
Fascinating. Can we see your math? Sounds like another white nationalist pile of crap.

Since President Biden has been in office, illegal crossings total more than 8 million​


Since President Biden has been in office, illegal crossings total more than 8 million​

Okay, you're at square one. So i guess all that is left for you for now is to do actual math to argue the "additional" migrants only here because of Biden policy, and then show, using fact, their impact on the housing shortages, when and where those shortages are.
You can’t get a tent for that amount in Brookline, MA

Which is the point, people do not build starter homes much any longer.

And damn, just looked at what the house I had built last year would cost there, lowest price for one with the close to the same sqft was 2.2 million. About 6 times what we paid with more added features.
You do know that these days even a bunch of your fellow republicans are saying inflation was tRump's fault.

Look at the timeline. Look like Trump to you? 🤷‍♂️

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YOu know the economy isn't instantaneous.

That's why republican administrations don't hit recession until the third or fourth year of their terms, and why it takes the Democratic administrations 2-3 years to straighten out what the republicans fucked up.
YOu know the economy isn't instantaneous.

That's why republican administrations don't hit recession until the third or fourth year of their terms, and why it takes the Democratic administrations 2-3 years to straighten out what the republicans fucked up.
So your dumbass claims as we're in a recession on the 3rd year of Democrats being in charge.

Oblivious tard.
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Which is the point, people do not build starter homes much any longer.

And damn, just looked at what the house I had built last year would cost there, lowest price for one with the close to the same sqft was 2.2 million. About 6 times what we paid with more added features.
Welcome to my world
Are all republicans stupid?

Where did I say that, Dumbass?
"That's why republican administrations don't hit recession until the third or fourth year of their terms, and why it takes the Democratic administrations 2-3 years to straighten out what the republicans fucked up."

^ Biden caused this recession, idiot.
Inflations was transitional and has been tamed. Core CPI was nothing last month.


That's like showing up to a forrest fire where the trees are already burned to the ground with a 5 gallon pale of water to "save the day".

Don't get out much, do you ?
"That's why republican administrations don't hit recession until the third or fourth year of their terms, and why it takes the Democratic administrations 2-3 years to straighten out what the republicans fucked up."

^ Biden caused this recession, idiot.
Don't be stupid, Son. Joe Biden hasn't caused a recession.
YOu know the economy isn't instantaneous.

And yet there are plenty of you rubes who are willing to blast GOP presidents for things that happened in their past. You are right, but I won't let the asswipes on this board off the hook for using a different logic.

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