Independents Notice What Hypocrites Democrats Are

1. Americans do not back a border wall. Even Rasmussen finds that voters are against a border wall by a 56-37 margin. Most Americans know what DACA is about. The fact is that racists like you and so-called conservative Republicans have used fear to scare people and that is what Americans are responding to. The fact is that chain migration does not exist as has been characterized by racists like you. These people get a number and wait until they are told they can even apply. Depending on the country the wait can be months or decades. Also worth noting the Gang of eight immigration bill did away with the diversity lottery.

Americans do not support Trump on immigration. A Fox poll from late last year showed that Voters disapproved of Trump's immigration policies by a 39-57% margin. A new CBS poll shows that voters disapprove of Trump's immigration policies by a 57-40% margin. Immigration was not a major voting issue as a majority of voters did not support building a wall.

2. You have no integrity because racists have no integrity. The fact is that I saw what Trump did and he was mocking the reporter's disability. I notice his report said some were questioned. Trump said that a huge number of people were doing it. Apparently in your world no one is allowed to have a different opinion or make a independent judgement.

3. I will not put up with racists. You are a racist. Independents do not object to affirmative action. You are the one who looks bad.

4. You are the human garbage and debris racist. Again I can think for myself. Who killed in Charlottesville? White supremacists which you support.
What a pack of idiotic nonsense.

1. Last I heard from CBS polling, voters APPROVE of Trump's immigration policies by a 72-28% margin, and support the border wall 59% to 41%.


If you have an update of that's lets see the :link: This was the major issue in the 2016 election. Of course chain migration and the diversity lottery exist, that's why they're all talking about them (Republicans and Democrats both). I wonder why I bother to even talk to someone like you who posts such ridiculous poppycock. And anti-white racists like you, pretend that opposing immigration is racist, when of course it is enforcing laws that our ancestor put in place to protect us from swine like you, and is simply opposing imperialism, that plunders the US economy, and takes jobs away from Americans.

2. You have no integrity because racists (like you who support affirmative action)have no integrity. I can't comment on the rest of your # 2 comment, because it is faulty grammar and makes no sense. As for Kovaleski, if you were so ignorant that you thought Hillary's crazy ad was truthful, you still have no excuse to be sticking with that now, since I have corrected you, so you must be LYING (and making a fool out of yourself as well)

3. . I will not put up with racists. You are a racist, who supports racist discrimination against whites, in Affirmative Action. Independents do object to affirmative action, same as Republicans and many Democrats do. Only a total fool would support racial discrimination against himself. You are the one who looks bad.

4. Again, more liberal media BS you believe. The protest in Charlottesville had many people who were not white supremacists. All the talk about them is media hype. The majority of people were simply protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee,and have noting o do with white supremacy.

As for the woman who got killed, that happened because she was lawlessly blocking traffic. Actually the car that hit her, had more right to be driving in the street than she had to be criminally blocking it.

5. Have you figured out how to spell "know" yet ? :slap:

you are the one uttering nonsense and lying through your teeth.

1. The poll you cite is not a voters poll. It is a poll of people who watched Trump's State of the Union speech. 52% of the respondents were Trump supporters and 32% Trump opponents. It was not a major issue in 2016. The major issue in 2016 was the dishonesty of Clinton and Trump. If a None of the Above option was in effect and meant that we would need new nominees, it would have won in a landslide. racists like you sound very similar to the Nazis in Nuremberg who claimed they were following orders. America is a country that places compassion above the rule of law. that is why we have a statute of limitations on most crimes. Separating families is wrong and evil You are the swine as they are not plundering the country nor are they taking jobs from Americans. When whites came to this country from places like Ireland, they came for economic reasons. The same reason Hispanics are coming from.

2. There are 2 reasons for that. Either you are too stupid to understand or you do not want to understand. I saw what Trump did and he was mocking the reporter's disability. You have not corrected anything. You are a Trump sycophant who would defend Trump if he shot someone in broad daylight. I voted for neither Clinton or Trump. I saw what Trump did and you are wrong as usual. Trump claimed thousands and thousands were cheering for what happened on 9/11. That is a lie by Trump.

3. You see a racist every time you look into the mirror. A affirmative action program that seeks to encourage qualified minorities to apply is not racist. Companies that reach out to minorities is not racist nor is it discrimination. You are the total fool.

