Indigenous Leaders Want Pope Francis To Rescind Bull Justifying Imperialism

I think that the point is that the Europeans weren't here first.

So, who was first?

Are you saying that for the first time in the life of politically correct liberals, the so-called "aboriginal" and "native" Americans are nothing but immigrants, same as yesterday's arrivals, with the only difference is that some immigrants rely on themselves, while others rely on government handouts.
Nope. I'm saying that the period of colonialism was cruel, brutal and greedy.

American heritage reaches back along the Timeline as both a victim and a profiteer of the process. Recognizing the humanity of the American experiment is the first step in living up to the blind fairness that remains the goal of living by the The US Constitution.

Baby steps to the stars :thup:
And by 'humanity', I mean the good, the bad, the beauty and the ugly that remains the American experience.

Step one is recognizing that, for all the good that our democracy has brought to a dog-eat-dog world, America isn't perfect.

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