Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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Yes, actually...when Obama started campaigning for president, she moved in...…why does that bother you so much??

Here is another reason you dic suckers are so full of shit -- if the daughters and Michelle remained in Chicago instead of moving to DC, so they can finish idiots would be complaining about that...

How do I know....because you racist morons complained about him wearing a tan suit, so fuk what you whining about now

I never complained about anything he wore. Why would I care about that? I also didn't hear many on the right making comments either.

I also didn't care much about mom moving in, but I brought it up and somebody took issue what that part of my comment.
Bawahhahahahaa,...this is why republicans hate memory....

Fox News ran coverage of him wearing this suit like it was a national crisis...Actual republican congressmen were going on record complaining about a fucking suit...View attachment 293166 View attachment 293170

When Obama and his wife gave each other a fist bump...the idiots at Fox News who you get your constant stream of stupid from -- treated that story like it was a national crisis, even asking if it was a terrorist fist bump..
View attachment 293172

Basically by Obama's first year in office, Republicans were freaking out over him putting his shoes on the desk, him ordering Dijon mustard on his burger, the must idiotic shit -- by Trump's first year in office, he had half of his campaign indicted....but whenever you show Trumpers their idiocy of the recent past, they wannna pretend like it didn't happen...
View attachment 293174

Oh please. The Democrats trashed Trump because he had big macs served at an event he attended. And who was it that made a big deal out of Melania's shoes that time? Or that she didn't hold his hand one time? It's Christmas time again, and yet anther bashing of White House decorations by Melania by the MSM.
Show me one Democrat congressman or woman who issued a statement about what Trump eats?? what shoes Melania wears, etc etc etc....

I told you that ELECTED REPUBLICANS IN THE US CONGRESS went on Fox news to complain about every little thing Obama did....and not one of you cucks objected to it...

So I don't want to hear shit now

A BROWN SUIT???!!!???? WHAT? NO FLAG PIN????!!!!???? oh i remember the fuckin' horror of it all.

I find things like flag pins, and a book of rules that say you have to put your hand over your heart for the playing of the national athem, and the worship of your flag to be beyond weird. A flag is a piece of cloth, and any traitor can wear a flag pin. American's care more about patriotic symbols, than they do about the freedoms and rights it represents.
I never complained about anything he wore. Why would I care about that? I also didn't hear many on the right making comments either.

I also didn't care much about mom moving in, but I brought it up and somebody took issue what that part of my comment.
Bawahhahahahaa,...this is why republicans hate memory....

Fox News ran coverage of him wearing this suit like it was a national crisis...Actual republican congressmen were going on record complaining about a fucking suit...View attachment 293166 View attachment 293170

When Obama and his wife gave each other a fist bump...the idiots at Fox News who you get your constant stream of stupid from -- treated that story like it was a national crisis, even asking if it was a terrorist fist bump..
View attachment 293172

Basically by Obama's first year in office, Republicans were freaking out over him putting his shoes on the desk, him ordering Dijon mustard on his burger, the must idiotic shit -- by Trump's first year in office, he had half of his campaign indicted....but whenever you show Trumpers their idiocy of the recent past, they wannna pretend like it didn't happen...
View attachment 293174

Oh please. The Democrats trashed Trump because he had big macs served at an event he attended. And who was it that made a big deal out of Melania's shoes that time? Or that she didn't hold his hand one time? It's Christmas time again, and yet anther bashing of White House decorations by Melania by the MSM.
Show me one Democrat congressman or woman who issued a statement about what Trump eats?? what shoes Melania wears, etc etc etc....

I told you that ELECTED REPUBLICANS IN THE US CONGRESS went on Fox news to complain about every little thing Obama did....and not one of you cucks objected to it...

So I don't want to hear shit now

A BROWN SUIT???!!!???? WHAT? NO FLAG PIN????!!!!???? oh i remember the fuckin' horror of it all.

