Independent panel concludes Bush engaged in torture

We are still waiting for Hannity to be waterboarded

speak for yourself and get a life

i've never seen anyone obsess over a blowhard talk show host like you do

Hannity represents the typical rightwing blowhard claiming that waterboarding is no big deal. He offered to submit to waterboarding as proof then backed away when someone told him he would cry like a little girl

hannity represents hannity, no one else. further, who gives a shit what a blowhard like him says. you have obsessed over his comment for years. nobody cares except you.
It is not torture but it is a violation of human rights to hold people for ten years without a trial or chance to face their accusor

The US used to stand for Liberty

says who???? RW, the constitution applies to US citizens, not anyone else. That's why I love the USA....

Well lets let those guys out, why hasnt Obama done that?

Second when do liberals want speedy trials? I mean the guy that killed people in CO still hasnt had a trial, delay, delay, delay, it's not the's the defense and liberal policies we have to jump through on this crap.
a YEAR for a criminal trial and it still hasnt started......really????

That has never been true. The Constitution applies to everyone in US custody. Nowhere in the Bill of rights does it refer to citizens only

After ten years, I would demand that we either try these people or set them free

that is not true. in war or war like actions, the geneva convention applies, hence why we created gitmo.
What is it that sets us apart from the terrorists?
What about America makes us better than North Korea? Communist Russia? Nazi Germany? Haiti or Burma?

What sets us apart are the ideals and principles that we value. That we defend. That we fight and die for.

I don't care who does it. WE DON'T. Or we shouldn't. I know we aren't perfect and that we never will be. But I don't think we should stop trying.

I remember growing up with movies that depicted the Nazis, Japs and Russians engaging in torture and thinking that these were the badguys

Now we are the moral badguys

It makes me cringe.
We trashed our principles and ideals. AND FOR WHAT? A few scraps of inaccurate information about an Iraq-Al Qaida link and weapons of mass destruction?
Because a bunch of chickenhawks got scared by the mean ol' tewwowists????
Blowhard cowards. Just like the object of their bromance Sean Hannity.
STILL waiting for him to ride the board as he promised.

Audie Murphy and Alvin York are spinning in their graves.
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Oh you Crazy Conspiracy Theorists, bunch of Un-American assholes. ;)
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An independent task force issued a damning review of Bush-era interrogation practices on Tuesday, saying the highest U.S. officials bore ultimate responsibility for the "indisputable" use of torture, and it urged President Barack Obama to close the Guantanamo detention camp by the end of 2014.

Interesting. This "independent" panel doesn't know the definition of "torture," and you don't know the definition of "independent."
An independent task force issued a damning review of Bush-era interrogation practices on Tuesday, saying the highest U.S. officials bore ultimate responsibility for the "indisputable" use of torture, and it urged President Barack Obama to close the Guantanamo detention camp by the end of 2014.

Interesting. This "independent" panel doesn't know the definition of "torture," and you don't know the definition of "independent."

Yeah! You don't know the meaning of internets or the meaning of making sense, so there!
An independent task force issued a damning review of Bush-era interrogation practices on Tuesday, saying the highest U.S. officials bore ultimate responsibility for the "indisputable" use of torture, and it urged President Barack Obama to close the Guantanamo detention camp by the end of 2014.

Interesting. This "independent" panel doesn't know the definition of "torture," and you don't know the definition of "independent."

Poor attempt at deflection.
This panel included a large contigent of Bush administration officials.
They know what torture is.
Our Government would never torture anyone. I'm so sick of these stupid Conspiracy Theorists.

An independent task force issued a damning review of Bush-era interrogation practices on Tuesday, saying the highest U.S. officials bore ultimate responsibility for the "indisputable" use of torture, and it urged President Barack Obama to close the Guantanamo detention camp by the end of 2014.

Interesting. This "independent" panel doesn't know the definition of "torture," and you don't know the definition of "independent."

BAM! :lol:
Bush tortured.

this we all already knew.

now it is yet again comfirmed he tortured people.

what do you fact adverse lying sacks of rat shit do?

deny the facts yet again.

Bad info in means

bad choices out.

People who do nothing but spout lies and deny facts are worthless.

they do make good rock stands though
A panel comprised of people with an agenda is not facts dumb ass. or can I form a panel and declare Obama care Unconstitutional and destructive of American business?
An independent task force issued a damning review of Bush-era interrogation practices on Tuesday, saying the highest U.S. officials bore ultimate responsibility for the "indisputable" use of torture, and it urged President Barack Obama to close the Guantanamo detention camp by the end of 2014.

Interesting. This "independent" panel doesn't know the definition of "torture," and you don't know the definition of "independent."

Yeah! You don't know the meaning of internets or the meaning of making sense, so there!

