
second amendment RIGHTS refer to the SMALL ARMS carried by individual soldiers [combat soldiers] for military and other legal and lawful purposes . Nuke have no place in this thread as mention of them are Being used simply to derail any discussion in this thread Coyote .

Where in the Constitution does it say that? :dunno: The Constitution is very vague on the 2nd, and the idea that it means what we think it does today is a relatively modern interpretation.

Politics Changed the Reading of the Second Amendment—and Can Change It Again
For about two hundred years, the meaning of the Second Amendment was clear and mostly undisputed, despite the gnarled syntax of the text itself: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Generations of Supreme Court and academic opinion held that the amendment did not confer on individuals a right “to keep and bear Arms” but, rather, referred only to the privileges belonging to state militias. This was not a controversial view.

Frankly, not being allowed to have a nuke is a clear infringement and I think we ought to do something about it. I demand my right to have a suitcase nuke for self defense.
Are you suggesting that the second amendment is specifically about self defense?
No right is unlimited or unrestricted.
prove it,,,

Already did.

There are laws on slander and libel.

There are laws on instigating riots.

You can't own a nuke.

You can't sacrifice virgins.
correct me if I'm wrong but libel and slander are civil not criminal, and cant be adjudicated if no harm is done,,,and riots are actions not words,,,

and I have sacrificed many virgins

as for nukes,, I say the people that do have them shouldnt,,,
Get big money out of politics.

It's late to do anything, coyote.

Freedom in America is dead. Our system of checks and balances is dead. And few care.

The last straw for me was watching my so-called conservative peers literally worship a king who now has the power to wage war anywhere in the world he pleases for any arbitrary reason he wants without any constitutional congressional approval. Our derelict congress, btw, gave him that power.

Making America great again, they call it. But my democratic friends agree, after all they just funded it all. But their policies are no different.

Our king can also put the electorate in cages indefinitely without any charge or change of trial should he just feel like it. And they love him for it.

We're 24 trillion in debt. Our dollar is collapsing.

I could keep going all afternoon. But what's to be had?

The next nation to fall will be this one. And now I just don't care. There's too many other nice places in the world to live.
Conservative peers? I sure hope you are not claiming to be a righty. I can no longer believe people when they claim to be conservative or republican, since commies have been claiming these political identifiers. Commies don't like being called commies, so they claim to be conservatives, repubs, dems, socialists, libertarians, righties, you name it. Why not just admit to being a commie?
This thread would be a great place for lefties to justify their anti constitutional stance. C'mon lefties, start listing all the laws that do not infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.

Please explain which rights are unlimited. I believe all have restrictions.

Why is the 2nd a special case?
This thread is not about which rights are unlimited, it simply asks which gun control laws do not limit the right to keep and bear arms. Candle you list some of them?

Can't "candle" anything at the moment.

However, you can't examine rights in a vacuum much as you would like to. No rights are unlimited. You aren't allowed to own a nuke. You can't use your right to free speech to provoke a riot or slander or libel. Your right of assembly doesn't allow you to assemble a riot or take down the government. Your religious freedom does not allow you to keep slaves or conduct human sacrifices.
You can own a nuke.
The second says shall not be infringed. What do you mean it can be limited?
Sounds like you are considering using administrative action to silence this discussion and force a lefty win. If this is the case, just delete the thread. I already have it saved elsewhere.

I would have already deleted it if it were me. It's clutter. Your postings thus far demonstrate that 1 - you're not interested in discussion and 2 - that you are not capable of any kind of elevated discussion. Clearly.

You seem like just another one of those low IQ political football junkies to me who can't think beyond the letters D and R.

You certainly aren't qualified to lead discussion.
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Sounds like you are considering using administrative action to silence this discussion and force a lefty win. If this is the case, just delete the thread. I already have it saved elsewhere.

I would have already deleted it if it were me. It's clutter. You're postings thus far demonstrate that 1 - you're not interested in discussion and 2 - that you are not capable of any kind of elevated discussion. Clearly.

You seem like just another one of those low IQ political football junkies to me who can't think beyond the letters D and R.
Lefties like to delete and censor, so it is natural that you would have done that. At least you didn't deny being a commie.
Lefties like to delete and censor

Your arbitrary victim status card means this much to me.

Get big money out of politics.

It's late to do anything, coyote.

Freedom in America is dead. Our system of checks and balances is dead. And few care.

The last straw for me was watching my so-called conservative peers literally worship a king who now has the power to wage war anywhere in the world he pleases for any arbitrary reason he wants without any constitutional congressional approval. Our derelict congress, btw, gave him that power.

