Indiana school on lock down

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only by surrendering to an all powerful government like they have in Cuba and Venezuela can we be safe under the loving guidance of a Fearless leader
These loving and caring progressives want to give our guns to the government headed by Donald Trump, the man they hate. Not very smart of them.
No not the enemy...the federal government has become victims of special interest.....and owned by the NRA
NRA monetary contributions are minuscule compared to the anti-gun lobby's contributions. So I wonder what what is influencing our Senators from outright banning of all guns?

Maybe it's the majority of Americans who own guns or believe in our 2A?
No not the enemy...the federal government has become victims of special interest.....and owned by the NRA
NRA monetary contributions are minuscule compared to the anti-gun lobby's contributions. So I wonder what what is influencing our Senators from outright banning of all guns?

Maybe it's the majority of Americans who own guns or believe in our 2A?

They enjoy being Senators and trashing the Second won't bode well for re-election hopes

Just another school shooting...Ho Hum to Repubs...

Another day of being exposed to acceptable risk in America. I heard it may rain this weekend spoiling holiday plans for many

Acceptable risk. Yep. Correctamundo.

Another day of being exposed to acceptable risk in America. I heard it may rain this weekend spoiling holiday plans for many

Nah. Like shool gun massacres, getting a little wet is a price lots of Americans are happy to pay.

Nope....trumpanzees like it when children don't know if they are coming home from school or not. It's cool to keep them on their toes.

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
"No deaths"....and in today's American environment....THAT is what is Newsworthy! :clap:

Meds ?
Or was the shooter black ?

Oh heavens no! I think weekly school shooting build character....don't you.

I mean...if u have kids or grandkids in school....doesn't it appeal to your gambling urges to wonder if they will be coming home alive each day? It is sort of like playing the lottery....I would think.

Why stop the never ending cycle of gun violence with reasonable gun restrictions. The NRA would be sad if they stopped....

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
How disappointing for progressives...:boohoo:
How profitable for the NRA.

Oh heavens no! I think weekly school shooting build character....don't you.

I mean...if u have kids or grandkids in school....doesn't it appeal to your gambling urges to wonder if they will be coming home alive each day? It is sort of like playing the lottery....I would think.

Why stop the never ending cycle of gun violence with reasonable gun restrictions. The NRA would be sad if they stopped....
Survival of the fittest...or fastest.....

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
"No deaths"....and in today's American environment....THAT is what is Newsworthy! :clap:

Just another white kid with a gun....I assume....since it is in Indiana.

trump's wish for an undocumented shooter will need to wait another day I guess...SAD.....maybe Pence needs to get his home boys working?

Gee...ignoring Frank is like celebrating an early Christmas!

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

A government is failing when our children are not safe!
Unless we, as #MAGA, don't care about children being safe........after they are born.

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

And this government doesn't care. They will bow and say some well rehearsed words and then turn their back on mass shootings....

The Government has FAILED when school children are dying and all is done is lip service....

A government is failing when our children are not safe!
The federal government is the enemy… You can’t help being delusional

No not the enemy...the federal government has become victims of special interest.....and owned by the NRA.

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

only by surrendering to an all powerful government like they have in Cuba and Venezuela can we be safe under the loving guidance of a Fearless leader
Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

Dollars to donuts, another kid on antidepressants
The same ones they use in lots of countries that don’t have this problem?

Parents should pull their kids from all public schools until proper security measures are taken at each and every school.
And churches, parks, soccer fields... everywhere lots of kids go right?

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don’t have this problem...

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

only by surrendering to an all powerful government like they have in Cuba and Venezuela can we be safe under the loving guidance of a Fearless leader
Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

What kind of "strong gun control" would you like to see ?
We should look at what other countries have done. Guns should be secured by parents. Guns for mass killing should be heavily regulated. All sales should require a background check.

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Was there a 100% NRA Gun Nutter Terrorist to the rescue here?
Seems like they show up, in 0ne of 3000 of these events is it?
What overly military armed cowards they be.
Yep, waiting for the PIGS to do the work for them. LOL! WEAK.
If its an all black school, they would be safer with the active shooter.

Was there a 100% NRA Gun Nutter Terrorist to the rescue here?
Seems like they show up, in 0ne of 3000 of these events is it?
What overly military armed cowards they be.
Don’t forget they show up after there are many dead...

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
They fight the laws we need. Loose gun laws give us mass shootings and a homicide rate 4-5X that of countries with strong gun control.

