4 million jobs in 4 years. Republican President Trump created 6.6 million jobs prior to Covid, Now a -4.1 million jobs deficit.
Quick question for you ? Is Trump President NOW? Did Trump propose 6 trillion budget and 3 trillion infrastructure bill? Does Trump have anything to do with this thread?

Explain to me, in detail, HOW there was a recession/inflation in Obozo's administration and this new Brainless Bidens inflation..............and yet, under Trumps administration we had NO inflation, and had plenty of CHEAP gas, food, and rent??

Your babblings make no sense.
Your babbling makes no sense either when you ignore how under Trump 8 trillion was put on the debt register and prices were raised through tariff wars and poverty spiked to it's highest level in 50 years.
Need to quit electing Keynesians and get back to free-market economics where the market tells the government what to do versus what we have now where the government tells the market what to do.
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I don't much pay attention to the news or congress, that has changed since February I have a room mate that has the news on 24/7 and he is a little deaf so it is pretty loud. If it wasn't mentioned here I did not see it unless major news. So be specific and remind me how our news service cared about the Trump bills or link to the thread that talked about them before February.
Translation: You were completely on board when Trump was running up $8T in debt and can not show any time you've ever disagreed with your cult leader...ever.
Translation: You were completely on board when Trump was running up $8T in debt and can not show any time you've ever disagreed with your cult leader...ever.

Translation: candycorn: I can't prove anything so I'll just attack.
You truly are quite repugnant.
Need to quit electing Keynesians and get back to free-market economics where the market tells the government what to do versus what we have now where the government tells the market what to do.

The problem is the markets have told the government they want this.
The problem is the markets have told the government they want this.

Free-markets haven't.

Keynesians who have hijacked the markets have, though, I'll give you that.

The biggest problem is not Keynes himself.

It's the people who have followed his model. They've compounded it even worse. Real slime balls, all of em.

But there is an upside to all of this.

It will fail.

The true market always decides. Always...

By then the slime balls will have managed to salvage their few little crumbs from the heist and retire on some beach some place, chuckling to themselves about how they fooled the drones into talking about muh democrats or muh republicans or muh blacks or muh whites the whole time it was going on, rather than actually talking about the slime balls who were actually keeping it going.
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