Making America great again, they call it. But my democratic friends agree, after all they just funded it all. But their policies are no different.

Our king can also put the electorate in cages indefinitely without any charge or change of trial should he just feel like it. And they love him for it.

We're 24 trillion dollar in debt. Our dollar is collapsing.

I could keep going all afternoon. But what's to be had?

The next nation to fall will be this one. And now I just don't care. There's too many other nice places in the world to live.
Conservative peers? I sure hope you are not claiming to be a righty. I can no longer believe people when they claim to be conservative or republican, since commies have been claiming these political identifiers. Commies don't like being called commies, so they claim to be conservatives, repubs, dems, socialists, libertarians, righties, you name it. Why not just admit to being a commie?

Pointing out the 24 trillion debt is "commie"? Pointing out that both parties couldn't care less about the constitution is "commie"? Pointing out that people only care about the letter by a president's name as opposed to things that actually matter is "commie"?

Please point out anything specific he said that is, in your mind, "commie." This should be good for a laugh.
Pointing out the 24 trillion debt is "commie"? Pointing out that both parties couldn't care less about the constitution is "commie"? Pointing out that people only care about the letter by a president's name as opposed to things that actually matter is "commie"?

Please point out anything specific he said that is, in your mind, "commie." This should be good for a laugh.

I was just having fun with him. You know how I do. Heh.
Get big money out of politics.

It's late to do anything, coyote.

Freedom in America is dead. Our system of checks and balances is dead. And few care.

The last straw for me was watching my so-called conservative peers literally worship a king who now has the power to wage war anywhere in the world he pleases for any arbitrary reason he wants without any constitutional congressional approval. Our derelict congress, btw, gave him that power.

Making America great again, they call it. But my democratic friends agree, after all they just funded it all. But their policies are no different.

Our king can also put the electorate in cages indefinitely without any charge or change of trial should he just feel like it. And they love him for it.

We're 24 trillion dollar in debt. Our dollar is collapsing.

I could keep going all afternoon. But what's to be had?

The next nation to fall will be this one. And now I just don't care. There's too many other nice places in the world to live.
Conservative peers? I sure hope you are not claiming to be a righty. I can no longer believe people when they claim to be conservative or republican, since commies have been claiming these political identifiers. Commies don't like being called commies, so they claim to be conservatives, repubs, dems, socialists, libertarians, righties, you name it. Why not just admit to being a commie?

Pointing out the 24 trillion debt is "commie"? Pointing out that both parties couldn't care less about the constitution is "commie"? Pointing out that people only care about the letter by a president's name as opposed to things that actually matter is "commie"?

Please point out anything specific he said that is, in your mind, "commie." This should be good for a laugh.
It's funny how commies can't see how easy they are to spot.
Get big money out of politics.

It's late to do anything, coyote.

Freedom in America is dead. Our system of checks and balances is dead. And few care.

The last straw for me was watching my so-called conservative peers literally worship a king who now has the power to wage war anywhere in the world he pleases for any arbitrary reason he wants without any constitutional congressional approval. Our derelict congress, btw, gave him that power.

Making America great again, they call it. But my democratic friends agree, after all they just funded it all. But their policies are no different.

Our king can also put the electorate in cages indefinitely without any charge or change of trial should he just feel like it. And they love him for it.

We're 24 trillion dollar in debt. Our dollar is collapsing.

I could keep going all afternoon. But what's to be had?

The next nation to fall will be this one. And now I just don't care. There's too many other nice places in the world to live.
Conservative peers? I sure hope you are not claiming to be a righty. I can no longer believe people when they claim to be conservative or republican, since commies have been claiming these political identifiers. Commies don't like being called commies, so they claim to be conservatives, repubs, dems, socialists, libertarians, righties, you name it. Why not just admit to being a commie?

Pointing out the 24 trillion debt is "commie"? Pointing out that both parties couldn't care less about the constitution is "commie"? Pointing out that people only care about the letter by a president's name as opposed to things that actually matter is "commie"?

Please point out anything specific he said that is, in your mind, "commie." This should be good for a laugh.
It's funny how commies can't see how easy they are to spot.

Ok, then it should be easy for you. Point out anything he said that was commie. I'm waiting.
Get big money out of politics.

It's late to do anything, coyote.

Freedom in America is dead. Our system of checks and balances is dead. And few care.

The last straw for me was watching my so-called conservative peers literally worship a king who now has the power to wage war anywhere in the world he pleases for any arbitrary reason he wants without any constitutional congressional approval. Our derelict congress, btw, gave him that power.

