Independent panel concludes Bush engaged in torture

Bush Tortured ppl according to reviews. Lets hear about how you value the rule of law.

According to who?

According to international laws... I hope that helps

I dont care about those laws......they need not apply here. They're just treaties.....You guys didnt mind Iraq breaking got pissed off when Bush enforced why start worrying about them now?

And again it's not torture to make people walk like a dog or got information and it saved lives.....I'm all for it.....

You know what else is international law? Napalm is illegal, but we didnt sign it......lets try it out on North Korea
It is not torture but it is a violation of human rights to hold people for ten years without a trial or chance to face their accusor

The US used to stand for Liberty

says who???? RW, the constitution applies to US citizens, not anyone else. That's why I love the USA....

Well lets let those guys out, why hasnt Obama done that?

Second when do liberals want speedy trials? I mean the guy that killed people in CO still hasnt had a trial, delay, delay, delay, it's not the's the defense and liberal policies we have to jump through on this crap.
a YEAR for a criminal trial and it still hasnt started......really????

Please tell me you aren't really this obtuse.

You can't possibly be.

all evidence to the contrary ....
I know, I already said the right only values Rights and Laws if they affect them directly. Screaming about rights is just a cover to pretend the Conservatives value those things...they dont

I don't know who "the right" is and I don't associate with any political flock.

The simple fact is that people have been tortured recently and throughout history and they are being tortured today.

You're naive to the point of stupidity if you think otherwise.

That other people torture makes it okay for us to torture? That's some insane illogic.

I don't remember saying it was OK. Nothing we do is ever going to stop it. And BTW I'm sure agents of the good ol' US of A are torturing people as we type.

It's called being realistic.
It is a simple fact the United States declared waterboarding to be torture, and we tried people and sentenced them for it.

After 9/11, the GOP lost its collective mind and decided torture was perfectly okay. It was then that I declared the GOP officially insane.

One of the signature elements of the insanity that has taken over the conservative movement is this persistent denial that waterboarding is torture. This was one of the key things which caused me to stop voting after a lifetime of voting GOP. And so long as the lunatics continue to run the party, I will continue to not vote.

These little ignorant know-nothing neocon juveniles are nothing more than a pack of piss drinking rubes now, completely incapable of generating a critical or genuine thought. They are mindless parrots mimicking what they hear from their masters.

What a disgraceful turn conservatism has taken.
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I really don't give a shit if some people were tortured.

I know, I already said the right only values Rights and Laws if they affect them directly. Screaming about rights is just a cover to pretend the Conservatives value those things...they dont

I don't know who "the right" is and I don't associate with any political flock.

The simple fact is that people have been tortured recently and throughout history and they are being tortured today.

You're naive to the point of stupidity if you think otherwise.

I remember when this country used to stand out from the crowd. A beacon to the world because we stood for the rule of law and recognized basic rights no matter how hated a person was. We believed in it so much that we fought for it and many died to secure and defend these principles.

These days every time some chickenhawk wets his panties, he starts tossing aside those ideals in return for the illusion of security.

I am so grateful to those who came before and proved themselves to be made of much sterner stuff. I'm so sorry that we have crapped all over their sacrifices.
It is a simple fact the United States declared waterboarding to be torture, and we tried people and sentenced them for it.

After 9/11, the GOP lost its collective mind and decided torture was perfectly okay. It was then that I declared the GOP officially insane.

One of the signature elements of the insanity that has taken over the conservative movement is this persistent denial that waterboarding is torture. This was one of the key things which caused me to stop voting after a lifetime of voting GOP. And so long as the lunatics continue to run the party, I will continue to not vote.

These little ignorant know-nothing neocon juveniles are nothing more than a pack of piss drinking rubes now, completely incapable of generating a critical or genuine thought. They are mindless parrots mimicking what they hear from their masters.

What a disgraceful turn conservatism has taken.

UH huh and you don't think some foreign asset in some third world shit hole doesn't have some guy hooked up to a car battery right now and is reporting to a CIA agent?

