Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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So where do you hear these laughs at, their unemployment line?

rightwinger is deranged

It's amazing. Our economy is the envy of the world, and the rest of the world is laughing at us? Like we should care what those other leftist losers around the world think of us?

That's almost like all the other guys in school laughing at the kid who got the hottest chick in school for a prom date.
The rest of the world is laughing at the inept buffoon we elected

Did you hear what Trump said?
So where do you hear these laughs at, their unemployment line?

rightwinger is deranged

It's amazing. Our economy is the envy of the world, and the rest of the world is laughing at us? Like we should care what those other leftist losers around the world think of us?

That's almost like all the other guys in school laughing at the kid who got the hottest chick in school for a prom date.
The rest of the world is laughing at the inept buffoon we elected

Did you hear what Trump said?

Why ask a question that you know I have no idea of? Trump says a lot of things, WTF are you talking about?

If Trump is so inept, why do we have such a booming economy while others around the world are not, and some even suffering?

double standard? double standard you say?

Conservatives Criticize Michelle Obama For Bare Arms, Stay Silent On Melania Trump’s Nude Poses
by: True Activist Posted on September 21, 2016

Credit: LA Times and GQ India
Since Michelle Obama first became the First Lady of the United States, criticism of basically everything about her has been rampant among right-wing voters with racist and sexist undertones. Among this criticism is the accusation that Mrs. Obama “doesn’t look or act” like a First Lady, apparently because of her sense of fashion, which includes sleeveless dresses.

In two famous interviews with Al Shapiro from NPR at Mitt Romney events in 2012, a Virginia voter Bobbie Lussier summed up how Republicans feel about Mrs. Obama’s image. She stated that, “I mean, can you imagine you know, Kennedys or the Bushes or anybody doing pushups on the floor? I mean you know. That’s just not a first lady.” Lussier further said, “They talk about more like her dresses and how she looks and stuff and her arms and whatever. […] You see her walking around in shorts, and you know, just real casual wear.”
Conservatives Criticize Michelle Obama For Bare Arms, Stay Silent On Melania Trump’s Nude Poses

gimmee a fucking break.
Don't worry if the next President is a Prog in 2020 there will be an impeach 46 if the Repubs win the House. When ever that combination happens can bet on it.

I seriously doubt the Republican Party will exist after 2020. Decent human beings have left the party. Union members have left the Party, as have farmers, women, and old white men are dying off.

Everything Donald Trump touches, dies.
I believed there were a few good candidates for President for the Repubs in 2016. But they were not electable. Repubs need The Evangelical right vote and the Blue Dog Dem vote to win. I believed Ted Cruz to be the best. But he was not electable in 2016. He may be electable in future races. Trump has shown us the endless false Repubs fed to the voters. They are like Prog safety valves. I know politics is nasty. And being a politician takes away part of the something from the individual. Its easy to be accused of being a heartless ghoul when that is not the intent. We elect laws and programs and throw a blanket over it treating everything as a general issue with identical sameness. The programs need to be tailored to specific issues of the agenda. So a school student who wants to learn or may want to learn without interference with others must put up with those who do not for different reasons and may be affected because of it as one example of one issue. To make tough decisions is considered mean spirited and worse while the costs are massively higher then anywhere on earth and this will not continue forever.

ted cruz bent over for donny even after he went after papa cruz, but his wife? you support a spineless weasel like that?

huh what?
Oh good another hate thread on the first ladies.

Seriously, the hate on the left and the right is over the top.

Sad that ignorance has risen to this level.


Glad you are enjoying. Maybe you will enjoy it when the next President is elected.

you are envisioning a false equivalency again.... besides, melania is not the 'first', & certainly not a lady & it has nothing to do with her being a (R). she gets what she gives & neither michele obama, nor laura bush not even hillary deserved what they got as being flotus.
So where do you hear these laughs at, their unemployment line?

rightwinger is deranged

It's amazing. Our economy is the envy of the world, and the rest of the world is laughing at us? Like we should care what those other leftist losers around the world think of us?

That's almost like all the other guys in school laughing at the kid who got the hottest chick in school for a prom date.
The rest of the world is laughing at the inept buffoon we elected

Did you hear what Trump said?

Why ask a question that you know I have no idea of? Trump says a lot of things, WTF are you talking about?

If Trump is so inept, why do we have such a booming economy while others around the world are not, and some even suffering?

Obama had a booming economy
The rest of the world is suffering do to factors not affecting us.

Saying that Trump can act like a fucking moron that is mocked around the world just because he hasn’t trashed our economy is ridiculous
So you limit it to congress critters but the entire MSM is off limits, huh? Yeah, well I guess you got me on that one. Democrat representatives do other things like call Trump racist, tell people to harass Trump staff wherever they may find them, and even threatened his safety and life.