I find things like flag pins, and a book of rules that say you have to put your hand over your heart for the playing of the national athem, and the worship of your flag to be beyond weird. A flag is a piece of cloth, and any traitor can wear a flag pin. American's care more about patriotic symbols, than they do about the freedoms and rights it represents.

they went after obama for not wearing a flag pin when i have no doubt the ones they wore were made in china.
Oh please. The Democrats trashed Trump because he had big macs served at an event he attended. And who was it that made a big deal out of Melania's shoes that time? Or that she didn't hold his hand one time? It's Christmas time again, and yet anther bashing of White House decorations by Melania by the MSM.
Show me one Democrat congressman or woman who issued a statement about what Trump eats?? what shoes Melania wears, etc etc etc....

I told you that ELECTED REPUBLICANS IN THE US CONGRESS went on Fox news to complain about every little thing Obama did....and not one of you cucks objected to it...

So I don't want to hear shit now

So you limit it to congress critters but the entire MSM is off limits, huh? Yeah, well I guess you got me on that one. Democrat representatives do other things like call Trump racist, tell people to harass Trump staff wherever they may find them, and even threatened his safety and life.

But a Republican Congress person made fun of DumBama's suit......
That MSM is the same MSM that made you dumb asses believe Trump could be president...

That same MSM is the one who put Trump on TV every night and made him look like some business visionary, in spite of reality....

That same MSM is the one who gave Trump more free campaign air time than any other candidate in history....

That same MSM is the one who had you dumb asses thinking this woman was the next no, I don't expect anything from corporate run media, I didn't put them in office...

View attachment 293196

Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.

double standard? double standard you say?

Conservatives Criticize Michelle Obama For Bare Arms, Stay Silent On Melania Trump’s Nude Poses
by: True Activist Posted on September 21, 2016

Credit: LA Times and GQ India
Since Michelle Obama first became the First Lady of the United States, criticism of basically everything about her has been rampant among right-wing voters with racist and sexist undertones. Among this criticism is the accusation that Mrs. Obama “doesn’t look or act” like a First Lady, apparently because of her sense of fashion, which includes sleeveless dresses.

In two famous interviews with Al Shapiro from NPR at Mitt Romney events in 2012, a Virginia voter Bobbie Lussier summed up how Republicans feel about Mrs. Obama’s image. She stated that, “I mean, can you imagine you know, Kennedys or the Bushes or anybody doing pushups on the floor? I mean you know. That’s just not a first lady.” Lussier further said, “They talk about more like her dresses and how she looks and stuff and her arms and whatever. […] You see her walking around in shorts, and you know, just real casual wear.”
Conservatives Criticize Michelle Obama For Bare Arms, Stay Silent On Melania Trump’s Nude Poses

gimmee a fucking break.
Don't worry if the next President is a Prog in 2020 there will be an impeach 46 if the Repubs win the House. When ever that combination happens can bet on it.

I seriously doubt the Republican Party will exist after 2020. Decent human beings have left the party. Union members have left the Party, as have farmers, women, and old white men are dying off.

Everything Donald Trump touches, dies.
I believed there were a few good candidates for President for the Repubs in 2016. But they were not electable. Repubs need The Evangelical right vote and the Blue Dog Dem vote to win. I believed Ted Cruz to be the best. But he was not electable in 2016. He may be electable in future races. Trump has shown us the endless false Repubs fed to the voters. They are like Prog safety valves. I know politics is nasty. And being a politician takes away part of the something from the individual. Its easy to be accused of being a heartless ghoul when that is not the intent. We elect laws and programs and throw a blanket over it treating everything as a general issue with identical sameness. The programs need to be tailored to specific issues of the agenda. So a school student who wants to learn or may want to learn without interference with others must put up with those who do not for different reasons and may be affected because of it as one example of one issue. To make tough decisions is considered mean spirited and worse while the costs are massively higher then anywhere on earth and this will not continue forever.

ted cruz bent over for donny even after he went after papa cruz, but his wife? you support a spineless weasel like that?
Show me one Democrat congressman or woman who issued a statement about what Trump eats?? what shoes Melania wears, etc etc etc....

