Independent panel concludes Bush engaged in torture

You are thick aren't you?

Let me explain. It doesn't fucking matter if torture is illegal because our fucking government breaks the fucking law all the fucking time and I will bet you that people are being tortured right now with our blessing.

Is that simple enough for you to understand there, Sparky?

It doesn't matter if something is illegal because the govt breaks the law all the time? I don't get it so, if someone does something that renders the law invalid? Is that the point you're making?

Because that's a silly ass point

You are naive to the point of stupidity if you think people are not being tortured at the behest of the US government simply because it is illegal.

Now if you were to kidnap someone and torture them you can bet you'd end up in jail but the government agents do just that with impunity.

So, it IS or IS NOT illegal?
It doesn't matter if something is illegal because the govt breaks the law all the time? I don't get it so, if someone does something that renders the law invalid? Is that the point you're making?

Because that's a silly ass point

You are naive to the point of stupidity if you think people are not being tortured at the behest of the US government simply because it is illegal.

Now if you were to kidnap someone and torture them you can bet you'd end up in jail but the government agents do just that with impunity.

So, it IS or IS NOT illegal?

It is for you but not for the government.
This Site's been taken over by deranged Conspiracy Theorists. Our Government would not torture anyone. I may have to stop coming to this Site.
They're not gonna believe your lies, no matter where you go.

Your ONLY sanctuary is Texas-approved History text-books.

You are naive to the point of stupidity if you think people are not being tortured at the behest of the US government simply because it is illegal.

Now if you were to kidnap someone and torture them you can bet you'd end up in jail but the government agents do just that with impunity.

So, it IS or IS NOT illegal?

It is for you but not for the government.

That is a lie, thanks for playing
This Site's been taken over by deranged Conspiracy Theorists. Our Government would not torture anyone. I may have to stop coming to this Site.
They're not gonna believe your lies, no matter where you go.

Your ONLY sanctuary is Texas-approved History text-books.


You loony Conspiracy Theorists are ruining this site. :cuckoo:


At least we provide ice, after kickin' "conservative"-ass.

So, it IS or IS NOT illegal?

It is for you but not for the government.

That is a lie, thanks for playing

Oh please, you guys define jail time without Xbox as torture.....
Second I'm ok with torturing bad guys and external enemies of the US......GO FOR IT
The Constitution does not apply to noncitizens as much as you want everyone to be a US citizen, they simply arent..

And international law is bs......Liberals said so when they didnt want UN resolutions guys made it useless, not us. For God's sake Bush tried to enforce and got attacked by people like you.
It is for you but not for the government.

That is a lie, thanks for playing

Oh please, you guys define jail time without Xbox as torture.....
Second I'm ok with torturing bad guys and external enemies of the US......GO FOR IT

Yeah....but, you Teabaggers are USED to fuckin'-up.

[ame=]The interrogator, Pt. 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The interrogator, Pt. 2 - YouTube[/ame]​
It is for you but not for the government.

That is a lie, thanks for playing

Oh please, you guys define jail time without Xbox as torture.....
Second I'm ok with torturing bad guys and external enemies of the US......GO FOR IT
The Constitution does not apply to noncitizens as much as you want everyone to be a US citizen, they simply arent..

And international law is bs......Liberals said so when they didnt want UN resolutions guys made it useless, not us. For God's sake Bush tried to enforce and got attacked by people like you.

Doesn't matter who defines, international hatred etc.

What he said was a lie, period
Ah, the ole antiquated Republican vs. Democrat paradigm. It's like observing something out of the Jurassic. It's a comical prehistoric sham. Democrats were just fine with Conspiracy Theories when the other side had the power. But now that they have the power, it's suddenly 'Evil' and 'Un-American' to question the State. I suspect once the Republicans get back in power, they'll get right back to being all-in on Conspiracy Theories. Stay tuned.
That is a lie, thanks for playing

Oh please, you guys define jail time without Xbox as torture.....
Second I'm ok with torturing bad guys and external enemies of the US......GO FOR IT
The Constitution does not apply to noncitizens as much as you want everyone to be a US citizen, they simply arent..

And international law is bs......Liberals said so when they didnt want UN resolutions guys made it useless, not us. For God's sake Bush tried to enforce and got attacked by people like you.

Doesn't matter who defines, international hatred etc.

What he said was a lie, period

....And, the way Lil' Dumbya has.....

[ame=]911 WTC - Bush & Co. should be in fucking Jail - Sean Penn U R my man, man (40s) - YouTube[/ame]​
Ah, the ole antiquated Republican vs. Democrat paradigm. It's like observing something out of the Jurassic. It's a comical prehistoric sham. Democrats were just fine with Conspiracy Theories when the other side had the power.
Don't PUSSY-OUT, on us, yet!!!

What examples do you have, of the Dems spinning Conspiracy Theories?????

I like Bush. In fact the more Bush the better. I understand some of you fellas are a little light in the loafers, but don't knock it until you've tried it.
Bush-era torture use 'indisputable,' Guantanamo must close, task force finds - U.S. News

An independent task force issued a damning review of Bush-era interrogation practices on Tuesday, saying the highest U.S. officials bore ultimate responsibility for the "indisputable" use of torture, and it urged President Barack Obama to close the Guantanamo detention camp by the end of 2014.