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
They are raising money as we speak.....

Another school shooting, another week goes by where no one asks why the schools aren't taking measures to prevent them! Another week where no one asks why public schools and not private schools, why not colleges and universities? Why not retail stores, supermarkets, bridal shops, car dealerships, no ----- ---- just public schools.

One almost wonders if on some level they WANT these shootings to happen so they can


If Exxon Mobil kept building oil refineries and they kept blowing up, would you blame the crude oil or Exxon?

In the 1980s when people started tampering with pills and putting poison in Tylenol killing its users, did they blame the pills or the person tampering with them?

Why then does the Crazy Left keep trying to flout this untenable "solution" of "sensible" gun controls as the fix to everything, when all but a total idiot realizes that guns are everywhere and the only way to make kids stop taking guns to school is to totally remove them from availability by taking them out of every home, every store. A total nationwide gun confiscation against the very founding laws of our nation who said to never ever give up your guns! And when you've taken away the 50 million or so firearms, you are still left with the BLACK MARKET which will just bring them right back in, except now, only to the criminal element with a now disarmed populace, and you are still left with the public school kids still wanting to kill, who will just switch to using something else.

Why is none of this considered, or the most obvious solution: TAKE EDUCATION OUT OF THE HANDS OF GOVERNMENT. The common denominator in all these government-run public school shootings is that they are government-related. How can anyone ignore this?


Get the Left out of indoctrinating our children. Do that and you would see an immediate near cessation of the school violence and killings.
Really? No Colleges or Universities? No Churches? No theaters? No businesses? No concerts?

Are you willingly blind?

What happened? Did one of the children not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance?

We have to stay focused on what is important, you know.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
Indeed they did, you dumb slut, every time they wine and dine our congresspeople.

Dollars to donuts, another kid on antidepressants
The same ones they use in lots of countries that don’t have this problem?

To not nearly the extent here? Yes

The same ones that Great Britain greatly restricted in the youth that showed a high risk of increased suicides and violent behavior? Again Yes.

You mean, those?
It is not "those", it is one drug: Effexor. So I don't think you have a point, here.

I apologize from the bottom on my heart to all of you "progressives" I have quoted here. I know you are so sorry no children were murdered today. Maybe if you wait a few more days you will have something to look forward to.
That is too hateful for words.

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

You mean Big Pharma, right?

Every time one of those kids, all fucked up by SSRI antidepressants, shoots up a school, even more folks get depressed, go on antidepressants, and Big Pharma gets richer.

Win/Win for them.
Why not the girls on SSRI antidepressants?

Girls react differently than males. It’s been explained many times before to you.

Men commit murder at a ratio of 9 to 1 higher than women.

Men are far more likely. With or without antidepressants admit it's a male problem....not a drug problem. I've been saying that for quite a while.
The vaccines and prescription drugs in conjunction with political correctness has side effects that no one fully understands.
Hell, we have over 100,000 deaths from medical errors in this country so far this year, what are your ideas in stopping that?
It’s murder just like any other violence...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Just another school shooting...Ho Hum to Repubs...

Another day of being exposed to acceptable risk in America. I heard it may rain this weekend spoiling holiday plans for many

Acceptable risk. Yep. Correctamundo.

Another day of being exposed to acceptable risk in America. I heard it may rain this weekend spoiling holiday plans for many

Nah. Like shool gun massacres, getting a little wet is a price lots of Americans are happy to pay.

Nope....trumpanzees like it when children don't know if they are coming home from school or not. It's cool to keep them on their toes.

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
"No deaths"....and in today's American environment....THAT is what is Newsworthy! :clap:

Meds ?
Or was the shooter black ?

Oh heavens no! I think weekly school shooting build character....don't you.

I mean...if u have kids or grandkids in school....doesn't it appeal to your gambling urges to wonder if they will be coming home alive each day? It is sort of like playing the lottery....I would think.

Why stop the never ending cycle of gun violence with reasonable gun restrictions. The NRA would be sad if they stopped....

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
How disappointing for progressives...:boohoo:
How profitable for the NRA.

Oh heavens no! I think weekly school shooting build character....don't you.

I mean...if u have kids or grandkids in school....doesn't it appeal to your gambling urges to wonder if they will be coming home alive each day? It is sort of like playing the lottery....I would think.

Why stop the never ending cycle of gun violence with reasonable gun restrictions. The NRA would be sad if they stopped....
Survival of the fittest...or fastest.....