I told you that ELECTED REPUBLICANS IN THE US CONGRESS went on Fox news to complain about every little thing Obama did....and not one of you cucks objected to it...

So I don't want to hear shit now

So you limit it to congress critters but the entire MSM is off limits, huh? Yeah, well I guess you got me on that one. Democrat representatives do other things like call Trump racist, tell people to harass Trump staff wherever they may find them, and even threatened his safety and life.

But a Republican Congress person made fun of DumBama's suit......
That MSM is the same MSM that made you dumb asses believe Trump could be president...

That same MSM is the one who put Trump on TV every night and made him look like some business visionary, in spite of reality....

That same MSM is the one who gave Trump more free campaign air time than any other candidate in history....

That same MSM is the one who had you dumb asses thinking this woman was the next no, I don't expect anything from corporate run media, I didn't put them in office...

View attachment 293196

Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.
They only care if there’s a ‘D’ in the woman’s politics! Just saying, that’s not women love, that’s demofks love ! Demofks have no ethic. They only punish gop and never there own. Inconsistent losers
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So you limit it to congress critters but the entire MSM is off limits, huh? Yeah, well I guess you got me on that one. Democrat representatives do other things like call Trump racist, tell people to harass Trump staff wherever they may find them, and even threatened his safety and life.

But a Republican Congress person made fun of DumBama's suit......
That MSM is the same MSM that made you dumb asses believe Trump could be president...

That same MSM is the one who put Trump on TV every night and made him look like some business visionary, in spite of reality....

That same MSM is the one who gave Trump more free campaign air time than any other candidate in history....

That same MSM is the one who had you dumb asses thinking this woman was the next no, I don't expect anything from corporate run media, I didn't put them in office...

View attachment 293196

Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.
They only care if there’s a ‘D’ in the woman’s politics! Just saying, that’s not women love, that’s demofks love ! Demofks have no ethic. They only punish gop and never there own. Inconsistent losers

Until today, the left claims to be for the advancement of women, and the advancement of people of color, yet look how they treated people like Justice Thomas, Candi Rice, Herman Cain, Dr. Carson, Candace Owens, just to name a few.

They are not for advancing those groups of people, they are for using those people to advance the Democrat party. They despise those people of gender and color if they don't march lockstep to their music. Hillary stated that women who voted for Trump were submissive and did so by the orders of their husbands. Clearance Thomas has been called an Uncle Tom, as has many black conservative men. They dared to walk off the plantation.

If our neighbors to the south were renown conservatives, and would vote that way if the opportunity presented itself, you would have seen a 50 foot wall erected by the Democrats decades ago. But like I said, those people advance the Democrat party, so the Democrats are willing to screw the entire country for power.
That MSM is the same MSM that made you dumb asses believe Trump could be president...

That same MSM is the one who put Trump on TV every night and made him look like some business visionary, in spite of reality....

That same MSM is the one who gave Trump more free campaign air time than any other candidate in history....

That same MSM is the one who had you dumb asses thinking this woman was the next no, I don't expect anything from corporate run media, I didn't put them in office...

View attachment 293196

Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.
They only care if there’s a ‘D’ in the woman’s politics! Just saying, that’s not women love, that’s demofks love ! Demofks have no ethic. They only punish gop and never there own. Inconsistent losers

Until today, the left claims to be for the advancement of women, and the advancement of people of color, yet look how they treated people like Justice Thomas, Candi Rice, Herman Cain, Dr. Carson, Candace Owens, just to name a few.

They are not for advancing those groups of people, they are for using those people to advance the Democrat party. They despise those people of gender and color if they don't march lockstep to their music. Hillary stated that women who voted for Trump were submissive and did so by the orders of their husbands. Clearance Thomas has been called an Uncle Tom, as has many black conservative men. They dared to walk off the plantation.

