Independent panel concludes Bush engaged in torture

Every time 'W' spoke, it was like fingernails across a blackboard. Pure torture for anyone who knew English.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

Did I miss it, or is the caveat 'if they are US citizens' in there somewhere?
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If it would save a single American life I would gladly waterboard a known terrorist to get the information.

That would be after I broke all of his fingers and toes, one by one two minutes apart just to let him know I was serious.

That is what everyone who engages in torture says
Did you read who served on the panel? Funny how you charaterize the panel without knowing who served on it

I know because they said that what the government did was "torture," which is ridiculous. Liberals like that word because it makes it sound like doing things which cause no permanent damage to get information to save lives is equivalent to cutting off someone's head.

What further proves it is that if you want to stretch what W did to that word, Obama's dead to rights the same. You're a hack.

BTW, as for your list of participants on the panel, I saw no rundown of the findings of the individuals on the panel. Which is my real objection. I'm not a Republican, Skippy. I'm a libertarian. And my objection to the report is that it's used in a hack Democratic party way. Your party isn't the opposite of Republicans, you're hand in hand with them. I also oppose the wars and presence in the middle east. But using those as Liberal hammers for votes doesn't accomplish that.
rightwinger's title is false

"The nation's highest officials bear some responsibility for allowing and contributing to the spread of torture," the report said, though it did not name names.

no names were mentioned, thus, the report did not say bush

rightwinger lied

So why hasn't Obama followed through on the executive order he issued on his first day in office of his first term to close gitmo?


Congress uses spending bills to halt closing of Guantanamo Bay prison - The Hill

That order was issued by Obama on 1-20-2009 the democrats controlled both the house and the senate the only way congress could have stopped him is if he had democrat opposition. If he could not get them on board with the closing of gitmo would suggest he was not trying very hard to get it done after all he pretty much twisted the same democrat arms till they broke to get Obama care done.

The answer is in the link provided. Didn't read it? 88 Democrats in the house broke with the President on that. Whereas only 7 Republcians broke rank.

The President still wants it closed and Congress still refuses to provide funds.
Did you read who served on the panel? Funny how you charaterize the panel without knowing who served on it

I know because they said that what the government did was "torture," which is ridiculous. Liberals like that word because it makes it sound like doing things which cause no permanent damage to get information to save lives is equivalent to cutting off someone's head.

What further proves it is that if you want to stretch what W did to that word, Obama's dead to rights the same. You're a hack.

BTW, as for your list of participants on the panel, I saw no rundown of the findings of the individuals on the panel. Which is my real objection. I'm not a Republican, Skippy. I'm a libertarian. And my objection to the report is that it's used in a hack Democratic party way. Your party isn't the opposite of Republicans, you're hand in hand with them. I also oppose the wars and presence in the middle east. But using those as Liberal hammers for votes doesn't accomplish that.

i have the same concerns about the individual findings. here is the full report and i don't see individual findings, nor so see where it mentions bush specifically engaged in torture.

That order was issued by Obama on 1-20-2009 the democrats controlled both the house and the senate the only way congress could have stopped him is if he had democrat opposition. If he could not get them on board with the closing of gitmo would suggest he was not trying very hard to get it done after all he pretty much twisted the same democrat arms till they broke to get Obama care done.

The answer is in the link provided. Didn't read it? 88 Democrats in the house broke with the President on that. Whereas only 7 Republcians broke rank.

The President still wants it closed and Congress still refuses to provide funds.

obama most certainly has not used the bully pulpit as he did for his obamacare or stimulus. fact is, obama has done next to nothing to close gitmo. stop making excuses for him. the issue is not congress, it is obama.

Obama's Guantanamo Shift - Council on Foreign Relations
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The President still wants it closed and Congress still refuses to provide funds.

Actually some basic research on the topic would show you that Obama could be doing a lot of things and he's doing nothing. It's just a political stunt that he says he wants it closed. Pretty much like everything else he says.
As Obama's man prints 81 Billion a can't make this shit up, you are really mentally unarmed kid.

he didnt make it he handled ut in a way that gave the banks money for nothing.

he placed no rules on how they used it
rightwinger's title is false

"The nation's highest officials bear some responsibility for allowing and contributing to the spread of torture," the report said, though it did not name names.

no names were mentioned, thus, the report did not say bush

rightwinger lied


His watch and he admits it.

Cheney brags about it
I don't know who "the right" is and I don't associate with any political flock.

The simple fact is that people have been tortured recently and throughout history and they are being tortured today.

You're naive to the point of stupidity if you think otherwise.

That other people torture makes it okay for us to torture? That's some insane illogic.

Used to be that the US set the moral standard on these things

We like to tell ourselves that.

The US has a bloody and violent history. We invade countries on a whim in fact we have not had a 5 year stretch where we have not been involved in some undeclared war since we fought in WWII

Face it you tell yourself that we are a beacon or whatever but if any other country did what we do on a regular basis we'd be the first to demand they cut the shit.

And make no mistake people are being tortured with our tacit permission.
That order was issued by Obama on 1-20-2009 the democrats controlled both the house and the senate the only way congress could have stopped him is if he had democrat opposition. If he could not get them on board with the closing of gitmo would suggest he was not trying very hard to get it done after all he pretty much twisted the same democrat arms till they broke to get Obama care done.

The answer is in the link provided. Didn't read it? 88 Democrats in the house broke with the President on that. Whereas only 7 Republcians broke rank.

The President still wants it closed and Congress still refuses to provide funds.

obama most certainly has not used the bully pulpit as he did for his obamacare or stimulus. fact is, obama has done next to nothing to close gitmo. stop making excuses for him. the issue is not congress, it is obama.

Obama's Guantanamo Shift - Council on Foreign Relations

The queston wasn't why didn't the President use the "Bully Pulpit" to push Congress for closing Gitmo was it?

If Congress had not blocked funding do you think the President would some how have kept it open?

That order was issued by Obama on 1-20-2009 the democrats controlled both the house and the senate the only way congress could have stopped him is if he had democrat opposition. If he could not get them on board with the closing of gitmo would suggest he was not trying very hard to get it done after all he pretty much twisted the same democrat arms till they broke to get Obama care done.

The answer is in the link provided. Didn't read it? 88 Democrats in the house broke with the President on that. Whereas only 7 Republcians broke rank.

The President still wants it closed and Congress still refuses to provide funds.
Brings us back to my point about how serious was he about closing it he got Obama care and pretty much anything else he wanted through that same congress till the 2010 midterms but not gitmo. Why could he not get the democrats on board with that he did for whe he could for anything else?

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