Increasing cash increases Inflation

The idea that the government can dump 3 to 6 trillion more dollars in the market without huge inflation is simply ignoring the facts. We have already dumped trillions into it and are paying a price. Venezula proves the point and democrats ignoring it beyond irresponsible and stupid.
QE disproved that opinion in the past. It is supply side economics not keeping up with demand that causes more inflation.
There is no such thing. It's all an idea. It exists nowhere.

Alright, well I'll leave you guys to shake your peckers back and forth at each other about Trump or Biden, both Keynesians, btw, or the colors red and blue and black and white.

Enjoy your day.
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Actually, OP, there's an even bigger cause to all of this.

The electorate are geneally morons. For some reason they're content to live in a slave society and will literally fight you to stay in one.

Dunno what you're gonna do about that.

Good luck!
Post the times you've criticized Trump's spending....

I'll be happy to read them.

I haven't because I usually don't hear about budgets or money bills unless major news as I explained earlier. I get my news from posts here and from my limited feed on desktop which only registers major news and oddball stuff.
From the link;

"Inflation watch, and a warning from Michael Yon

First, since "a picture is worth a thousand words", here's inflation as reflected in the price of gold. (Click any image for a larger view.)

Makes you think, doesn't it?
Next, the price of Campbell's Condensed Tomato Soup from 1898 to date. It also speaks volumes.

The White House is starting to wake up to inflationary reality. According to the Daily Mail, it's "quietly met with economists fearing inflation could last YEARS - not months - despite publicly saying it would be a 'temporary bottleneck' after the largest surge in prices in 13 years".
Wolf Richter points out that consumers are going along with the inflationary spiral, and not resisting it - at least in the auto sector. Bold, underlined text is my emphasis.

These enormous profits on a per-vehicle basis document the explosion in prices that dealers were able to get their customers to agree to pay; and they blew away the input cost increases that dealers faced.
And the fact that customers threw decades of training into the wind and just laid down and paid whatever when they didn’t even have to buy a vehicle, and could have just waited a year or two until this craziness blows over, shows just how broken the vehicle market is, and how broken ultimately the customers are. With this kind of attitude that price doesn’t matter, inflation has become ingrained in the mindset.
If enough customers had refused to pay those prices, and just kept driving what they already had, sales would have dropped, and inventories would have built up until dealers start cutting prices and making deals. But that didn’t happen. Customers eagerly played along with the worst outbreak of inflation in four decades.

There's more at the link.
Finally, Michael Yon has some urgent advice that I fully endorse. He's not just worried about inflation alone, of course - we saw another warning from him earlier this year - but these preparations serve just as well to protect us in a high-inflation environment.

Food prices will continue to rise — 90 percent chance, according to me. Remember that I started beating this drum hard in January 2020 and this proved true just months later.
HIGHLY suggest you stock up on all things you need to stay home for extended periods.
Do NOT tell others you are prepping.
If you live around smart people who are prepared, your risks are much lower. If you live around people who are taking inventory of preppers — YOU are their backup plan.
I use a Berkey water-filter for home, and a Katadyn pocket filter for travel. Prices for both shot up since I started warning in January 2020.
Remember that when water goes out, toilets do not work.
Everyone’s conditions are different. Some live in condos in Manhattan. Others live in distant areas with clear mountain streams, or on islands, in deserts, and so on. Everyone has their own circumstance. Everyone needs food and water.
Stock up on needed medications. I warned of this in January 2020. Much of our pharmaceuticals come from China. After I warned, CCP threatened to cut off America ... Stock up.
. . .
Not end of times. Just stormy weather ahead. We will get through. But being prepared makes things much easier.
. . .
Serious storms ahead.

Again, more at the link.
With all these warning signs flashing everywhere we look, nobody will be able to excuse themselves because "I didn't know!" It's as plain as the nose on your face. If we don't prepare, and are caught short, we have only ourselves to blame. Preparations don't have to involve luxuries, or things we can't afford. A diet of rice and beans is undoubtedly boring, but it's cheap, and nutritious enough to keep us alive, no matter how tired we may get of it. You can pile up a year's supply of rice and beans for a family of four for under $200 right now, if you buy in bulk from big-box stores. In a few months' time, who knows what it'll cost - or whether it'll be available.
Alright, well I'll leave you guys to shake your peckers back and forth at each other about Trump or Biden, both Keynesians, btw, or the colors red and blue and black and white.

Enjoy your day.

Me? I don't support either.
We've known this for the last 13 years we've been doing this. Yes, we did it before but nowhere to the level we have the last 13 years.

This level of inflation is due to greed, corruption and ineptitude brought to us by Bush, Obama and Trump. So far Biden is just going to add on to the problem.
It is caused by Democrats and Republicans and they are good at making up money.
Have you started your own pizza chain yet? You could be getting a bonus.
How is it going working with the Congressman in getting you a new bill out there. I mean how long have you been working on it now five, six years and every year he tells you a story and blows you off.

The idea that the government can dump 3 to 6 trillion more dollars in the market without huge inflation is simply ignoring the facts. We have already dumped trillions into it and are paying a price. Venezula proves the point and democrats ignoring it beyond irresponsible and stupid.
Despite their destructive ideology, they aren't stupid. Those at the top who are pulling the strings understand economics far better than the low-info types they rely on come election time. They KNOW that dumping that amount of make-believe cash into our economy will inevitably cause high levels of inflation, possibly even hyperinflation. So WHY? Why do it? The only way it makes any kind of sense is if their ultimate goal is to crash the dollar to make way for some new fiat currency that most of the world will use because they will have no choice.
I will be surprised if the dollar is stable enough to survive until the 2022 election.
Republicans are the money printers, deficit inflation exploding & big spenders!

Democrats pay for spending with taxes that prevents deficits & inflation.
Over the last 12 years, Obama and his crew did nothing to try to stop the over-spending. In fact, he steadily increased it, just as Trump did. Whoever is running the Biden administration has pulled out ALL THE STOPS. They are printing money on the same plan that they apply to our borders. Both are being made limitless. I think this thread isn't as much about the laying of blame, but of issuing a warning about where all of this spending is taking our nation.

Economics isn't political in the sense that it can be radically changed without dangers or inescapable consequences. IOW, it's SCIENCE, not politics. Dumping such a vast, staggering amount of cash into our money supply in so short a time WILL cause the dollar to collapse. All Fiat currencies eventually collapse. The dollar's turn is coming up. Think about what your life would be like if tomorrow morning you awakened to panicked news of the collapse of the dollar?

All of your savings, checking accounts, cash on hand...ALL of it, basically worthless unless you dumped it IMMEDIATELY for some kind of secure hedge that could be used to buy essentials. IOW, whatever your cash on hand or liquid assets HAD been worth, will be gone, never to return. So what do you do? How do you survive without being able to buy food, medicine, fuel, you see where this is going? That will be the death blow against America's independence. The Socialist/Marxist cancer will take the reins. Once they DO... you may well find that they have no need for your support against your neighbors. Once they have no need for you, you'll be in the same foundering boat with the Trump supporters you so cheerfully mock.

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