If our neighbors to the south were renown conservatives, and would vote that way if the opportunity presented itself, you would have seen a 50 foot wall erected by the Democrats decades ago. But like I said, those people advance the Democrat party, so the Democrats are willing to screw the entire country for power.
How do other blacks treat them?

That will tell you a lot
Oh, well then that explains why Biden is in the lead. :laughing0301:

Biden was a distinguished Senator and VP

Trump was a reality TV star

A distinguished VP that got his son a job at a company well known for their corruption. Gotcha.

At the last debate, he said he had the support of the only black woman in the Senate, not realizing he was standing next to Harris. He went on stage and didn't know which way the audience was. In another case, he didn't even know which state he was in.

Most everybody can agree Biden is a nice guy and all, but distinguished is the last term I would use to describe a guy that sniffs the hair of women he barely even knows. You want to give a guy who is more confused than a baby at a topless bar the ability to set off a nuclear bomb? On stage in public, he pointed to the guy who was carrying the nuclear codes for him to the audience.

Biden Again Points Out Military Aide Carrying Nuclear Codes
Trump is worse and yet you love him. But you are too dumb and biased to recognize it....and i'm not even a fan of Biden or any of the democratic candidates but your guy is by far the dumbest in the world.

Given our great economy, I would say let's elect more dumb people then, because he's doing a better job than the last two Presidents.

Only if you factor in Bush's Great Recession that was dumped on Obama.

Otherwise, the unemployment rate went from 10% to 4.7% under Obama. It went from 4.7% to 3.5% under Trump. GDP growth is slightly better under Trump though, 2.6% versus 2.4% post recession under Obama.

That's an amazing stat right there. Obama took the worst recession since the great depression, and turned into a 2.4% GDP.

Trump inherited an already expanding economy from Obama, and has achieved 2.6%. And that's his accomplishment? Really?
Show me one Democrat congressman or woman who issued a statement about what Trump eats?? what shoes Melania wears, etc etc etc....

I told you that ELECTED REPUBLICANS IN THE US CONGRESS went on Fox news to complain about every little thing Obama did....and not one of you cucks objected to it...

So I don't want to hear shit now

So you limit it to congress critters but the entire MSM is off limits, huh? Yeah, well I guess you got me on that one. Democrat representatives do other things like call Trump racist, tell people to harass Trump staff wherever they may find them, and even threatened his safety and life.

But a Republican Congress person made fun of DumBama's suit......
That MSM is the same MSM that made you dumb asses believe Trump could be president...

That same MSM is the one who put Trump on TV every night and made him look like some business visionary, in spite of reality....

That same MSM is the one who gave Trump more free campaign air time than any other candidate in history....

That same MSM is the one who had you dumb asses thinking this woman was the next no, I don't expect anything from corporate run media, I didn't put them in office...

View attachment 293196

Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.

Sarah Palin was no different than Dan Quayle: unqualified, incompetent, hypocritical, and only in politics for her own personal gain. She didn't even finish her one and only term as governor and quit to do a reality TV show.

While I agree that she was treated miserably by the press, she managed to live down to every one of their "trailer trash" cliches about her and her "deeply Christian" family.
So you limit it to congress critters but the entire MSM is off limits, huh? Yeah, well I guess you got me on that one. Democrat representatives do other things like call Trump racist, tell people to harass Trump staff wherever they may find them, and even threatened his safety and life.

But a Republican Congress person made fun of DumBama's suit......
That MSM is the same MSM that made you dumb asses believe Trump could be president...

That same MSM is the one who put Trump on TV every night and made him look like some business visionary, in spite of reality....

That same MSM is the one who gave Trump more free campaign air time than any other candidate in history....

That same MSM is the one who had you dumb asses thinking this woman was the next no, I don't expect anything from corporate run media, I didn't put them in office...

View attachment 293196

Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.

Sarah Palin was no different than Dan Quayle: unqualified, incompetent, hypocritical, and only in politics for her own personal gain. She didn't even finish her one and only term as governor and quit to do a reality TV show.

