Japan Absolutely REFUSES To Let In Syrian ‘Refugees’, says it must look after its own citizens FIRST

Japan is known to be one of the most racist countries on earth .
They have nationalistic pride. That's why they were a formidable foe in WW2. We need to restore Nationalism in this country and be prideful again.
Japan is known to be one of the most racist countries on earth .

Why? Because they won't allow Muslims in their country??

Seems pretty smart to me when you consider what Muslims are doing all over Europe.

Bet the citizens of Europe would love it if their dumbass Govts. got rid of all the Muslims they have let in. Will sure save some European citizens lives.

No. it's cause Japan are assholes . Thy are the worst . Take a quick look at their history sometime .
Not nearly as bad as the history of leftism.
Except American Indians all americans are immigrants descent.

No, I have never migrated from anywhere, doofus. That is what makes a person an immmigrant, not what their ancestors may have done.

What is it with you libs and judging everyone by their race?

Isnt that racism?

The wife of your idol is slovenian otherwise what is the definition of american?

Trump isnt my idol, loser.

I was backing Rand Paul in the last election till he suicided himself by slamming on Trump for Democrat caused violence.
We are the only country that let illegal aliens and refugees in so easily, unfortunately.
Japan has the right idea. They know they need to take care of their own first. They are willing to send money so the refugees can be helped elsewhere. And where they should be helped is in Arab countries.

Soros is behind the protests against the ban on refugees. Soros wants open borders and one world government, something the left denied for years. There are some extremely radical people now in the U.S. who support Soros's idea and are willing to do anything to make it reality. While the majority of people support the refugee ban, the minority who is out there protesting are getting all the attention from media.

We need to take care of our own first. Starbucks announced that they'll hire 10,000 refugees. Not like all Americans already have jobs but they will favor the non-English speaking refugees. I hope people boycott them.

We can't afford to bring more people here when we have homeless people. Why does the left favor hurting our own just to go along with Soros's radical vision?

"UNITED NATIONS – Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the U.N. General Assembly that Japan is ramping up assistance in response to the exodus of refugees to Europe from the Middle East and Africa.

He said Japan will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later Tuesday he poured cold water on the idea of Japan opening its doors to those fleeing.

“I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise (the) birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants”

– Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

He said Japan first needed to attend to domestic challenges which he proposes to tackle under a revamped economic policy that aims to boost GDP to a post-war record level, while bolstering the social security system to support families.

“As an issue of demography, I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities…"

Japan Absolutely REFUSES To Let In Syrian ‘Refugees’, says it must look after its own citizens FIRST - Freedom's Final Stand

And ISIS cuts peoples heads off... So is Trump allowed to cut peoples heads off...
And Muslims push gays off of buildings
Japan has the right idea. They know they need to take care of their own first. They are willing to send money so the refugees can be helped elsewhere. And where they should be helped is in Arab countries.

Soros is behind the protests against the ban on refugees. Soros wants open borders and one world government, something the left denied for years. There are some extremely radical people now in the U.S. who support Soros's idea and are willing to do anything to make it reality. While the majority of people support the refugee ban, the minority who is out there protesting are getting all the attention from media.

We need to take care of our own first. Starbucks announced that they'll hire 10,000 refugees. Not like all Americans already have jobs but they will favor the non-English speaking refugees. I hope people boycott them.

We can't afford to bring more people here when we have homeless people. Why does the left favor hurting our own just to go along with Soros's radical vision?

"UNITED NATIONS – Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the U.N. General Assembly that Japan is ramping up assistance in response to the exodus of refugees to Europe from the Middle East and Africa.

He said Japan will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later Tuesday he poured cold water on the idea of Japan opening its doors to those fleeing.

“I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise (the) birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants”

– Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

He said Japan first needed to attend to domestic challenges which he proposes to tackle under a revamped economic policy that aims to boost GDP to a post-war record level, while bolstering the social security system to support families.

“As an issue of demography, I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities…"

Japan Absolutely REFUSES To Let In Syrian ‘Refugees’, says it must look after its own citizens FIRST - Freedom's Final Stand
All americans are refugees or migrants.
Category:American people of Syrian descent - Wikipedia

This inane, repetitive, ridiculous, response DOES NOT justify allowing, or in Obama's case, promoting, an illegal Invasion from Mexico.