4. BS. The majority of the people there were white supremacists and neo-nazis. By protesting alongside of them, you are with them. If you had any brains you would realize that they harm the cause not help it.

5. Yawn. Who cares.
It was traced by Mueller's team which has extensive experience in following the money.

This judge is clearly loopy because what he says makes no sense. Mueller's mandate was to investigate Russian interference in our elections. The Stormy Daniels money clearly did not come from Russia. Mueller has provided evidence the money from Ukraine that went to Manafort came from pro-Russia sources. Clearly this judge has no clue what he is talking about.
FALSE!.. NO, they did NOT provide "evidence", at all. They tried to snow the judge, and produced a laughingstock, worthless 2 page memo, with most of it blacked out, which is why the judge rejected it, and gave them 2 weeks to come up with any REAL evidence. The whole silly witch hunt is in a state of shambles.

You are so much bullcrap. They don't need the memo. Apparently this judge wants to obstruct justice. If he does it will be overturned and he will properly be removed from the case.
you are the one uttering nonsense and lying through your teeth.

1. The poll you cite is not a voters poll. It is a poll of people who watched Trump's State of the Union speech. 52% of the respondents were Trump supporters and 32% Trump opponents. It was not a major issue in 2016. The major issue in 2016 was the dishonesty of Clinton and Trump. If a None of the Above option was in effect and meant that we would need new nominees, it would have won in a landslide. racists like you sound very similar to the Nazis in Nuremberg who claimed they were following orders. America is a country that places compassion above the rule of law. that is why we have a statute of limitations on most crimes. Separating families is wrong and evil You are the swine as they are not plundering the country nor are they taking jobs from Americans. When whites came to this country from places like Ireland, they came for economic reasons. The same reason Hispanics are coming from.

2. There are 2 reasons for that. Either you are too stupid to understand or you do not want to understand. I saw what Trump did and he was mocking the reporter's disability. You have not corrected anything. You are a Trump sycophant who would defend Trump if he shot someone in broad daylight. I voted for neither Clinton or Trump. I saw what Trump did and you are wrong as usual. Trump claimed thousands and thousands were cheering for what happened on 9/11. That is a lie by Trump.

3. You see a racist every time you look into the mirror. A affirmative action program that seeks to encourage qualified minorities to apply is not racist. Companies that reach out to minorities is not racist nor is it discrimination. You are the total fool.

4. BS. The majority of the people there were white supremacists and neo-nazis. By protesting alongside of them, you are with them. If you had any brains you would realize that they harm the cause not help it.

5. Yawn. Who cares.
1.) Major issue was immigration, and the voters decided they're fed up with it. So your excuse for losing the 2016 election is that it just didn't have any good candidates, huh ? Well, the American people had their chance to decide who their candidates were going to be, and they chose Hillary and Donald. As for racists, that would be YOU, Mr. Affirmative Action.
Compassion above the rule of law ? Wow. maybe you really HAVE been drinking. Looks like I'm gonna have a lot of work correcting your mistakes. This is a country that values BOTH the rule of law (except for Democrat mayors & some governors), AND compassion, for those who deserve it (such as those who respect our laws and us).

Separating families is done by those who enter the US illegally, while disrespecting our laws and therefore us as well. THEY are who are separating their families. If they stayed where they were they wouldn't be separated. You violate laws, and disrespect people, you bring the consequence on yourself.

As I already taught you, immigrants (legal & illegal) are plundering the US for $138 Billion/year in remittances (Pew Research Center) + Billions$$ more from welfare, via the anchor baby racket, false documentation, and a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, which Senator Howard clearly said kids of foreigners were not to be covered by it. This is just America paying Mexico's et al poverty bill. More international burglary against America, and you accept and endorse it.

You talk idiocy. Illegal aliens occupy about 9 million jobs in the US (according to many estimates). You don't think that's taking jobs away from Americans. And who do you think would have those jobs if those illegals were not here. Martians ? Chimpanzees ? Your moronic posts are not hard to refute. Couldn't be easier.

What reason people (of whatever race) come to this country, is not at issue for us in America. That is THEIR problem, not ours. The job of US government is to PROTECT the American people. Our ancestors have done that by providing us with immigration laws, and immigration agencies. It is now our duty to use them to keep that protection intact. Protection from the Harms of Immigration.

