Influencing the Election

Let me try.

I do not believe that Clinton's loss is due to Russian interference.

There is no consensus on "the left" regarding this question. Saying that "the left blames Russia for the loss" is entirely inaccurate.

However, it is a fact that Russia hacked into the DNC and Podesta's emails with the intent of influencing the election.

How about a concern thread which attempts to deal with this fact?
Let me try.

I do not believe that Clinton's loss is due to Russian interference.

There is no consensus on "the left" regarding this question. Saying that "the left blames Russia for the loss" is entirely inaccurate.

However, it is a fact that Russia hacked into the DNC and Podesta's emails with the intent of influencing the election.

How about a concern thread which attempts to deal with this fact?
Link to Russia hacking into the DNC and podesta emails? The only link I find is from the source of those emails who said Russia did not give him the emails....
Don't lie about what I believe.

LOL! the hypocrisy is so thick you couldn't cut it with a blowtorch ..... accusing somebody about lying about what you believe right after posting this nonsense --->

NYCarbineer said:
So you would have no problem with getting rid of the 4th amendment and making illegal searches permissible and the evidence obtained allowable in a trial.

I knew you were a blithering hyper-partisan idiot but I didn't realize that you were also completely fucking insane.
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Hillary votes to Trump votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.
Foreign influence in our elections only matters if it harms the D candidate. If it harms the R candidate, it is thinks the Left media.

Illegal foreign influence efforts matter even if they fail to achieve their goal.
Are you aware that our government has tried to influence elections in other nations for decades? Our government has been actively involved in coups in many foriegn nations and some lead to many deaths. Oh well...hypocrisy is not something American pols know anything about.
This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... .
Speak for yourself, I'm perfectly fine with anybody hacking the email servers of the two Crime Families commonly known as the major U.S. political parties and releasing all the sordid details of their malfeasance to the American Public, perhaps after having their noses rubbed in the filth that goes on inside these hellish domains the voters will stop voting them into power until they clean up their acts. :)
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Hillary votes to Trump votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.
Foreign influence in our elections only matters if it harms the D candidate. If it harms the R candidate, it is thinks the Left media.

Illegal foreign influence efforts matter even if they fail to achieve their goal.
So Obama should be punished for influencing the Israeli elections?
No. Obama can do no wrong.
This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... .
Speak for yourself, I'm perfectly fine with anybody hacking the email servers of the two Crime Families commonly known as the major U.S. political parties and releasing all the sordid details of their malfeasance to the American Public, perhaps after having their noses rubbed in the filth that goes on inside these hellish domains the voters will stop voting them into power until they clean up their acts. :)
Absolutely right.

We certainly can't count on the state run media to tell us the truth....but they will give us lots of fake news.
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Hillary votes to Trump votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.
Foreign influence in our elections only matters if it harms the D candidate. If it harms the R candidate, it is thinks the Left media.

Illegal foreign influence efforts matter even if they fail to achieve their goal.
Are you aware that our government has tried to influence elections in other nations for decades? Our government has been actively involved in coups in many foriegn nations and some lead to many deaths. Oh well...hypocrisy is not something American pols know anything about.

Are you aware that a crime is a crime no matter who else did or didn't commit it?
Okay.... So the latest trope from the liberal left, like dogs with a bone, is this ongoing complaint that Russia "influenced our election" and caused Hillary to lose. This crap has been going on ever since the election and it just continues to be perpetuated on blogs and message boards. If you try and confront this allegation directly, they will never say that Russia changed vote totals or tampered with the actual results in any way, because there is absolutely NO evidence that ever happened. Still, that is what they continue to try to IMPLY happened. I suppose it's designed to appeal to the really stupid people out there who will ASSUME this from the constant bombarding of rhetoric.

AGAIN.... There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that anyone tampered with votes, vote totals, voter rolls, or registrations. NONE... NADDA... ZIP! Aside from the typical isolated incidents of fraudulent votes being cast (mostly by democrats), there is no evidence that any funny business went on with regard to the election.