While I agree that she was treated miserably by the press, she managed to live down to every one of their "trailer trash" cliches about her and her "deeply Christian" family.

When did she do that? Kids do what they want to do in spite of proper upbringing at times.

Palin quit as Governor because the commies kept dragging her into court for the stupidest things. They wanted her out, and knew she couldn't keep hiring lawyers to fight all these lawsuits even if she won. It's one of the worst parts of our legal system. But again, Democrats don't care about the will of the people, all they care about is power, even if they use the most devious underhanded ways to get it. That's how Nazi's work.
Oh sure, the MSM was so critical of Palin they even followed her everywhere after the race was over; one goof ball even rented the house next door to her to spy on her and her families activities.

Of course the MSM ran with Trump, because unlike Democrat candidates, Trump got them the best ratings. But that all changed after Trump won the nomination, didn't it?

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.
They only care if there’s a ‘D’ in the woman’s politics! Just saying, that’s not women love, that’s demofks love ! Demofks have no ethic. They only punish gop and never there own. Inconsistent losers

Until today, the left claims to be for the advancement of women, and the advancement of people of color, yet look how they treated people like Justice Thomas, Candi Rice, Herman Cain, Dr. Carson, Candace Owens, just to name a few.

They are not for advancing those groups of people, they are for using those people to advance the Democrat party. They despise those people of gender and color if they don't march lockstep to their music. Hillary stated that women who voted for Trump were submissive and did so by the orders of their husbands. Clearance Thomas has been called an Uncle Tom, as has many black conservative men. They dared to walk off the plantation.

If our neighbors to the south were renown conservatives, and would vote that way if the opportunity presented itself, you would have seen a 50 foot wall erected by the Democrats decades ago. But like I said, those people advance the Democrat party, so the Democrats are willing to screw the entire country for power.
How do other blacks treat them?

That will tell you a lot

It was mostly Democrat blacks that used that term.
Given our great economy, I would say let's elect more dumb people then, because he's doing a better job than the last two Presidents.

Democrats are happy to destroy America in order to advance their sick perverted agendas. They don't care if Trump is the best economy and jobs president ever.
there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.
They only care if there’s a ‘D’ in the woman’s politics! Just saying, that’s not women love, that’s demofks love ! Demofks have no ethic. They only punish gop and never there own. Inconsistent losers

Until today, the left claims to be for the advancement of women, and the advancement of people of color, yet look how they treated people like Justice Thomas, Candi Rice, Herman Cain, Dr. Carson, Candace Owens, just to name a few.

They are not for advancing those groups of people, they are for using those people to advance the Democrat party. They despise those people of gender and color if they don't march lockstep to their music. Hillary stated that women who voted for Trump were submissive and did so by the orders of their husbands. Clearance Thomas has been called an Uncle Tom, as has many black conservative men. They dared to walk off the plantation.

If our neighbors to the south were renown conservatives, and would vote that way if the opportunity presented itself, you would have seen a 50 foot wall erected by the Democrats decades ago. But like I said, those people advance the Democrat party, so the Democrats are willing to screw the entire country for power.
How do other blacks treat them?

That will tell you a lot

It was mostly Democrat blacks that used that term.
How did Republicans treat Colin Powell?
Actually it was Powell that threw the Republicans under the bus. He voted for DumBama both times.

Thats exactly right.
Leave it to rightwinger to get it ass-backwards

The Republicans begged Powell to run for the Republican party. Powell refused because his wife feared for his life. HTF can the left blame the Republican party for a man who declined their offer out of concerns for the woman he loved?

Now when Hil-Lair's email scandal come out, who did she point to as an example of "they do it too!!!" That's right, Colon Powell. Talk about throwing somebody under the bus. Powell had to defend himself by pointing out it was apples and oranges. Copies of his emails were retained by his email service, which could have been subpoenaed by the US Congress at any time. When Hillary got that subpoena, she had pertinent e-mails erased because she had no service in which to keep copies of. It's the very reason she had a server in her closet in the first place.
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