Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.

who the fuck are you kidding, ray ray? gidget was a little mayor of a little town in alaskAH which - btw - was the METH CAPITAL as well - that mccain didn't even know but the media whore did have a vaginAH, so.... good enough. that plus the extremist evangelical slant worked well too, despite the good ol' family values only the palins can do. :113:

Alaska police release details of drunken brawl involving Palin family

Abstinence Advocate Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

tulsi? <pfffft>
I believe she was governor, but what the fk do you know.

a first term gov that she quit b4 it was up. b4 THAT, she was mayor of wasilla, meth capital.
and she quit to go do a reality show...….but since repubs are such cultists, none of that matters.....

It was only until they were given a new cult leader to worship that they finally admitted that Palin was a moron....but only to each other.....they will never admit to a liberal that we were right about her.....that is too much to take...
Facts matter. Name some to be taken seriously
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

She can't even speak English well, I doubt she can speak other languages, and being a model is all she had, and she is getting old. All she has to amount to anything is she had a child.

What has she done?? Nothing but had a child.

Obama went to Princeton and Harvard.

She speaks five languages, many do YOU speak?
there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.

who the fuck are you kidding, ray ray? gidget was a little mayor of a little town in alaskAH which - btw - was the METH CAPITAL as well - that mccain didn't even know but the media whore did have a vaginAH, so.... good enough. that plus the extremist evangelical slant worked well too, despite the good ol' family values only the palins can do. :113:

Alaska police release details of drunken brawl involving Palin family

Abstinence Advocate Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

tulsi? <pfffft>
I believe she was governor, but what the fk do you know.

a first term gov that she quit b4 it was up. b4 THAT, she was mayor of wasilla, meth capital.
So, she was governor you conveniently left that out. Typical leftist ploy

that she quit. SHE didn't even want the gig. but she sure loved the media.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.

who the fuck are you kidding, ray ray? gidget was a little mayor of a little town in alaskAH which - btw - was the METH CAPITAL as well - that mccain didn't even know but the media whore did have a vaginAH, so.... good enough. that plus the extremist evangelical slant worked well too, despite the good ol' family values only the palins can do. :113:

Alaska police release details of drunken brawl involving Palin family

Abstinence Advocate Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

tulsi? <pfffft>
I believe she was governor, but what the fk do you know.

a first term gov that she quit b4 it was up. b4 THAT, she was mayor of wasilla, meth capital.
and she quit to go do a reality show...….but since repubs are such cultists, none of that matters.....

It was only until they were given a new cult leader to worship that they finally admitted that Palin was a moron....but only to each other.....they will never admit to a liberal that we were right about her.....that is too much to take...
Facts matter. Name some to be taken seriously
Why aren't republicans calling Palin the second of Reagan like they use to??

Is it because they know she is a moron and was only picked because McCain and the GOP were desperate??

How do I know the GOP was desperate?? Because this guy also flirted running for office...all because he asked Obama a you know how desperate you have to be to want someone to run for president for something like that??

And as usual, he along with Palin are now 2 people that republicans try to pretend they never worshipped.....because even they know it was stupid...

there was a good reason why sarah was nic'd as a media whore. she sought it out.

How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.

who the fuck are you kidding, ray ray? gidget was a little mayor of a little town in alaskAH which - btw - was the METH CAPITAL as well - that mccain didn't even know but the media whore did have a vaginAH, so.... good enough. that plus the extremist evangelical slant worked well too, despite the good ol' family values only the palins can do. :113:

Alaska police release details of drunken brawl involving Palin family

Abstinence Advocate Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

tulsi? <pfffft>
I believe she was governor, but what the fk do you know.

a first term gov that she quit b4 it was up. b4 THAT, she was mayor of wasilla, meth capital.
and she quit to go do a reality show...….but since repubs are such cultists, none of that matters.....

It was only until they were given a new cult leader to worship that they finally admitted that Palin was a moron....but only to each other.....they will never admit to a liberal that we were right about her.....that is too much to take...

Palin quit because the commies kept taking her to court and suing her. She was never found guilty of anything, but the Nazi mentality is if the voters made a choice, they're going to reverse it, much like they are trying to do with Trump.
Palin quit because the commies kept taking her to court and suing her. She was never found guilty of anything, but the Nazi mentality is if the voters made a choice, they're going to reverse it, much like they are trying to do with Trump.