And some whites are still coming from countries like Ireland, and thousands of them are coming in illegally, and those lawbreakers are supported by anti-American, globalist, Democrat fruitcakes, like Hillary Clinton.


Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists

2.) I don't see why I should spend time correcting you over and over again, just because you are so stupid as to repeat your very dumb mistakes. You said twice that you "saw what Trump did". Oh, that's nice. Problem with that is, it isn't seeing that matters, it is HEARING. What Trump SAID, was Kovaleski's own words, which Trump repeated >> "Ahh, I don't know what I said. Ah, I don't remember... This is 14 years ago, They didn't do a retraction." So, he was talking about (as you already know) Kovaleski's denial and recant of his September 2001 Washington Post article, in which he reported Muslims cheering on rooftops and holding tailgate-style parties shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Play back the video. Trump says Ah, I don't know what I said" "Ah, I don't remember."

Trumpknew Kovaleski was lying, and he was mocking Kovaleski's refusal to admit to what he had written. It had nothing to do with any disability. So Kovaleski
got mocked over that, and he well

Trump's flailing his arms around, has no connection to Kovaleski or his disability. Kovaleski isn't even able to move his arms in the that manner, and Trump has mocked other people the same way, none of whom had any disability.

The attack on Trump was PURE DISHONEST FABRICATION, used
and perpetrated
by the fake news media and Hillary and now you as well. Sorry to take away one of your favorite scams, but this ne was exposed more than a year ago. :rolleyes:

3.) Again, Affirmative Action is blatant anti-White racism, committing the largest amount of racial discrimination against the largest number of people (Whites) for more than half century. It is immoral, I is illegal, and it is BANNED in 8 states, and should be (and will be) banned in all 50 states, and you are a hypocrite, as the title of this OP states, to support it, and you are a racist as well.

4.) YOU speak the BS. No, the majority of people at the Charlottesville protest were NOT white supremacists. Actually, the majority were criminal counter-protestors, who were illegally blocking the parade of protestors, most of whom were just ordinary people protesting the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue. That illegal traffic blocking is what caused one of the counter-protestors to get hit by a car and killed.
But typically, the leftist biased media, just like in the Kovaleski distortion, distorted the story, to rant about some white supremacist gobbledegook that hardly even exists, probably to keep inciting blacks to support Democrats. Total BS. Total hypocrisy, just as the OP cites.

5.) Yawn. Who cares ? YOU do. Otherwise you wouldn't be spending all this time writing all this jibberish, that you are.
You are so much bullcrap. They don't need the memo. Apparently this judge wants to obstruct justice. If he does it will be overturned and he will properly be removed from the case.
If they thought they didn't "need the memo", they wouldn't have blacked out over half of it, and then submitted it to the court. So maybe YOU don't think they need the memo, but apparently THEY think they do, and in an altered state (to cover up their misdeeds)

As for the judge, he's doing a great job. And the only ones who might be removed, are the with hunters - straight into jail, for obstructing justice by submitting an altered document.
total nonsense….worst whopper you’ve told since the combat nonsense.
So you dispute the Trading Economics report ? (As shown in the chart in Post # 66)Well, that makes you very unique. You're the only poster in USMB who I've ever heard dispute a Trading Economics report/graph. LOL.
List of stores that followed our President’s example and filed for bankruptcy…from just the 16 months of Trump’s reign:

19. The Limited
18. Wet Seal
17. Eastern Outfitters
16. BCBG Max Azria
15. Vanity
14. Hhgregg

13. RadioShack
12. Gordmans
11. Gander Mountain
10. Payless ShoeSource
9. Rue21
8. Gymboree

7. Cornerstone Apparel, the owner of Papaya Clothing
6. True Religion Apparel
5. Alfred Angelo
4. Perfumania
3. Vitamin World
2. Aerosoles
1. Toys R Us

The GDP means very little to show the health of an economy as has been explained to you once already.
You are displaying your laughingstock ignorance. GDP growth is widely accepted by economists as THE major indicator of economic health.

And the relatively few companies you listed (if they even actually did go bankrupt), are a grain of sand on a beach, of relevance to the national economy. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:

You’re profoundly ignorant.

Its like batting average; it’s an indicator but by far not the most important. What one needs is a mosaic of indicators all pointing in the right direction. Primarily growing wages which remains stagnant despite Corporate America raking in more revenue than ever thanks to the tax break Trump gave them.

