Indicting TRUMP IS problematic.

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I don't think so, Biden got 31 million from China, Trump not a dime. Excuse me?
Trump gets several millions from China

Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million ...

View attachment 867683
Forbes › danalexander › 2020/10/23

Oct 23, 2020 — Forbes estimates that at least $5.4 million has flowed into the president's business from a lease agreement involving a state-owned bank in ...
Really? I laugh. Democrats are funded by Globalist like George Soros. He hates America and wants to destroy us. Nobody wants the shit democrats push. Democrats push anti American anti normative anti western anti white trash. No American wants this garbage.
I have heard, he pays more taxes there, than here.
Oh, we've all heard tons of stuff from media for years and nearly every bit of it was exaggerated or even fabricated. The current DC regime have destroyed public trust in our justice system. They seeem convinced that because they own the levers of power, they can do as they please without any backlash coming near them. When they use similar means to steal 2024, they are going to learn how mistaken they are and how they have massively over-estimated their power to force compliance to their crooked "Justice" department.

Trump Records Shed New Light on Chinese Business ...

View attachment 867684
The New York Times › trump-taxes-china

Oct 20, 2020 — In 2017, the company reported an unusually large spike in revenue — some $17.5 million, more than the previous five years' combined. It was ...
what did Briben do to get the millions from the Chicoms eh ? you see thats the problem .. just what did the Briben family do for China to get those millions ..
Given that everything democrats alleged Trump to have done, Biden did too. If not worse. The Millions Biden got from after the Chinese the spy balloon?

Interesting. You want to believe that Trump is no worse than the people you hate. No basis in truth of course. But what does Truth have to do with the RE Trump Fanboy types anyway?
Oh, we've all heard tons of stuff from media for years and nearly every bit of it was exaggerated or even fabricated. The current DC regime have destroyed public trust in our justice system. They seeem convinced that because they own the levers of power, they can do as they please without any backlash coming near them. When they use similar means to steal 2024, they are going to learn how mistaken they are and how they have massively over-estimated their power to force compliance to their crooked "Justice" department.
No, they have not. Except for the totalitarians of your right wing, the rest of the country still backs the ability of our Justice system to get at the truth.
Just like in 2020, only your far right extremist Anti-American faction will even consider trying to steal the election, same as your unpatriotic rabble attempted last time.

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