Indiana Governor, Mike Pence, Asks for Changes in Religious Freedom Law

Economic bludgeoning is, indeed, effective as a tactic, nowadays, in our present atmosphere of degenerate and relaxed morals, to overcome the objections of decent folk, to the legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviancy and perversion.

Decent folks don't use Bronze Age Superstitions as an excuse to rationalize their hate and stupidity. I for one am HAPPY that decent folks are using the economic blungeon to knock the bible thumpers silly.

This isn't about Corporatism, Joe, it's about the Almighty Dollar, and having their attempt at a return to decency squashed by the Gay Mafia and its supporters.

Which they totally deserve. The Homophobes inflicted Bush on us. So fuck them.

The Republic has come to a sad state of affairs when calling-out and resisting the legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviancy and perversion can be labeled as 'bigotry' and when few dare raise their voices in opposition.

Frankly, guy, interracial marriages were called "Deviant" a few decades ago. So was people living together outside of marriage. What you are seeing is progress, because at the end of the day, the only argument you bible thumping assholes have is 'I think it's icky" and "My Magic Fairy in the Sky says it's bad."

Only in the short term.

Just look at Roe v Wade and what the States are now doing to set that aside for all practical purposes, 40 years or more after the ruling first appeared.

Not to mention the public referendums opposing Gay Marriage in State after State, that were overturned by judicial activism rather than the Will of the People.

yeah, but nobody is getting up in arms to put new iniatives on the ballot. In fact, the forces of Hate really haven't won anything at the ballot box since 2008.
Economic bludgeoning is, indeed, effective as a tactic, nowadays, in our present atmosphere of degenerate and relaxed morals, to overcome the objections of decent folk, to the legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviancy and perversion.

Decent folks don't use Bronze Age Superstitions as an excuse to rationalize their hate and stupidity. I for one am HAPPY that decent folks are using the economic blungeon to knock the bible thumpers silly...
Your contempt for Religion is noted. Best to recuse yourself from this one.

This isn't about Corporatism, Joe, it's about the Almighty Dollar, and having their attempt at a return to decency squashed by the Gay Mafia and its supporters.
Which they totally deserve. The Homophobes inflicted Bush on us. So fuck them....
Ahhhh, yes, fine job of partisan projection there. You're really not as good at this as you'd like folks to believe, are you?

The Republic has come to a sad state of affairs when calling-out and resisting the legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviancy and perversion can be labeled as 'bigotry' and when few dare raise their voices in opposition.
Frankly, guy, interracial marriages were called "Deviant" a few decades ago. So was people living together outside of marriage. What you are seeing is progress, because at the end of the day, the only argument you bible thumping assholes have is 'I think it's icky" and "My Magic Fairy in the Sky says it's bad." ..
Your hostility towards Religion is noted.

Only in the short term. Just look at Roe v Wade and what the States are now doing to set that aside for all practical purposes, 40 years or more after the ruling first appeared. Not to mention the public referendums opposing Gay Marriage in State after State, that were overturned by judicial activism rather than the Will of the People.
yeah, but nobody is getting up in arms to put new iniatives on the ballot. In fact, the forces of Hate really haven't won anything at the ballot box since 2008.
These are not the Forces of Hate.

These are the Forces of Tradition, and Higher-Order Morality, and Rejection of the Sin, as it pertains to sexual deviants and perverts.

Your lack of belief and your lack of tolerance and respect for those who do, put you outside the American mainstream, right where you belong.

The Gay Mafia can't help itself... it is compelled to continue pushing the 97% until much of the present 'soft' and 'fickle' support for their cause eventually erodes.

Meanwhile, battery counterfire and holding actions and periodic sorties are the Order of the Day, doing what can be done to hold the line, until a better alignment of Legislative and Executive and Judicial branches of government make possible a paradigm shift - and then the Legal Fun will begin.

Believe it.
Your contempt for Religion is noted. Best to recuse yourself from this one.

NO, I just point out the obvious. In Republican Calculus - Jesus < Walmart.

Ahhhh, yes, fine job of partisan projection there. You're really not as good at this as you'd like folks to believe, are you?

Naw, I'm awesome at it. We'd ahve sent Bush packing in 2004 if it weren't for the Homophobic Christians putting him over the top. So they TOTALLY DESERVE to be forced to bake that cake. The "Icing" is that Republicans will make them when their corporate MASTERS tell them to.

These are the Forces of Tradition, and Higher-Order Morality, and Rejection of the Sin, as it pertains to sexual deviants and perverts.

Guy, the forces of Tradition insisted UP AND DOWN that there were witches. And for HUNDREDS OF YEARS, "Higher-Order Morality and the Rejection of Sin" accused and burned THOUSANDS of innocent women accused of being witches. Because the Bible said so.

Oh.Wait. There were no witches. Never were.

So I think I need a little more solid evidence that homosexuality is bad other than the Bible.

Your lack of belief and your lack of tolerance and respect for those who do, put you outside the American mainstream, right where you belong.

The Gay Mafia can't help itself... it is compelled to continue pushing the 97% until much of the present 'soft' and 'fickle' support for their cause eventually erodes.

