Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Jobs that are paid out of the government coffers are not real jobs.They simply add to the deficit and in a short while the reality of inflation will return with a biting vengeance as the borrowed time comes due to reality. In this case less than 3 years most likely. Even a digital currency transformation will be useless in this regard. Why? Because you can't digitize a gallon of milk that's why.
They're scooping water out of the deep end of the pool, pouring it back in the shallow end -after they've drained off at least 1/3 for themselves- and claiming that they're making the shallow end deeper.

Yes, they really are that stupid, and believe us to be too.
Yes !!! USA !!!

Incredible data this morning !!!

Personal Income increased a beautiful 0.4% MoM !!!! Booom!

But even better, Inflation plummeted down to a very great o.3% core and a lowly 0.1% non core !!!!!!
Inflation is fake news, like election fraud and inflation has plummeted to 3% range !!!

Biden !!! Biden !!!!!!
Biden has America booming, incomes surging, and inflation plummeting !!!!
USA ! USA! USA! USA! USA !!!!!

So our personal income rose 0.4 to help offset the 3.6% decrease since the Biden Presidency started. 0.3% inflation is real good after the almost double-digit inflation since Biden to office, still many Americans are struggling because wages are far short of inflation since Biden took office. Thanks for your facts.
Yes !!! USA !!!

Incredible data this morning !!!

Personal Income increased a beautiful 0.4% MoM !!!! Booom!

But even better, Inflation plummeted down to a very great o.3% core and a lowly 0.1% non core !!!!!!
Inflation is fake news, like election fraud and inflation has plummeted to 3% range !!!

Biden !!! Biden !!!!!!
Biden has America booming, incomes surging, and inflation plummeting !!!!
USA ! USA! USA! USA! USA !!!!!


Only you stupid idiotic inbred Moon Bats would find a way to brag about Potatohead's massive inflation and destructive economic policies that has destroyed the purchasing power of all American families. Not to mention his massive debt for our children that we got nothing for.
So how is this new jobs added number calculated and is it really accurate or meaningful?

The same way it has always been. It is just as real and accurate and meaningful as it was under the previous Admin when none of you ever questioned it.
Yea the mods in this message board are a total joke

None of them can debate at all using facts.
If you post facts, data, or ask tough questions they silence you. Then they are cry about cancel culture.

Republicans are in a sad and disgraceful spot right now. They are jealous of Biden's success. They want America to fail like it did under Bush and Trump, and they also want the DOJ to ignore all of Trump's crimes.
All while crying about election fraud that never happened, and can;t even admit Trump lost the election.
You want to deny reality to the actual facts why your threads usually end up downstairs, it's okay.
It's your God given right to have an opinion. But, it is a childish opinion, especially after you have
been shown exactly why and you just ignore it.
Yea the mods in this message board are a total joke

None of them can debate at all using facts.
If you post facts, data, or ask tough questions they silence you. Then they are cry about cancel culture.
The facts are that your "bonanza" is in terms of layabouts re-entering the work force after their FauxiFlu free lunch has run out, and earnings in dollars that have never been worth less....In fact, the REAL wage loss is historic.

You're nothing but a sad little fucking clown, who would be waving the pom-poms for Beelzebub himself, if he carried that (D) by his name.
Yea the mods in this message board are a total joke

None of them can debate at all using facts.
If you post facts, data, or ask tough questions they silence you. Then they are cry about cancel culture.

Republicans are in a sad and disgraceful spot right now. They are jealous of Biden's success. They want America to fail like it did under Bush and Trump, and they also want the DOJ to ignore all of Trump's crimes.
All while crying about election fraud that never happened, and can;t even admit Trump lost the election.
I thought you were leaving?
Yea the mods in this message board are a total joke

None of them can debate at all using facts.

If you post facts, data, or ask tough questions they silence you. Then they are cry about cancel culture.

Republicans are in a sad and disgraceful spot right now. They are jealous of Biden's success. They want America to fail like it did under Bush and Trump, and they also want the DOJ to ignore all of Trump's crimes.

All while crying

Yea the mods in this message board are a total joke

None of them can debate at all using facts.

If you post facts, data, or ask tough questions they silence you. Then they are cry about cancel culture.

