Indiana is for Bigots - video and Pence running for cover

look....if that's what Indiana wants ....who are we to say no? :dunno:

I do respect their decision.

Because it violates the constitution.

The 14th amendment clearly says that everyone is to be treated equally under the law.

The government of Indiana has written and passed a law that makes it legal to not treat everyone equally under the law.

The federal Constitution trumps state laws. If a state law violates the constitution that law isn't implemented.

I'm sure that people are right now taking steps to challenge that law in court. No court in the nation is going to allow a state to violate the Constitution.

I just want to know how a gay person is going to be able to eat food if the only store in their small town won't sell food to them because they're gay?

Or how is a gay person going to get the proper medical treatment if the only doctor in their small town refuses to treat them because they're gay?

Well, you make a good point, especially with the doctor. I don't like it though. The government telling you that you don't have the choice when it is your own business? Besides, gay is not a religion, nor is it a race or gender.

His point is bullshit. If I'm a Jewish doctor and you're a Nazi and I don't want to treat you for a mortal injury, then you are going to die. Tough shit for you.

Gay people aren't killing or hurting other people by the simple act of being gay.

Actually, yes they are. They're spreading HIV around which kills people.

So, you would let another human being die because he or she is gay? And you consider yourself a "religious" person? What would God think about that? That's really twisted. Some of you people make religion look like a very UGLY thing.

No, but that isn't the point. Do you believe a Jewish doctor should be forced to treat a former Nazi concentration camp commandant? Only an asshole would say yes. The choice should be left up to the individual.

I'm an atheist, so religion has nothing to do with it.
here is the list of folks that the entitled white man wants to be protected from
Famous Gay Men List of Gay Male Celebrities in History
If they demanded that I attended their gay wedding, then I would want the law to allow me to refuse. I don't care who they are.
The God Hates Fags people, with signs, will be invited to a gay wedding long before you will be my little infant. Just the way you like it because faggots are icky, right?
It's not bigotry. It's well deserved contempt.

Definitely bigotry.

What isn't bigotry? Why isn't contempt towards a Christian deemed bigotry? Hmm?

A bigot is "a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person; especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)."

Whether or not contempt is involved is irrelevant. I can have contempt of court because of a specific idea that I abhore, but that doesn't mean that I dislike the judge. I can have contempt for a religion or a religious view, but that doesn't mean that I dislike the religious PERSON. One can disagree with the religion and like the religious. My family is a classic example. I'm an atheist. Most of the rest of my family is devout Catholic. I intensely dislike Catholicism, but love my family. You can intensely dislike homosexuality for whatever reason. You can even dislike the homosexual. But you have no right to discriminate against them because they are homosexuals. The hatred needs to stop. They aren't hurting anyone by being gay any more than heterosexuals are hurting anyone by being heterosexual. Their sexual preference is no one else's business but their own.

So if you feel contempt for all Nazis, does that make you a bigot?

That is NOT a good analogy. Gay people being gay are not hurting anyone! BIG difference there.

They are hurting people by shoving everyone's faces in their lifestyle. Forcing a baker to attend their wedding is hurting the baker, especially when he/she gets fined $100,000. Why should anyone be forced to do something they don't want to do? Can anyone explain that?
here is the list of folks that the entitled white man wants to be protected from
Famous Gay Men List of Gay Male Celebrities in History
If they demanded that I attended their gay wedding, then I would want the law to allow me to refuse. I don't care who they are.
The God Hates Fags people, with signs, will be invited to a gay wedding long before you will be my little infant. Just the way you like it because faggots are icky, right?

When normal people watch two guys French kissing, it turns their stomachs.
Maybe you should learn Islam, where an insult of a thousand years ago was fucking yesterday. Oh that's right, you have no clue about Islam because you never studied it, like the rest of the dumbshits here.

And somehow, by magic I guess, a religion of warriors is supposed to be better than a religion of peacemakers, who spent five hundred years chopping off the heads of Muslims, Jews, and other unbelievers, when that is they weren't slaughtering each other. History matters, learn to apply it.