Guy, most of the 97% dont' have a problem with gays. they really think you should bake the fucking cake if your business if baking cakes.

Meanwhile, battery counterfire and holding actions and periodic sorties are the Order of the Day, doing what can be done to hold the line, until a better alignment of Legislative and Executive and Judicial branches of government make possible a paradigm shift - and then the Legal Fun will begin.

Naw, guy, here's how it's going to play out.

Hillary will win in 2016, and probably retake the Senate. She'll then get to replace those fossils Reagan left on the Court. So Fini any chances of the courts taking action.

But here's your bigger problem. Hutchison and Pence folded when confronted by the "Gay Mafia". Folded like cheap shirts. and it was truly awesome to behold.
...Hillary will win in 2016, and probably retake the Senate. She'll then get to replace those fossils Reagan left on the Court. So Fini any chances of the courts taking action...
Please continue to believe that things are going to unfold that way.

...But here's your bigger problem. Hutchison and Pence folded when confronted by the "Gay Mafia". Folded like cheap shirts. and it was truly awesome to behold.
And there we agree.

"Ahhhhhh. Daniel-san...

You can do karate - yes...

You can do karate - no...

But you do karate khe-so, and...

Squish, like grape..."



"If you're going to put up a show of resistance against the Gay Mafia... then at least have the balls to stand by your decision."
Please continue to believe that things are going to unfold that way.

You guys have been losing the argument on gays for 40 years. That you've gone from totally having them in the closet to "Pleae, please, please let us refuse to bake a cake on religous grounds" shows how far you've been pushed back.

Check out the Klan, they've gone from this...


to this...


This is the future for Homophobes. Looking over your shoulder hoping none of your coworkers heard you say "faggot" or "dyke" to report you to human resources.
...You guys have been losing the argument on gays for 40 years. That you've gone from totally having them in the closet to "Pleae, please, please let us refuse to bake a cake on religous grounds" shows how far you've been pushed back...
Nolo contendre.

...This is the future for Homophobes. Looking over your shoulder hoping none of your coworkers heard you say "faggot" or "dyke" to report you to human resources.
Please continue to believe that. It will make the task easier.
...You guys have been losing the argument on gays for 40 years. That you've gone from totally having them in the closet to "Pleae, please, please let us refuse to bake a cake on religous grounds" shows how far you've been pushed back...
Nolo contendre.

...This is the future for Homophobes. Looking over your shoulder hoping none of your coworkers heard you say "faggot" or "dyke" to report you to human resources.
Please continue to believe that. It will make the task easier.

You guys don't have a task. You are already defeated.

It was only 12 years ago Bush rode homophobia to a second term....

Now you guys are reduced to insisting you aren't homophobes will trying to carve out a religious exemption for homophobia, only to be screwed over by the very same big corporations that manipulated you into voting against your own interests to start with.

You gave up the middle class to stop the gays, and now you are stuck with no middle class and lost of gay people.
...You guys have been losing the argument on gays for 40 years. That you've gone from totally having them in the closet to "Pleae, please, please let us refuse to bake a cake on religous grounds" shows how far you've been pushed back...
Nolo contendre.

...This is the future for Homophobes. Looking over your shoulder hoping none of your coworkers heard you say "faggot" or "dyke" to report you to human resources.
Please continue to believe that. It will make the task easier.

You guys don't have a task. You are already defeated...
Please continue to believe that.

...It was only 12 years ago Bush rode homophobia to a second term.... Now you guys are reduced to insisting you aren't homophobes will trying to carve out a religious exemption for homophobia, only to be screwed over by the very same big corporations that manipulated you into voting against your own interests to start with. You gave up the middle class to stop the gays, and now you are stuck with no middle class and lost of gay people.
Who-in-the-world is 'you guys'?
the Indiana law has some differences from the federal law, and most of the state laws, that critics say are significant, including a provision explicitly stating that it applies to the exercise of religious beliefs by businesses as well as individuals and religious groups. The idea that a for-profit business has religious rights, and can cite them in contesting government action, was not widely considered until recently. But last year the Supreme Court upheld that principle in the case Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores.

Another difference between Indiana’s law and most similar ones is that it says businesses can use religious freedom as a defense against lawsuits brought by individuals, not just those filed by the government.:eek:

The difference is that Hobby Lobby dealt with benefits for employees..

The Pence bill deals with anyone the Christian business owner believes is gay.
the author of the bill has said that was his motivation.

The government cannot be denied the power to enforce civil rights in a case involving a public for profit business licensed by that same government
You can't take away my constitutional rights to get your way. Gays have alternative bakers who will serve them.
You can't take away my constitutional rights to get your way. Gays have alternative bakers who will serve them.

Yes, they do. But as long as the rest of us have to pay for the infrastructure for you to have a business, we should expect that business to serve us.
Not for long, mine good colleague... not for long.

Guy, the Republican Party even wants you homophobes to go away and top bugging them.

Again, - Hutchison and Pence folded like cheap suits the minute some rich queers told them to knock it off.

That's how little you matter.

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