Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

Speaking 5 languages?
Can you prove with a video where she speaks French, German or Italian....go. She also lied about her college degree.

According to CNN you are wrong, which doesn’t surprise me.

Melania Trump Fast Facts - CNN

Seems you are intimidated by strong women.
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Lol! Thanks for the laughs, I appreciate your humor.





So you still have no real point on this thread. Thanks again for letting us laugh at you.

point is showing the complete hypocrisy & downright absurdity of the OP. you not getting that doesn't surprise me.

Why you telling me? Why not the Op? You seem to be as dim as I thought. I’m against trashing any First Lady. So your dumb ass point, only proves you to be a dumb ass. Carry on skippy.

You are one dumb person

i did. & i also told you. one post. you didn't hafta reply. but you did, & so here we are. seems like all you had to do was ignore it. yet like i said, here we are.


I never said different, did I? You are the one that responded to me, otherwise I’d never read your posts. Now, you don’t need to respond to me however I know you will.
Neither First Lady should be attacked. It’s juvenile and simply ridiculous.

I agree, with one exception: Crooked Criminal Hillary wanted to play co-president and stick her nose into legislation, healthcare specifically. If they do that THEN they can be a target. But otherwise, you are correct.
Neither First Lady should be attacked. It’s juvenile and simply ridiculous.

I agree, with one exception: Crooked Criminal Hillary wanted to play co-president and stick her nose into legislation, healthcare specifically. If they do that THEN they can be a target. But otherwise, you are correct.

I disagree, when she was the First Lady, she supported her husband and she tried to make health care her cause. I disagreed with her however she still should have been off limits.
Good try...economy has been doing well before he came. Plus presidents dont have that much influence as trump claims he had on the economy, unless if you care prove it with numbers and graphs. And that he clearly shifted the tide.

November jobs report, 266,000.

Presidents don't create jobs, the private sector does. What a President can do is encourage or discourage job creation by the private sector. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. He didn't do one thing to encourage growth. Growth under DumBama had more to do with the federal reserve dumping trillions into the stock market, then a little later on when fuel prices took a plunge, which again, had zero to do with any policy of his.

Trump has encouraged growth with his tax cuts and reduction of business regulations. He encouraged spending by the reduction of taxes on citizens. He got rid of Commie Care fines which people will put back into the economy. He created business and consumer confidence we haven't seen in decades.

The economy was not doing well under DumBama. In fact, the slowest recovery since WWII. Under Trump,we hit a new high in median household income; something we didn't see under DumBama.

Trump's policies worked and are still working. A 50 year low in unemployment, and new records broken for minorities since we started keeping those records.
And the rate of growth has been the same for 10 years now. Remind the forum... how many years has Trump been president?

IOW, Trump confounded the conventional wisdom from the idiot left, who assured us ad nauseum that he would immediately cause a great recession and start numerous wars. They were true idiots.
So? Some predicted Trump would lead us into a recession. Such predictions are common from the opposition party. I recall folks on the right predicting Obama would lead us into a double dip recession; which of course, never happened.

Still, as the chart I posted displays, we are about to enter the 11th year of continuous job growth at roughly the current rate.

Maybe you'd like to answer the question your fellow yahoo shied away from .... how many years has Trump been president?
Irrelevant. The fact is, he made the right decisions to continue the growth that had finally taken off after the slowest recovery ever from a recession. We were told he was an imbecile, that he would tank the economy and that he would embroil us in yet more endless wars. Yet he has continued the economic growth and reduced the fighting our military posture world wide. For that, he deserves credit, credit he does not get from the haters.

Yes, Obama did some things that allowed the economy to finally start growing again. Trump has continued that. Why is it so hard to give credit where it is due?
Yes, he's done well keeping the streak going. That's what I said.
Neither First Lady should be attacked. It’s juvenile and simply ridiculous.

I agree, with one exception: Crooked Criminal Hillary wanted to play co-president and stick her nose into legislation, healthcare specifically. If they do that THEN they can be a target. But otherwise, you are correct.

I disagree, when she was the First Lady, she supported her husband and she tried to make health care her cause. I disagreed with her however she still should have been off limits.

Hillary and Bill are only politician partners. I believe some of the ideas Bill had were at least in part by her. And if she actually won the presidency, Bill would have been part of her decision making. It's why she didn't care if Bill screwed half the women in Washington.