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
"No deaths"....and in today's American environment....THAT is what is Newsworthy! :clap:

Just another white kid with a gun....I assume....since it is in Indiana.

trump's wish for an undocumented shooter will need to wait another day I guess...SAD.....maybe Pence needs to get his home boys working?

Gee...ignoring Frank is like celebrating an early Christmas!

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

A government is failing when our children are not safe!
Unless we, as #MAGA, don't care about children being safe........after they are born.

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

And this government doesn't care. They will bow and say some well rehearsed words and then turn their back on mass shootings....

The Government has FAILED when school children are dying and all is done is lip service....

A government is failing when our children are not safe!
The federal government is the enemy… You can’t help being delusional

No not the enemy...the federal government has become victims of special interest.....and owned by the NRA.

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

only by surrendering to an all powerful government like they have in Cuba and Venezuela can we be safe under the loving guidance of a Fearless leader
Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

Dollars to donuts, another kid on antidepressants
The same ones they use in lots of countries that don’t have this problem?

Parents should pull their kids from all public schools until proper security measures are taken at each and every school.
And churches, parks, soccer fields... everywhere lots of kids go right?

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don’t have this problem...

only by surrendering to an all powerful government like they have in Cuba and Venezuela can we be safe under the loving guidance of a Fearless leader
Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

What kind of "strong gun control" would you like to see ?
We should look at what other countries have done. Guns should be secured by parents. Guns for mass killing should be heavily regulated. All sales should require a background check.

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Was there a 100% NRA Gun Nutter Terrorist to the rescue here?
Seems like they show up, in 0ne of 3000 of these events is it?
What overly military armed cowards they be.
Yep, waiting for the PIGS to do the work for them. LOL! WEAK.
If its an all black school, they would be safer with the active shooter.

Was there a 100% NRA Gun Nutter Terrorist to the rescue here?
Seems like they show up, in 0ne of 3000 of these events is it?
What overly military armed cowards they be.
Don’t forget they show up after there are many dead...

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
They fight the laws we need. Loose gun laws give us mass shootings and a homicide rate 4-5X that of countries with strong gun control.

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
They are raising money as we speak.....

Another school shooting, another week goes by where no one asks why the schools aren't taking measures to prevent them! Another week where no one asks why public schools and not private schools, why not colleges and universities? Why not retail stores, supermarkets, bridal shops, car dealerships, no ----- ---- just public schools.

One almost wonders if on some level they WANT these shootings to happen so they can


If Exxon Mobil kept building oil refineries and they kept blowing up, would you blame the crude oil or Exxon?

In the 1980s when people started tampering with pills and putting poison in Tylenol killing its users, did they blame the pills or the person tampering with them?

Why then does the Crazy Left keep trying to flout this untenable "solution" of "sensible" gun controls as the fix to everything, when all but a total idiot realizes that guns are everywhere and the only way to make kids stop taking guns to school is to totally remove them from availability by taking them out of every home, every store. A total nationwide gun confiscation against the very founding laws of our nation who said to never ever give up your guns! And when you've taken away the 50 million or so firearms, you are still left with the BLACK MARKET which will just bring them right back in, except now, only to the criminal element with a now disarmed populace, and you are still left with the public school kids still wanting to kill, who will just switch to using something else.

Why is none of this considered, or the most obvious solution: TAKE EDUCATION OUT OF THE HANDS OF GOVERNMENT. The common denominator in all these government-run public school shootings is that they are government-related. How can anyone ignore this?


Get the Left out of indoctrinating our children. Do that and you would see an immediate near cessation of the school violence and killings.
Really? No Colleges or Universities? No Churches? No theaters? No businesses? No concerts?

Are you willingly blind?

What happened? Did one of the children not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance?

We have to stay focused on what is important, you know.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
Indeed they did, you dumb slut, every time they wine and dine our congresspeople.

Dollars to donuts, another kid on antidepressants
The same ones they use in lots of countries that don’t have this problem?

To not nearly the extent here? Yes

The same ones that Great Britain greatly restricted in the youth that showed a high risk of increased suicides and violent behavior? Again Yes.

You mean, those?
It is not "those", it is one drug: Effexor. So I don't think you have a point, here.

I apologize from the bottom on my heart to all of you "progressives" I have quoted here. I know you are so sorry no children were murdered today. Maybe if you wait a few more days you will have something to look forward to.
That is too hateful for words.

