Influencing the Election


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Hillary votes to Trump votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.
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Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Trump votes to Hillary votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.
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What other options do the Dems have to explain the Beast's humiliating defeat? That she and her staff were complete sleazeballs? Come on!

I don't really care what they claim to be honest. But I have a real problem with this promotion of a false narrative that "Hillary lost because the Russians hacked the election!" It's ironic that it's coming from the same people who are also complaining about "fake news."

The Russians did not "hack the elections" ....they may have influenced the elections by releasing hacked emails. But LOTS of things influence an election! The Saudi's contributed $25 million to Hillary in order to influence the election. No telling how many millions George Soros spent trying to influence the election. The debates influenced the election... that's what they're supposed to do.

This concept that nothing is supposed to ever influence an election is silly and juvenile. The ONLY justifiable reason the left will not let go of this is because they are attempting to promote a false narrative here. They want to leave the impression that Russia hacked the election results, changed votes, tampered with the integrity of the system itself.
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What other options do the Dems have to explain the Beast's humiliating defeat? That she and her staff were complete sleazeballs? Come on!

I don't really care what they claim to be honest. But I have a real problem with this promotion of a false narrative that "Hillary lost because the Russians hacked the election!" It's ironic that it's coming from the same people who are also complaining about "fake news."

The Russians did not "hack the elections" ....they influenced the elections by releasing hacked emails. But LOTS of things influence an election! The Saudi's contributed $25 million to Hillary in order to influence the election. No telling how many millions George Soros spent trying to influence the election. The debates influenced the election... that's what they're supposed to do.

This concept that nothing is supposed to ever influence an election is silly and juvenile. The ONLY justifiable reason the left will not let go of this is because they are attempting to promote a false narrative here. They want to leave the impression that Russia hacked the election results, changed votes, tampered with the integrity of the system itself.
Link to Russian emails released? All I've seen is wikileaks, and they were not from Russia....
Link to Russian emails released? All I've seen is wikileaks, and they were not from Russia....

I'm just reporting what the left is saying... John Kerry said it yesterday. "Hillary lost because the Russians influenced the election."

I agree... that's why I said "supposedly" in my commentary:
"Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC."
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Trump votes to Hillary votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.

So you would have no problem with getting rid of the 4th amendment and making illegal searches permissible and the evidence obtained allowable in a trial.
So you would have no problem with getting rid of the 4th amendment and making illegal searches permissible and the evidence obtained allowable in a trial.

What the fuck are you talking about? How does this pertain to the topic?

No... I don't want to get rid of the 4th Amendment. Moron!
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Hillary votes to Trump votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.
Foreign influence in our elections only matters if it harms the D candidate. If it harms the R candidate, it is thinks the Left media.
What other options do the Dems have to explain the Beast's humiliating defeat? That she and her staff were complete sleazeballs? Come on!

I don't really care what they claim to be honest. But I have a real problem with this promotion of a false narrative that "Hillary lost because the Russians hacked the election!" It's ironic that it's coming from the same people who are also complaining about "fake news."

The Russians did not "hack the elections" ....they may have influenced the elections by releasing hacked emails. But LOTS of things influence an election! The Saudi's contributed $25 million to Hillary in order to influence the election. No telling how many millions George Soros spent trying to influence the election. The debates influenced the election... that's what they're supposed to do.

This concept that nothing is supposed to ever influence an election is silly and juvenile. The ONLY justifiable reason the left will not let go of this is because they are attempting to promote a false narrative here. They want to leave the impression that Russia hacked the election results, changed votes, tampered with the integrity of the system itself.
Hillary lost because she and Big Ears suck.
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Trump votes to Hillary votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.

So you would have no problem with getting rid of the 4th amendment and making illegal searches permissible and the evidence obtained allowable in a trial.

So let me get this straight...the NSA can hack into our computers and store our information any damn time they want to....but e-mails getting leaked that shows what a bunch of corrupt sleazeballs the leftard clown posse party is immaterial because the e-mails were illegally that's some leftard logic for you.

You see, folks, it was illegal to reveal the illegal attempts by the leftards to steal the election...SMH

Just when I thought these pseudo-liberal pieces of shit couldn't be any more disgusting and putrid? They step up to the plate and prove me wrong.
What other options do the Dems have to explain the Beast's humiliating defeat? That she and her staff were complete sleazeballs? Come on!

