Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.
You don’t filter BS; you promote it.
Anyone that kills an innocent defenseless human being at any stage is pure evil. Go to hell.


So if the air strikes that Trump ordered on Syria kills innocent, Syrian children...should he go to hell for that?
Just looking at Sweden abortion numbers

For a year. Births



37 k

That is a very high abortion rate and with white women. Black women has higher rates Europe is nearly dead because of liberalism brining this monster imbalance of young to old

Caused by all parts of liberalism

This is destroying all liberal nations
Sweden is also under attack by Russia and their trollbots

Sweden is under attack for what they caused.

This monster imbalance of young to old

They had to replace their murdered young with Muslim young who has swedens women living in terror if they go out

Their abortion and liberalism is the cause of their own destruction
Wrong science says the fetus has its own DNA code

Science says heartbeat can be detected at 3 weeks

Science is screaming abortion as murder and is spreading like wildfires

Who gives a shit?

Without brain activity - at roughly 11+ weeks - there CANNOT be sentience.

And without sentience, there is NO human being.

That is science, pally boy.

Stick that in your God-Club manual and...whatever.


A coma person with a heartbeat is still life

Science is spreading like wildfire that abortion is murder

A coma 'person' still has brain activity.

How Active Is the Brain in a Coma?

I am right.

Without brain activity - there is no sentience. Without sentience, there is no person.

A fetus before their brain activity begins is NOT a person.

BTW - I am against all abortions after brain activity begins (unless the mother's life is at stake).

How conscious is a child with no brain? Having only a brain stem to keep their vital organs running? How much brain activity does an anencephalic child have?

No idea what the fuck you are babbling about. Nor do I much care.

I have posted a link proving when brain activity begins.

You don't like it - take it up with the authors of the link.

Ta ta.

Hey fucktard. Why don't YOU take it up with the Supreme Court of Florida.

"Because no Florida statute applies to the present case, the determination of death in this instance must be judged against the common law cardiopulmonary standard. The evidence shows that T.A.C.P.'s heart was beating and she was breathing at the times in question. Accordingly, she was not dead under Florida law, and no donation of her organs would have been legal. "


Now, go have some whine with your red herring.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.

Uh huh. Elvis knew.....

Love Elvis. Seriously, anyone that kills a human at any stage is evil.

Great song. I'll leave the judgement of evil or not to another.

then you believe in no law.
It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.

That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.

Prove it.

You made a matter-of-fact prove it with unbiased, factual proof.

Guaranteed you cannot.

Which means your statement is full of shit.

Kind of like I assume you are.
well since they go forward and kill babies, then there indeed is a devil.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.
You don’t filter BS; you promote it.
Anyone that kills an innocent defenseless human being at any stage is pure evil. Go to hell.


So if the air strikes that Trump ordered on Syria kills innocent, Syrian children...should he go to hell for that?
that's up to his god to decide.
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt
why should anybody take the right wing seriously about natural rights in any abortion thread when y'all have declared having no problem with machine gun turrets and land mines at our southern border.
The political effect of Roe was to make the then predominant pro-choice view complacent, and the anti-abortion view one of liberal elites (Blackmun was a goper, btw) "creating" a right to enforce a morality that was not a majority view in certain locales.

I will be surprised if the Louisiana law doesn't become an option for any state to enact. And the result of that will be that women in Jesusland/Red states see restrictions, unless they are either affluent enough or have insurance to allow an individual doctor/patient relationship with a PRIVATE ob/gyn, or affluent enough to get abortion services in a blues state. The other aspect, and it was discussed on the board, that at least some first trimester abortions can simply be chemically performed with prescribed meds that are taken at home. The Louisiana case does not deal with who may prescribe these drugs. Or whether docs providing IUD's need admitting privileges. But Jesusland pols have views and contributors.

But regardless, the women who didn't vote, and the women who voted gop in 16, will be in for a reckoning. And as it was back in the 1970's if some women end up maimed .... well they're the casualties of abortion being a political issue. Which was sort of Blackmun's point. But the constitution was not a document effectuating fairness between those with money and those without.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.
You don’t filter BS; you promote it.
Anyone that kills an innocent defenseless human being at any stage is pure evil. Go to hell.


So if the air strikes that Trump ordered on Syria kills innocent, Syrian children...should he go to hell for that?
Nope. The Syrian leaders will be held responsible. When the Palestinians strap bombs to their children and send them to blow up innocent people, who do you think should be held responsible?
Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.
You don’t filter BS; you promote it.
Anyone that kills an innocent defenseless human being at any stage is pure evil. Go to hell.


So if the air strikes that Trump ordered on Syria kills innocent, Syrian children...should he go to hell for that?
Nope. The Syrian leaders will be held responsible. When the Palestinians strap bombs to their children and send them to blow up innocent people, who do you think should be held responsible?
funny these fks complaining because we speak of god and then believe that a child wearing a suicide vest will get 60 virgins when they hit the button. wow. :auiqs.jpg:can't make this up.
If the Supreme Court does not overturn roe verses wade since science is saying abortion is murder

If they keep abortion legal when the men votes to go with science

If it's a 5-4 decision and Justice Roberts joins the liberals

There will be hell to pay if Justice Roberts is the deciding vote

Trump will have the military to set up a logic test for voters

So what?

