Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

They have Satan on their side! :dunno:
As we keep voting for "the lesser of two evils", we get more and more evil choices.

It won't be long now before Satan is on the Republican ticket.

"At least he isn't Biden!"
He won’t be convicted by then, if ever. Then, if Smith is able to fool a jury, it would be overturned.

This is major election interference.
Another talking point straight from Trump's ass to your mouth.

Let me remind you what ACTUAL election interference looks like.





Not a single one of these cultists have read the indictment.

They didn't read the other ones, either.

They just can't.
It is literally physically impossible for them to read the indictments. Trump whittled their intellectual bandwidth down to 280 characters, and the MAGA media has dumbed them down to bogus sound bites.
I know! Falling unemployment, lowest LFPR for 25-49 year olds since 2007, falling inflation, wages outpacing inflation, kicking Putin's ass in Ukraine.

My gosh, the horror!
LFPR woukd be high when you just key 7million illegal aliens come pouring ito your country. How many Americans are out of a job because of it ?

"Falling inflation" ? Well it BETTER be falling when it just skyrocketed to 9 something % after being 1.4% when Trumo left office. And all of that is the reported number form he the Biden admin.Actually inflation has topped 100% in rental housing. My apt 1.5 yrs ago was $600/mo. Now it's $1250. and many apartments are much worse than that.

And wy is ther ANY inflaton ? "falling infltion' means tjher some inflaton. Thta;s means prices are still rising, even aboc ethe astronomical levesl thay have gone to. Mind boggling. There should be NO INFLATION at all. There should be DEFLATION, with prices coming down. And there would be if Biden had not lowered the supply of oil, thereby raising gas prices, thereby causing manufacturers to raise prices to compensate for their increased transport costs.

"Wages" ? FOR WHOM ? 7 million illegal aliens ?

Ukraine shouldn't BE kicking Putin's ass, becaue there should be NO WAR there at all, which was the case when Trump was president. Putin has attacked because he knows Biden is a weakling.
Simple answer: all Democrat partisanship pandemic is ignoring the people of the United States' Constitution. And all because they're desperate to coverup Joe Biden's emptying America's generous Foreign Aid Packages to the tune of $50 million dollars to the Biden Crime family's dozen addresses to receive that money. And there are Republicans who will sleep a lot better when Joe Biden is forced to restore every red cent back to the United States Treasury. And those who think drumming up a few more fake charges against President Trump will take America's mind off that half a billion dollars shamefully greedy Joseph Biden laundered through the Foreign Aid Packages he threatened many third-world countries receiving taxpayer money if they didn't given him 30% of their take. Most of them likely decided 70% of several million dollars was better than nothing.

As for your little question, did Trump win the 2020 election? What? With all those Democrat precinct chairmen getting cash presents from the Billionaire Boy's Club, there is suddenly a lot of empty space taking up a lot of brains who do not wish to account for their crimes against Republican voters, who their creepsister President Biden calls all Republican voters "fascists," when he is the only President who has ever acted like a fascist. Projection is getting to be the Deep State Trademark--blame the opposition with crimes they hide from after they already committed them, and that little projection trick gets picked up by the wealthy MSM liars club also funded by the Billionaire Boy's Club. And the little empty space stays that way so long as the MSM Liar children do their part to make the lies they foist on the public seem so true.:puke:
Trump's own internal investigations found there was no fraud. TWO investigations.

Trump buried those reports, and that is going to be used against him in court.

You have been profoundly gaslighted, rube.
Yeah, because if Trump ever shot somebody it would be for self-defense purposes only.
If Trump shot a two year old in the back of the head on Fifth Avenue, you all would be screaming, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Ted Kennedy!"
"Another day, another indictment aimed at keeping former President Trump out of the Oval Office."

This rotten, putrid, stolen Administration....this United States Banana Republic!:mad-61:
DON'T PUT UP WITH IT. What are you going to do? This is a true sign the deep state is taking over. Once Trump is in jail they are coming after our guns.
The more legal trouble Trump gets into, the more likely it is that he'll be convicted and sent to prison. I'm not saying he will, but throw enough mud at the wall and something is bound to stick eventually.
He's been found guilty of crimes in court numerous times. But always in civil court where he just ended up paying a fine.

He raped a woman and just had to pay a fine.

He stole from the elderly and just had to pay a fine.

He stole from cancer kids and just had to pay a fine.

You or me? We'd be serving life in prison for that shit. And every last Trumptard would be coming after us with torches and pitchforks if we did that.

"Try that in a small town."

Now he is FINALLY going to CRIMINAL court where he has belonged all along.
The lying Rapist and Traitor is charged with:

1. Conspiracy To Defraud The United States.

2. Conspiracy To Obstruct An Official Proceeding.

3. Conspiracy and Attempt To Obstruct An Official Proceeding.

4. Conspiracy Against Rights.

NOT bull shit charges.
He's been found guilty of crimes in court numerous times. But always in civil court where he just ended up paying a fine.

He raped a woman and just had to pay a fine.

He stole from the elderly and just had to pay a fine.

He stole from cancer kids and just had to pay a fine.

You or me? We'd be serving life in prison for that shit. And every last Trumptard would be coming after us with torches and pitchforks if we did that.

"Try that in a small town."

Now he is FINALLY going to CRIMINAL court where he has belonged all along.
All the left media has to do is tell you all that stuff, and you believe it. :rolleyes:

Who got more people killed ? Al Capone or Joe Biden ?

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan
Appointed by Barack Obama. Federal judge, District of Columbia.

Judge Tanya Chutkan was appointed to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in June 2014. Born in Kingston, Jamaica, she received her B.A. in Economics from George Washington University and her J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, where she was an Associate Editor of the Law Review and a Legal Writing Fellow.

After law school, she worked in private practice for three years, then joined the District of Columbia Public Defender Service (“PDS”), where she worked as a trial attorney and supervisor. During her tenure at PDS, she argued several appellate cases and tried over 30 cases, including numerous serious felony matters. Eleven years later, she left PDS to join Boies, Schiller, & Flexner LLP, where she specialized in litigation and white collar criminal defense. During her 12 years at the firm, her clients included antitrust class action plaintiffs, as well as individual and corporate defendants involved in complex state and federal litigation.

From 1996 – 2000 Judge Chutkan was a member of the Steering Committee for the Criminal Law and Individual Rights Section of the District of Columbia Bar. She is a frequent lecturer on trial techniques and she has served as a faculty member at the Harvard Law School Trial Advocacy Workshop.

Meet Trump's judge. I wonder how Trump will react to a black Jamaican woman judge appointed by President Obama?
I look forward to his bigoted tweet about her. In all caps, of course.
The lying Rapist and Traitor is charged with:

1. Conspiracy To Defraud The United States.

2. Conspiracy To Obstruct An Official Proceeding.

3. Conspiracy and Attempt To Obstruct An Official Proceeding.

4. Conspiracy Against Rights.

NOT bull shit charges.
Total silly Bullshit.

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