That's your group you identify with. No bodies does not bode well for bans. Still, I think people should stop sending their kids to school. It ain't safe. Banning guns won't make it safe either. Killing these little bastards before they massacre will though.

Just another school shooting...Ho Hum to Repubs...

Another day of being exposed to acceptable risk in America. I heard it may rain this weekend spoiling holiday plans for many

Acceptable risk. Yep. Correctamundo.

Another day of being exposed to acceptable risk in America. I heard it may rain this weekend spoiling holiday plans for many

Nah. Like shool gun massacres, getting a little wet is a price lots of Americans are happy to pay.

Nope....trumpanzees like it when children don't know if they are coming home from school or not. It's cool to keep them on their toes.

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
"No deaths"....and in today's American environment....THAT is what is Newsworthy! :clap:

Meds ?
Or was the shooter black ?

Oh heavens no! I think weekly school shooting build character....don't you.

I mean...if u have kids or grandkids in school....doesn't it appeal to your gambling urges to wonder if they will be coming home alive each day? It is sort of like playing the lottery....I would think.

Why stop the never ending cycle of gun violence with reasonable gun restrictions. The NRA would be sad if they stopped....

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
How disappointing for progressives...:boohoo:
How profitable for the NRA.

Oh heavens no! I think weekly school shooting build character....don't you.

I mean...if u have kids or grandkids in school....doesn't it appeal to your gambling urges to wonder if they will be coming home alive each day? It is sort of like playing the lottery....I would think.

Why stop the never ending cycle of gun violence with reasonable gun restrictions. The NRA would be sad if they stopped....
Survival of the fittest...or fastest.....

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
"No deaths"....and in today's American environment....THAT is what is Newsworthy! :clap:

Just another white kid with a gun....I assume....since it is in Indiana.

trump's wish for an undocumented shooter will need to wait another day I guess...SAD.....maybe Pence needs to get his home boys working?

Gee...ignoring Frank is like celebrating an early Christmas!

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

A government is failing when our children are not safe!
Unless we, as #MAGA, don't care about children being safe........after they are born.

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

And this government doesn't care. They will bow and say some well rehearsed words and then turn their back on mass shootings....

The Government has FAILED when school children are dying and all is done is lip service....

A government is failing when our children are not safe!
The federal government is the enemy… You can’t help being delusional

No not the enemy...the federal government has become victims of special interest.....and owned by the NRA.

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

only by surrendering to an all powerful government like they have in Cuba and Venezuela can we be safe under the loving guidance of a Fearless leader
Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

Dollars to donuts, another kid on antidepressants
The same ones they use in lots of countries that don’t have this problem?

Parents should pull their kids from all public schools until proper security measures are taken at each and every school.
And churches, parks, soccer fields... everywhere lots of kids go right?

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don’t have this problem...

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

only by surrendering to an all powerful government like they have in Cuba and Venezuela can we be safe under the loving guidance of a Fearless leader
Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

What kind of "strong gun control" would you like to see ?
We should look at what other countries have done. Guns should be secured by parents. Guns for mass killing should be heavily regulated. All sales should require a background check.

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Was there a 100% NRA Gun Nutter Terrorist to the rescue here?
Seems like they show up, in 0ne of 3000 of these events is it?
What overly military armed cowards they be.
Yep, waiting for the PIGS to do the work for them. LOL! WEAK.
If its an all black school, they would be safer with the active shooter.

Was there a 100% NRA Gun Nutter Terrorist to the rescue here?
Seems like they show up, in 0ne of 3000 of these events is it?
What overly military armed cowards they be.
Don’t forget they show up after there are many dead...

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
They fight the laws we need. Loose gun laws give us mass shootings and a homicide rate 4-5X that of countries with strong gun control.

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
They are raising money as we speak.....

Another school shooting, another week goes by where no one asks why the schools aren't taking measures to prevent them! Another week where no one asks why public schools and not private schools, why not colleges and universities? Why not retail stores, supermarkets, bridal shops, car dealerships, no ----- ---- just public schools.

One almost wonders if on some level they WANT these shootings to happen so they can


If Exxon Mobil kept building oil refineries and they kept blowing up, would you blame the crude oil or Exxon?

In the 1980s when people started tampering with pills and putting poison in Tylenol killing its users, did they blame the pills or the person tampering with them?

