Independents now outnumber either party


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
With Republicans and Democrats bitterly divided on almost everything, the rise of Independents has gone almost unnoticed. With GOP and Democratic party affiliations split at about 29% each, Independents now number 40%. A third political party is sure to emerge soon. Who will benefit more from a 3rd party? What will a 3rd party look like?

Party Affiliation
thank gawd. Maybe this one wont appeal to extreme ideologues
With Republicans and Democrats bitterly divided on almost everything, the rise of Independents has gone almost unnoticed. With GOP and Democratic party affiliations split at about 29% each, Independents now number 40%. A third political party is sure to emerge soon. Who will benefit more from a 3rd party? What will a 3rd party look like?

Party Affiliation

Anyone that claims this is completely clueless about "independents".

The most rabid of left and right wingers call themselves independent - that doesn't mean they have anything in common as far as party platform.
I think people are tired of voting for "the lesser" of two evils. President Trump's victory was really the first victory for a third party candidate running as a major party candidate. Bernie Sanders tried to do the same thing except from the left, but he lost, in part, due to the DNC fighting him and sabotaging him at every turn.

I think the DNC is going to splinter into 2 or more third parties. The far left Marxists will become FARC-like, leftist terrorists. The DNC establishment types will continue to be corporate whores who try to sell America out to China and Muslims.
I think people are tired of voting for "the lesser" of two evils. President Trump's victory was really the first victory for a third party candidate running as a major party candidate. Bernie Sanders tried to do the same thing except from the left, but he lost, in part, due to the DNC fighting him and sabotaging him at every turn.

What are you smoking? Trump was a REPUBLICAN PARTY nominee who signed up for every Republican position in the book...except very conspicuously on RUSSIA of course.
I think people are tired of voting for "the lesser" of two evils. President Trump's victory was really the first victory for a third party candidate running as a major party candidate. Bernie Sanders tried to do the same thing except from the left, but he lost, in part, due to the DNC fighting him and sabotaging him at every turn.

What are you smoking? Trump was a REPUBLICAN PARTY nominee who signed up for every Republican position in the book...except very conspicuously on RUSSIA of course.

What are you smoking? The GOP fought Trump almost as hard as the DNC fought Bernie Sanders.
I think people are tired of voting for "the lesser" of two evils. President Trump's victory was really the first victory for a third party candidate running as a major party candidate. Bernie Sanders tried to do the same thing except from the left, but he lost, in part, due to the DNC fighting him and sabotaging him at every turn.

What are you smoking? Trump was a REPUBLICAN PARTY nominee who signed up for every Republican position in the book...except very conspicuously on RUSSIA of course.

What are you smoking? The GOP fought Trump almost as hard as the DNC fought Bernie Sanders.

...and? The guy is a totally amoral, anti-intellectual clown, of course those that know better would be opposed to him. That doesn't mean he ran on a third party platform.
I think people are tired of voting for "the lesser" of two evils. President Trump's victory was really the first victory for a third party candidate running as a major party candidate. Bernie Sanders tried to do the same thing except from the left, but he lost, in part, due to the DNC fighting him and sabotaging him at every turn.

What are you smoking? Trump was a REPUBLICAN PARTY nominee who signed up for every Republican position in the book...except very conspicuously on RUSSIA of course.

What are you smoking? The GOP fought Trump almost as hard as the DNC fought Bernie Sanders.

And now the former RNC chair is the Chief of Staff. Seems like Drumph has shaken off his "independent nature".
I think people are tired of voting for "the lesser" of two evils. President Trump's victory was really the first victory for a third party candidate running as a major party candidate. Bernie Sanders tried to do the same thing except from the left, but he lost, in part, due to the DNC fighting him and sabotaging him at every turn.

What are you smoking? Trump was a REPUBLICAN PARTY nominee who signed up for every Republican position in the book...except very conspicuously on RUSSIA of course.

What are you smoking? The GOP fought Trump almost as hard as the DNC fought Bernie Sanders.

