Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

That you don’t like or disapprove of the facts and evidence documenting Trump’s crimes in the indictment because you’re a Trump sycophant doesn’t invalidate the facts and evidence.

From the indictment:

“The Defendant and co-conspirators used knowingly false claims of election

fraud to get state legislators and election officials to subvert the legitimate

election results and change electoral votes for the Defendant’s opponent,

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., to electoral votes for the Defendant. That is, on the

pretext of baseless fraud claims, the Defendant pushed officials in certain

states to ignore the popular vote; disenfranchise millions of voters; dismiss

legitimate electors; and ultimately, cause the ascertainment of and voting

by illegitimate electors in favor of the Defendant.”

Oh. He engaged in politics.

The culture has already turned. When the politics do too, don't you dare whine when you hate the game turned on you.

Gosh. What will we throw your politicians in jail for, I wonder? Or put them through multiple rounds of indictments for?

You folks with your endorphin rush and your really bad memes never, ever think ahead. More pity you, but not us.
Oh. He engaged in politics.

The culture has already turned. When the politics do too, don't you dare whine when you hate the game turned on you.

Gosh. What will we throw your politicians in jail for, I wonder? Or put them through multiple rounds of indictments for?

You folks with your endorphin rush and your really bad memes never, ever think ahead. More pity you, but not us.
The evidence that Trump sought to lawlessly overturn the election contrary to the will of the people is compelling and overwhelming.

From the indictment:

‘The December 6 Memorandum (“Fraudulent Elector Memo”) marked a

sharp departure from Co-Conspirator 5’s Wisconsin Memo, advocating that

the alternate electors originally conceived of to preserve rights in Wisconsin

instead be used in a number of states as fraudulent electors to prevent Biden

from receiving the 270 electoral votes necessary to secure the presidency

on January 6. The Fraudulent Elector Memo suggested that the Defendant’s

electors in six purportedly “contested” states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan,

Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) should meet and mimic as best as

possible the actions of the legitimate Biden electors, and that on January 6,

the Vice President should open and count the fraudulent votes, setting up a

fake controversy that would derail the proper certification of Biden as

No I am saying what Trump said is protected by the 1st amendment. If that is not true Pelosi needs to be held accountable for the summer of 2020 riots.
He is also accountable by the first amendment. These amendments are based on good faith principles. trump has never done anything with that intent in mind.
Not my game. The FACTS decide the fate of the accused. Not what anyone pro or con believes them to be.

Okay. Tell me, FACTUALLY, where the first amendment freedom of speech is based on "good faith principles". After all, this is the most blatant violation. You are attempting to jail someone for their speech.

Go. Tell us about those "good faith principles" in the Constitution. Where?

Just as I said. You tards have not read the indictment and were waiting for your gaslighting propagandists to tell you what to say.

And you never will read the indictment. It has too many words.

The claims in that tweet have FUCK-ALL to do with the indictment.

My god. You idiots are so easily gaslighted, your propagandists don't even have to work hard any more!

Every time I read one of these silly indictments it's like these assholes are living in an alternative universe.

Especially since indictments are simply claims (false or otherwise) that they still have to prove in a court of law.

This is nothing new, because after watching the Dems bring two impeachments and a Jan 6th hearing based on complete fantasies, it's no stretch to figure out that these suspiciously timed indictments are just more of the same. Their purpose is to get the headlines off of the absolutely damning revelations of Joe Biden's corruption, and gives CNN and company the perfect opportunity to practice censorship.
LOkay. Tell me, FACTUALLY, where the first amendment freedom of speech is based on "good faith principles". After all, this is the most blatant violation. You are attempting to jail someone for their speech.

Go. Tell us about those "good faith principles" in the Constitution. Where?
No I'm not. You are attempting to say he did nothing wrong. The court will decide his fate, not you or I. And if anything it would be the abuse of the first amendment by trump that is on trial. Actually it's the consequences of all his lies and failure up to the oath he took as president.
Every time I read one of these silly indictments it's like these assholes are living in an alternative universe.

Especially since indictments are simply claims (false or otherwise) that they still have to prove in a court of law.

This is nothing new, because after watching the Dems bring two impeachments and a Jan 6th hearing based on complete fantasies, it's no stretch to figure out that these suspiciously timed indictments are just more of the same. Their purpose is to get the headlines off of the absolutely damning revelations of Joe Biden's corruption, and gives CNN and company the perfect opportunity to practice censorship.

Underneath their frantic rejoicing is the sheen of flop sweat though. They're nervous. You can sense them thinking, they better get something on him.
No I'm not. You are attempting to say he did nothing wrong. The court will decide his fate, not you or I. And if anything it would be the abuse of the first amendment by trump that is on trial. Actually it's the consequences of all his lies and failure up to the oath he took sd president.

Stop talking to yourself and address what I said.

Where in the First Amendment is the freedom of speech based on "good faith principles"?
Backfire in progress. Every indictment gains exponentially fewer rewards. Like an addict chasing a high.

But keep going with the empty carbs
Remember over 2 solid years of Russian Collusion being spread around by the media, and the DOJ, which turned out to be a hoax.

Fool me once, shame on you......fool me twice.....and I'm a member of the 30% that seems to always fall for these scams.



Nothing to cope and seethe about. Your president is a demented shell of a human being who has ACTUAL crimes under investigation, and you know it.

All these indictments are YOUR cope and seethe, since Trump came down the escalator. Pathetic. You all couldn't just deal with it; you had to break everything, just like emotionally unbalanced kindergarteners throwing crayons around the room.

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