I hope Trump finds a place for Palin in his second term
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

I agree we should cut porn stars some slack. :biggrin:

I thought Democrats were the party of sexual liberation? Why would a woman consensually being in glamor modeling which is less explicit than the average R-rated Hollywood movie be considered "porn" now - that's almost a puritanically mentality, or something that a Muslim from a 3rd world country would consider "porn" (as in a woman wearing jeans or uncovering her hair).

Make up your minds - are you the party of sexual liberation, or the party of chastity?
Actually it was Powell that threw the Republicans under the bus. He voted for DumBama both times.

Thats exactly right.
Leave it to rightwinger to get it ass-backwards

The Republicans begged Powell to run for the Republican party. Powell refused because his wife feared for his life. HTF can the left blame the Republican party for a man who declined their offer out of concerns for the woman he loved?

Now when Hil-Lair's email scandal come out, who did she point to as an example of "they do it too!!!" That's right, Colon Powell. Talk about throwing somebody under the bus. Powell had to defend himself by pointing out it was apples and oranges. Copies of his emails were retained by his email service, which could have been subpoenaed by the US Congress at any time. When Hillary got that subpoena, she had pertinent e-mails erased because she had no service in which to keep copies of. It's the very reason she had a server in her closet in the first place.

powell said his wife was diagnosed with depression & at that time was much more a stigma, plus it probably wouldn't be good for her.

I never read that. What I read him say is that she was in fear for his life being the first potential black President. He would have ran on the Republican ticket if not for that.
who the fuck are you kidding, ray ray? gidget was a little mayor of a little town in alaskAH which - btw - was the METH CAPITAL as well - that mccain didn't even know but the media whore did have a vaginAH, so.... good enough. that plus the extremist evangelical slant worked well too, despite the good ol' family values only the palins can do. :113:

Alaska police release details of drunken brawl involving Palin family

Abstinence Advocate Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

tulsi? <pfffft>
I believe she was governor, but what the fk do you know.

a first term gov that she quit b4 it was up. b4 THAT, she was mayor of wasilla, meth capital.
and she quit to go do a reality show...….but since repubs are such cultists, none of that matters.....

It was only until they were given a new cult leader to worship that they finally admitted that Palin was a moron....but only to each other.....they will never admit to a liberal that we were right about her.....that is too much to take...
Facts matter. Name some to be taken seriously
Why aren't republicans calling Palin the second of Reagan like they use to??

Is it because they know she is a moron and was only picked because McCain and the GOP were desperate??

How do I know the GOP was desperate?? Because this guy also flirted running for office...all because he asked Obama a you know how desperate you have to be to want someone to run for president for something like that??

And as usual, he along with Palin are now 2 people that republicans try to pretend they never worshipped.....because even they know it was stupid...

View attachment 293705

Notice how many staff positions Trump offered Palin?
How did she do that, by being an attractive conservative woman running for VP?

I could imagine the outrage if Democrats had a nice looking VP running mate like Tulsi, and the Republicans only did half to her what the Democrats did to Sarah and her family. They would still be using it to claim how Republicans hate women, especially women of power.

But hey, it's one more example of how FOS the Democrats are when they say they support women advancing in society. They only mean commie women, the hypocrites.

who the fuck are you kidding, ray ray? gidget was a little mayor of a little town in alaskAH which - btw - was the METH CAPITAL as well - that mccain didn't even know but the media whore did have a vaginAH, so.... good enough. that plus the extremist evangelical slant worked well too, despite the good ol' family values only the palins can do. :113:

Alaska police release details of drunken brawl involving Palin family

Abstinence Advocate Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

tulsi? <pfffft>
I believe she was governor, but what the fk do you know.

a first term gov that she quit b4 it was up. b4 THAT, she was mayor of wasilla, meth capital.
and she quit to go do a reality show...….but since repubs are such cultists, none of that matters.....

It was only until they were given a new cult leader to worship that they finally admitted that Palin was a moron....but only to each other.....they will never admit to a liberal that we were right about her.....that is too much to take...