It may be conspiracy thinking, but one time I read a post where somebody dared to find a picture of Hillary when she was pregnant with Chelsea. So I searched all over, not one picture. Then it was reported that the family dog they got while Bill was President was run over by a car after they left. Not long after they left either.

So you still have no real point on this thread. Thanks again for letting us laugh at you.

point is showing the complete hypocrisy & downright absurdity of the OP. you not getting that doesn't surprise me.

Why you telling me? Why not the Op? You seem to be as dim as I thought. I’m against trashing any First Lady. So your dumb ass point, only proves you to be a dumb ass. Carry on skippy.

You are one dumb person

i did. & i also told you. one post. you didn't hafta reply. but you did, & so here we are. seems like all you had to do was ignore it. yet like i said, here we are.


I never said different, did I? You are the one that responded to me, otherwise I’d never read your posts. Now, you don’t need to respond to me however I know you will.

of course i'll respond. i am not afraid to respond to anybody. btw - you started with the name calling. something donny tends to do & his 3rd trophy wife says it's a problem on the interwebs, yet hasn't really done anything about it. she shoulda taken up the cause of silicone vs saline.
impeachment is coming & it is di-rectly because of your presidents unlawful conduct. lest ye ferget, ray ray.... the house flipped exactly because of healthcare & donny's threat to kill it.

it's still THE #1 concern of voters & we know we don't want it taken away.

You don't know why it flipped, and forgetting the fact it also happened to DumBama because of Commie Care. The commies claim they have 20 million people on it, and most of those likely always voted Democrat anyway. However, the fines affected all those who didn't have Commie Care, and that amount to billions collected by the federal government each year until Trump got rid of the fines.

Yes, impeachment is coming, and the actions by the Nazi's will likely give us the House back in 2020. This is the Thought Police impeachment because no actual solid evidence was presented. What was presented was "I thought" "I presumed" "I was thinking" instead of empirical evidence.

all those town halls say otherwise.

Anger Rises Across The Country At GOP Congressional Town Halls

Great. Now prove those people are Republican voters, and get a less biased source than NPR, and you will have a point.

go & prove they aren't.


Some Republicans embrace chaos, stand firm in face of hostile town hall crowds

how'z that for 'unbiased'? :71:

Nice try posting a paywall site, but I'm sure it's the same thing. You can't prove it's not a bunch of Democrats that attended the town hall.

Trump ran on getting rid of Commie Care. Why would people elect a guy that said he'll get rid of it and then complain if he tries? Think about that.

you need to flush yerself again, ray ray - cause you be lying & full of poo poo. there is no paywall - it's the freakin' washington times. you should know them pretty well. of course they aren't all (D)s. (R)s get sick too.... all them thar red states that did expand medicaid are chock full of (R)s. the house flipped precisely because of healthcare. lol...
trump is first in line. he's over 13K & counting.

At least he's not using his lies to impeach anybody or ruining the healthcare system for the entire country.

impeachment is coming & it is di-rectly because of your presidents unlawful conduct. lest ye ferget, ray ray.... the house flipped exactly because of healthcare & donny's threat to kill it.

it's still THE #1 concern of voters & we know we don't want it taken away.

You don't know why it flipped, and forgetting the fact it also happened to DumBama because of Commie Care. The commies claim they have 20 million people on it, and most of those likely always voted Democrat anyway. However, the fines affected all those who didn't have Commie Care, and that amount to billions collected by the federal government each year until Trump got rid of the fines.

Yes, impeachment is coming, and the actions by the Nazi's will likely give us the House back in 2020. This is the Thought Police impeachment because no actual solid evidence was presented. What was presented was "I thought" "I presumed" "I was thinking" instead of empirical evidence.
You forget what Trump himself admits
The rest is from not only those who heard, but participated in subsequent meetings
Trumps people even admitted there was a quid pro quo

Okay, tell me who outside of Sondland, who was the only real person to speak to Trump directly, said there was a quid pro quo by Trump. Sondland testified that he too wasn't sure what Trump wanted, so when he called Trump directly, Trump stated he wanted nothing from Zelensky. He wanted no quid pro quo. He only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing.

