Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

It can’t be completely political. Laws have to be broken and a legal explanation made for charges to be brought. That’s how our legal system works.

If you think Archer had anything to to with this then you’re not very bright

You really are the type of derp Biden and Democrats rely on.
One day after the very bad day for Joe Biden with the Archer testimony. So obvious.
The Archer testimony wasn’t very bad for Biden. He literally said that he never experienced Joe getting involved with any of their business dealings. Don’t know what news you’re watching but try looking for actual quotes and not propaganda commentary
These are wonderful times for you Communist stools.
American men have become so pussified they are afraid to even speak out.

They think they "won" something in 2020. Look how pathetic they are: A doddering, old, incontinent, impotent, lame duck pedophile in the WH who can't get his agenda passed, because the GOP-held House is cock-blocking the Democrats. Like Obama's only signature piece of legislation, the ACA, Biden's* "Build Back Better" is also dead in the ditch.


* Corrupt liar, usurper, election thief and pedophile
Hmm? One day(!) after the Archer testimony.

Jack Smith, getting ready to make his personal appearance, and attempt to make us believe this isn't completely political

But yeah, again, an indictment immediately following bad news for Biden a day earlier.

It's the other way around.
The MAGAt propagandists have been baying like wounded oxen about Hunter's big nothingburger in order to distract from Trump's growing list of felonies.
They think they "won" something in 2020. Look how pathetic they are: A doddering, old, incontinent, impotent, lame duck pedophile in the WH who can't get his agenda passed, because the GOP-held House is cock-blocking the Democrats. Like Obama's only signature piece of legislation, the ACA, Biden's "Build Back Better" is also dead in the ditch.

Hypothetically, what will you do when trump is found guilty?
Patience..(young grasshopper) finally came thru....

6 other unnamed, were indicted.

John Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, pretty certain by the descriptions, likely Giuliani another,

One person not described on there is Mark Meadows, so my guess is he worked a deal....and copped a plea....

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