Indiana Pizza Fundraiser...not what conservatives think.

The day these bakers, florists, photographers and, yes, even pediatricians refuse to serve a divorced couple or an unwed mother, I'll buy their "deeply held religious beliefs". Your sign must says "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Sin, No Service" and you must apply it equally.

People tend to pick and choose the sins that are acceptable to them. If they were to truly refuse all sinners, nobody could come in. It's silly, when you think about it.
man this brought out who the haters are in the country...and they're still going on about's sick

The haters are the ones who gave him a cash reward.

So those that threatened violence against the restaurant aren't haters?

Absolutely! Threats of violence or property damage are absolutely wrong, should be condemned and the incidents investigated and prosecuted.

Bigots, where there are no protections for gays in Public Accommodations, should be boycotted and swamped with snarky Yelp reviews.

I agree with you, there are ways to protest and then ways not to protest.

No arguments there. I hope they investigate fully the threats and get the fuckers.
The best thing about internet threats...they can be traced back to the source. I look forward to hearing all about those threateners getting caught.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
You constantly polishing Obama's knob is a cult. Even when he lies to you constantly.

Who are you? Like, Benjamin Buttons? You get less mature with every post.
You really don't know who you are. A reporter ask a woman, would you cater a gay wedding. She says no, the thing is they don't offer catering to weddings. The reporter was looking for a gotcha moment. You blow a gasket. Now a reporter asks a muslim baker to bake a cake for his gay wedding . He said he won't and to go down the street. You say nothing to see here. You don't have a clue what you believe in, just what the talking points tell you what to believe.
If you actually watched her, she said they would not serve at gay or non-christian events.
oh oh oh, cry us all a river sea. waaa waaa waa. they want to treat us different. but it's ok for us (your words: queers) to shit all over them

knock it off. you just like a whiner nowzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I can't stomach anymore...have at it

This is an interesting tactic you deploy when you don't want to answer a question. I understand your reluctance to answer it. Makes you a little uncomfortable doesn't it? Just like when you wouldn't answer the question about the Kansas Governor taking away employment protections from gay STATE employees.

I guess it works for you.
I would have to read it, the way liberals lie and queers act like 2 years olds. I don't believe it.

Governor Orders End To LGBT Protected Class

Wasn't it you who just made a claim that was untrue regarding statements made by the pizza owner? Glass houses and all...
What did I say that was untrue? I said he wouldn't cater a queer wedding, because of his religious beliefs. If he actually did cater weddings.

Right here. Post number 69 (snicker). I'll quote you.

"They don't offer catering to anyone"
Okay so he won't cater to me either. Big fucking deal, and you know what? I could care less! End of story.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
You constantly polishing Obama's knob is a cult. Even when he lies to you constantly.

Who are you? Like, Benjamin Buttons? You get less mature with every post.
You really don't know who you are. A reporter ask a woman, would you cater a gay wedding. She says no, the thing is they don't offer catering to weddings. The reporter was looking for a gotcha moment. You blow a gasket. Now a reporter asks a muslim baker to bake a cake for his gay wedding . He said he won't and to go down the street. You say nothing to see here. You don't have a clue what you believe in, just what the talking points tell you what to believe.
If you actually watched her, she said they would not serve at gay or non-christian events.
Okay and so? It's her belief, let her live. If you disagree don't buy a pizza from them, but they are getting death threats. These people are representing your cause.
oh oh oh, cry us all a river sea. waaa waaa waa. they want to treat us different. but it's ok for us (your words: queers) to shit all over them

knock it off. you just like a whiner nowzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I can't stomach anymore...have at it

This is an interesting tactic you deploy when you don't want to answer a question. I understand your reluctance to answer it. Makes you a little uncomfortable doesn't it? Just like when you wouldn't answer the question about the Kansas Governor taking away employment protections from gay STATE employees.

I guess it works for you.
I would have to read it, the way liberals lie and queers act like 2 years olds. I don't believe it.

Governor Orders End To LGBT Protected Class

Wasn't it you who just made a claim that was untrue regarding statements made by the pizza owner? Glass houses and all...
What did I say that was untrue? I said he wouldn't cater a queer wedding, because of his religious beliefs. If he actually did cater weddings.

I have been to a few weddings and never has Pizza been on the menu. But I do wish it were instead of the endless rigatoni.
I know I'm thinking the Jerry Springer queers represent all of them lol.
So you are a hypocrite? You and your kind will let muslims do whatever to you? The war on christianity continues.

No. If an actual gay couple, even a gay Muslim couple, went into a Muslim baker to order their wedding cake and was told emphatically that they would not be served because they were gay, I would expect there to be just as much backlash and in states with LOCAL (not Federal like those Civil Rights Act that prevents discrimination based on religion) PA laws, I would expect there to be action taken.

When a real case happens, not one faked by a radio show host, we can talk.

It really didn't happen at the Pizza place either. Lies, lies everywhere are lies........................

Nobody has said that anyone was denied service. The owner made a public statement to a reporter that he would not cater gay weddings.

He also said, if I remember correctly, he had absolutely no problem serving homosexuals.