Now......even if you could prove that, then explain how every other President before Trump used quid pro quo's, but it's impeachable offense if Trump "tried" the same? Remember: no thought police excuses like Trump knew Biden would be his opponent, or that Democrats can read minds to know what Trump was thinking. Solid evidence is what I want to see here.

donny won't allow the first person witness' to testify under oath & sondland himself admitted that all the docs proving one way or the other are being held by the SOS.

criminal law 101: don't withhold evidence that can prove your innocence.
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

Speaking 5 languages?
Can you prove with a video where she speaks French, German or Italian....go. She also lied about her college degree.

According to CNN you are wrong, which doesn’t surprise me.

Melania Trump Fast Facts - CNN

Seems you are intimidated by strong women.

As First Lady, Melania travels the world and has had ample opportunity to demonstrate her mastery of languages. Yet, the only video of her speaking in French and Italian shows a rudimentary skill

Hello, my name is Melania, what is your name?
Then, back to English
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

Speaking 5 languages?
Can you prove with a video where she speaks French, German or Italian....go. She also lied about her college degree.

According to CNN you are wrong, which doesn’t surprise me.

Melania Trump Fast Facts - CNN

Seems you are intimidated by strong women.

As First Lady, Melania travels the world and has had ample opportunity to demonstrate her mastery of languages. Yet, the only video of her speaking in French and Italian shows a rudimentary skill

Hello, my name is Melania, what is your name?
Then, back to English

Who cares? She's not trying to take over healthcare like Hillary did as First Lady, nor is she trying to take over what kids eat at lunch, like Michelle did. Sounds to me like you're just trying to find things about her to criticize.
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

Speaking 5 languages?
Can you prove with a video where she speaks French, German or Italian....go. She also lied about her college degree.

According to CNN you are wrong, which doesn’t surprise me.

Melania Trump Fast Facts - CNN

Seems you are intimidated by strong women.

As First Lady, Melania travels the world and has had ample opportunity to demonstrate her mastery of languages. Yet, the only video of her speaking in French and Italian shows a rudimentary skill

Hello, my name is Melania, what is your name?
Then, back to English

Who cares? She's not trying to take over healthcare like Hillary did as First Lady, nor is she trying to take over what kids eat at lunch, like Michelle did. Sounds to me like you're just trying to find things about her to criticize.

she is trying to 'be best' at eradicating cyber bullying! just ask nervous nancy, liddle adam, liddle marco, sleepy joe, cryin' schumer, etc etc etc...

Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

Speaking 5 languages?
Can you prove with a video where she speaks French, German or Italian....go. She also lied about her college degree.

According to CNN you are wrong, which doesn’t surprise me.

Melania Trump Fast Facts - CNN

Seems you are intimidated by strong women.

As First Lady, Melania travels the world and has had ample opportunity to demonstrate her mastery of languages. Yet, the only video of her speaking in French and Italian shows a rudimentary skill

Hello, my name is Melania, what is your name?
Then, back to English

Who cares? She's not trying to take over healthcare like Hillary did as First Lady, nor is she trying to take over what kids eat at lunch, like Michelle did. Sounds to me like you're just trying to find things about her to criticize.

So true, and remember this one?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out
At least he's not using his lies to impeach anybody or ruining the healthcare system for the entire country.

impeachment is coming & it is di-rectly because of your presidents unlawful conduct. lest ye ferget, ray ray.... the house flipped exactly because of healthcare & donny's threat to kill it.

it's still THE #1 concern of voters & we know we don't want it taken away.

You don't know why it flipped, and forgetting the fact it also happened to DumBama because of Commie Care. The commies claim they have 20 million people on it, and most of those likely always voted Democrat anyway. However, the fines affected all those who didn't have Commie Care, and that amount to billions collected by the federal government each year until Trump got rid of the fines.

Yes, impeachment is coming, and the actions by the Nazi's will likely give us the House back in 2020. This is the Thought Police impeachment because no actual solid evidence was presented. What was presented was "I thought" "I presumed" "I was thinking" instead of empirical evidence.
You forget what Trump himself admits
The rest is from not only those who heard, but participated in subsequent meetings
Trumps people even admitted there was a quid pro quo

Okay, tell me who outside of Sondland, who was the only real person to speak to Trump directly, said there was a quid pro quo by Trump. Sondland testified that he too wasn't sure what Trump wanted, so when he called Trump directly, Trump stated he wanted nothing from Zelensky. He wanted no quid pro quo. He only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing.