Had to give a shot at running another partisan hack contrived story up the ole flag pole, eh?

An independent task force issued a damning review of Bush-era interrogation practices on Tuesday, saying the highest U.S. officials bore ultimate responsibility for the "indisputable" use of torture, and it urged President Barack Obama to close the Guantanamo detention camp by the end of 2014.

Interesting. This "independent" panel doesn't know the definition of "torture," and you don't know the definition of "independent."

Poor attempt at deflection.
This panel included a large contigent of Bush administration officials.
They know what torture is.

So "nodoginafight" is supporting that a hack left panel is "independent." That's actually pretty funny.
Interesting. This "independent" panel doesn't know the definition of "torture," and you don't know the definition of "independent."

Poor attempt at deflection.
This panel included a large contigent of Bush administration officials.
They know what torture is.

So "nodoginafight" is supporting that a hack left panel is "independent." That's actually pretty funny.

Did you read who served on the panel? Funny how you charaterize the panel without knowing who served on it.

That is hackery.

Lemme help you out.

"The task force was chaired by Asa Hutchinson, a Republican former congressman and undersecretary of the Department of Homeland Security during the George W. Bush administration, and James Jones, a Democratic former congressman who served as U.S. ambassador to Mexico."

David Irvine is a Salt Lake City attorney in private practice, a former Republican state legislator, and a retired Army brigadier general.

A former President of the American Bar Association (1991-92), Talbot “Sandy” D’Alemberte was appointed President of Florida State University in 1993, serving in that capacity through January 2003. Prior to that, from 1984 to 1989, he served as Dean of Florida State University College of Law.

Claudia J. Kennedy is the first woman to achieve the rank of three-star general in the United States Army, taking her from the Women’s Army Corps in the late 1960’s to the position of Deputy Chief of Staff for Army Intelligence in 1997-2000.

From 1997 to 2001, Thomas R. Pickering served as U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. From 1989 to 1992, he was Ambassador and Representative to the United Nations. In a diplomatic career spanning five decades, he has served as U.S. ambassador to the Russian Federation, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

William S. Sessions served three United States presidents as the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Prior to joining the FBI, Sessions was the chief judge for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, where he had previously served as United States Attorney.

Dr. Thomson is the Lambert and Sonneborn Professor of Medicine Emeritus at Columbia University.

Dr. Azizah Y. al-Hibri is a professor emerita at the T. C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond.

Richard A. Epstein is the inaugural Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law at New York University School of Law.

Dr. David P. Gushee is the Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics and Director of the Center for Theology and Public Life at Mercer (Georgia) University.
So why hasn't Obama followed through on the executive order he issued on his first day in office of his first term to close gitmo?


Congress uses spending bills to halt closing of Guantanamo Bay prison - The Hill

That order was issued by Obama on 1-20-2009 the democrats controlled both the house and the senate the only way congress could have stopped him is if he had democrat opposition. If he could not get them on board with the closing of gitmo would suggest he was not trying very hard to get it done after all he pretty much twisted the same democrat arms till they broke to get Obama care done.
Welcome new batch of chickenhawks.
So the mean ol' tewwowists made you soil your panties too????
So much so that you are falling all over yourselves to cast off the ideals and principles that real patriots - made of much sterner stuff - fought and died to secure for you.

In a way I'm glad to see you cast aside these hard-won ideals. You don't deserve them.
Personal attacks is all they have. Pick a topic, doesn't matter and they will go personal no matter what. Its the politics of personal destruction they always rail against....

...when other ppl do it
If it would save a single American life I would gladly waterboard a known terrorist to get the information.

That would be after I broke all of his fingers and toes, one by one two minutes apart just to let him know I was serious.
they still claim Bush found WMDs

they still insist that Bush didnt crash the economy

they still claim Bush protected us from attack when 911 was his watch.

whats one more lie to the right?

How many terrorist attacks on U.S. citizens under Barry Kardashian?

lots of thwarted attempts Benghazi? Obie thwarted the shit out of that one, didn't he?...and don't come back with some asinine comment about it not being on American soil. Embassies are considered sovereign soil.

Not only did Obie NOT thwart the attack (after pleas for more protection BEFORE the attack), he let it continue...with no intervention ordered by him or his staff. He was afraid it would fuck up his chances of stealing a second election.
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If it would save a single American life I would gladly waterboard a known terrorist to get the information.

That would be after I broke all of his fingers and toes, one by one two minutes apart just to let him know I was serious.

Welcome new batch of chickenhawks.
So the mean ol' tewwowists made you soil your panties too????
So much so that you are falling all over yourselves to cast off the ideals and principles that real patriots - made of much sterner stuff - fought and died to secure for you.

In a way I'm glad to see you cast aside these hard-won ideals. You don't deserve them.

Man, being right all the time sure gets old.

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