Muslims slaughtered Jews by the thousands. Muhammad himself wiped out several towns full of Jews. Muslims waged war on Christians for 500 years before the started to defend themselves.

Talk about someone who knows nothing of history.
Not that I will bother with any of your nonsense, but, the Christians were pussies then, which they're supposed to be. At least the Jews and the Muslims can kill their enemies, with God's blessing and help no less.

Oh, and yesterday, the Jews were pussies. :rolleyes-41:
Yep, those who died in the camps, like sheep, were. The ones who survived might have been even worse, they were Nazi cocksuckers.

:blahblah: Remember, the government had confiscated all weapons. Can't fight against men with guns when you're unarmed. Duh. Also, these people probably trusted their government. "Oh, they would NEVER do something like that."

I can't believe you're actually arguing with the scumbag about that.
The entitled white male has doubts has fears he wants to be protected from "the gay" waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Protected from gays? No. I don't want to be have their lifestyle shoved in my face by force. I realize you sleazy weasels have to cast everything in terms that make your critics look unreasonable. However, no one is fooled.
Because it violates the constitution.

The 14th amendment clearly says that everyone is to be treated equally under the law.

The government of Indiana has written and passed a law that makes it legal to not treat everyone equally under the law.

The federal Constitution trumps state laws. If a state law violates the constitution that law isn't implemented.

I'm sure that people are right now taking steps to challenge that law in court. No court in the nation is going to allow a state to violate the Constitution.

I just want to know how a gay person is going to be able to eat food if the only store in their small town won't sell food to them because they're gay?

Or how is a gay person going to get the proper medical treatment if the only doctor in their small town refuses to treat them because they're gay?

Well, you make a good point, especially with the doctor. I don't like it though. The government telling you that you don't have the choice when it is your own business? Besides, gay is not a religion, nor is it a race or gender.

His point is bullshit. If I'm a doctor and you're a Nazi and I don't want to treat you for a mortal injury, then you are going to die. Tough shit for you.
Yeah, doesn't work that way, in the real world which you reject.
Your picture doesn't prove jack. You don't even know if the guy lived.
It doesn't matter, he was treated, regardless. That is how it works, when grownups are in charge. Since you aren't one, you won't understand.

Saying "that's how it works" is absolutely meaningless. We're discussing how it's supposed to work. 50 years ago in the South black people attended separate schools because "that's how it worked." See what an asshole you sound like?
ROFL! How many Nazis are walking around today? If Germany had one all of Europe and part of Asia would be full of Nazis. We used bombs and bullets to defeat an idea. If you kill the people who believe in the idea, you kill the idea.
No, dumbass, ideas are only defeated by better ideas, but ideas never die, which is why we still have Nazis.

History proves you to be wrong. Nazism is a toothless old hag near death. It will disappear just as many religions have disappeared. The Spaniards wiped the Aztec religion from the face the earth, and many others as well.
History is why I know I'm right. Find an idea, any idea, and someone still believes it.

Really? Who believes that human hearts should be offered to Huitzilopochtli so he'll make the sun rise in the morning? Who worships Quetzalcoatl? Who worships Amun or Isis? Who believes the Pharaoh will rise from the dead?

Dead ideas are as common as dirt.
If you can name it, it isn't dead, dumbass.

Well, you make a good point, especially with the doctor. I don't like it though. The government telling you that you don't have the choice when it is your own business? Besides, gay is not a religion, nor is it a race or gender.

His point is bullshit. If I'm a doctor and you're a Nazi and I don't want to treat you for a mortal injury, then you are going to die. Tough shit for you.
Yeah, doesn't work that way, in the real world which you reject.
Your picture doesn't prove jack. You don't even know if the guy lived.
It doesn't matter, he was treated, regardless. That is how it works, when grownups are in charge. Since you aren't one, you won't understand.

Saying "that's how it works" is absolutely meaningless. We're discussing how it's supposed to work. 50 years ago in the South black people attended separate schools because "that's how it worked." See what an asshole you sound like?
The asshole is the one who can't grow up enough to understand that being a doctor means you don't get to say I'm Dr. X, but I don't treat faggots or Jews. Grownups know better, you don't.

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