Palin quit because the commies kept taking her to court and suing her. She was never found guilty of anything, but the Nazi mentality is if the voters made a choice, they're going to reverse it, much like they are trying to do with Trump.

Palin quit politics because she thought she would be able to better fleece GOP idiots by being a celebrity...…

Funny how when Palin pushed socialist policies like sharing oil profits with the citizens of Alaska she had 80% approval... she definitely didn't rail against it and call it socialism like you morons would....

But the more and more partisan she got, the less popular she became in her own state....someone quitting because of ethics investigations is not what innocent people do...

Not one of you dic suckers would give any Democrat a pass if they quit because of ethics spare me the dumb shit
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

I agree we should cut porn stars some slack. :biggrin:

I thought Democrats were the party of sexual liberation? Why would a woman consensually being in glamor modeling which is less explicit than the average R-rated Hollywood movie be considered "porn" now - that's almost a puritanically mentality, or something that a Muslim from a 3rd world country would consider "porn" (as in a woman wearing jeans or uncovering her hair).

Make up your minds - are you the party of sexual liberation, or the party of chastity?

Glamor modeling?

Is that what they call escorts now?
How did Republicans treat Colin Powell?

We offered him the presidency on a silver platter in 1996. He would have knocked Clinton out of his second term if he had accepted.
How far he fell
Republicans threw him under the bus

Actually it was Powell that threw the Republicans under the bus. He voted for DumBama both times.

actually he put country over party. your reply says exactly what you do. you just revealed how you put party over country.

He (like most blacks) voted for Hussein out of solidarity. It had nothing to do with the best choice. McCain was a fellow military man, a POW, and Powell still stabbed his party in the back.

It wasn't country over party, it was race over anything else.
So where do you hear these laughs at, their unemployment line?

rightwinger is deranged

It's amazing. Our economy is the envy of the world, and the rest of the world is laughing at us? Like we should care what those other leftist losers around the world think of us?

That's almost like all the other guys in school laughing at the kid who got the hottest chick in school for a prom date.
The rest of the world is laughing at the inept buffoon we elected

Did you hear what Trump said?

Why ask a question that you know I have no idea of? Trump says a lot of things, WTF are you talking about?

If Trump is so inept, why do we have such a booming economy while others around the world are not, and some even suffering?

Obama had a booming economy
The rest of the world is suffering do to factors not affecting us.

Saying that Trump can act like a fucking moron that is mocked around the world just because he hasn’t trashed our economy is ridiculous

Why? Because unlike DumBama, he's doing the work of a President; making things better for people of any race, religion or background?
Palin quit because the commies kept taking her to court and suing her. She was never found guilty of anything, but the Nazi mentality is if the voters made a choice, they're going to reverse it, much like they are trying to do with Trump.

I hope Trump finds a place for Palin in his second term

he'll put her in charge of pizza cutlery.
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Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

I agree we should cut porn stars some slack. :biggrin:

I thought Democrats were the party of sexual liberation? Why would a woman consensually being in glamor modeling which is less explicit than the average R-rated Hollywood movie be considered "porn" now - that's almost a puritanically mentality, or something that a Muslim from a 3rd world country would consider "porn" (as in a woman wearing jeans or uncovering her hair).

Make up your minds - are you the party of sexual liberation, or the party of chastity?

Glamor modeling?

Is that what they call escorts now?

So consensual prostitution is immoral now? But Hollywood idols living lascivious lifestyles is "sexual liberation"? Wow.

I think it was Madonna who offered a "free blowjob" to anyone at one of her concerts who would vote for Hillary, and Mark Ruffalo who offered to do a nude scene in a film if Hillary won (I have no idea way, given that he probably already had the LGBT vote in his pocket).

I suppose they all need to be chastised, and have a scarlet letter branded on their chests now for offending the moral sentiments of the puritanical community.

