Independent panel concludes Bush engaged in torture

wow liberals think imprisoning people now is torture, we should just let them out.....
wow liberals think imprisoning people now is torture, we should just let them out.....

It is not torture but it is a violation of human rights to hold people for ten years without a trial or chance to face their accusor

The US used to stand for Liberty
You don't have a defense so changing the subject Is ok

I really don't give a shit if some people were tortured.

I know, I already said the right only values Rights and Laws if they affect them directly. Screaming about rights is just a cover to pretend the Conservatives value those things...they dont

Please don't lump all of the "right" in with these clowns.
I know there are many on the right who are not too afraid to make sacrifices to defend America and American ideals.

I know 'em when I see 'em. And I know a chickenhawk when I see one too.
wow liberals think imprisoning people now is torture, we should just let them out.....

Oh my! Just think of all the torture Obama has committed by keeping GITMO open (in violation of his campaign pledge).
wow liberals think imprisoning people now is torture, we should just let them out.....

It is not torture but it is a violation of human rights to hold people for ten years without a trial or chance to face their accusor

The US used to stand for Liberty

Just a diversion - he's trying to turn the focus off the torture (which is clearly indefensible) and keep the focus on the detention which (imho) is also a slap in the face to every single person who gave their life to defend this nation and its ideals - but which they can hang on someone else.
I really don't give a shit if some people were tortured.

I know, I already said the right only values Rights and Laws if they affect them directly. Screaming about rights is just a cover to pretend the Conservatives value those things...they dont

Please don't lump all of the "right" in with these clowns.
I know there are many on the right who are not too afraid to make sacrifices to defend America and American ideals.

I know 'em when I see 'em. And I know a chickenhawk when I see one too.

While they pretend they don't care, they'll go into another thread and cry about Obama and the Patriot act they once supported
wow liberals think imprisoning people now is torture, we should just let them out.....

It is not torture but it is a violation of human rights to hold people for ten years without a trial or chance to face their accusor

The US used to stand for Liberty

says who???? RW, the constitution applies to US citizens, not anyone else. That's why I love the USA....

Well lets let those guys out, why hasnt Obama done that?

Second when do liberals want speedy trials? I mean the guy that killed people in CO still hasnt had a trial, delay, delay, delay, it's not the's the defense and liberal policies we have to jump through on this crap.
a YEAR for a criminal trial and it still hasnt started......really????
wow liberals think imprisoning people now is torture, we should just let them out.....

It is not torture but it is a violation of human rights to hold people for ten years without a trial or chance to face their accusor

The US used to stand for Liberty

Just a diversion - he's trying to turn the focus off the torture (which is clearly indefensible) and keep the focus on the detention which (imho) is also a slap in the face to every single person who gave their life to defend this nation and its ideals - but which they can hang on someone else.

what torture?
You don't have a defense so changing the subject Is ok

How many people were actually waterboarded and who were they?

How many people have been killed by Obama Drones and who were they?

Bush Tortured ppl according to reviews. Lets hear about how you value the rule of law.

According to who? To liberals it's torture to imprisson a black person nowadays or a minor that kills people....gotta let em out at 21.....

Please, in war there are no rules........first lesson.....I love the holier than thou liberals......

I think we should build a halfway house in Nancy Pelosi's neighborhood, I wonder if she'd fight that.....(I know the answer!!!!)
Gee. What a surprise that the Constitution Project would come to that conclusion:

"...the Constitution Project, an organization that calls for the United States to abandon most of the aggressive, post-9/11 anti-terrorism and anti-crime measures it has undertaken — on grounds that such measures are misguided “government proposals that [have] jeopardized civil liberties.” Specifically, the Constitution Project:

opposes President Bush’s decision to try suspected terrorists in military tribunals rather than in civilian courts
opposes “the use of profiling” in law-enforcement and intelligence work alike
holds that state and local law-enforcement agencies should be uninvolved in pursuing suspected terrorists
opposes government efforts to “conduct surveillance of religious and political organizations”
opposes “increased federal and state wiretap authority and increased video surveillance”
calls for the creation of a commission “to investigate the abuse of people held at detention facilities such as Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay”....."

Joseph Onek - Discover the Networks

Which of those activities by the government is okay with you?
Because he hasn't figured out what to do with those thugs. Big failure of this POTUS imho.

We are either a nation of MEN who are willing to suffer (and yeah, maybe even die) to uphold the principles we cherish or we are a nation of cowering sheep who don't deserve the stewardship of this great nation that was won at such a high cost for so many who were made of sterner stuff.

the republicans wont let them be brought into the US

He signed a presidential executive order for the closing of gitmo how are the republicans stopping him?

