Indiana Pizza Fundraiser...not what conservatives think.

Jim Crow was government enforced discrimination, jackass. There simply is no comparison between that and allowing business owners to choose who they serve. You keep pretending you don't know this because you're all a bunch of lying Nazi scumbags.

I would just like to point out that before Jim Crow laws were put in place, private businesses started to refuse services on their own. One didn't necessarily lead to the other, but there is some correlation.

Also, not everybody that disagrees with you supports Hitler. Just thought you should know. Might make it easier to sleep at night. I know I'd have trouble sleeping if I believed half the citizens in my country were Nazis. Especially if I were gay. Though if I were gay, I might think that half the country right now practically were Nazi-lite. Like the margarine version of Nazi. I'm getting off track.

Cute avatar. He yours?

That's pure horseshit. It's actually the other way around. You're obviously just an ignoramus who makes stuff up. You don't actually know anything about history. Businesses discriminated against blacks immediately after the Civil War, but as time went on less and less did so. That made the bigots angry, do they passed the Jim Crow laws.

Why would queers have trouble sleeping because there are Nazis in this country? Queers are Nazis.
1. I never claimed you did. The owners spoken words are not discrimination.

2. The reason for the donation was that the free market system was not allowed to play itself out. I have a great distaste for lynch mobs when a system that is in place would have determined the outcome.

1. I'm not speaking of whether or not it was discriminatory speech. My point was people perceived it as such.

2. The free market? What does this have to do with the free market? A business owner said something that was considered controversial from the post of her business. People boycotted. It was the business owner's right to say it, it was people's right to boycott. My point was it was a stupid move to say anything, and it's a perfect example of why one's personal opinion and one's business management should not be mixed into the same pot of soup.
This is an interesting tactic you deploy when you don't want to answer a question. I understand your reluctance to answer it. Makes you a little uncomfortable doesn't it? Just like when you wouldn't answer the question about the Kansas Governor taking away employment protections from gay STATE employees.

I guess it works for you.

Jim Crow was government enforced discrimination, jackass. There simply is no comparison between that and allowing business owners to choose who they serve. You keep pretending you don't know this because you're all a bunch of lying Nazi scumbags.
Why, my child, can't you live in the real world where businesses are Regulated, State PA laws apply, and the SC ruling in Heart of Atlanta Motel is the law? All the things regulate what a business is allowed to do, and you know that, so why can't you simply deal with it, the real world?

"The real world" means "the world the way you want it to be." In the 1950s assholes like you told blacks "Jim Crow is the real world. Why can't you live in it?"

You're a scumbag Jew hating Nazi asshole. You prove it every time you post.
Yes, that was the real world then, and it was changed, by law and public opinion, but these PA laws are not going away. They work, they work well for the vast majority. Why are you banging your head against the wall when it's a total waste of time?

So it's OK to change "the real world," so long as it goes your way? Is that what you're saying? But here you are saying no one should ever complain about "the real world" and just live with it.

The PA laws are an offence to the Constitution. They only "work" because that's what most business owners do anyway. That's what they did before Jim Crow was passed. The Gulags in the USSR also "worked." That's an excuse that only tyrants use.
Well, I tried, God knows why. Carry on with your dramas and ranting. I'll just get on with life, in the real world.
Jim Crow was government enforced discrimination, jackass. There simply is no comparison between that and allowing business owners to choose who they serve. You keep pretending you don't know this because you're all a bunch of lying Nazi scumbags.
Why, my child, can't you live in the real world where businesses are Regulated, State PA laws apply, and the SC ruling in Heart of Atlanta Motel is the law? All the things regulate what a business is allowed to do, and you know that, so why can't you simply deal with it, the real world?

"The real world" means "the world the way you want it to be." In the 1950s assholes like you told blacks "Jim Crow is the real world. Why can't you live in it?"

You're a scumbag Jew hating Nazi asshole. You prove it every time you post.
Yes, that was the real world then, and it was changed, by law and public opinion, but these PA laws are not going away. They work, they work well for the vast majority. Why are you banging your head against the wall when it's a total waste of time?

So it's OK to change "the real world," so long as it goes your way? Is that what you're saying? But here you are saying no one should ever complain about "the real world" and just live with it.

The PA laws are an offence to the Constitution. They only "work" because that's what most business owners do anyway. That's what they did before Jim Crow was passed. The Gulags in the USSR also "worked." That's an excuse that only tyrants use.
Well, I tried, God knows why. Carry on with your dramas and ranting. I'll just get on with life, in the real world.

You mean you aren't going to post in here anymore?
The Loons are desperate to spin the generosity of people who support Free Speech and Freedom of Religion as some Media conspiracy. Here's a clue: the real media conspiracy is the one that elected Obama.
These people are not only hateful evidently they are stupid also....