Just as an aside, when Apple sells an IPAD in Brazil, is that counted in the US GDP although it is made in Singapore from parts that originated around the world?
Just an observation, the T Virus seems to have infected the Worldwide "Left".
Once infected there only two rules.

1) The Left NEVER lies
2) The Right NEVER tells the truth.

I'm pretty sure that covers it. You people really are sick.
You’re profoundly ignorant.

Its like batting average; it’s an indicator but by far not the most important. What one needs is a mosaic of indicators all pointing in the right direction. Primarily growing wages which remains stagnant despite Corporate America raking in more revenue than ever thanks to the tax break Trump gave them.

Just as an aside, when Apple sells an IPAD in Brazil, is that counted in the US GDP although it is made in Singapore from parts that originated around the world?
Sure, wages are stagnant. That's been the case for a long time. And the reason is millions of low wage foreigners. Get rid of them, and employers will be forced to pay on the books, and at standard American wage levels.

I don't know if foreign made products are counted in GDP (I would guess no) - they shouldn't be, just like illegal alien foreigners working in the US shouldn't be counted in determining US employment and unemployment levels.

PS - I've read your posts for years. My knowledge well exceeds yours, and by a wide margin.
You’re profoundly ignorant.

Its like batting average; it’s an indicator but by far not the most important. What one needs is a mosaic of indicators all pointing in the right direction. Primarily growing wages which remains stagnant despite Corporate America raking in more revenue than ever thanks to the tax break Trump gave them.

Just as an aside, when Apple sells an IPAD in Brazil, is that counted in the US GDP although it is made in Singapore from parts that originated around the world?
Sure, wages are stagnant. That's been the case for a long time. And the reason is millions of low wage foreigners. Get rid of them, and employers will be forced to pay on the books, and at standard American wage levels.

I don't know if foreign made products are counted in GDP (I would guess no) - they shouldn't be, just like illegal alien foreigners working in the US shouldn't be counted in determining US employment and unemployment levels.

PS - I've read your posts for years. My knowledge well exceeds yours, and by a wide margin.

Gee, how did I know that you’d blame foreigners.
Your knowledge couldn’t fill a thimble. Your xenophobia is unmatched.
Gee, how did I know that you’d blame foreigners.
Your knowledge couldn’t fill a thimble. Your xenophobia is unmatched.
HA HA. Never let an opportunity to throw "xenophobia' into the mix. Amd xenophobia is a false flag. Phobias are things of irrational fears. But fear of illegal immigration is NOT an irrational fear. It is a well-based and sound fear >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.
Democrats have furiously, some would say dementedly, been doing everything they can to smear Donald Trump, whether true or not, to get themselves back into power. One of the pitfalls of this however, is making themselves look extremist, reckless, wild, and out of control.

In their overzealous desperation to win over the Independent vote, they may be sinking their own ship. The latest smearing is coming from Trump's longtime doctor who (without my knowing what political party he registers with) has been whining to the press about 3 Trump associates taking Trump's medical records. Also mentioned, is Trump allegedly having suggested that some complimentary words be added.

The media is grandstanding it, as they typically do with anything that could appear damaging to Trump. Nothing about any possibility of the Trump doctor possibly being connected to the general Democrat smear campaign.

In response however, Trump press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told a room of reporters that obtaining a newly elected president's medical records, and taking them to the White House, is standard procedure, and has been done many times before with previous presidents.

Nothing new about the news media hyping up ordinary events into something the left thinks might be useful to their cause. As more and more of these exaggerations build up however, the overall pattern morphes into full blown deceit. And as the Democrats fall face first into the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome, the Independents they covet so much, are noticing a massive batch of hypocrisy. Who can fail to notice that these same Democrats who want us all to believe Trump is a liar, voted, by the millions, for the worst pathological liar, American politics has ever known >> Hillary Clinton.

Even before all the misdeeds with emails, smashed computers, destroyed hard drives, etc. occured, Hillary had compiled a long history of corruption and lying that could be labeled "bizarre", to achieve whatever her goals were at the time. Everything from her middle school soccer tall tale, to her faked "immigrant" grandparents, to her fake talk about joining the Marines, to her Sir Edmund Hillary lie, to her Irish peace process lie, to her ridiculous sniper fire in Bosnia claim, etc.