Now......even if you could prove that, then explain how every other President before Trump used quid pro quo's, but it's impeachable offense if Trump "tried" the same? Remember: no thought police excuses like Trump knew Biden would be his opponent, or that Democrats can read minds to know what Trump was thinking. Solid evidence is what I want to see here.

donny won't allow the first person witness' to testify under oath & sondland himself admitted that all the docs proving one way or the other are being held by the SOS.

criminal law 101: don't withhold evidence that can prove your innocence.

You know that how? You have no idea what any documents he has says. Trump is not going to accommodate a witch hunt. They don't know what's in those documents either. They don't know WTF they are looking for. But since this impeachment was a farce from the beginning, they are looking for a real reason to impeach him to avoid the political ramifications.
You don't know why it flipped, and forgetting the fact it also happened to DumBama because of Commie Care. The commies claim they have 20 million people on it, and most of those likely always voted Democrat anyway. However, the fines affected all those who didn't have Commie Care, and that amount to billions collected by the federal government each year until Trump got rid of the fines.

Yes, impeachment is coming, and the actions by the Nazi's will likely give us the House back in 2020. This is the Thought Police impeachment because no actual solid evidence was presented. What was presented was "I thought" "I presumed" "I was thinking" instead of empirical evidence.

all those town halls say otherwise.

Anger Rises Across The Country At GOP Congressional Town Halls

Great. Now prove those people are Republican voters, and get a less biased source than NPR, and you will have a point.

go & prove they aren't.


Some Republicans embrace chaos, stand firm in face of hostile town hall crowds

how'z that for 'unbiased'? :71:

Nice try posting a paywall site, but I'm sure it's the same thing. You can't prove it's not a bunch of Democrats that attended the town hall.

Trump ran on getting rid of Commie Care. Why would people elect a guy that said he'll get rid of it and then complain if he tries? Think about that.

you need to flush yerself again, ray ray - cause you be lying & full of poo poo. there is no paywall - it's the freakin' washington times. you should know them pretty well. of course they aren't all (D)s. (R)s get sick too.... all them thar red states that did expand medicaid are chock full of (R)s. the house flipped precisely because of healthcare. lol...

Get your act together. It's not the Washington Times, it's the Washington Post, a pay site. You know, one of those leftist anti-capitalist companies that want to get money out of you.
impeachment is coming & it is di-rectly because of your presidents unlawful conduct. lest ye ferget, ray ray.... the house flipped exactly because of healthcare & donny's threat to kill it.

it's still THE #1 concern of voters & we know we don't want it taken away.

You don't know why it flipped, and forgetting the fact it also happened to DumBama because of Commie Care. The commies claim they have 20 million people on it, and most of those likely always voted Democrat anyway. However, the fines affected all those who didn't have Commie Care, and that amount to billions collected by the federal government each year until Trump got rid of the fines.

Yes, impeachment is coming, and the actions by the Nazi's will likely give us the House back in 2020. This is the Thought Police impeachment because no actual solid evidence was presented. What was presented was "I thought" "I presumed" "I was thinking" instead of empirical evidence.
You forget what Trump himself admits
The rest is from not only those who heard, but participated in subsequent meetings
Trumps people even admitted there was a quid pro quo

Okay, tell me who outside of Sondland, who was the only real person to speak to Trump directly, said there was a quid pro quo by Trump. Sondland testified that he too wasn't sure what Trump wanted, so when he called Trump directly, Trump stated he wanted nothing from Zelensky. He wanted no quid pro quo. He only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing.

Now......even if you could prove that, then explain how every other President before Trump used quid pro quo's, but it's impeachable offense if Trump "tried" the same? Remember: no thought police excuses like Trump knew Biden would be his opponent, or that Democrats can read minds to know what Trump was thinking. Solid evidence is what I want to see here.

donny won't allow the first person witness' to testify under oath & sondland himself admitted that all the docs proving one way or the other are being held by the SOS.

criminal law 101: don't withhold evidence that can prove your innocence.