Making America great again, they call it. But my democratic friends agree, after all they just funded it all. But their policies are no different.

Our king can also put the electorate in cages indefinitely without any charge or change of trial should he just feel like it. And they love him for it.

We're 24 trillion dollar in debt. Our dollar is collapsing.

I could keep going all afternoon. But what's to be had?

The next nation to fall will be this one. And now I just don't care. There's too many other nice places in the world to live.
Conservative peers? I sure hope you are not claiming to be a righty. I can no longer believe people when they claim to be conservative or republican, since commies have been claiming these political identifiers. Commies don't like being called commies, so they claim to be conservatives, repubs, dems, socialists, libertarians, righties, you name it. Why not just admit to being a commie?

Pointing out the 24 trillion debt is "commie"? Pointing out that both parties couldn't care less about the constitution is "commie"? Pointing out that people only care about the letter by a president's name as opposed to things that actually matter is "commie"?

Please point out anything specific he said that is, in your mind, "commie." This should be good for a laugh.
The first clue is how many gun control laws he listed that don't infringe. Evasion is classic commie behavior.
Get big money out of politics.

It's late to do anything, coyote.

Freedom in America is dead. Our system of checks and balances is dead. And few care.

The last straw for me was watching my so-called conservative peers literally worship a king who now has the power to wage war anywhere in the world he pleases for any arbitrary reason he wants without any constitutional congressional approval. Our derelict congress, btw, gave him that power.

Making America great again, they call it. But my democratic friends agree, after all they just funded it all. But their policies are no different.

Our king can also put the electorate in cages indefinitely without any charge or change of trial should he just feel like it. And they love him for it.

We're 24 trillion dollar in debt. Our dollar is collapsing.

I could keep going all afternoon. But what's to be had?

The next nation to fall will be this one. And now I just don't care. There's too many other nice places in the world to live.
Conservative peers? I sure hope you are not claiming to be a righty. I can no longer believe people when they claim to be conservative or republican, since commies have been claiming these political identifiers. Commies don't like being called commies, so they claim to be conservatives, repubs, dems, socialists, libertarians, righties, you name it. Why not just admit to being a commie?

Pointing out the 24 trillion debt is "commie"? Pointing out that both parties couldn't care less about the constitution is "commie"? Pointing out that people only care about the letter by a president's name as opposed to things that actually matter is "commie"?

Please point out anything specific he said that is, in your mind, "commie." This should be good for a laugh.
It's funny how commies can't see how easy they are to spot.

Ok, then it should be easy for you. Point out anything he said that was commie. I'm waiting.
He speaks in commie dialect with the commie accent you have.
Ok, then it should be easy for you. Point out anything he said that was commie. I'm waiting.

We should wait until it gets moved to the rubber room for him start esplainin stuff. Think that's zone 3, isn't it? It oughtta be a hoot. I never really cared to mix it up in any serious way with some of the low IQ snarky type people up here who demonstrate the deepness of a mud puddle the way this cat does. Dolts like this one are too protected up here. It's probably why they stay up here, now that I think on it.
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Pointing out the 24 trillion debt is "commie"? Pointing out that both parties couldn't care less about the constitution is "commie"? Pointing out that people only care about the letter by a president's name as opposed to things that actually matter is "commie"?

Please point out anything specific he said that is, in your mind, "commie." This should be good for a laugh.

I was just having fun with him. You know how I do. Heh.

I know. I still like to get the football mentality types to back themselves up, which of course they can't. And the funny thing is, none of them (D or R) realize they are being useful idiots to the establishment who count on the public being stuck in that red vs blue mindset. Well, funny but sad.
I know. I still like to get the football mentality types to back themselves up, which of course they can't. And the funny thing is, none of them (D or R) realize they are being useful idiots to the establishment who count on the public being stuck in that red vs blue mindset. Well, funny but sad.

It's a heck of a thing, isn't it?

Ah well. I have to jump off here. Thanks for chiming in, bcup. It's always a wonderful day in the neighborhood, isn't it?

Later, Sparky. Good point about the Patriot Act, even if good ol EvMetro in all of his leftie loosy righty tighty wisdom didn't understand what you were trying to say.

Hey, remember what the President of the United States said....'Take guns first, go through due process second.''....oh wait...that's assuming they feel like charging us and giving us a trial, we may just go straight to a cage, its purely arbitrary now. So sayeth the congress and so signeth the king.

MAGA!!! lolol.
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Ok folks, how many laws were listed here that do not infringe? The commies took us off a different direction, but the question still stands.

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