Even if Roe v. Wade gets overturned...the way of the world is DEFINITELY turning to pro choice. Unless you live under a rock, you know this to be true.

So even if Roe v. Wade is given the day it will become law for good.

And even if Roe v. Wade is thrown out - women will still get millions of abortions in America...they just will do it in secret.

There is NOTHING you can do to stop abortions in America.


Exactly. Furthermore, the issue will be kicked back to the various states. Some states plan to make it illegal right away. Others like New York are not. In the long run it might be better. It will certainly give the Dems a kick in ass to get back to local and state politics.

Like gay marriage was left up to the States.


Wait. . .

Well yes, actually. Wasn't it up to the states before and some states legalized it while others didn't?
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.
You don’t filter BS; you promote it.
Anyone that kills an innocent defenseless human being at any stage is pure evil. Go to hell.


So if the air strikes that Trump ordered on Syria kills innocent, Syrian children...should he go to hell for that?
Nope. The Syrian leaders will be held responsible. When the Palestinians strap bombs to their children and send them to blow up innocent people, who do you think should be held responsible?
funny these fks complaining because we speak of god and then believe that a child wearing a suicide vest will get 60 virgins when they hit the button. wow. :auiqs.jpg:can't make this up.

Whoa, hold on a sec Cowboy, you can speak about It all you want. That's a far cry from trying to enforce your interpretation of It's will here on earth. Besides can you name some liberals who believe those freaky SBers get X amount of Virgins when they blow up? Is that something liberals are suppose to believe? I mean I'm liberal and that's fucking stupid.
If the Supreme Court does not overturn roe verses wade since science is saying abortion is murder

If they keep abortion legal when the men votes to go with science

If it's a 5-4 decision and Justice Roberts joins the liberals

There will be hell to pay if Justice Roberts is the deciding vote

Trump will have the military to set up a logic test for voters

So what?

Even if Roe v. Wade gets overturned...the way of the world is DEFINITELY turning to pro choice. Unless you live under a rock, you know this to be true.

So even if Roe v. Wade is given the day it will become law for good.

And even if Roe v. Wade is thrown out - women will still get millions of abortions in America...they just will do it in secret.

There is NOTHING you can do to stop abortions in America.


Exactly. Furthermore, the issue will be kicked back to the various states. Some states plan to make it illegal right away. Others like New York are not. In the long run it might be better. It will certainly give the Dems a kick in ass to get back to local and state politics.

Like gay marriage was left up to the States.


Wait. . .

Well yes, actually. Wasn't it up to the states before and some states legalized it while others didn't?
And Roberts opposition was based just on it being a state legal issue. Obergerfell found the fed govt couldn't treat married gays differently than married straights. If you have 30 states marrying gays and lesbians and 20 not recognizing child support orders you have .... ANARCHY. Windsor was about preventing anarchy.

But sometimes anarchy may not be a bad thing. Perhaps the constitution was not to save us from ourselves but to require us to save ourselves.
If the Supreme Court does not overturn roe verses wade since science is saying abortion is murder

If they keep abortion legal when the men votes to go with science

If it's a 5-4 decision and Justice Roberts joins the liberals

There will be hell to pay if Justice Roberts is the deciding vote

Trump will have the military to set up a logic test for voters

So what?

Even if Roe v. Wade gets overturned...the way of the world is DEFINITELY turning to pro choice. Unless you live under a rock, you know this to be true.

So even if Roe v. Wade is given the day it will become law for good.

And even if Roe v. Wade is thrown out - women will still get millions of abortions in America...they just will do it in secret.

There is NOTHING you can do to stop abortions in America.


Exactly. Furthermore, the issue will be kicked back to the various states. Some states plan to make it illegal right away. Others like New York are not. In the long run it might be better. It will certainly give the Dems a kick in ass to get back to local and state politics.

Like gay marriage was left up to the States.


Wait. . .

Well yes, actually. Wasn't it up to the states before and some states legalized it while others didn't?

That should be a clue.
what happens to nations that has a monster imbalance of young to old?
English is not your first language, is it? LOL Need to verk on pronoun agreement, boychick

Casey Stengell. Used stenglelize

Same as yogi Berra. Who says it's not over till it's over

Inventors with higher logic that simple followers cannot invent

And now we have the Trumpyberra. What will he say next?

"I never said most of the things I said."

"It ain't the heat, it's the humility."

"It gets late early out there."

"It's like deja vu all over again."
When a state makes its own laws they must take full responsibility and take the pain and cost

Like New York if they make laws of liberalism they will have this big imbalance of young to old

This will make their old not able to retire before 95 because of less young to tax to help

Liberals are Muchers of older people

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