Independents now outnumber either party

I think the lib party would have had a decent chance(at least more votes) this last cycle if the didn't nominate a borderline mental retard.
Only partially correct; yes, some extremely Left or Right people are Independents, but most are either Democrat or Republican which is why most moderates have left their parties to become Independents. I was a Republican for over three decades but finally became fed up with the extreme direction the party was moving.

To paraphrase Reagan, "I didn't leave the Republican party. The Republican party left me".

As the link below demonstrates, Party members are more partisan and dislike their opposites more strongly than Independents even though Independents lean toward one party or the other.

5 facts about America’s political independents

It amazes me it's that close considering how badly Republicans have been bashed at the highest levels of government and media for the last decade or two.

Though still registered as a Dem, I have to paraphrase Reagan also - I didn't leave the Democrat Party, they slid too far left and left me standing in the middle, right where I've always been. There is little to no room at the top for moderates in the Democrat party - I am ashamed of the leadership. Little to no tolerance for moderate voices or vigorous debate from the rank and file.

Someone else can speak to the Republican party but it's full of debate over policy and from where I've been standing better than 40 years - the Democrat party degenerated into a group dependent on identity politics and victimhood financed by Big Labor and Big Business, demanding lockstep agreement and whose mantra has become 'the ends justify the means' - for sure they march as one, just like a chain gang. ;)

Did I mention that I am dismayed over what a formerly noble party has become? (or was noble just part of the illusion?)
Did I mention that I am dismayed over what a formerly noble party has become? (or was noble just part of the illusion?)
Noble? No, I don't buy that. The sales pitch was but there was always a dark side going all the way back to slavery. The GOP hasn't always been for the little guy either but putting faith in a political party is a fool's errand. The best one can do is influence the party. There are factions in the GOP that has helped keep them somewhat in check. The Dems are so far gone now a socialist might have won a fair primary and Hillary had a hard time explaining the difference between Dems and the socialists.
Noble? No, I don't buy that. The sales pitch was but there was always a dark side going all the way back to slavery. The GOP hasn't always been for the little guy either but putting faith in a political party is a fool's errand. The best one can do is influence the party. There are factions in the GOP that has helped keep them somewhat in check. The Dems are so far gone now a socialist might have won a fair primary and Hillary had a hard time explaining the difference between Dems and the socialists.

I agree with your assessment and don't buy the 'noble' part either, that's why the big smiley face. My ideological break began when Clinton (Slick Willie) was nominated. Prior to that I mostly voted Dem - loved Carter, tho' only briefly. lol Billie boy sent me campaigning for Perot little knowing I was actually helping elect him. Yikes!

Haven't switched party affiliation because if I leave, the Democrats will have lost the last voice of reason. ;)
With Republicans and Democrats bitterly divided on almost everything, the rise of Independents has gone almost unnoticed. With GOP and Democratic party affiliations split at about 29% each, Independents now number 40%. A third political party is sure to emerge soon.

Yeah........... sure it will.................
Independent voters choose a party in primaries or don't get to vote. Bubble burst. (Insert sad trombone)
States do their primaries how they want.
Our biggest problem is citizens united and debates and shit being run by the duopoly.

Who gets to vote in a party's primary isn't up to the state, it's up to the party. If the party doesn't let you vote in their primary, you don't get to...for President.
Independent voters choose a party in primaries or don't get to vote. Bubble burst. (Insert sad trombone)
States do their primaries how they want.
Our biggest problem is citizens united and debates and shit being run by the duopoly.

Who gets to vote in a party's primary isn't up to the state, it's up to the party. If the party doesn't let you vote in their primary, you don't get to...for President.
The STATE decides if they do an open primary or not. Not the party.
Independent voters choose a party in primaries or don't get to vote. Bubble burst. (Insert sad trombone)
States do their primaries how they want.
Our biggest problem is citizens united and debates and shit being run by the duopoly.

Who gets to vote in a party's primary isn't up to the state, it's up to the party. If the party doesn't let you vote in their primary, you don't get to...for President.
The STATE decides if they do an open primary or not. Not the party.

NOT in Presidential Primaries. It's up to the PARTY.
Independent voters choose a party in primaries or don't get to vote. Bubble burst. (Insert sad trombone)
States do their primaries how they want.
Our biggest problem is citizens united and debates and shit being run by the duopoly.

Who gets to vote in a party's primary isn't up to the state, it's up to the party. If the party doesn't let you vote in their primary, you don't get to...for President.
The STATE decides if they do an open primary or not. Not the party.

NOT in Presidential Primaries. It's up to the PARTY.
We have, what, three different ways of doing state primaries? You think the duopoly dictates to a state how to do their own primaries? LMAO
Open primary - Ballotpedia
Independent voters choose a party in primaries or don't get to vote. Bubble burst. (Insert sad trombone)
States do their primaries how they want.
Our biggest problem is citizens united and debates and shit being run by the duopoly.

Who gets to vote in a party's primary isn't up to the state, it's up to the party. If the party doesn't let you vote in their primary, you don't get to...for President.
The STATE decides if they do an open primary or not. Not the party.

NOT in Presidential Primaries. It's up to the PARTY.
The DNC tells TN to do an open primary. The RNC tells them they must be party affiliated. What happens then?
This :rofl:
Noble? No, I don't buy that. The sales pitch was but there was always a dark side going all the way back to slavery. The GOP hasn't always been for the little guy either but putting faith in a political party is a fool's errand. The best one can do is influence the party. There are factions in the GOP that has helped keep them somewhat in check. The Dems are so far gone now a socialist might have won a fair primary and Hillary had a hard time explaining the difference between Dems and the socialists.

I agree with your assessment and don't buy the 'noble' part either, that's why the big smiley face. My ideological break began when Clinton (Slick Willie) was nominated. Prior to that I mostly voted Dem - loved Carter, tho' only briefly. lol Billie boy sent me campaigning for Perot little knowing I was actually helping elect him. Yikes!

Haven't switched party affiliation because if I leave, the Democrats will have lost the last voice of reason. ;)
Well, you're a trooper but I think you're pissing on a forest fire. The left has marched very steadily towards socialism. I don't see them turning around, no matter what.
With Republicans and Democrats bitterly divided on almost everything, the rise of Independents has gone almost unnoticed. With GOP and Democratic party affiliations split at about 29% each, Independents now number 40%. A third political party is sure to emerge soon. Who will benefit more from a 3rd party? What will a 3rd party look like?

Party Affiliation

Sure, as independents only vote for either party.


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