Anti-bigotry critics harass wrong pizzeria
Wisconsin eatery shares name with infamous Indiana pizza shop

Two years ago in a less turbulent time, Mike Premeau and Kathy Danke launched a small business, Memories Gourmet Pizza Co., in their Wisconsin town.

The two were successful in getting their line of frozen pizzas, including breakfast pizzas and gluten-free options, in stores across Nichols, west of Green Bay. They grew a base of loyal customers.

But all that was threatened this week when people began mistaking them for Memories Pizza of Walkerton, Indiana, which made national headlines after its owners said they would refuse to cater a same-sex wedding.

People posted angry comments on Memories Gourmet Pizza's Facebook page and called its phone number to protest. And almost overnight, Premeau and Danke found themselves thrust unwillingly into a national debate over Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

"My stomach was in my throat all afternoon," Danke told CNN affiliates WBND and WFRV.

Anti-bigotry critics harass wrong pizzeria Lifestyle - Home


holy smokes. that makes all this even worse
Why, my child, can't you live in the real world where businesses are Regulated, State PA laws apply, and the SC ruling in Heart of Atlanta Motel is the law? All the things regulate what a business is allowed to do, and you know that, so why can't you simply deal with it, the real world?

"The real world" means "the world the way you want it to be." In the 1950s assholes like you told blacks "Jim Crow is the real world. Why can't you live in it?"

You're a scumbag Jew hating Nazi asshole. You prove it every time you post.
Yes, that was the real world then, and it was changed, by law and public opinion, but these PA laws are not going away. They work, they work well for the vast majority. Why are you banging your head against the wall when it's a total waste of time?

So it's OK to change "the real world," so long as it goes your way? Is that what you're saying? But here you are saying no one should ever complain about "the real world" and just live with it.

The PA laws are an offence to the Constitution. They only "work" because that's what most business owners do anyway. That's what they did before Jim Crow was passed. The Gulags in the USSR also "worked." That's an excuse that only tyrants use.
Well, I tried, God knows why. Carry on with your dramas and ranting. I'll just get on with life, in the real world.

You mean you aren't going to post in here anymore?
Well, I'm going to take a break again, it 85 posts. This place makes me hate humanity at a level that affects my health, and I have, always, more important things to do.
The Loons are desperate to spin the generosity of people who support Free Speech and Freedom of Religion as some Media conspiracy. Here's a clue: the real media conspiracy is the one that elected Obama.

like rabid dogs do...they jump onto one thing to kill it and then another...sick people
"The real world" means "the world the way you want it to be." In the 1950s assholes like you told blacks "Jim Crow is the real world. Why can't you live in it?"

You're a scumbag Jew hating Nazi asshole. You prove it every time you post.
Yes, that was the real world then, and it was changed, by law and public opinion, but these PA laws are not going away. They work, they work well for the vast majority. Why are you banging your head against the wall when it's a total waste of time?

So it's OK to change "the real world," so long as it goes your way? Is that what you're saying? But here you are saying no one should ever complain about "the real world" and just live with it.

The PA laws are an offence to the Constitution. They only "work" because that's what most business owners do anyway. That's what they did before Jim Crow was passed. The Gulags in the USSR also "worked." That's an excuse that only tyrants use.
Well, I tried, God knows why. Carry on with your dramas and ranting. I'll just get on with life, in the real world.

You mean you aren't going to post in here anymore?
Well, I'm going to take a break again, it 85 posts. This place makes me hate humanity at a level that affects my health, and I have, always, more important things to do.

I call Shenigans. You've never demonstrated anything other than hate throughout your posting history on this board. It's your motive power through life.
The Loons are desperate to spin the generosity of people who support Free Speech and Freedom of Religion as some Media conspiracy. Here's a clue: the real media conspiracy is the one that elected Obama.
Their "We Hate Faggots Too" donations were given in hate, not love. There was nothing generous about it.
The Loons are desperate to spin the generosity of people who support Free Speech and Freedom of Religion as some Media conspiracy. Here's a clue: the real media conspiracy is the one that elected Obama.

like rabid dogs do...they jump onto one thing to kill it and then another...sick people

Indeed. And now we are seeing the Pizza Truthers develop a narrative that this was part of some Big Conspiracy. It's scary that such people are out in public, driving cars and stuff.
The Loons are desperate to spin the generosity of people who support Free Speech and Freedom of Religion as some Media conspiracy. Here's a clue: the real media conspiracy is the one that elected Obama.
Their "We Hate Faggots Too" donations were given in hate, not love. There was nothing generous about it.

You're the one who lives on HATE, bub.
Yes, that was the real world then, and it was changed, by law and public opinion, but these PA laws are not going away. They work, they work well for the vast majority. Why are you banging your head against the wall when it's a total waste of time?

So it's OK to change "the real world," so long as it goes your way? Is that what you're saying? But here you are saying no one should ever complain about "the real world" and just live with it.

