Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

FACTS are trolling to you treasonous traitor trash !!

Fake Fox News paid a record $770M fine for knowingly lying to you retards.

You love lies. You need lies. You hate facts
treasonous traitor ? you and your leftist comrades are the ones who believe in violating the constitution and threaten court justices and burn down city blocks when you dont get your faggot way ! remember in a couple of months you've got to start making those payments on gay dance you majored in !
FACTS are trolling to you treasonous traitor trash !!

Fake Fox News paid a record $770M fine for knowingly lying to you retards.

You love lies. You need lies. You hate facts
i believe The Canker is upset because he just learned he's got to start making payments on the college loan he incurred to major in faggot courses ! lol ! you do believe the Supreme Coart is a separate but equal branch of gov dont you ?
i believe The Canker is upset because he just learned he's got to start making payments on the college loan he incurred to major in faggot courses ! lol ! you do believe the Supreme Coart is a separate but equal branch of gov dont you ?
Enjoy the booming economic data this morning !
Im sure you hate it that Biden has a much better economy than Trump.
Trump gave us debt deficit and low growth, and he had record FED fake money printing, and he begged the fed for money fake money. Biden has lowered the debt substantially, and has the best labor market in US history !
Biden = MAGA
Enjoy the booming economic data this morning !
Im sure you hate it that Biden has a much better economy than Trump.
Trump gave us debt deficit and low growth, and he had record FED fake money printing, and he begged the fed for money fake money. Biden has lowered the debt substantially, and has the best labor market in US history !
Biden = MAGA

How are real wages this year?
Enjoy the booming economic data this morning !
Im sure you hate it that Biden has a much better economy than Trump.
Trump gave us debt deficit and low growth, and he had record FED fake money printing, and he begged the fed for money fake money. Biden has lowered the debt substantially, and has the best labor market in US history !
Biden = MAGA
lol ! idiot the millions went back to their jobs built by the previous admin after the lock downs [in mostly totalitarian blue shitholes] were lifted ! are you trying to tell me that Bidens war on fossil fuels increase in regulations and tax hikes are stimulating the economy ? you are buying the bullshit because you are without a doubt one stupid faggot ! lol !
If there are only 4 million more people working now vs prepandemic how did we create 13 million jobs. I’m not a mathematician but those number don’t seem to work out.

Because 21 million less people were working by April of 2020 than in Jan of 2020 due to the pandemic.
lol ! idiot the millions went back to their jobs built by the previous admin after the lock downs [in mostly totalitarian blue shitholes] were lifted ! are you trying to tell me that Bidens war on fossil fuels increase in regulations and tax hikes are stimulating the economy ? you are buying the bullshit because you are without a doubt one stupid faggot ! lol !
More excuses from the party of excuses.

I follow the facts and the numbers, which do not lie.

Biden has the best labor market in US history and the JOLTs job openings are at a record, much higher than they were under Trump. Total employment is also higher now than under Trump so don't give me any lies about covid.

I love how you hate Biden's booming labor market ! You MAGA trash get triggered over Biden's booming labor market !
Maybe you traitor trash can go play dress up again and have another Insurrection at the Capitol, which is all on tape for the world to see and laugh at you.

Biden = MAGA
More excuses from the party of excuses.

I follow the facts and the numbers, which do not lie.

Biden has the best labor market in US history and the JOLTs job openings are at a record, much higher than they were under Trump. Total employment is also higher now than under Trump so don't give me any lies about covid.

I love how you hate Biden's booming labor market ! You MAGA trash get triggered over Biden's booming labor market !
Maybe you traitor trash can go play dress up again and have another Insurrection at the Capitol, which is all on tape for the world to see and laugh at you.

Biden = MAGA
Bidens inflation taxes and regulations have people starting to cut back ... though its lagging companies are starting to lay off .. and When we go into a recession you and your gay comrades will no doubt blame Trump ! as far as insurrections no one has been charged with said crime much less convicted .. and when the left loses [biggly] in 2024 the real insurrectionists [democrats] will be BACK out in the streets looting killing and burning AGAIN !
Bidens inflation taxes and regulations have people starting to cut back ... though its lagging companies are starting to lay off .. and When we go into a recession you and your gay comrades will no doubt blame Trump ! as far as insurrections no one has been charged with said crime much less convicted .. and when the left loses [biggly] in 2024 the real insurrectionists [democrats] will be BACK out in the streets looting killing and burning AGAIN !
You sure seem to be obsessed with gays
Obviously you have a problem in that department.

I still support equal rights for people like you even though its a little weird.
The Spanker is making the ole leftist attempt at homosexual gas lighting ! AGAIN ! :auiqs.jpg:
you're the one that repeatedly throws it out there. You keep bringing it up.

That's not for me, but you seem to like it and talk about it a lot.

Don't feel ashamed, its ok to be gay. I support equal rights for people like you, I just don't want any part of your lifestyle.
you're the one that repeatedly throws it out there. You keep bringing it up.

That's not for me, but you seem to like it and talk about it a lot.

Don't feel ashamed, its ok to be gay. I support equal rights for people like you, I just don't want any part of your lifestyle.
lol The Stanker is trying to be clever ... listen pal the reason you vote democrat is because you vote based on emotion not logic ... and the reason you vote on emotion is because you are a faggot .. now the majority of democrats vote democrat because they are uninformed voters that believe the bull spouted by the left .. but the vast majority of so called informed dems [the kind that post on political boards and listen to the leftwing msm] that vote dem vote dem because they are faggots ..
Extremely Great inflation data this morning.

PCE is the FEDs preferred inflation gauge and it came in great across the board, increasing a meager 0.1% MoM and only 3.8% YoY, which is very close to the FED acceptable range.

Core PCE came in at just 0.3% MoM, which is getting very close to the FED's acceptable range.

Inflation is easing and the main causes, Putin's war and supply chain issues, are easing big time.

Commodities surged 80-100% in weeks, after the Putin war. Nat gas surged from $3 to $10+ and all commodities surged massively, that will cause inflation. The supply chain has finally been fixed and covid gone from china, and inflation is easing because of it.

PPI inflation has plummeted and is in deflation indicating more easing coming !

Personal income rose 0.4%, in another big positive.

Expect more easing of inflation, but continued strength in the economy with the best labor market in US history, and still a large amount of job openings with good pay supporting Americans. Build Back Better will also keep the labor market very strong.

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