Why then does the Crazy Left keep trying to flout this untenable "solution" of "sensible" gun controls as the fix to everything, when all but a total idiot realizes that guns are everywhere and the only way to make kids stop taking guns to school is to totally remove them from availability by taking them out of every home, every store. A total nationwide gun confiscation against the very founding laws of our nation who said to never ever give up your guns! And when you've taken away the 50 million or so firearms, you are still left with the BLACK MARKET which will just bring them right back in, except now, only to the criminal element with a now disarmed populace, and you are still left with the public school kids still wanting to kill, who will just switch to using something else.

Why is none of this considered, or the most obvious solution: TAKE EDUCATION OUT OF THE HANDS OF GOVERNMENT. The common denominator in all these government-run public school shootings is that they are government-related. How can anyone ignore this?


Get the Left out of indoctrinating our children. Do that and you would see an immediate near cessation of the school violence and killings.
Really? No Colleges or Universities? No Churches? No theaters? No businesses? No concerts?

Are you willingly blind?

What happened? Did one of the children not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance?

We have to stay focused on what is important, you know.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
Indeed they did, you dumb slut, every time they wine and dine our congresspeople.

Dollars to donuts, another kid on antidepressants
The same ones they use in lots of countries that don’t have this problem?

To not nearly the extent here? Yes

The same ones that Great Britain greatly restricted in the youth that showed a high risk of increased suicides and violent behavior? Again Yes.

You mean, those?
It is not "those", it is one drug: Effexor. So I don't think you have a point, here.

I apologize from the bottom on my heart to all of you "progressives" I have quoted here. I know you are so sorry no children were murdered today. Maybe if you wait a few more days you will have something to look forward to.
:clap: And Tex wins today's Ironybowl! :clap:

Just another school shooting...Ho Hum to Repubs...

Another day of being exposed to acceptable risk in America. I heard it may rain this weekend spoiling holiday plans for many

Acceptable risk. Yep. Correctamundo.

Another day of being exposed to acceptable risk in America. I heard it may rain this weekend spoiling holiday plans for many

Nah. Like shool gun massacres, getting a little wet is a price lots of Americans are happy to pay.

Nope....trumpanzees like it when children don't know if they are coming home from school or not. It's cool to keep them on their toes.

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
"No deaths"....and in today's American environment....THAT is what is Newsworthy! :clap:

Meds ?
Or was the shooter black ?

Oh heavens no! I think weekly school shooting build character....don't you.

I mean...if u have kids or grandkids in school....doesn't it appeal to your gambling urges to wonder if they will be coming home alive each day? It is sort of like playing the lottery....I would think.

Why stop the never ending cycle of gun violence with reasonable gun restrictions. The NRA would be sad if they stopped....

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
How disappointing for progressives...:boohoo:
How profitable for the NRA.

Call for more frivolous gun laws....

Oh heavens no! I think weekly school shooting build character....don't you.

I mean...if u have kids or grandkids in school....doesn't it appeal to your gambling urges to wonder if they will be coming home alive each day? It is sort of like playing the lottery....I would think.

Why stop the never ending cycle of gun violence with reasonable gun restrictions. The NRA would be sad if they stopped....
Survival of the fittest...or fastest.....

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
"No deaths"....and in today's American environment....THAT is what is Newsworthy! :clap:

Just another white kid with a gun....I assume....since it is in Indiana.

trump's wish for an undocumented shooter will need to wait another day I guess...SAD.....maybe Pence needs to get his home boys working?

Gee...ignoring Frank is like celebrating an early Christmas!

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

A government is failing when our children are not safe!
Unless we, as #MAGA, don't care about children being safe........after they are born.

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

And this government doesn't care. They will bow and say some well rehearsed words and then turn their back on mass shootings....

The Government has FAILED when school children are dying and all is done is lip service....

A government is failing when our children are not safe!
The federal government is the enemy… You can’t help being delusional

No not the enemy...the federal government has become victims of special interest.....and owned by the NRA.

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

only by surrendering to an all powerful government like they have in Cuba and Venezuela can we be safe under the loving guidance of a Fearless leader
Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

Dollars to donuts, another kid on antidepressants
The same ones they use in lots of countries that don’t have this problem?

Parents should pull their kids from all public schools until proper security measures are taken at each and every school.
And churches, parks, soccer fields... everywhere lots of kids go right?

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don’t have this problem...

Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

What kind of "strong gun control" would you like to see ?
We should look at what other countries have done. Guns should be secured by parents. Guns for mass killing should be heavily regulated. All sales should require a background check.