Hillary even lies about lying. When asked about her truthfulness, she responded >> "I do my best to level with the American people." And exactly what the heck does THAT mean ? Sounds like it means she'll tell the truth when she's forced to, there being no better option.

If only the Democrats had not nominated Hillary Clinton, their relentless activity to brand Trump as a liar wouldn’t be such a laughingstock. Do Democrats realize how weird they look ? Independents, and everyone else ?

Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, Armageddon, Pg. 30-37, Humanix Books, 2016.
Democrats are full of shit.

To put it mildly.
HA HA. Never let an opportunity to throw "xenophobia' into the mix. Amd xenophobia is a false flag. Phobias are things of irrational fears. But fear of illegal immigration is NOT an irrational fear. It is a well-based and sound fear >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.
People who come here with no money, no family, and no place to live aren’t scary at all! Come on man
People who come here with no money, no family, and no place to live aren’t scary at all! Come on man
Dozens of them have been found to be on terrorist watch lists. Dozens of others have committed murders, and other crimes. Dozens of others have brought foreign diseases.
"Scary" or not, they're HARMful to America.

Harms of Illegal Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.
200 years of US immigration
3 years of Biden open borders. 7.6 million migrants illegally crossed into the U.S. over the Southwest border during Joe Biden's administration — a number higher than the individual populations of 36 states. All with the HARMS noted in Post # 96.
3 years of Biden open borders. 7.6 million migrants illegally crossed into the U.S. over the Southwest border during Joe Biden's administration — a number higher than the individual populations of 36 states. All with the HARMS noted in Post # 96.
Our borders are not open and our President is following existing immigration law regarding requests for admittance.

Democrats offered to make those laws more difficult and Republicans shot it down
3 years of Biden open borders. 7.6 million migrants illegally crossed into the U.S. over the Southwest border during Joe Biden's administration — a number higher than the individual populations of 36 states. All with the HARMS noted in Post # 96.
Leftards have been trying to stack the deck since long before FDR.
Democrats have furiously, some would say dementedly, been doing everything they can to smear Donald Trump, whether true or not, to get themselves back into power. One of the pitfalls of this however, is making themselves look extremist, reckless, wild, and out of control.

In their overzealous desperation to win over the Independent vote, they may be sinking their own ship. The latest smearing is coming from Trump's longtime doctor who (without my knowing what political party he registers with) has been whining to the press about 3 Trump associates taking Trump's medical records. Also mentioned, is Trump allegedly having suggested that some complimentary words be added.

The media is grandstanding it, as they typically do with anything that could appear damaging to Trump. Nothing about any possibility of the Trump doctor possibly being connected to the general Democrat smear campaign.

In response however, Trump press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told a room of reporters that obtaining a newly elected president's medical records, and taking them to the White House, is standard procedure, and has been done many times before with previous presidents.

Nothing new about the news media hyping up ordinary events into something the left thinks might be useful to their cause. As more and more of these exaggerations build up however, the overall pattern morphes into full blown deceit. And as the Democrats fall face first into the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome, the Independents they covet so much, are noticing a massive batch of hypocrisy. Who can fail to notice that these same Democrats who want us all to believe Trump is a liar, voted, by the millions, for the worst pathological liar, American politics has ever known >> Hillary Clinton.

Even before all the misdeeds with emails, smashed computers, destroyed hard drives, etc. occured, Hillary had compiled a long history of corruption and lying that could be labeled "bizarre", to achieve whatever her goals were at the time. Everything from her middle school soccer tall tale, to her faked "immigrant" grandparents, to her fake talk about joining the Marines, to her Sir Edmund Hillary lie, to her Irish peace process lie, to her ridiculous sniper fire in Bosnia claim, etc.

Hillary even lies about lying. When asked about her truthfulness, she responded >> "I do my best to level with the American people." And exactly what the heck does THAT mean ? Sounds like it means she'll tell the truth when she's forced to, there being no better option.

If only the Democrats had not nominated Hillary Clinton, their relentless activity to brand Trump as a liar wouldn’t be such a laughingstock. Do Democrats realize how weird they look ? Independents, and everyone else ?

Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, Armageddon, Pg. 30-37, Humanix Books, 2016.
Both tribes are using the media to smear one another. Same as it ever was. :rolleyes:

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