And now the former RNC chair is the Chief of Staff. Seems like Drumph has shaken off his "independent nature".

Though I hear his opportunistic snake oil salesman nature is fully intact. :rolleyes:
I think people are tired of voting for "the lesser" of two evils. President Trump's victory was really the first victory for a third party candidate running as a major party candidate. Bernie Sanders tried to do the same thing except from the left, but he lost, in part, due to the DNC fighting him and sabotaging him at every turn.

What are you smoking? Trump was a REPUBLICAN PARTY nominee who signed up for every Republican position in the book...except very conspicuously on RUSSIA of course.

What are you smoking? The GOP fought Trump almost as hard as the DNC fought Bernie Sanders.

And now the former RNC chair is the Chief of Staff. Seems like Drumph has shaken off his "independent nature".

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. The Chief of Staff is but a pawn on President Trump's 4D chessboard.
I think people are tired of voting for "the lesser" of two evils. President Trump's victory was really the first victory for a third party candidate running as a major party candidate. Bernie Sanders tried to do the same thing except from the left, but he lost, in part, due to the DNC fighting him and sabotaging him at every turn.

What are you smoking? Trump was a REPUBLICAN PARTY nominee who signed up for every Republican position in the book...except very conspicuously on RUSSIA of course.
The party bosses opposed him, some still do and many things Trump ran on were not GOP platform issues. They've done nothing about the fence and rebuilding infrastructure with federal dollars hasn't been on their radar. Women's payed maternity leave, replacing Obamacare, etc.

I don't agree with all of them or all of the official GOP positions but none of the Democrat ones. You are very very misinformed. To be here day in and day out and be that clueless is something to behold.
With Republicans and Democrats bitterly divided on almost everything, the rise of Independents has gone almost unnoticed. With GOP and Democratic party affiliations split at about 29% each, Independents now number 40%. A third political party is sure to emerge soon. Who will benefit more from a 3rd party? What will a 3rd party look like?

Party Affiliation

The rise of the number of independents doesn't signal the emergence of a third party. The whole point of being independent is that one is not connected or beholden to a political party.
With Republicans and Democrats bitterly divided on almost everything, the rise of Independents has gone almost unnoticed. With GOP and Democratic party affiliations split at about 29% each, Independents now number 40%. A third political party is sure to emerge soon. Who will benefit more from a 3rd party? What will a 3rd party look like?

Party Affiliation
/----- When I pointed this out to LIbtards who post polls where DemocRATS are over sampled compared to Repubs and Indies They called me a liar and said there are more Dems than Repbs or Indies. Thanks for posting the facts.
Independent voters choose a party in primaries or don't get to vote. Bubble burst. (Insert sad trombone)
States do their primaries how they want.
Our biggest problem is citizens united and debates and shit being run by the duopoly.
With Republicans and Democrats bitterly divided on almost everything, the rise of Independents has gone almost unnoticed. With GOP and Democratic party affiliations split at about 29% each, Independents now number 40%. A third political party is sure to emerge soon. Who will benefit more from a 3rd party? What will a 3rd party look like?

Party Affiliation

Anyone that claims this is completely clueless about "independents".

The most rabid of left and right wingers call themselves independent - that doesn't mean they have anything in common as far as party platform.
Only partially correct; yes, some extremely Left or Right people are Independents, but most are either Democrat or Republican which is why most moderates have left their parties to become Independents. I was a Republican for over three decades but finally became fed up with the extreme direction the party was moving.

To paraphrase Reagan, "I didn't leave the Republican party. The Republican party left me".

As the link below demonstrates, Party members are more partisan and dislike their opposites more strongly than Independents even though Independents lean toward one party or the other.

5 facts about America’s political independents
Independent voters choose a party in primaries or don't get to vote. Bubble burst. (Insert sad trombone)
States do their primaries how they want.
Our biggest problem is citizens united and debates and shit being run by the duopoly.
Agreed there is too much money influencing politics. Not sure who you are referring to with "the duopoly". The two major parties?

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