When you Bolshevik/Democrats realize that you, may start to win an election or two.
Israel also not only does not take refugees, illegal aliens, and they actually do not take legal immigrants who are not jews. Which is fine, except that jewish politicians are the most vocal in support of the opposite policy for the USA.

Freeman brings up the word conflation used by the establishment which is such an insult to legal immigrants. Illegal aliens and refugees are not migrants, and migrants are not legal immigrants. Just such a tremendous insult to those following the laws of the host country. It is equivalent to saying consensual sex and rape are the same thing.
While Israel does have a right of return for all Jews, non Jews may certainly immigrate there.

Moving to Israel as a Non-Jew- very important!
Japan has the right idea. They know they need to take care of their own first. They are willing to send money so the refugees can be helped elsewhere. And where they should be helped is in Arab countries.

Soros is behind the protests against the ban on refugees. Soros wants open borders and one world government, something the left denied for years. There are some extremely radical people now in the U.S. who support Soros's idea and are willing to do anything to make it reality. While the majority of people support the refugee ban, the minority who is out there protesting are getting all the attention from media.

We need to take care of our own first. Starbucks announced that they'll hire 10,000 refugees. Not like all Americans already have jobs but they will favor the non-English speaking refugees. I hope people boycott them.

We can't afford to bring more people here when we have homeless people. Why does the left favor hurting our own just to go along with Soros's radical vision?

"UNITED NATIONS – Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the U.N. General Assembly that Japan is ramping up assistance in response to the exodus of refugees to Europe from the Middle East and Africa.

He said Japan will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later Tuesday he poured cold water on the idea of Japan opening its doors to those fleeing.

“I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise (the) birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants”

– Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

He said Japan first needed to attend to domestic challenges which he proposes to tackle under a revamped economic policy that aims to boost GDP to a post-war record level, while bolstering the social security system to support families.

“As an issue of demography, I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities…"

Japan Absolutely REFUSES To Let In Syrian ‘Refugees’, says it must look after its own citizens FIRST - Freedom's Final Stand
All americans are refugees or migrants.
Category:American people of Syrian descent - Wikipedia

This inane, repetitive, ridiculous, response DOES NOT justify allowing, or in Obama's case, promoting, an illegal Invasion from Mexico.

When you Bolshevik/Democrats realize that you, may start to win an election or two.

The left will never see a difference between legal and illegal immigration. Just like they don't see any need to vet refugees and just accept that 10% of them are terrorists. Terrorist attacks are just part of our every day life now, thanks to the left.
Japan has the right idea. They know they need to take care of their own first. They are willing to send money so the refugees can be helped elsewhere. And where they should be helped is in Arab countries.

Soros is behind the protests against the ban on refugees. Soros wants open borders and one world government, something the left denied for years. There are some extremely radical people now in the U.S. who support Soros's idea and are willing to do anything to make it reality. While the majority of people support the refugee ban, the minority who is out there protesting are getting all the attention from media.

We need to take care of our own first. Starbucks announced that they'll hire 10,000 refugees. Not like all Americans already have jobs but they will favor the non-English speaking refugees. I hope people boycott them.

We can't afford to bring more people here when we have homeless people. Why does the left favor hurting our own just to go along with Soros's radical vision?

"UNITED NATIONS – Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the U.N. General Assembly that Japan is ramping up assistance in response to the exodus of refugees to Europe from the Middle East and Africa.

He said Japan will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later Tuesday he poured cold water on the idea of Japan opening its doors to those fleeing.

“I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise (the) birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants”

– Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

He said Japan first needed to attend to domestic challenges which he proposes to tackle under a revamped economic policy that aims to boost GDP to a post-war record level, while bolstering the social security system to support families.

“As an issue of demography, I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities…"

Japan Absolutely REFUSES To Let In Syrian ‘Refugees’, says it must look after its own citizens FIRST - Freedom's Final Stand
All americans are refugees or migrants.
Category:American people of Syrian descent - Wikipedia
Nope. I was born here.
Japan is known to be one of the most racist countries on earth .

Why? Because they won't allow Muslims in their country??

Seems pretty smart to me when you consider what Muslims are doing all over Europe.

