Infamous Breach By the Obama Administration


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Petty little man that Obama is.

In Shocking Breach, U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel's Nuclear Capabilities | The Weekly Standard

In the declassified document, the Pentagon reveals supposed details about Israel’s deterrence capabilities, but it kept sections on France, Germany, and Italy classified. Those sections are blacked out in the document.

The two main exceptions in the international media that wrote about the declassification at the time were the state-funded Iranian regime station Press TV and the state-funded Russian station RT.

Both these media were rumored to have been tipped off about this obscure report at the time by persons in Washington. (Both the RT and PressTV stories falsely claim that the U.S. gave Israel help in building a hydrogen bomb. This is incorrect.)


The declassification is a serious breach of decades’ old understandings concerning this issue between Israel and its north American and certain European allies.
Not surprising. Wonder what else he'll give the Iranians in that little deal. Maybe a few terrorists, too?
Obama is the worst enemy the Untied States has ever had.
Iran can save big bucks by disbanding its intelligence services.

They have no need with a willing accomplice sitting in the (former) White House handing them all the intel they could possibly want. Free.
Im terrified of what he'll do December 2016-January 2017. Once his party's election run is or lose...and he has two final months of authority with nothing to terrified.

He'll pardon murderers and terrorists. Release sensitive info to enemies. Say who knows what publicly. He has set America's greatness back 30 years.
Im terrified of what he'll do December 2016-January 2017. Once his party's election run is or lose...and he has two final months of authority with nothing to terrified.

He'll pardon murderers and terrorists. Release sensitive info to enemies. Say who knows what publicly. He has set America's greatness back 30 years.
He set us back 30 in his first term. But your right the damage coming will far exceed the damage done.
Between the day when the 2016 election results are certified and inauguration day, 2017 many options previously unthinkable become food for thought.

By all parties.
I just have one thing to post in this thread.
Village Idiot Kenya.jpg
Obama is the worst enemy the Untied States has ever had.
No, the biggest enemy the United States ever had is the ignorant populace that elected Obama.

This flock of sheeple called American Idol Nation, this tattooed, lowing mass of fatasses with no fuckin' brains.
In 200 years...historians will look back at the 2008/2012 elections...and speak about the voters of America with bewilderment. Asking how a society of a former superpower came to elect such a disaster.
Gee, check the posts. No trash. Evidently the Idiot Libs have no defense for this one.
In 200 years...historians will look back at the 2008/2012 elections...and speak about the voters of America with bewilderment. Asking how a society of a former superpower came to elect such a disaster.
Only if islam does not destroy all non islamic records. Something they HAVE done in every other country they have over run.
All this whining about an open secret and not a peep from you oh so loyal Americans about Israel leaking secrets from the meetings trying to get a deal done about Iran and nukes. Nothing but keyboard patriots and true traitors at heart.
Im terrified of what he'll do December 2016-January 2017. Once his party's election run is or lose...and he has two final months of authority with nothing to terrified.

He'll pardon murderers and terrorists. Release sensitive info to enemies. Say who knows what publicly. He has set America's greatness back 30 years.
You are no different that the far leftist freaks saying the same about George Bush.

The ideologues to the extremes are necessary to make us in the mainstream realize how fortunate we live in this wonderful country.
All this whining about an open secret and not a peep from you oh so loyal Americans about Israel leaking secrets from the meetings trying to get a deal done about Iran and nukes. Nothing but keyboard patriots and true traitors at heart.
How dare Israel tell congress what obama was tryimg to hide?!
BHO is indeed a mulatto but not a Muslim.

Porker is beneath those any who a mulatto and or a Muslim. Absolutely worthless.
All this whining about an open secret and not a peep from you oh so loyal Americans about Israel leaking secrets from the meetings trying to get a deal done about Iran and nukes. Nothing but keyboard patriots and true traitors at heart.
How dare Israel tell congress what obama was tryimg to hide?!
Its called secret negotiations for a reason and no they had no right to know what was going on because they are not involved scum like you deserve a prison and big black bubba can get to know know another :)

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