Now.... INFLUENCE.... what does that mean? Because, in all honesty, MANY things influence EVERY election! The weather can be an influence. Rumors can be an influence. Endorsements are certainly an influence. Hints of scandals and/or corruption can be an influence. Just the general demeanor of the candidates can be an influence. Hillary passing out at the 9/11 memorial had an influence.... Donald Trump's candid "locker room" conversation had an influence. So what is the BIG DEAL with regard to this supposed "influence" the Russians had? Nothing, other than it was the Russians.

But the Russians aren't the only people who attempt to influence our elections. The Mexican president attempted to influence the election. ISIS attempted to influence the election. And we certainly aren't saints when it comes to influencing elections in other countries. Obama directly attempted to influence Israel's election as well as the Brexit vote.

So why is the left continuing the make such a big deal out of the Russian's influencing the election? Because what they REALLY want to promote is the false idea that Russia somehow switched Hillary votes to Trump votes and that's how she lost. They will never admit that's what they're up to but it's the only thing that makes rational sense. They are counting on dumb people to assume that Russians breached security of the voting system in some way and changed votes.

Now let's go back to exactly HOW the Russians influenced the election... They supposedly released hacked emails from the DNC. This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... that's precisely why so many people had a problem with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the private unsecured servers handling national security information. But the fact remains, it was the information released that had the influence, not the hacking.
Foreign influence in our elections only matters if it harms the D candidate. If it harms the R candidate, it is thinks the Left media.

Illegal foreign influence efforts matter even if they fail to achieve their goal.
Are you aware that our government has tried to influence elections in other nations for decades? Our government has been actively involved in coups in many foriegn nations and some lead to many deaths. Oh well...hypocrisy is not something American pols know anything about.

Are you aware that a crime is a crime no matter who else did or didn't commit it?
When do we put Obama in jail?
In case you missed it the poster didn't deny it.
LOL, apparently you can't read either since he clearly asked what the fuck your nonsense had to do with the topic of the post you replied to and answered your question in the negative right here --->

What the fuck are you talking about? How does this pertain to the topic?

No... I don't want to get rid of the 4th Amendment. Moron!

You're a dishonest and hypocritical idiot.
The CIA know a thing or two about spying and I, for one, take their word for it that the Russians helped minority president-elect Trump win the election.

A LOT of things helped Trump win the election! This is the case anytime anyone wins an election. For all intents and purposes, that's exactly what an election IS... two candidates vying to influence the voters. 527 groups actively attempt to influence voters, celebrities and entertainers actively try to influence the voters. Various foreign and domestic agents try to influence the voters. That's what elections are all about.

The CIA has NO evidence that anything "helped" anyone. That's a supposition based on the fact that most of the information leaked from hacked emails pertained to the Democrats. There was stuff leaked about Trump but it was already public knowledge so it didn't affect his campaign. Again, it was not the hacking that influenced anything, it was the information.
In case you missed it the poster didn't deny it.

Didn't deny WHAT? You asked a stupid question that has NOTHING to do with the topic of this thread. NO I DO NOT WANT TO REPEAL THE 4TH AMENDMENT! What the fuck does that have to do with Russians influencing the election?
This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... .
Speak for yourself, I'm perfectly fine with anybody hacking the email servers of the two Crime Families commonly known as the major U.S. political parties and releasing all the sordid details of their malfeasance to the American Public, perhaps after having their noses rubbed in the filth that goes on inside these hellish domains the voters will stop voting them into power until they clean up their acts. :)

No, actually, I think I speak for MOST sane and rational Americans. There's nothing cool or funny about foreign entities hacking our emails. It's the very reason I was so outraged at what Hillary Clinton did.

