Indiana Synagogue Vandal Says He Was Radicalized By Ben Shapiro, Far-Right Media

Marc also believes I should pay reparations to African Americans despite the fact that my parents are immigrants who came here legally btw in the 70s and never owner slaves. MarcATL is the epitome of stupid.
You're white. You owe me 'cause you got privilege
But you do have to admit it takes some chutzpah for a poster who idolizes a famous leftist antisemite for trying to blame a synogog shooting on a Jew.

Blaming things on Jews is an old habit with these folks.

MarcATL has that Malcolm X icon, He was the biggest fan boy of Islam that became it's biggest enemy. Malcolm was assassinated by fellow black Muslims. Islam itself has been and still Is the biggest enslaver in history, he adopted a religion of the slavers. But I digress. So I take your thread or anything U post with a grain of salt...
Marc also believes I should pay reparations to African Americans despite the fact that my parents are immigrants who came here legally btw in the 70s and never owner slaves. MarcATL is the epitome of stupid.
You're white. You owe me 'cause you got privilege
A friend of mine once said: Animals don't have feelings. So she was like the biggest animal abuser I ever met. Liberals are like that too, saying you can't be racist to whites. Assuage your empathy, we white animals have no feelings. Hurt us we don't feel anything. We somehow deserve it. Keep telling yourselves THAT. Fighting racism by abusing whites is OK. Because, ya know, fill in the blank liberal hair spiting rationalizations.
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According to this recent Buzzfeed article:

Ben "BS" Shapiro, and the far rightwing radicalized this boy into committing a heinous act.

How many more are next?

How many of you USMBers are BS fans?

You are coming across as a complete idiot.

Ben Shapiro is a Jew. And not just any Jew, which could be a left-wing Jew-hating Jew...... He's an orthodox Jew.

So in your world.... an orthodox Jew convinced a crazy person to go attack a Synagogue of orthodox Jews.

Are you idiot? That is is stupid, even for a left-winger. Have you actually.... listened to Ben Shapiro? I have regularly. He talks about the evils of Ultra-Right-wing people.... every.... single.... week. Literally. Every week, he talks about the evils of Ult-Right.

And here you are, listening to the words of a crazy person, and taking them as divine information that Ben Shapiro, an orthodox Jew convinced someone to attack orthodox Jews.

Every time you come on here Marc, you prove to me that you are stupid stupid boy, and your credibility gets lower with each thread.
A friend of mine once said: Animals don't have feelings. So she was like the biggest animal abuser I ever met
This person never had a pet. They feel everything humans do. Love, fear grief, jealousy....

Agreed 100% and they give unconditional love. Leftists hate animals.
Me too, what is ironic, this gal had like a bazillion pets. Turtles, rabbits tiny little dogs to pit bulls. She couldn't afford the vet bills and all that, they would die from disease or kill each other. She was an animal hoarder. And a typical (I could make this worse and put in all the other issues here) liberal. Why Liberals do this, or think this way, I don't understand.
. Literally. Every week, he talks about the evils of Ult-Right
Not the "ult-right (no such thing). The ALT-right, however, is Nazi.

In America the Founders and the Constitution define the AMERICAN right (different from the European, Progressive "right"
What is this obsession with who people claim they were radicalized by? Unless they were in direct contact, and Ben Shapiro explicitly instructed him to do something, it is enitrely inconsequential.

I could go shoot up a crowd and say the fucking tooth fairy made me do it. It means nothing.
So in your world.... an orthodox Jew convinced a crazy person to go attack a Synagogue of orthodox Jews.

Well, if you're going to say it like that ... of course it doesn't make sense.

That IS what he just said! Ben is an religious Jew, that talks about his faith constantly. This moron, is claiming that Ben Shapiro convinced this crazy guy, to go attack a Jewish religious institution. That is in fact what he said! I'm just pointing out the stupidity.
What is this obsession with who people claim they were radicalized by? Unless they were in direct contact, and Ben Shapiro explicitly instructed him to do something, it is enitrely inconsequential.

I could go shoot up a crowd and say the fucking tooth fairy made me do it. It means nothing.

I have it on good authority that Dylan roof was radicalized by some racist black dude that goes by the name MarcATL.

True story, Bro.
So in your world.... an orthodox Jew convinced a crazy person to go attack a Synagogue of orthodox Jews.

Well, if you're going to say it like that ... of course it doesn't make sense.

That IS what he just said! Ben is an religious Jew, that talks about his faith constantly. This moron, is claiming that Ben Shapiro convinced this crazy guy, to go attack a Jewish religious institution. That is in fact what he said! I'm just pointing out the stupidity.

I think there are only two posters here who are too stupid not to realize that when one person is radicalized by another, they adopt the SAME agenda, not a completely different one.

edit --Oops, make that three. I just read back through the thread and make that "there are only three posters...…."
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I listen to Shapiro. I never attacked a synagogue, mosque or church. Why not use 99% of his followers as an example as a rational person instead ? This is just a cheap shot exageration.
Emboldened by Trump's rhetoric of hate and intolerance, and that of right-wing media, bigots and racists believe they have license to commit acts of violence against minorities.

So true. Why, just today some of us gathered in the town square and beat a bunch of migrants kids to death like they do in those baby seal hunts; we got our licenses from a Trump van parked by the Post Office.

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