Hollywood's whole schtick since the 1960s was one of "sexual liberation" and fatuity, now they finally have a "sexually liberated woman" in office, and they revert to puritanism and temperance - I doubt anyone's buying the phony outrage.
who the fuck are you kidding, ray ray? gidget was a little mayor of a little town in alaskAH which - btw - was the METH CAPITAL as well - that mccain didn't even know but the media whore did have a vaginAH, so.... good enough. that plus the extremist evangelical slant worked well too, despite the good ol' family values only the palins can do. :113:

Alaska police release details of drunken brawl involving Palin family

Abstinence Advocate Bristol Palin Announces Second Unplanned Pregnancy

tulsi? <pfffft>
I believe she was governor, but what the fk do you know.

a first term gov that she quit b4 it was up. b4 THAT, she was mayor of wasilla, meth capital.
and she quit to go do a reality show...….but since repubs are such cultists, none of that matters.....

It was only until they were given a new cult leader to worship that they finally admitted that Palin was a moron....but only to each other.....they will never admit to a liberal that we were right about her.....that is too much to take...

Palin quit because the commies kept taking her to court and suing her. She was never found guilty of anything, but the Nazi mentality is if the voters made a choice, they're going to reverse it, much like they are trying to do with Trump.

Palin quit politics because she thought she would be able to better fleece GOP idiots by being a celebrity...…

Funny how when Palin pushed socialist policies like sharing oil profits with the citizens of Alaska she had 80% approval... she definitely didn't rail against it and call it socialism like you morons would....

But the more and more partisan she got, the less popular she became in her own state....someone quitting because of ethics investigations is not what innocent people do...

Not one of you dic suckers would give any Democrat a pass if they quit because of ethics spare me the dumb shit

Palin was not Donald Trump. She didn't have the money to keep paying lawyers to go to court all the time. Like I said, the Nazi's knew full well they'd financially wear her down, but when have the Nazi's ever cared about fair elections and allowing the will of the people to lead their state or country?
How did Republicans treat Colin Powell?

We offered him the presidency on a silver platter in 1996. He would have knocked Clinton out of his second term if he had accepted.
How far he fell
Republicans threw him under the bus

Actually it was Powell that threw the Republicans under the bus. He voted for DumBama both times.

actually he put country over party. your reply says exactly what you do. you just revealed how you put party over country.

He (like most blacks) voted for Hussein out of solidarity. It had nothing to do with the best choice. McCain was a fellow military man, a POW, and Powell still stabbed his party in the back.

It wasn't country over party, it was race over anything else.

then by that logic, i shoulda voted for the white female in '08 instead of the black man & my husband a (R) shouldn't have voted for the (D) female in 2016

you just failed there, raymond.
Palin quit because the commies kept taking her to court and suing her. She was never found guilty of anything, but the Nazi mentality is if the voters made a choice, they're going to reverse it, much like they are trying to do with Trump.

I hope Trump finds a place for Palin in his second term

She's old news. That was over ten years ago. She doesn't even appear on Fox anymore. She's retired from politics.
We offered him the presidency on a silver platter in 1996. He would have knocked Clinton out of his second term if he had accepted.
How far he fell
Republicans threw him under the bus

Actually it was Powell that threw the Republicans under the bus. He voted for DumBama both times.

actually he put country over party. your reply says exactly what you do. you just revealed how you put party over country.

He (like most blacks) voted for Hussein out of solidarity. It had nothing to do with the best choice. McCain was a fellow military man, a POW, and Powell still stabbed his party in the back.

It wasn't country over party, it was race over anything else.

then by that logic, i shoulda voted for the white female in '08 instead of the black man & my husband a (R) shouldn't have voted for the (D) female in 2016

you just failed there, raymond.

Yes, you should have. Thats' the liberal mentality.
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

I agree we should cut porn stars some slack. :biggrin:

I thought Democrats were the party of sexual liberation? Why would a woman consensually being in glamor modeling which is less explicit than the average R-rated Hollywood movie be considered "porn" now - that's almost a puritanically mentality, or something that a Muslim from a 3rd world country would consider "porn" (as in a woman wearing jeans or uncovering her hair).

Make up your minds - are you the party of sexual liberation, or the party of chastity?

You know how liberals are, they are still confused between what a male and female is. They think you can switch your gender by simply wearing a dress and putting on lipstick. I think they are confusing Melania with this one:

Katie Hill, California congresswoman, resigns amid allegations of affairs with staff
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