Increasing cash increases Inflation

Thank goodness we have a separation of powers and can follow up with another co-equal branch of Government.
Which you have failed to do. It seems every year you tell us what progress you have made, then follow up that nothing has changed but you are supposedly closer however much your legislators have blown you off as a crackpot.
Despite their destructive ideology, they aren't stupid. Those at the top who are pulling the strings understand economics far better than the low-info types they rely on come election time. They KNOW that dumping that amount of make-believe cash into our economy will inevitably cause high levels of inflation, possibly even hyperinflation. So WHY? Why do it? The only way it makes any kind of sense is if their ultimate goal is to crash the dollar to make way for some new fiat currency that most of the world will use because they will have no choice.
I will be surprised if the dollar is stable enough to survive until the 2022 election.
Destroying the US dollar is & has been the only goal of Republicans. The US Dollar is Government Stocks that's value is based on the full faith & credit of the US Government. 100% of Republican law makers signed Norquist no tax pledge to "shrink government and drown it in a bathtub". They never signed a pledge to shrink spending, they actually increase spending to explode debt to destroy government credit & US Dollar! Then they undermined our faith in the voting system & attacked the US Capitol to finish the job.
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Over the last 12 years, Obama and his crew did nothing to try to stop the over-spending. In fact, he steadily increased it, just as Trump did. Whoever is running the Biden administration has pulled out ALL THE STOPS. They are printing money on the same plan that they apply to our borders. Both are being made limitless. I think this thread isn't as much about the laying of blame, but of issuing a warning about where all of this spending is taking our nation.

Economics isn't political in the sense that it can be radically changed without dangers or inescapable consequences. IOW, it's SCIENCE, not politics. Dumping such a vast, staggering amount of cash into our money supply in so short a time WILL cause the dollar to collapse. All Fiat currencies eventually collapse. The dollar's turn is coming up. Think about what your life would be like if tomorrow morning you awakened to panicked news of the collapse of the dollar?

All of your savings, checking accounts, cash on hand...ALL of it, basically worthless unless you dumped it IMMEDIATELY for some kind of secure hedge that could be used to buy essentials. IOW, whatever your cash on hand or liquid assets HAD been worth, will be gone, never to return. So what do you do? How do you survive without being able to buy food, medicine, fuel, you see where this is going? That will be the death blow against America's independence. The Socialist/Marxist cancer will take the reins. Once they DO... you may well find that they have no need for your support against your neighbors. Once they have no need for you, you'll be in the same foundering boat with the Trump supporters you so cheerfully mock.
A guy named ferfal lived in Buenos Aires in 2001 when their economy completely collapsed, he writes about it extensively on the net.
Very useful reading on the subject of what happens to a society when all the money is, for all intents and purposes, gone.
Destroying the US dollar is & has been the only goal of Republicans. The US Dollar is Government Stocks that's value is based on the full faith & credit of the US Government. 100% of Republican law makers signed Norquist no tax pledge to "shrink government and drown it in a bathtub". They never signed a pledge to shrink spending, they actually increase spending to explode debt to destroy government credit & US Dollar! Then they undermined our faith in the voting system & attacked the US Capitol to finish the job.
The Democrats are just as wrong in their spending. Neither party is committed to being fiscally responsible. We need leaders to make hard choices, cut the budget and try to pay down debt.

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