Influencing the Election

So are we the criminals? Are we going to demand that they stand trial now? Are we going to demand that the CIA and NSA turn over the people responsible? Are Charges forthcoming?

WE got what we have been doing for a long time. Squalling now just makes us look juvenile.
Well I am NOT squalling about anything, I am a raising a legitimate concern over a political party in America who is actively trying to destroy our election process by implying it has been compromised. You're off in the weeds talking about cyber-attacks and arguing the moral imperatives of it.

What our intelligence agencies are doing to thwart radical Muslims from developing nuclear weapons is a completely different subject. It doesn't have any relation whatsoever with leftists attempting to undermine our election system by promoting a dangerous and insidious false narrative. I can't seem to pull you back on the tracks... you just want to continue in the weeds talking about another subject. We really can't have a dialogue that way.

How about DHS hacking the State of Georgia? U.S. elections are more vulnerable than ever to hacking

Any wild eyed Muslims in Georgia's State Computers that needed rooting out?

Look. It's like this. If you win five fights in school by kicking the other guy in the groin, you can't complain when you get kicked in the groin during fight six.

That's where we are. Our nation used all sorts of illegal and unethical things supposedly for the right reasons, but the ends never justify the means. We've interfered in 81 elections, that is the low estimate. The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

So what makes it right when we do it, and a crime against whatever when someone does it to us for a change? That's what I don't understand. I honestly don't get it. What makes it right when we do it, and a horrific crime up there with raping a group of Nun's when anyone else does it back?

Our nation was envisioned as a nation of laws. Laws that applied to everyone. Yet, we ignore laws regularly, and we can get away with it because we have the most military power. Might makes right? That isn't a governing principle. That's the battle cry of a bully. We want Assange extradited to us so we can try him for publishing the secret stuff he wasn't supposed to get. We won't extradite Robert Selden Lady to Italy. Robert Seldon Lady - Wikipedia

Lady was convicted of Kidnapping, one of those black ops where we grabbed a guy and stuck him into Rendition program prison. It turns out he wasn't guilty of anything but being a Muslim. Now, I'd bet money he'd be happy to give money or support to any Terrorist who might strike back at the folks who kidnapped him.

We break the rules, and we shrug it off when we get caught, or we get pissed at the person who tells we broke the rules. The rest of the world sees us as the bully, and they're right, we are. We're so strong that we can do anything we want, and nobody can stop us.

All I am doing in this email hacking thing, is applying the same sort of response we've given to everyone else whenever we get caught breaking the rules. Oh well, tough. You should have protected yourself better. Sucker. Because one of those guiding principles that I embrace is that sauce for the goose, is good for the gander. If you kick someone else in the groin at a high school fight, I am not going to think it's unfair when you get a boot to the balls.

Have you actually read the OP? I made the very clear point that "influencing" elections is a stupid and juvenile argument. All kinds of things influence elections and they are certainly influenced by foreign governments and agents. We do it, everybody does it. That's fair game.

Hacking into someones email is a crime in America. It's an invasion of their privacy and theft of their personal property. It should be condemned no matter who it happens to or for what reason. This doesn't have a damn thing to do with military and intelligence tactics used against foreign entities because they are not protected by US laws as US citizens.

Now here is what's happening... while you are worried about kicking people in the balls because you got kicked in the balls... some jerk is in the stands talking to your girlfriend, telling her you're gay and you suck dick! So what you need to do is wake the fuck up and pull your head out of your ass and take care of business. Stop arguing with me about the "rightness" of Assange hacking our goddamn emails and get ON these mutherfucking socialists who are out there spreading the lie that the Russians hacked our elections!

Sorry if I'm coming across a little terse but this is pissing me off... you alt-righties are acting like a bunch of retards and the left is acting like deranged madmen. Get your fucking priorities straight!

Our sub thread got started when I replied to someone else.

Oh and as I pointed out in another thread, more than once in other threads, I voted Democrat in every election but this one.

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Our sub thread got started when I replied to someone else.

Oh and as I pointed out in another thread, more than once in other threads, I voted Democrat in every election but this one.

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I don't really care how you voted or what you pointed out in other threads.

We've got a serious problem here... the leftists are out there promoting the false narrative that Russians hacked our elections. Does that not bother you? Is it more important to you to defend Assange?

As a conservative, I think pragmatically about things. I have to consider how things are going to turn out as a result of positions I take... what are the possible consequences? What are the ramifications? I don't just react emotively and live in the moment. When I see the left out there trying to undermine our election system by promoting this false narrative, I see danger there because the only end to the means is armed rebellion and revolution. If we can't trust the integrity of our system, what other choice do we have? Getting sidelined with some idiotic emotive argument about how great Assange is to have hacked emails of American citizens in violation of our laws, is not beneficial to anything.

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