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Was there a 100% NRA Gun Nutter Terrorist to the rescue here?
Seems like they show up, in 0ne of 3000 of these events is it?
What overly military armed cowards they be.
Yep, waiting for the PIGS to do the work for them. LOL! WEAK.
If its an all black school, they would be safer with the active shooter.

Oh well. T's & P's.

Was there a 100% NRA Gun Nutter Terrorist to the rescue here?
Seems like they show up, in 0ne of 3000 of these events is it?
What overly military armed cowards they be.
Don’t forget they show up after there are many dead...

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
They fight the laws we need. Loose gun laws give us mass shootings and a homicide rate 4-5X that of countries with strong gun control.

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
They are raising money as we speak.....

Another school shooting, another week goes by where no one asks why the schools aren't taking measures to prevent them! Another week where no one asks why public schools and not private schools, why not colleges and universities? Why not retail stores, supermarkets, bridal shops, car dealerships, no ----- ---- just public schools.

One almost wonders if on some level they WANT these shootings to happen so they can


If Exxon Mobil kept building oil refineries and they kept blowing up, would you blame the crude oil or Exxon?

In the 1980s when people started tampering with pills and putting poison in Tylenol killing its users, did they blame the pills or the person tampering with them?

Why then does the Crazy Left keep trying to flout this untenable "solution" of "sensible" gun controls as the fix to everything, when all but a total idiot realizes that guns are everywhere and the only way to make kids stop taking guns to school is to totally remove them from availability by taking them out of every home, every store. A total nationwide gun confiscation against the very founding laws of our nation who said to never ever give up your guns! And when you've taken away the 50 million or so firearms, you are still left with the BLACK MARKET which will just bring them right back in, except now, only to the criminal element with a now disarmed populace, and you are still left with the public school kids still wanting to kill, who will just switch to using something else.

Why is none of this considered, or the most obvious solution: TAKE EDUCATION OUT OF THE HANDS OF GOVERNMENT. The common denominator in all these government-run public school shootings is that they are government-related. How can anyone ignore this?


Get the Left out of indoctrinating our children. Do that and you would see an immediate near cessation of the school violence and killings.
Really? No Colleges or Universities? No Churches? No theaters? No businesses? No concerts?

Are you willingly blind?

What happened? Did one of the children not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance?

We have to stay focused on what is important, you know.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
Indeed they did, you dumb slut, every time they wine and dine our congresspeople.

The same ones they use in lots of countries that don’t have this problem?

To not nearly the extent here? Yes

The same ones that Great Britain greatly restricted in the youth that showed a high risk of increased suicides and violent behavior? Again Yes.

You mean, those?
It is not "those", it is one drug: Effexor. So I don't think you have a point, here.

I apologize from the bottom on my heart to all of you "progressives" I have quoted here. I know you are so sorry no children were murdered today. Maybe if you wait a few more days you will have something to look forward to.
That is too hateful for words.

That's your group you identify with. No bodies does not bode well for bans. Still, I think people should stop sending their kids to school. It ain't safe. Banning guns won't make it safe either. Killing these little bastards before they massacre will though.
If those "little bastards" haven't massacred anybody yet, aren't they just a good guy with a gun? And if a "good guy with a gun" kills those "little bastards" before they massacre anybody....doesn't that make the "good guy with a gun" the "little bastard"?

Just another school shooting...Ho Hum to Repubs...

Another day of being exposed to acceptable risk in America. I heard it may rain this weekend spoiling holiday plans for many

Acceptable risk. Yep. Correctamundo.

Another day of being exposed to acceptable risk in America. I heard it may rain this weekend spoiling holiday plans for many

Nah. Like shool gun massacres, getting a little wet is a price lots of Americans are happy to pay.

Nope....trumpanzees like it when children don't know if they are coming home from school or not. It's cool to keep them on their toes.

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
"No deaths"....and in today's American environment....THAT is what is Newsworthy! :clap:

Meds ?
Or was the shooter black ?

Oh heavens no! I think weekly school shooting build character....don't you.

I mean...if u have kids or grandkids in school....doesn't it appeal to your gambling urges to wonder if they will be coming home alive each day? It is sort of like playing the lottery....I would think.

Why stop the never ending cycle of gun violence with reasonable gun restrictions. The NRA would be sad if they stopped....

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
How disappointing for progressives...:boohoo:
How profitable for the NRA.

Call for more frivolous gun laws....

Oh heavens no! I think weekly school shooting build character....don't you.

I mean...if u have kids or grandkids in school....doesn't it appeal to your gambling urges to wonder if they will be coming home alive each day? It is sort of like playing the lottery....I would think.