But a Republican Congress person made fun of DumBama's suit......
That MSM is the same MSM that made you dumb asses believe Trump could be president...

That same MSM is the one who put Trump on TV every night and made him look like some business visionary, in spite of reality....

That same MSM is the one who gave Trump more free campaign air time than any other candidate in history....

That same MSM is the one who had you dumb asses thinking this woman was the next no, I don't expect anything from corporate run media, I didn't put them in office...

View attachment 293196

Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.
They only care if there’s a ‘D’ in the woman’s politics! Just saying, that’s not women love, that’s demofks love ! Demofks have no ethic. They only punish gop and never there own. Inconsistent losers

:auiqs.jpg: how blatantly false.
Don't worry if the next President is a Prog in 2020 there will be an impeach 46 if the Repubs win the House. When ever that combination happens can bet on it.

I seriously doubt the Republican Party will exist after 2020. Decent human beings have left the party. Union members have left the Party, as have farmers, women, and old white men are dying off.

Everything Donald Trump touches, dies.
I believed there were a few good candidates for President for the Repubs in 2016. But they were not electable. Repubs need The Evangelical right vote and the Blue Dog Dem vote to win. I believed Ted Cruz to be the best. But he was not electable in 2016. He may be electable in future races. Trump has shown us the endless false Repubs fed to the voters. They are like Prog safety valves. I know politics is nasty. And being a politician takes away part of the something from the individual. Its easy to be accused of being a heartless ghoul when that is not the intent. We elect laws and programs and throw a blanket over it treating everything as a general issue with identical sameness. The programs need to be tailored to specific issues of the agenda. So a school student who wants to learn or may want to learn without interference with others must put up with those who do not for different reasons and may be affected because of it as one example of one issue. To make tough decisions is considered mean spirited and worse while the costs are massively higher then anywhere on earth and this will not continue forever.

ted cruz bent over for donny even after he went after papa cruz, but his wife? you support a spineless weasel like that?

huh what?
How did Republicans treat Colin Powell?

We offered him the presidency on a silver platter in 1996. He would have knocked Clinton out of his second term if he had accepted.
How far he fell
Republicans threw him under the bus

Actually it was Powell that threw the Republicans under the bus. He voted for DumBama both times.

actually he put country over party. your reply says exactly what you do. you just revealed how you put party over country.
That MSM is the same MSM that made you dumb asses believe Trump could be president...

That same MSM is the one who put Trump on TV every night and made him look like some business visionary, in spite of reality....

That same MSM is the one who gave Trump more free campaign air time than any other candidate in history....

That same MSM is the one who had you dumb asses thinking this woman was the next no, I don't expect anything from corporate run media, I didn't put them in office...

View attachment 293196

Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.
They only care if there’s a ‘D’ in the woman’s politics! Just saying, that’s not women love, that’s demofks love ! Demofks have no ethic. They only punish gop and never there own. Inconsistent losers

:auiqs.jpg: how blatantly false.
You just proved my point
Actually it was Powell that threw the Republicans under the bus. He voted for DumBama both times.

Thats exactly right.
Leave it to rightwinger to get it ass-backwards

The Republicans begged Powell to run for the Republican party. Powell refused because his wife feared for his life. HTF can the left blame the Republican party for a man who declined their offer out of concerns for the woman he loved?

Now when Hil-Lair's email scandal come out, who did she point to as an example of "they do it too!!!" That's right, Colon Powell. Talk about throwing somebody under the bus. Powell had to defend himself by pointing out it was apples and oranges. Copies of his emails were retained by his email service, which could have been subpoenaed by the US Congress at any time. When Hillary got that subpoena, she had pertinent e-mails erased because she had no service in which to keep copies of. It's the very reason she had a server in her closet in the first place.

powell said his wife was diagnosed with depression & at that time was much more a stigma, plus it probably wouldn't be good for her.
I seriously doubt the Republican Party will exist after 2020. Decent human beings have left the party. Union members have left the Party, as have farmers, women, and old white men are dying off.