In one of the most comprehensive studies of U.S. treatment of terrorism suspects, the panel concluded that never before had there been "the kind of considered and detailed discussions that occurred after 9/11 directly involving a president and his top advisers on the wisdom, propriety and legality of inflicting pain and torment on some detainees in our custody."

"It is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture," the 11-member task force, assembled by the nonpartisan Constitution Project think tank, said in their 577-page report

The panel, which included leading politicians from both parties, two U.S. retired generals and legal and ethics scholars, spent two years examining the U.S. treatment of suspected militants detained after the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Panel members interviewed former Clinton, Bush and Obama administration officials, military officers and former prisoners, and the investigation looked at U.S. practices at Guantanamo, in Afghanistan and Iraq and at the CIA's former secret prisons overseas.

The task force was chaired by Asa Hutchinson, a Republican former congressman and undersecretary of the Department of Homeland Security during the George W. Bush administration, and James Jones, a Democratic former congressman who served as U.S. ambassador to Mexico.

What is your point?
Should we instead be giving these terrorist pricks tea and cookies?
Look, for our national defense against people who are aworn to our destruction, non conventional methods are required to extract information which can save American lives.
You weep for the terrorist.
These people fight in the gutter. Sometimes one has to go into the gutter to defeat the enemy.
If this upsets your apple cart, let me ask you, would you be more comfy with another 9/11?

The point is simply this..

We are the United States. There was a time we set the moral standard for the world. We held ourself up to values of human rights that were unwavering.

Every act of torture is performed under the justification that it is somehow done to save lives. When US Soldiers are tortured, it is done because they have information about attack plans, tactics, capabilities and vulnerabilities that could save lives. It is not right when the enemy does it to our soldiers and it is not rightwhen we do it to others

If others fight in the gutter it is not a justification to lower our standards and join them
Ah, the ole antiquated Republican vs. Democrat paradigm. It's like observing something out of the Jurassic. It's a comical prehistoric sham. Democrats were just fine with Conspiracy Theories when the other side had the power.
Don't PUSSY-OUT, on us, yet!!!

What examples do you have, of the Dems spinning Conspiracy Theories?????


:lol: Who has the time to list em all? Yeah, you guys loved Conspiracy Theories when the other side had the power. Now you're all about the, "You're Evil and Un-American if you dare question the State." Just another partisan Republican vs. Democrat scam. We'll see how you feel about Conspiracy Theories when Republicans are back in power. Should be fun.
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everyone should be aware that the bush administration engaged in torture.even more blatantly obvious than other US administrations.

the not willingly blind already do.

but no one can enforce sanctions on the US, so no one officially cares.

it gets hilarious though when US administrations try to sell starting a war by pointing to atrocities allegedly perpetrated by "the enemy".
everyone should be aware that the bush administration engaged in torture.even more blatantly obvious than other US administrations.

the not willingly blind already do.

but no one can enforce sanctions on the US, so no one officially cares.

it gets hilarious though when US administrations try to sell starting a war by pointing to atrocities allegedly perpetrated by "the enemy".


What we have here is a failure to communicate. I mean actual torture. Not what you're stretching to be "torture" for political gain.

Your idiotic Democrat plan is to say cutting off heads is torture, waterboarding for information is torture, therefore Al Qaeda and W are both torturers, and therefore they are equivalent.

It's a stupid argument and the only people who buy it are people who are stupid or have an agenda. Or both...

Waterboarding is universally considered to be a form of torture. There was a time when the US had higher moral convictions when we used to concur with that

it is only Bush's Justice Dept lawyers who think otherwise

Actually there are a lot of us who think Bush was a horrible President and don't think that.

In fact if content was your goal, you could make every argument you are making without using the word, "torture." And yet your whole focus is on the label. And the reason for that is because your objective is political. You have a liberal Democrat in the White House. That is what you are fighting to maintain. You can do that, but you're going to get called for your stupid games when you do. Like now.
What we have here is a failure to communicate. I mean actual torture. Not what you're stretching to be "torture" for political gain.

Your idiotic Democrat plan is to say cutting off heads is torture, waterboarding for information is torture, therefore Al Qaeda and W are both torturers, and therefore they are equivalent.

It's a stupid argument and the only people who buy it are people who are stupid or have an agenda. Or both...

Waterboarding is universally considered to be a form of torture. There was a time when the US had higher moral convictions when we used to concur with that

it is only Bush's Justice Dept lawyers who think otherwise

Actually there are a lot of us who think Bush was a horrible President and don't think that.

In fact if content was your goal, you could make every argument you are making without using the word, "torture." And yet your whole focus is on the label. And the reason for that is because your objective is political. You have a liberal Democrat in the White House. That is what you are fighting to maintain. You can do that, but you're going to get called for your stupid games when you do. Like now.

Lets call a turd a turd

What Bush did was TORTURE

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