Republicans are in a sad and disgraceful spot right now. They are jealous of Biden's success. They want America to fail like it did under Bush and Trump, and they also want the DOJ to ignore all of Trump's crimes.

All while crying about election fraud that never happened, and can;tOf all the pathetic rants. even admit Trump lost the election.
Yes, and the OP has to be civil, it has to have a clean start. You can post the content
without taunts/flame. I am sure that his sources are civil without taunts.

Do you consider where the taunts start?

Post civil sourced facts, and people right away attack those figures.

Even this guy.

We still have the COVID funds being distributed into the economy. That skews things a bit.
The left don't want to talk about that.
MG, it's the OP (OPENING POST) that has to have a clean start.
That's it, the OPENING POST. It can get pithy after that.
It's not that difficult, is it?
Content in opening posts must be 3 sentences or more and must contain the opinion of the member starting the thread. "Get a load of this" is not sufficient topical content. Summarize the topic to be discussed and why you think it needs discussion.
You want to deny reality to the actual facts why your threads usually end up downstairs, it's okay.
It's your God given right to have an opinion. But, it is a childish opinion, especially after you have
been shown exactly why and you just ignore it.
Bull shit.
There is nothing wrong with posting economic data and chanting Biden or USA. Get over it.
If i ask Why does good data make you angry? that is a serious question and warranted by the reaction of the traitors to America. You don't get to silence me for that.

The reality is, you hate America, you are a total traitor and you only came about Trump and the GOP. You hate it that Biden is doing better than Trump and you hate that Trump is caught red handed dead to rights committing a serious crime, and you hate the Trump lied over election fraud then incited an Insurrection. You hate that the data came in great this morning, you are obviously rooting for the country to fail like it did under Bush and Trump. So when I make a thread pointing out the great data, you are ill and you must silence it. When I make a perfectly legit thread asking why does this good data make you angry, you are ill and you must silence it.

Nothing in those OP violate the rules at all.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this OP in anyway:

Yes !!! USA !!!

Incredible data this morning !!!

Personal Income increased a beautiful 0.4% MoM !!!! Booom!

But even better, Inflation plummeted down to a very great o.3% core and a lowly 0.1% non core !!!!!!
Inflation is fake news, like election fraud and inflation has plummeted to 3% range !!!

Biden !!! Biden !!!!!!
Biden has America booming, incomes surging, and inflation plummeting !!!!
USA ! USA! USA! USA! USA !!!!!

If you are going to cry and cancel culture me because I made a biden chant or a USA chant, gimme a break you crybabies. You people cry about cancel culture, then commit extremely pathetic cancel culture.
Content in opening posts must be 3 sentences or more and must contain the opinion of the member starting the thread. "Get a load of this" is not sufficient topical content. Summarize the topic to be discussed and why you think it needs discussion.
  • You might have overlooked some of what you were looking at

  • "Zone 1": Clean Debate Zone (CDZ) / Introduce Yourself (Welcome Threads) / The Lounge / Announcements / Race Relations-Racism / Religion and Ethics: Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. No insults, name calling, or putting down other posters (flaming). Consider it a lesson in civics.
  • "Zone 2":All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: Baiting and polarizing opening posts and thread titles risk the thread being locked, moved, or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Replies must contain significant and specific thread topic content to advance the discussion. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
    • Titles and Opening Posts:
      • Titles must be free of INFLAMMATORY words, name calling, and "pet names".
      • Content in opening posts must be 3 sentences or more and must contain the opinion of the member starting the thread. "Get a load of this" is not sufficient topical content. Summarize the topic to be discussed and why you think it needs discussion.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this OP in anyway:

Yes !!! USA !!!

Incredible data this morning !!!

Personal Income increased a beautiful 0.4% MoM !!!! Booom!

But even better, Inflation plummeted down to a very great o.3% core and a lowly 0.1% non core !!!!!!
Inflation is fake news, like election fraud and inflation has plummeted to 3% range !!!

Biden !!! Biden !!!!!!
Biden has America booming, incomes surging, and inflation plummeting !!!!
USA ! USA! USA! USA! USA !!!!!

If you are going to cry and cancel culture me because I made a biden chant or a USA chant, gimme a break you crybabies. You people cry about cancel culture, then commit extremely pathetic cancel culture.
For the third fucking time, Banker, I did not move this thread.

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