Everything Donald Trump touches, dies.
I believed there were a few good candidates for President for the Repubs in 2016. But they were not electable. Repubs need The Evangelical right vote and the Blue Dog Dem vote to win. I believed Ted Cruz to be the best. But he was not electable in 2016. He may be electable in future races. Trump has shown us the endless false Repubs fed to the voters. They are like Prog safety valves. I know politics is nasty. And being a politician takes away part of the something from the individual. Its easy to be accused of being a heartless ghoul when that is not the intent. We elect laws and programs and throw a blanket over it treating everything as a general issue with identical sameness. The programs need to be tailored to specific issues of the agenda. So a school student who wants to learn or may want to learn without interference with others must put up with those who do not for different reasons and may be affected because of it as one example of one issue. To make tough decisions is considered mean spirited and worse while the costs are massively higher then anywhere on earth and this will not continue forever.

ted cruz bent over for donny even after he went after papa cruz, but his wife? you support a spineless weasel like that?

huh what?
You dic suckers don't even consider Sarah a viable candidate for anything anymore....

Are you telling me that you idiots decided to pretend Sarah doesn't exist because the media wasn't fair to her??

My god you people are cucks...….
Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.
They only care if there’s a ‘D’ in the woman’s politics! Just saying, that’s not women love, that’s demofks love ! Demofks have no ethic. They only punish gop and never there own. Inconsistent losers

:auiqs.jpg: how blatantly false.
You just proved my point

the only point you have is on the top of yer head.
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

Meh. So what.
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

I agree we should cut porn stars some slack. :biggrin:
Evidence that Melania has a high IQ? None. Evidence that Melania is fluent in any languages other than English and Slovenian? None. Her English grammar isn't great. "Be Best". What exactly does that mean. She didn't graduate university, and has never worked at anything other than being pretty.
I realize that the things that make women cringe at the idea of the Melania Trump being a role model for their daughters (drop out of school, go to America, work as a nude model, marry a creepy older billionaire, and live in wealth and luxury ever after), make conservatives drool. The perfect Stepford wife.

The jealousy is strong with this one.

Our First Lady speaks French, German, Serbian, English, and her native Slovenian. She studied Architecture and Design at the largest university in Slovenia (not exactly an easy line of study) before leaving school to model full time with agencies in Paris and Milan. She has been featured on the covers of many major fashion magazines.

lol... she also was featured on the cover of mags grabbing her own pussy & in bed with another woman.
That MSM is the same MSM that made you dumb asses believe Trump could be president...

That same MSM is the one who put Trump on TV every night and made him look like some business visionary, in spite of reality....

That same MSM is the one who gave Trump more free campaign air time than any other candidate in history....

That same MSM is the one who had you dumb asses thinking this woman was the next no, I don't expect anything from corporate run media, I didn't put them in office...

View attachment 293196

Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.

who the fuck are you kidding, ray ray? gidget was a little mayor of a little town in alaskAH which - btw - was the METH CAPITAL as well - that mccain didn't even know but the media whore did have a vaginAH, so.... good enough. that plus the extremist evangelical slant worked well too, despite the good ol' family values only the palins can do. :113:

Alaska police release details of drunken brawl involving Palin family

Abstinence Advocate Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

tulsi? <pfffft>
I believe she was governor, but what the fk do you know.

a first term gov that she quit b4 it was up. b4 THAT, she was mayor of wasilla, meth capital.
there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.
They only care if there’s a ‘D’ in the woman’s politics! Just saying, that’s not women love, that’s demofks love ! Demofks have no ethic. They only punish gop and never there own. Inconsistent losers

:auiqs.jpg: how blatantly false.
You just proved my point

the only point you have is on the top of yer head.
Yep still proving it.
Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.

who the fuck are you kidding, ray ray? gidget was a little mayor of a little town in alaskAH which - btw - was the METH CAPITAL as well - that mccain didn't even know but the media whore did have a vaginAH, so.... good enough. that plus the extremist evangelical slant worked well too, despite the good ol' family values only the palins can do. :113:

Alaska police release details of drunken brawl involving Palin family

Abstinence Advocate Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

tulsi? <pfffft>
I believe she was governor, but what the fk do you know.

a first term gov that she quit b4 it was up. b4 THAT, she was mayor of wasilla, meth capital.
and she quit to go do a reality show...….but since repubs are such cultists, none of that matters.....

It was only until they were given a new cult leader to worship that they finally admitted that Palin was a moron....but only to each other.....they will never admit to a liberal that we were right about her.....that is too much to take...
Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.

who the fuck are you kidding, ray ray? gidget was a little mayor of a little town in alaskAH which - btw - was the METH CAPITAL as well - that mccain didn't even know but the media whore did have a vaginAH, so.... good enough. that plus the extremist evangelical slant worked well too, despite the good ol' family values only the palins can do. :113:

Alaska police release details of drunken brawl involving Palin family

Abstinence Advocate Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

tulsi? <pfffft>
I believe she was governor, but what the fk do you know.

a first term gov that she quit b4 it was up. b4 THAT, she was mayor of wasilla, meth capital.
So, she was governor you conveniently left that out. Typical leftist ploy
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