Why stop the never ending cycle of gun violence with reasonable gun restrictions. The NRA would be sad if they stopped....
Survival of the fittest...or fastest.....

shooter in custody - 2 injured and taken to hospital

looks like no deaths!

At least 2 injured in shooting at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody

Authorities say two victims, a teacher and a student, have been taken to a hospital and a male suspect is in custody.
"No deaths"....and in today's American environment....THAT is what is Newsworthy! :clap:

Just another white kid with a gun....I assume....since it is in Indiana.

trump's wish for an undocumented shooter will need to wait another day I guess...SAD.....maybe Pence needs to get his home boys working?

Gee...ignoring Frank is like celebrating an early Christmas!

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

A government is failing when our children are not safe!
Unless we, as #MAGA, don't care about children being safe........after they are born.

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

And this government doesn't care. They will bow and say some well rehearsed words and then turn their back on mass shootings....

The Government has FAILED when school children are dying and all is done is lip service....

A government is failing when our children are not safe!
The federal government is the enemy… You can’t help being delusional

No not the enemy...the federal government has become victims of special interest.....and owned by the NRA.

A government is failing when our children are not safe!

only by surrendering to an all powerful government like they have in Cuba and Venezuela can we be safe under the loving guidance of a Fearless leader
Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

Dollars to donuts, another kid on antidepressants
The same ones they use in lots of countries that don’t have this problem?

Parents should pull their kids from all public schools until proper security measures are taken at each and every school.
And churches, parks, soccer fields... everywhere lots of kids go right?

Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don’t have this problem...

Try the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Denmark.... heck any civilized country with strong gun control doesn’t have this problem...

What kind of "strong gun control" would you like to see ?
We should look at what other countries have done. Guns should be secured by parents. Guns for mass killing should be heavily regulated. All sales should require a background check.

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Was there a 100% NRA Gun Nutter Terrorist to the rescue here?
Seems like they show up, in 0ne of 3000 of these events is it?
What overly military armed cowards they be.
Yep, waiting for the PIGS to do the work for them. LOL! WEAK.
If its an all black school, they would be safer with the active shooter.

Oh well. T's & P's.

Was there a 100% NRA Gun Nutter Terrorist to the rescue here?
Seems like they show up, in 0ne of 3000 of these events is it?
What overly military armed cowards they be.
Don’t forget they show up after there are many dead...

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
They fight the laws we need. Loose gun laws give us mass shootings and a homicide rate 4-5X that of countries with strong gun control.

Another day in NRA sponsored school terrorism event.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
They are raising money as we speak.....

Another school shooting, another week goes by where no one asks why the schools aren't taking measures to prevent them! Another week where no one asks why public schools and not private schools, why not colleges and universities? Why not retail stores, supermarkets, bridal shops, car dealerships, no ----- ---- just public schools.

One almost wonders if on some level they WANT these shootings to happen so they can


If Exxon Mobil kept building oil refineries and they kept blowing up, would you blame the crude oil or Exxon?

In the 1980s when people started tampering with pills and putting poison in Tylenol killing its users, did they blame the pills or the person tampering with them?

Why then does the Crazy Left keep trying to flout this untenable "solution" of "sensible" gun controls as the fix to everything, when all but a total idiot realizes that guns are everywhere and the only way to make kids stop taking guns to school is to totally remove them from availability by taking them out of every home, every store. A total nationwide gun confiscation against the very founding laws of our nation who said to never ever give up your guns! And when you've taken away the 50 million or so firearms, you are still left with the BLACK MARKET which will just bring them right back in, except now, only to the criminal element with a now disarmed populace, and you are still left with the public school kids still wanting to kill, who will just switch to using something else.

Why is none of this considered, or the most obvious solution: TAKE EDUCATION OUT OF THE HANDS OF GOVERNMENT. The common denominator in all these government-run public school shootings is that they are government-related. How can anyone ignore this?


Get the Left out of indoctrinating our children. Do that and you would see an immediate near cessation of the school violence and killings.
Really? No Colleges or Universities? No Churches? No theaters? No businesses? No concerts?

Are you willingly blind?

What happened? Did one of the children not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance?

We have to stay focused on what is important, you know.

Really? Did the NRA have banners and refreshments? Dumb ass
Indeed they did, you dumb slut, every time they wine and dine our congresspeople.

The same ones they use in lots of countries that don’t have this problem?

