Indiana refuses Syrian refugees

You take out the "flyover" you do not have one country.
That's correct, and we no longer are one country.

So, you write off your country for foolish political reasons.

I am not even an American but I feel sorry for you and your country.
I am an American, A liberal, trying to salvage what I can. Most don't want to live in a liberal secular nation, they can go.
Since most Americans don't want these people here none of them should be here.

Good thing you modified your post, because I was going to tell you to get your facts straight.

8 Facts About the U.S. Program to Resettle Syrian Refugees

Well since 53% of Americans don't want Syrian refugees here my post is correct.

Oh and 11% of Americans would only take Christian refugees.

Guess you should get your facts straight

Poll: Most Americans Don’t Want Syrian Refugees In The United States

New Poll Finds Majority of Americans Do Not Want Syrian Refugees Resettled in U.S.

Most Americans Are Against Taking in Syrian Refugees

There are many more to choose from. Feel free.

I guess we can't say "America, Home of the Brave" any longer. :)

How bout home of the ignorant President who totally ignores the will of the American People??

Kinda catchy don't you think.

Oh and lets not talk about the 6.5 Billion dollars these refugees will cost the American Taxpayer.

Good thing we're not mob rule. :)

Did you just pull that number out of your rear end?

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