Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

lol The Stanker is trying to be clever ... listen pal the reason you vote democrat is because you vote based on emotion not logic ... and the reason you vote on emotion is because you are a faggot .. now the majority of democrats vote democrat because they are uninformed voters that believe the bull spouted by the left .. but the vast majority of so called informed dems [the kind that post on political boards and listen to the leftwing msm] that vote dem vote dem because they are faggots ..
It must suck to be a gay Trump supporter.
I love how Biden's great economic data upsets you.

You hate Biden's booming labor market, and its sad.
Biden has a better economy and better labor market than Trump, and lower annual deficits than trump, and you hate it.

Why does Biden's booming labor market have you so triggered?

I'm sure you were very very unhappy when you first heard inflation has plummeted this morning.

You're sure of a lot of crap that bears no relation to reality.

Just like all lefties.
You hate Biden's booming labor market, and its sad.

Survey: Economists see slower hiring and more unemployment in 2023​

". . . Those projections show a dramatically worsened job market than the one workers are living through today. Joblessness is currently at a near-half century low of 3.7 percent, while businesses have added about 400,000 new positions on average over the past 12 months — almost 10 times faster than what economists say hiring will amount to in 2023. Unemployment has also never surged half a percentage point or more without the U.S. economy being in a recession. At the same time, a 4.6 percent unemployment rate would be the lowest of any downturn in history."

Extremely Great inflation data this morning.

PCE is the FEDs preferred inflation gauge and it came in great across the board, increasing a meager 0.1% MoM and only 3.8% YoY, which is very close to the FED acceptable range.

Core PCE came in at just 0.3% MoM, which is getting very close to the FED's acceptable range.

Inflation is easing and the main causes, Putin's war and supply chain issues, are easing big time.

Commodities surged 80-100% in weeks, after the Putin war. Nat gas surged from $3 to $10+ and all commodities surged massively, that will cause inflation. The supply chain has finally been fixed and covid gone from china, and inflation is easing because of it.

PPI inflation has plummeted and is in deflation indicating more easing coming !

Personal income rose 0.4%, in another big positive.

Expect more easing of inflation, but continued strength in the economy with the best labor market in US history, and still a large amount of job openings with good pay supporting Americans. Build Back Better will also keep the labor market very strong.

Extremely Great inflation data this morning.

PCE is the FEDs preferred inflation gauge and it came in great across the board, increasing a meager 0.1% MoM and only 3.8% YoY, which is very close to the FED acceptable range.

Core PCE came in at just 0.3% MoM, which is getting very close to the FED's acceptable range.

Inflation is easing and the main causes, Putin's war and supply chain issues, are easing big time.

Commodities surged 80-100% in weeks, after the Putin war. Nat gas surged from $3 to $10+ and all commodities surged massively, that will cause inflation. The supply chain has finally been fixed and covid gone from china, and inflation is easing because of it.

PPI inflation has plummeted and is in deflation indicating more easing coming !

Personal income rose 0.4%, in another big positive.

Expect more easing of inflation, but continued strength in the economy with the best labor market in US history, and still a large amount of job openings with good pay supporting Americans. Build Back Better will also keep the labor market very strong.

You dumb confused Moon Bat.

It is still several times higher than when Trump was President.

Potatohead fucked up this economic big time and only idiots like you give him congratulations for it.

Tremendous damage has been done to family income since Potatohead stole the election. Damage that can't be recovered. Damage that eroded the buying power of the money they earned. A cruel tax on Americans and you are giddy about it.

Are you stupid or what?

Survey: Economists see slower hiring and more unemployment in 2023​

". . . Those projections show a dramatically worsened job market than the one workers are living through today. Joblessness is currently at a near-half century low of 3.7 percent, while businesses have added about 400,000 new positions on average over the past 12 months — almost 10 times faster than what economists say hiring will amount to in 2023. Unemployment has also never surged half a percentage point or more without the U.S. economy being in a recession. At the same time, a 4.6 percent unemployment rate would be the lowest of any downturn in history."

That's all you got?
The data says otherwise.
The data says booming jobs market, with record JOLTs jobs openings to support further job growth.
Also we have Biden's brilliant agenda focusing on middle class jobs to add more jobs to an already robust market.

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