Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Cool. It gets off to a great start!


OMG a politician LIED!!! We have to bring criminal charges!!!

Pathetic, and everyone can see it.
Jack Smith, "Long before now, however, Americans should have reached the conclusion, with or without a trial, that Trump is a menace to the United States and poisonous to our society.... Trump’s record of “lawlessness and depravity” means nothing to Republicans. But other Republicans now, more than ever, face a moment of truth. They must decide if they are partisans or patriots. They can no longer claim to be both."

....this was in the INDICTMENT?

hahahahahahahah Jack Smith hahahahahahah "attorney at butthurt"
It is literally physically impossible for them to read the indictments. Trump whittled their intellectual bandwidth down to 280 characters, and the MAGA media has dumbed them down to bogus sound bites.

These are no longer indictments; they're the hormonal butthurt whinings of 13 yo girls on their period. That's how they read, but you're too blind to see it.
Really? You are actually denying Trump has been fined for his crimes of the past?

Are you fucking kidding me?

Wow! Talk about willfully BLIND!!!

Hey, rube. Keep a close eye on the news in October as Crooked Donald goes back to civil court to face more charges of fraud.

By the way. I have a 30,000 square foot apartment in Trump Tower to sell you. Cheap! A bargain at $327 million.

You are so gaslighted, you probably don't even get that joke.

The Left: Donald Trump is an a$$hole and he really--and I mean REALLY REALLY--hurt my feelings and my butthole. I know what let's do! Let's charge him criminally for every misstep he ever made and some we imagined he made!

Now you eejits want to argue whether he is an a$$hole or not. I don't even care. Being an a$$hole is not a criminal offense. You having your butt hurt every single day is also not a criminal offense.

Grow up.
There is not one. Again the obvious has you stumped. You play your games with yourself troll. OK?

There are 3 statutes mentioned in the indictment. You can't even say which one is about the First Amendment.

As always, all you do is spout nonsense and parade your ignorance.
You don't even know he's not charged with lying, do ya?

This is no longer about anything rational at all. This is like the Nazis going around with their eye color chart trying to measure who are the real Jews and Aryans. It's reasoning based on insanity, and if I engage in it, I'm taking part in your absolute insanity.

I won't. And soon enough if you can't find a way to come out of it, I don't want any part of it. I don't want to share a nation with people who would decimate and make a mockery of our justice system just to vent all the hurt in their butt.

Really. And I'm not alone.
This is no longer about anything rational at all. This is like the Nazis going around with their eye color chart trying to measure who are the real Jews and Aryans. It's reasoning based on insanity, and if I engage in it, I'm taking part in your absolute insanity.

I won't. And soon enough if you can't find a way to come out of it, I don't want any part of it. I don't want to share a nation with people
who would decimate and make a mockery of our justice system just to vent all the hurt in their butt.

Really. And I'm not alone.

You're not rational. You support criminality. And you're so deeply invested, you choose to close your eyes to it and let it happen. And if you don't want to share the nation, you're always welcome to leave. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.
How's that promised Obamacare replacement workin' for ya?

Fortunately, I've always had very good private insurance.

I do know that the Obamacare plans work for some and for some it does not work.
It's a sham. Nothing legal in it. Al political.
If you read the indictment, you’d find the evidence both overwhelming and compelling.

For example, you’ll find Trump in his own words acknowledging the fact that the election was not stolen and that there was no fraud.

Indeed, Trump administration officials repeatedly told Trump there was neither fraud nor cheating, that in fact he would be leaving office on January 20th.

Yet acknowledging these facts, Trump continued with his criminal efforts to overturn the election in violation of the law, knowing that he lost the election.
You're not rational. You support criminality. And you're so deeply invested, you choose to close your eyes to it and let it happen. And if you don't want to share the nation, you're always welcome to leave. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

You want to criminalize butthurt
If you read the indictment, you’d find the evidence both overwhelming and compelling.

For example, you’ll find Trump in his own words acknowledging the fact that the election was not stolen and that there was no fraud.

Indeed, Trump administration officials repeatedly told Trump there was neither fraud nor cheating, that in fact he would be leaving office on January 20th.

Yet acknowledging these facts, Trump continued with his criminal efforts to overturn the election in violation of the law, knowing that he lost the election.

Trump is a bad person and I'm butthurt about it, so let's criminalize everything he did and throw him in jail, and jump around about how GREAT it is we're going to throw him in jail.

Next up:

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
4. Conspiracy Against Rights.
This addresses Trump’s criminal efforts to void ballots in Democratic districts and precincts with majority voters of color, absent any evidence of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating.’

Trump conspired to violate citizens’ right to vote by invalidating their votes because he opposed whom he believed they voted for.
Trump is a bad person and I'm butthurt about it, so let's criminalize everything he did and throw him in jail, and jump around about how GREAT it is we're going to throw him in jail.

Next up:

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
That you don’t like or disapprove of the facts and evidence documenting Trump’s crimes in the indictment because you’re a Trump sycophant doesn’t invalidate the facts and evidence.

From the indictment:

“The Defendant and co-conspirators used knowingly false claims of election

fraud to get state legislators and election officials to subvert the legitimate

election results and change electoral votes for the Defendant’s opponent,

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., to electoral votes for the Defendant. That is, on the

pretext of baseless fraud claims, the Defendant pushed officials in certain

states to ignore the popular vote; disenfranchise millions of voters; dismiss

legitimate electors; and ultimately, cause the ascertainment of and voting

by illegitimate electors in favor of the Defendant.”

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