"Congress has once again included provisions that would bar the use of appropriated funds for transfers of Guantanamo detainees into the United States "

Obama Signing Statement Takes On Congress' Refusal To Close Gitmo
Bush-era torture use 'indisputable,' Guantanamo must close, task force finds - U.S. News

An independent task force issued a damning review of Bush-era interrogation practices on Tuesday, saying the highest U.S. officials bore ultimate responsibility for the "indisputable" use of torture, and it urged President Barack Obama to close the Guantanamo detention camp by the end of 2014.

In one of the most comprehensive studies of U.S. treatment of terrorism suspects, the panel concluded that never before had there been "the kind of considered and detailed discussions that occurred after 9/11 directly involving a president and his top advisers on the wisdom, propriety and legality of inflicting pain and torment on some detainees in our custody."

"It is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture," the 11-member task force, assembled by the nonpartisan Constitution Project think tank, said in their 577-page report

The panel, which included leading politicians from both parties, two U.S. retired generals and legal and ethics scholars, spent two years examining the U.S. treatment of suspected militants detained after the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Panel members interviewed former Clinton, Bush and Obama administration officials, military officers and former prisoners, and the investigation looked at U.S. practices at Guantanamo, in Afghanistan and Iraq and at the CIA's former secret prisons overseas.

The task force was chaired by Asa Hutchinson, a Republican former congressman and undersecretary of the Department of Homeland Security during the George W. Bush administration, and James Jones, a Democratic former congressman who served as U.S. ambassador to Mexico.

and yet, during the rest of his Pres, there were 0 terror attacks on our soil.

obamas record?

times square

and then some


July 4: An Egyptian gunman opens fire at an El Al ticket counter in Los Angeles International Airport, killing two Israelis before being killed himself.

October: John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo conduct the Beltway Sniper Attacks, killing ten people in various locations throughout the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area from October 2 until they are arrested on October 24.


Please link that to terror groups.
You don't have a defense so changing the subject Is ok

I really don't give a shit if some people were tortured.

I know, I already said the right only values Rights and Laws if they affect them directly. Screaming about rights is just a cover to pretend the Conservatives value those things...they dont

I don't know who "the right" is and I don't associate with any political flock.

The simple fact is that people have been tortured recently and throughout history and they are being tortured today.

You're naive to the point of stupidity if you think otherwise.
This report is obviously a "hit" piece. It is no secret that the Bush Administration used "enhanced interrogation techniques," which had three salient characteristics (1) they produced no permanent harm or disfigurement to the persons interrogated, (2) they frequently provided useful information, and (3) they were overwhelmingly supported by the U.S. population, to the extent they made US citizens safer, either here or abroad.

4) these techniques were officially defined as torture by the United States during WWII and were crimes for which we sentenced others to years of hard labor for committing.

Liberal morons (sorry for the redundancy) frequently like to make the vacuous claim that "torture doesn't work," which is like saying "bullets don't kill." Clearly, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. It depends on the subject, the method, what he actually knows, and so on. But to make a blanket statement that it doesn't work is....stupid.

Move along. Nothing happening here.

Fallacy of the excluded middle. Torture is not the only means to acquire information from criminals, dickweed. It is a completely unnecessary method.

And I'm sorry, but you don't get to claim that conservatives favor torture. I am a conservative and deeply opposed to torture. Assholes like you have destroyed the conservative cause; excusing torture, warrantless wiretaps on American citizens, suspension of habeus corpus for criminal suspects, and a whole raft of unconstitutional behaviors and acts. You have completely fucked up the GOP.
I really don't give a shit if some people were tortured.

I know, I already said the right only values Rights and Laws if they affect them directly. Screaming about rights is just a cover to pretend the Conservatives value those things...they dont

I don't know who "the right" is and I don't associate with any political flock.

The simple fact is that people have been tortured recently and throughout history and they are being tortured today.

You're naive to the point of stupidity if you think otherwise.

That other people torture makes it okay for us to torture? That's some insane illogic.
wow liberals think imprisoning people now is torture, we should just let them out.....

It is not torture but it is a violation of human rights to hold people for ten years without a trial or chance to face their accusor

The US used to stand for Liberty

says who???? RW, the constitution applies to US citizens, not anyone else. That's why I love the USA....

Well lets let those guys out, why hasnt Obama done that?

Second when do liberals want speedy trials? I mean the guy that killed people in CO still hasnt had a trial, delay, delay, delay, it's not the's the defense and liberal policies we have to jump through on this crap.
a YEAR for a criminal trial and it still hasnt started......really????

Please tell me you aren't really this obtuse.

You can't possibly be.
I really don't give a shit if some people were tortured.

I know, I already said the right only values Rights and Laws if they affect them directly. Screaming about rights is just a cover to pretend the Conservatives value those things...they dont

I don't know who "the right" is and I don't associate with any political flock.

The simple fact is that people have been tortured recently and throughout history and they are being tortured today.

You're naive to the point of stupidity if you think otherwise.

And its against the law

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