That said, hacking emails of the DNC is NOT "hacking the election" and that's the false narrative the left wants to promote desperately. They want the little idiot mush-brains who march in lockstep to all things liberal to believe the Ruskies tampered with the vote and gave it to Trump!
This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... .
Speak for yourself, I'm perfectly fine with anybody hacking the email servers of the two Crime Families commonly known as the major U.S. political parties and releasing all the sordid details of their malfeasance to the American Public, perhaps after having their noses rubbed in the filth that goes on inside these hellish domains the voters will stop voting them into power until they clean up their acts. :)

No, actually, I think I speak for MOST sane and rational Americans. There's nothing cool or funny about foreign entities hacking our emails. It's the very reason I was so outraged at what Hillary Clinton did.
I'm not talking about "our emails" , I'm talking about the internal emails that slither through the sewers inside the Republican and Democratic Parties, how else do you figure that the American Public is going to get at the truth about the goings on within these two Criminal Enterprises, the media? They're doing a bang up job so far, between all the spin meister bullshit and the outright falsehoods the American Public has no clue as to what the fuck is actually going on, UNTIL we got a glimpse of the filth courtesy of Wikileaks.

Julian Assange and whomever cracked those email accounts have my gratitude and hopes for more to come.

That said, hacking emails of the DNC is NOT "hacking the election" and that's the false narrative the left wants to promote desperately. They want the little idiot mush-brains who march in lockstep to all things liberal to believe the Ruskies tampered with the vote and gave it to Trump!
I never believed it was "hacking the election", it's nothing more than the truth coming out and if that hurt the DNC, GOOD! if they don't want things like that to happen then they should stop all of the nefarious bullshit they've been up to behind the scenes, same goes for the fucking Republican miscreants.
I'm not talking about "our emails" , I'm talking about the internal emails that slither through the sewers inside the Republican and Democratic Parties, how else do you figure that the American Public is going to get at the truth about the goings on within these two Criminal Enterprises, the media?

I don't know how we're supposed to get the scoop but no, I don't want their emails hacked either. The first and foremost reason off the top of my head (other than basic right to privacy) is national security. I don't want some foreign hacker to obtain information they can use to blackmail public officials with, and that's exactly what will happen.
This is not good... we don't want Russians hacking our political party's email servers... .
Speak for yourself, I'm perfectly fine with anybody hacking the email servers of the two Crime Families commonly known as the major U.S. political parties and releasing all the sordid details of their malfeasance to the American Public, perhaps after having their noses rubbed in the filth that goes on inside these hellish domains the voters will stop voting them into power until they clean up their acts. :)

No, actually, I think I speak for MOST sane and rational Americans. There's nothing cool or funny about foreign entities hacking our emails. It's the very reason I was so outraged at what Hillary Clinton did.

That said, hacking emails of the DNC is NOT "hacking the election" and that's the false narrative the left wants to promote desperately. They want the little idiot mush-brains who march in lockstep to all things liberal to believe the Ruskies tampered with the vote and gave it to Trump!

During the campaign 99% of the Trump supporters on this forum certainly THOUGHT the hacked emails could and would influence the election.

They couldn't shut up about it.
I never believed it was "hacking the election", it's nothing more than the truth coming out and if that hurt the DNC, GOOD!

A lot of people feel that way about it and that's fine but I disagree that Asange is some kind of "hero" for doing what he did. Hacking emails is an invasion of privacy and a criminal act. He gets away with it because he's not on American soil. That doesn't make it okay.

The point of my thread is what the liberal left is trying to promote as the narrative here... you may not believe Russians hacked the election but that's exactly what they are trying to covertly promote without saying it. They dance around this with semantics like "Russians influenced the election" or "Russia helped Trump win". Well, LOTS of things influenced the election, Trump had LOTS of "help" winning the election.

What the left is trying to tacitly imply is that Russia tampered with the integrity of the system, and that's a really dangerous thing to be promoting. We cannot afford for the majority of the general public to lose faith in our election system. I seriously believe some on the left want to burn the system to the ground since they didn't win.

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