You are naive.
I know, I already said the right only values Rights and Laws if they affect them directly. Screaming about rights is just a cover to pretend the Conservatives value those things...they dont

I don't know who "the right" is and I don't associate with any political flock.

The simple fact is that people have been tortured recently and throughout history and they are being tortured today.

You're naive to the point of stupidity if you think otherwise.

And its against the law

Yeah like that's ever stopped the government from doing something.
I know, I already said the right only values Rights and Laws if they affect them directly. Screaming about rights is just a cover to pretend the Conservatives value those things...they dont

I don't know who "the right" is and I don't associate with any political flock.

The simple fact is that people have been tortured recently and throughout history and they are being tortured today.

You're naive to the point of stupidity if you think otherwise.

That other people torture makes it okay for us to torture? That's some insane illogic.

Used to be that the US set the moral standard on these things
wow liberals think imprisoning people now is torture, we should just let them out.....

It is not torture but it is a violation of human rights to hold people for ten years without a trial or chance to face their accusor

The US used to stand for Liberty

says who???? RW, the constitution applies to US citizens, not anyone else. That's why I love the USA....

Well lets let those guys out, why hasnt Obama done that?

Second when do liberals want speedy trials? I mean the guy that killed people in CO still hasnt had a trial, delay, delay, delay, it's not the's the defense and liberal policies we have to jump through on this crap.
a YEAR for a criminal trial and it still hasnt started......really????

That has never been true. The Constitution applies to everyone in US custody. Nowhere in the Bill of rights does it refer to citizens only

After ten years, I would demand that we either try these people or set them free
I would like for TV to produce a televison reality program called; Torture or Not Torture. Or something like that.

On the program, participants would be subjected to the very same techniques used by the CIA and the military.

Then Americans can call in and vote for the method used and decide if it is torture or not. The participants would also get a say as to whether they thought they were being tortured.

The participant that can take the most aggressive form of torture and not give in and call it torture would be the winner.

Reality programming at its finest. Any rethugs want to volunteer for waterboarding?

I know the details are slim; but the TV producers can work the details out. Sure to be the next Dancing With the Stars. Us Americans will love it.

We are still waiting for Hannity to be waterboarded

speak for yourself and get a life

i've never seen anyone obsess over a blowhard talk show host like you do
What is it that sets us apart from the terrorists?
What about America makes us better than North Korea? Communist Russia? Nazi Germany? Haiti or Burma?

What sets us apart are the ideals and principles that we value. That we defend. That we fight and die for.

I don't care who does it. WE DON'T. Or we shouldn't. I know we aren't perfect and that we never will be. But I don't think we should stop trying.
I would like for TV to produce a televison reality program called; Torture or Not Torture. Or something like that.

On the program, participants would be subjected to the very same techniques used by the CIA and the military.

Then Americans can call in and vote for the method used and decide if it is torture or not. The participants would also get a say as to whether they thought they were being tortured.

The participant that can take the most aggressive form of torture and not give in and call it torture would be the winner.

Reality programming at its finest. Any rethugs want to volunteer for waterboarding?

I know the details are slim; but the TV producers can work the details out. Sure to be the next Dancing With the Stars. Us Americans will love it.

We are still waiting for Hannity to be waterboarded

speak for yourself and get a life

i've never seen anyone obsess over a blowhard talk show host like you do

Hannity represents the typical rightwing blowhard claiming that waterboarding is no big deal. He offered to submit to waterboarding as proof then backed away when someone told him he would cry like a little girl
rightwinger's title is false

"The nation's highest officials bear some responsibility for allowing and contributing to the spread of torture," the report said, though it did not name names.

no names were mentioned, thus, the report did not say bush

rightwinger lied
What is it that sets us apart from the terrorists?
What about America makes us better than North Korea? Communist Russia? Nazi Germany? Haiti or Burma?

What sets us apart are the ideals and principles that we value. That we defend. That we fight and die for.

I don't care who does it. WE DON'T. Or we shouldn't. I know we aren't perfect and that we never will be. But I don't think we should stop trying.

I remeber growing up with movies that depicted the Nazis, Japs and Russians engaging in torture and thinking that these were the badguys

Now we are the moral badguys

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