Yes, and? He still wants to treat gays differently. That is discrimination. He should be boycotted by gays and their allies and be given snarky (but funny) Yelp reviews.
Then you should have no problem with allowing Christian business owners to refuse serving gays. None at all.
Isn't "tolerance" grand?

Enraged Liberals Call for Murder of Memories Pizza Owners

Some have taken it way too far already:

they´ve raised funds for the stupid gayhaters of #MemoriesPizza let´s raise funds to kill them all !!! take you gun and kill them now

— Al Gringo (@Al_Gringo) April 3, 2015

#MemoriesPizza If conservatives believe in “religious freedom”, shouldn’t Muslim extremists be allowed to kill them? #BoycottIndiana — Legalize Liberty (@LegalizeLiberty) April 2, 2015

Enraged Liberals Call for Murder of Memories Pizza Owners PUNDIT PRESS
One thing I think everybody is overlooking is the big moral of the story:

Just because you have the right to say discriminatory things about a group of people in the name of your business, doesn't mean it's smart.

Not every discriminatory business owner will be financially saved by a "Please Fund My Mistake" campaign.

This person won the lottery. In general, it definitely doesn't pay to be a tool.
The day these bakers, florists, photographers and, yes, even pediatricians refuse to serve a divorced couple or an unwed mother, I'll buy their "deeply held religious beliefs". Your sign must says "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Sin, No Service" and you must apply it equally.

People tend to pick and choose the sins that are acceptable to them. If they were to truly refuse all sinners, nobody could come in. It's silly, when you think about it.
Nobody refuses the sinner. They are refusing to participate in your sin. Huge difference.
Libs and homos are just upset they didn't get $840,000.

man this brought out who the haters are in the country...and they're still going on about's sick

The haters are the ones who gave him a cash reward.

Let's forget about those that threatened to burn the place down, kill the owner and others that condoned those threats.

When we don't ever attempt to understand the others positions we create hate.

With some, the above adds meaning to there lives

That's the true pity
One thing I think everybody is overlooking is the big moral of the story:

Just because you have the right to say discriminatory things about a group of people in the name of your business, doesn't mean it's smart.

Not every discriminatory business owner will be financially saved by a "Please Fund My Mistake" campaign.

This person won the lottery. In general, it definitely doesn't pay to be a tool.

1. There is no proof that this owner EVER discriminatef

2. If you disagreed with the statement you have every right not to do business there and let that be known. The threats were counter productive in a free society.
Nobody refuses the sinner. They are refusing to participate in your sin. Huge difference.

I guess that depends on what the sin actually is.

If I recall correctly, technically the Bible frowns upon the act of 'lying' with the same sex (i.e. sexual acts), not the act of being in love with the same sex. In other words, the Bible says 'no' to homosexual acts and has no mention of just being a homosexual.

Following that line of logic, unless the baker is being forced to draw a homosexual sex act in frosting on the cake, or, God forbid, take part in a sex act with the homosexuals, I don't know if they truly have grounds based on strict Biblical Christianity. Maybe an offshoot that makes up their own rules, but not true, unfiltered Christianity.

Now, baking a cake for an adulterer that is getting remarried has more grounds for refusal. The sinful act is the marriage itself, and the baker is literally taking part in the sin by providing food for the sin. Interesting stuff. Like I said, people like to pick and choose what offends them religiously.

I dunno. Just another perspective to think on.
The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
You constantly polishing Obama's knob is a cult. Even when he lies to you constantly.

Who are you? Like, Benjamin Buttons? You get less mature with every post.
You really don't know who you are. A reporter ask a woman, would you cater a gay wedding. She says no, the thing is they don't offer catering to weddings. The reporter was looking for a gotcha moment. You blow a gasket. Now a reporter asks a muslim baker to bake a cake for his gay wedding . He said he won't and to go down the street. You say nothing to see here. You don't have a clue what you believe in, just what the talking points tell you what to believe.
If you actually watched her, she said they would not serve at gay or non-christian events.
Okay and so? It's her belief, let her live. If you disagree don't buy a pizza from them, but they are getting death threats. These people are representing your cause.

They don't represent my cause.
The right is a cult?

holy smoke, that made my crawl . dang

Yet NYCarbineer says those on the right act like a cult.

Since Obama especially, I've found they have a need to project onto others what they themselves are...They can't live themselves if they didn't. lol


Speaking of the low IQ, now in English please

Don't blame the one sending the message for you low IQ.

Sorry, I am not a christstain
It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

Your language alone is a good case we need laws to get you people under control.
There you go, fuck the Bill of Rights, or imprison those who disagree with you.

I am wondering, how many divisions can the gays field if it comes to street war?

Where's the right to violate the civil rights of others in the Bill of Rights?

forcing a business to serve you is not a right.
1. There is no proof that this owner EVER discriminatef

2. If you disagreed with the statement you have every right not to do business there and let that be known. The threats were counter productive in a free society.

1. I never claimed they did. I stated he/she said something perceived as discriminatory. I never claimed they turned away customers.

2. I never condoned (or even spoke of) the threats. The people who threatened that business owner should be found and punished.

I think you should read what I typed again.

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