I don't really care what they claim to be honest. But I have a real problem with this promotion of a false narrative that "Hillary lost because the Russians hacked the election!" It's ironic that it's coming from the same people who are also complaining about "fake news."

The Russians did not "hack the elections" ....they may have influenced the elections by releasing hacked emails. But LOTS of things influence an election! The Saudi's contributed $25 million to Hillary in order to influence the election. No telling how many millions George Soros spent trying to influence the election. The debates influenced the election... that's what they're supposed to do.

This concept that nothing is supposed to ever influence an election is silly and juvenile. The ONLY justifiable reason the left will not let go of this is because they are attempting to promote a false narrative here. They want to leave the impression that Russia hacked the election results, changed votes, tampered with the integrity of the system itself.
Hillary lost because she and Big Ears suck.

She lost because she a corrupt pile of globalist shit that has been selling this country out since the early 90's.
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Trump votes to Hillary votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.

So you would have no problem with getting rid of the 4th amendment and making illegal searches permissible and the evidence obtained allowable in a trial.

Some might say you are mixing apples with oranges. I'd say you were mixing apples with horse apples.
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Trump votes to Hillary votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.

So you would have no problem with getting rid of the 4th amendment and making illegal searches permissible and the evidence obtained allowable in a trial.

So let me get this straight...the NSA can hack into our computers and store our information any damn time they want to....but e-mails getting leaked that shows what a bunch of corrupt sleazeballs the leftard clown posse party is immaterial because the e-mails were illegally that's some leftard logic for you.

You see, folks, it was illegal to reveal the illegal attempts by the leftards to steal the election...SMH

Just when I thought these pseudo-liberal pieces of shit couldn't be any more disgusting and putrid? They step up to the plate and prove me wrong.

Don't lie about what I believe.
The CIA know a thing or two about spying and I, for one, take their word for it that the Russians helped minority president-elect Trump win the election.
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Hillary votes to Trump votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.

Sure they are pissed they lost the election and now have to spin a narrative, I agree 100%.

But it goes deeper than that, much deeper! Whomever did it, by the releases that were made PROVED our talking points on the media were 100% accurate, and the narrative of the left was a boldface lie, and everybody but John Q public knew it! Remember how they arrogantly sat there and told us how wrong we were? Remember how they would pull up far leftist statistics to attempt to show MSM balance? Remember how Fox was the ONLY news organization with an agenda, and it mimicked what we wanted, while the rest of the MSM was as pure as the wind driven snow while playing it right down the center of the aisle?

What has happened is quite simple----------> The press has lost its power to INFLUENCE for the Democrats, except those that are already far leftists! Do you notice how ANY attempt by us to continue threads on the bias of the media quickly is ignored! It has to be, lol. Just look at how the press is covering the topic of this OP, Russian interference. What have you noticed? Nobody believes them without proof, and they are struggling to actually carry their narrative. When was the last time you seen that happen with the left, and MSM!

And so, Boss is 100% correct.........anything they come up with question........and no link from here forward can be accepted as reality if its main source is the MSM! The collusion between MSM and far leftists has ruined the MSMs credibility, and to accept ANYTHING from the MSM as gospel is dumb. They need NEW sources! Opinion pieces no longer count, and the only MSM pieces that are worth anything going forward is video so as we can see for ourselves what was said, not let them tell us what was said, through their bias, liberal, filter!

Don't let lefties use MSM sources any longer. Make them work! Tell them.....bogus....bias....and you have proof, which you DO!
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Trump votes to Hillary votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.

So you would have no problem with getting rid of the 4th amendment and making illegal searches permissible and the evidence obtained allowable in a trial.

Some might say you are mixing apples with oranges. I'd say you were mixing apples with horse apples.

I say you'd change your tune if someone hacked every bit of personal information you have on any computer anywhere and showed it to the world.
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Hillary votes to Trump votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.
Foreign influence in our elections only matters if it harms the D candidate. If it harms the R candidate, it is thinks the Left media.

Illegal foreign influence efforts matter even if they fail to achieve their goal.
The election most certainly was influenced. It was influenced toward Trump because more states citizens wanted Trump. Simple.
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Hillary votes to Trump votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.
Foreign influence in our elections only matters if it harms the D candidate. If it harms the R candidate, it is thinks the Left media.

Illegal foreign influence efforts matter even if they fail to achieve their goal.
So Obama should be punished for influencing the Israeli elections?

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