To not nearly the extent here? Yes

The same ones that Great Britain greatly restricted in the youth that showed a high risk of increased suicides and violent behavior? Again Yes.

You mean, those?
It is not "those", it is one drug: Effexor. So I don't think you have a point, here.

I apologize from the bottom on my heart to all of you "progressives" I have quoted here. I know you are so sorry no children were murdered today. Maybe if you wait a few more days you will have something to look forward to.
That is too hateful for words.

That's your group you identify with. No bodies does not bode well for bans. Still, I think people should stop sending their kids to school. It ain't safe. Banning guns won't make it safe either. Killing these little bastards before they massacre will though.

It's not "My Group" that is being hateful. It is you. "No bodies does not bode well for bans?" What in hell is wrong with you, Mike? And now you want to "Kill these little bastards before they massacre?" What in hell does that look like in your diseased brain?
P.S. What is that avi of?
At first I thought it was a fancy Japanese urinal. Not that, though.

Another school shooting, another week goes by where no one asks why the schools aren't taking measures to prevent them! Another week where no one asks why public schools and not private schools, why not colleges and universities? Why not retail stores, supermarkets, bridal shops, car dealerships, no ----- ---- just public schools.

One almost wonders if on some level they WANT these shootings to happen so they can


If Exxon Mobil kept building oil refineries and they kept blowing up, would you blame the crude oil or Exxon?

In the 1980s when people started tampering with pills and putting poison in Tylenol killing its users, did they blame the pills or the person tampering with them?

Why then does the Crazy Left keep trying to flout this untenable "solution" of "sensible" gun controls as the fix to everything, when all but a total idiot realizes that guns are everywhere and the only way to make kids stop taking guns to school is to totally remove them from availability by taking them out of every home, every store. A total nationwide gun confiscation against the very founding laws of our nation who said to never ever give up your guns! And when you've taken away the 50 million or so firearms, you are still left with the BLACK MARKET which will just bring them right back in, except now, only to the criminal element with a now disarmed populace, and you are still left with the public school kids still wanting to kill, who will just switch to using something else.

Why is none of this considered, or the most obvious solution: TAKE EDUCATION OUT OF THE HANDS OF GOVERNMENT. The common denominator in all these government-run public school shootings is that they are government-related. How can anyone ignore this?


Get the Left out of indoctrinating our children. Do that and you would see an immediate near cessation of the school violence and killings.
Really? No Colleges or Universities? No Churches? No theaters? No businesses? No concerts?

Are you willingly blind?

Are you willingly blind, dishonest or stupid? Are you really claiming that mass serial killings are going off in those places too with the frequency of public schools? Those places are a rarity. And don't pretend you didn't know that is EXACTLY what I meant.

Another school shooting, another week goes by where no one asks why the schools aren't taking measures to prevent them! Another week where no one asks why public schools and not private schools, why not colleges and universities? Why not retail stores, supermarkets, bridal shops, car dealerships, no ----- ---- just public schools.

One almost wonders if on some level they WANT these shootings to happen so they can


If Exxon Mobil kept building oil refineries and they kept blowing up, would you blame the crude oil or Exxon?

In the 1980s when people started tampering with pills and putting poison in Tylenol killing its users, did they blame the pills or the person tampering with them?

Why then does the Crazy Left keep trying to flout this untenable "solution" of "sensible" gun controls as the fix to everything, when all but a total idiot realizes that guns are everywhere and the only way to make kids stop taking guns to school is to totally remove them from availability by taking them out of every home, every store. A total nationwide gun confiscation against the very founding laws of our nation who said to never ever give up your guns! And when you've taken away the 50 million or so firearms, you are still left with the BLACK MARKET which will just bring them right back in, except now, only to the criminal element with a now disarmed populace, and you are still left with the public school kids still wanting to kill, who will just switch to using something else.

Why is none of this considered, or the most obvious solution: TAKE EDUCATION OUT OF THE HANDS OF GOVERNMENT. The common denominator in all these government-run public school shootings is that they are government-related. How can anyone ignore this?


Get the Left out of indoctrinating our children. Do that and you would see an immediate near cessation of the school violence and killings.
People value education for their children and most families can't afford to pay for private schools. I think Napoleon pretty much took care of that concept. Private education is elitist. The last thing we need is for poor people to also be entirely uneducated. Talk about a tax burden. Holy crow.

I'm private educated. Maybe if you could pick the school of your choice and public schools had to COMPETE for your money, they would raise their standards (or go out of business).
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