The PA laws are an offence to the Constitution. They only "work" because that's what most business owners do anyway. That's what they did before Jim Crow was passed. The Gulags in the USSR also "worked." That's an excuse that only tyrants use.
Well, I tried, God knows why. Carry on with your dramas and ranting. I'll just get on with life, in the real world.

You mean you aren't going to post in here anymore?
Well, I'm going to take a break again, it 85 posts. This place makes me hate humanity at a level that affects my health, and I have, always, more important things to do.

I call Shenigans. You've never demonstrated anything other than hate throughout your posting history on this board. It's your motive power through life.
I hate people like you, to the core. One should hate evil, but you will all still be here when, and if, I return.
Yes, that was the real world then, and it was changed, by law and public opinion, but these PA laws are not going away. They work, they work well for the vast majority. Why are you banging your head against the wall when it's a total waste of time?

So it's OK to change "the real world," so long as it goes your way? Is that what you're saying? But here you are saying no one should ever complain about "the real world" and just live with it.

The PA laws are an offence to the Constitution. They only "work" because that's what most business owners do anyway. That's what they did before Jim Crow was passed. The Gulags in the USSR also "worked." That's an excuse that only tyrants use.
Well, I tried, God knows why. Carry on with your dramas and ranting. I'll just get on with life, in the real world.

You mean you aren't going to post in here anymore?
Well, I'm going to take a break again, it 85 posts. This place makes me hate humanity at a level that affects my health, and I have, always, more important things to do.

I call Shenigans. You've never demonstrated anything other than hate throughout your posting history on this board. It's your motive power through life.

I couldn't take his hateful nonsense spewing. stuck him on ignore. it's been blissful.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
As opposed to the cultish flocking of left wing moonbats to the pizzeria story and following harrassment and glee in destroying someone's buisness based on a fabricated media driven
gotcha story.

So you're equating your behavior as a RWnut to the nuts who threatened these people.

lol, the only difference is the RWnut cult is a massive movement.
That's pure horseshit. It's actually the other way around. You're obviously just an ignoramus who makes stuff up. You don't actually know anything about history. Businesses discriminated against blacks immediately after the Civil War, but as time went on less and less did so. That made the bigots angry, do they passed the Jim Crow laws.

Why would queers have trouble sleeping because there are Nazis in this country? Queers are Nazis.

Meh, I don't buy that. The discrimination was worst directly after the Civil War, but it continued on until it was made law. My point still stands.

Also, you really have no reason to be uppity about historic knowledge. You're the one who believes being gay was some sort of prerequisite to joining the Nazis :lol:

Ohhhhh, wait a sec..
You might be mixed up on the terms 'Nazi boy' and 'Nancy boy' :wink_2:
So it's OK to change "the real world," so long as it goes your way? Is that what you're saying? But here you are saying no one should ever complain about "the real world" and just live with it.

The PA laws are an offence to the Constitution. They only "work" because that's what most business owners do anyway. That's what they did before Jim Crow was passed. The Gulags in the USSR also "worked." That's an excuse that only tyrants use.
Well, I tried, God knows why. Carry on with your dramas and ranting. I'll just get on with life, in the real world.

You mean you aren't going to post in here anymore?
Well, I'm going to take a break again, it 85 posts. This place makes me hate humanity at a level that affects my health, and I have, always, more important things to do.

I call Shenigans. You've never demonstrated anything other than hate throughout your posting history on this board. It's your motive power through life.
I hate people like you, to the core. One should hate evil, but you will all still be here when, and if, I return.

I thought you were going to leave? Aren't you late for your daily knocking down little old ladies in the cross walk? Or is it time to steal children's bicycles?
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
As opposed to the cultish flocking of left wing moonbats to the pizzeria story and following harrassment and glee in destroying someone's buisness based on a fabricated media driven
gotcha story.

So you're equating your behavior as a RWnut to the nuts who threatened these people.

lol, the only difference is the RWnut cult is a massive movement.

What RW behavior would that be?
They did not demand to be interviewed, hence they did not demand to be "involved".

They could have said "no comment"...not "no queer weddings for our pizza!". They wanted the attention. Attention whores getting paid perhaps?
What YOU could have done is simply decided not to go there to buy a pizza and STFU. But you chose not to take that common sense step and throw all your hatred at them instead.

Let's not forget where the anger started. It started with the atrocity perpetrated by Mike Pence and the Indiana legislature.

THEY are the root cause here.
These laws started with the "atrocity" perpetrated by Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton.

Why are you such a fuckin' liar?

Actually it started when two guys who liked to do Peyote lost their case to the Supreme Court. The RFRA signed by Clinton was designed to allow those guys to have their trip and not lose their jobs...or to allow the Sikhs to wear their turbans or carry ceremonial knifes, prohibit bans on hijabs...stuff like that. It was not designed as a license for bigots to discriminate.

And the Federal law applies solely to the Federal government, unlike the Indiana measure prior to its being amended, that facilitated discrimination against gay Americans by private business and even private individuals.

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