Bet the citizens of Europe would love it if their dumbass Govts. got rid of all the Muslims they have let in. Will sure save some European citizens lives.

No. it's cause Japan are assholes . Thy are the worst . Take a quick look at their history sometime .
They don't have mass killings in their work places and night clubs. It seems to be working for them.
They actually did let few in. Before Syrians they would accept only 1% of applications. I have a lot of respect for Japan, but it's a very harsh society, and they have a high suicide rate.
Japan has the right idea. They know they need to take care of their own first. They are willing to send money so the refugees can be helped elsewhere. And where they should be helped is in Arab countries.

Soros is behind the protests against the ban on refugees. Soros wants open borders and one world government, something the left denied for years. There are some extremely radical people now in the U.S. who support Soros's idea and are willing to do anything to make it reality. While the majority of people support the refugee ban, the minority who is out there protesting are getting all the attention from media.

We need to take care of our own first. Starbucks announced that they'll hire 10,000 refugees. Not like all Americans already have jobs but they will favor the non-English speaking refugees. I hope people boycott them.

We can't afford to bring more people here when we have homeless people. Why does the left favor hurting our own just to go along with Soros's radical vision?

"UNITED NATIONS – Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the U.N. General Assembly that Japan is ramping up assistance in response to the exodus of refugees to Europe from the Middle East and Africa.

He said Japan will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later Tuesday he poured cold water on the idea of Japan opening its doors to those fleeing.

“I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise (the) birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants”

– Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

He said Japan first needed to attend to domestic challenges which he proposes to tackle under a revamped economic policy that aims to boost GDP to a post-war record level, while bolstering the social security system to support families.

“As an issue of demography, I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities…"

Japan Absolutely REFUSES To Let In Syrian ‘Refugees’, says it must look after its own citizens FIRST - Freedom's Final Stand

Japan has always been a xenophobia country. It is very difficult for anyone to emigrate there or obtain citizenship. It's a very closed society. Not something that other countries should be emulating or considering as a role model.
And they call themselves Americans? Why, with that attitude they should just go live in some other Country where they would be happier. Assholes. /SARCASM
Japan is known to be one of the most racist countries on earth .

Why? Because they won't allow Muslims in their country??

Seems pretty smart to me when you consider what Muslims are doing all over Europe.

Bet the citizens of Europe would love it if their dumbass Govts. got rid of all the Muslims they have let in. Will sure save some European citizens lives.

No. it's cause Japan are assholes . Thy are the worst . Take a quick look at their history sometime .
They don't have mass killings in their work places and night clubs. It seems to be working for them.

Not true. There have been domestic terrorist attacks in Japan:

Tokyo subway sarin attack - Wikipedia
Japan has the right idea. They know they need to take care of their own first. They are willing to send money so the refugees can be helped elsewhere. And where they should be helped is in Arab countries.

Soros is behind the protests against the ban on refugees. Soros wants open borders and one world government, something the left denied for years. There are some extremely radical people now in the U.S. who support Soros's idea and are willing to do anything to make it reality. While the majority of people support the refugee ban, the minority who is out there protesting are getting all the attention from media.

We need to take care of our own first. Starbucks announced that they'll hire 10,000 refugees. Not like all Americans already have jobs but they will favor the non-English speaking refugees. I hope people boycott them.

We can't afford to bring more people here when we have homeless people. Why does the left favor hurting our own just to go along with Soros's radical vision?

"UNITED NATIONS – Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the U.N. General Assembly that Japan is ramping up assistance in response to the exodus of refugees to Europe from the Middle East and Africa.

He said Japan will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later Tuesday he poured cold water on the idea of Japan opening its doors to those fleeing.

“I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise (the) birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants”

– Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

He said Japan first needed to attend to domestic challenges which he proposes to tackle under a revamped economic policy that aims to boost GDP to a post-war record level, while bolstering the social security system to support families.

“As an issue of demography, I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities…"

Japan Absolutely REFUSES To Let In Syrian ‘Refugees’, says it must look after its own citizens FIRST - Freedom's Final Stand

There problem here is that Japan didn't go to war in Iraq, Japan didn't destablize the Middle East region. Japan didn't support rebels in Syria. Therefore Japan has every right not to let people in.

The US on the other hand.....

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