Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Biden and the Democrat party have done nothing that establishes a solid economy in the lat 44 years, great point.

How about those great Republican economies that only created 200,000 jobs in 44 years?
Oh I get it now……

Dems created 48 million jobs….by accidEnt

Republicans adding 200,000 jobs is just the way things worked out
That is incredible, I had no idea the Democrat's expanded the size of government that much while restricting the private sector to 200,000

No wonder inflation is at a record high
Biden and the Democrat party have done nothing that establishes a solid economy in the lat 44 years, great point.
Jobs that are paid out of the government coffers are not real jobs.They simply add to the deficit and in a short while the reality of inflation will return with a biting vengeance as the borrowed time comes due to reality. In this case less than 3 years most likely. Even a digital currency transformation will be useless in this regard. Why? Because you can't digitize a gallon of milk that's why.
Mods consider posting Biden economic numbers to be trolling
Get used to it
No, that isn't it RW. Sheesh I thought you were smarter than the Banker, But, I have to reconsider now.

His OP's are baiting, they aren't Civil either in the OP or the Topic, or both.
When the Banker makes a mistake and has a clean start, his threads stay
in the sub forum which he placed it.
No, that isn't it RW. Sheesh I thought you were smarter than the Banker, But, I have to reconsider now.

His OP's are baiting, they aren't Civil either in the OP or the Topic, or both.
When the Banker makes a mistake and has a clean start, his threads stay
in the sub forum which he placed it.

Baiting is taunting the other side….Republicans suck
Celebrating good economic news is not baiting
200,000 private citizens working vs 44,000,000 million government jobs, I will take any day. Thank you for the crumbs, Mastah

Show 44 million new government jobs
You are making shit up
Mods consider posting Biden economic numbers to be trolling
Get used to it
Yea the mods in this message board are a total joke

None of them can debate at all using facts.
If you post facts, data, or ask tough questions they silence you. Then they are cry about cancel culture.

Republicans are in a sad and disgraceful spot right now. They are jealous of Biden's success. They want America to fail like it did under Bush and Trump, and they also want the DOJ to ignore all of Trump's crimes.
All while crying about election fraud that never happened, and can;t even admit Trump lost the election.

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