You know that how? You have no idea what any documents he has says. Trump is not going to accommodate a witch hunt. They don't know what's in those documents either. They don't know WTF they are looking for. But since this impeachment was a farce from the beginning, they are looking for a real reason to impeach him to avoid the political ramifications.

haaaaaaaaaa................ what? SONDLAND testified UNDER OATH that the SOS was with holding relevant materials. you don't think that if donny were able to have his people exhonerate him, he wouldn't have had a red carpet event with searchlights 'n everything - hollywood style? are you kidding?

nice try raymond - but your logic is the farce.
You don't know why it flipped, and forgetting the fact it also happened to DumBama because of Commie Care. The commies claim they have 20 million people on it, and most of those likely always voted Democrat anyway. However, the fines affected all those who didn't have Commie Care, and that amount to billions collected by the federal government each year until Trump got rid of the fines.

Yes, impeachment is coming, and the actions by the Nazi's will likely give us the House back in 2020. This is the Thought Police impeachment because no actual solid evidence was presented. What was presented was "I thought" "I presumed" "I was thinking" instead of empirical evidence.
You forget what Trump himself admits
The rest is from not only those who heard, but participated in subsequent meetings
Trumps people even admitted there was a quid pro quo

Okay, tell me who outside of Sondland, who was the only real person to speak to Trump directly, said there was a quid pro quo by Trump. Sondland testified that he too wasn't sure what Trump wanted, so when he called Trump directly, Trump stated he wanted nothing from Zelensky. He wanted no quid pro quo. He only wanted Zelensky to do the right thing.

Now......even if you could prove that, then explain how every other President before Trump used quid pro quo's, but it's impeachable offense if Trump "tried" the same? Remember: no thought police excuses like Trump knew Biden would be his opponent, or that Democrats can read minds to know what Trump was thinking. Solid evidence is what I want to see here.

donny won't allow the first person witness' to testify under oath & sondland himself admitted that all the docs proving one way or the other are being held by the SOS.

criminal law 101: don't withhold evidence that can prove your innocence.

You know that how? You have no idea what any documents he has says. Trump is not going to accommodate a witch hunt. They don't know what's in those documents either. They don't know WTF they are looking for. But since this impeachment was a farce from the beginning, they are looking for a real reason to impeach him to avoid the political ramifications.

haaaaaaaaaa................ what? SONDLAND testified UNDER OATH that the SOS was with holding relevant materials. you don't think that if donny were able to have his people exhonerate him, he wouldn't have had a red carpet event with searchlights 'n everything - hollywood style? are you kidding?

nice try raymond - but your logic is the farce.

Why would Trump give them anything if it's not going to make a difference? Trump released the phone call transcript, and they simply lied about what it said and started this impeachment nonsense. The transcript clearly exonerated him. But you can't give enough proof to Nazi's. They have their mind set on trying to get rid of this administration so their past crimes are not discovered by Barr and Durham.

Great. Now prove those people are Republican voters, and get a less biased source than NPR, and you will have a point.

go & prove they aren't.


Some Republicans embrace chaos, stand firm in face of hostile town hall crowds

how'z that for 'unbiased'? :71:

Nice try posting a paywall site, but I'm sure it's the same thing. You can't prove it's not a bunch of Democrats that attended the town hall.

Trump ran on getting rid of Commie Care. Why would people elect a guy that said he'll get rid of it and then complain if he tries? Think about that.

you need to flush yerself again, ray ray - cause you be lying & full of poo poo. there is no paywall - it's the freakin' washington times. you should know them pretty well. of course they aren't all (D)s. (R)s get sick too.... all them thar red states that did expand medicaid are chock full of (R)s. the house flipped precisely because of healthcare. lol...

Get your act together. It's not the Washington Times, it's the Washington Post, a pay site. You know, one of those leftist anti-capitalist companies that want to get money out of you.

oh dear.... liar liar your pants are full of poo, raymond. sometimes it's just so damn easy to nail you trumpanzees to the wall.


the link i provided is the washington TIMES. here, i didn't even use the link button. copy & paste it & VOILA! proof you lied yet again.

Some Republicans embrace chaos, stand firm in face of hostile town hall crowds
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

She is not on magazine covers, because she does not want to be on magazine covers. She steers clear of the public eye, for the most part. That's what shame does to a person.

Or, more likely, she's had her fill of the spotlight, knows what it's like to be in magazines and simply doesn't care what you think. Shocking, I know.

What about my comments imply she cares what I think? Your response is bizarre. Look at what trump has done to your brain.

That you ASSume she avoids the spotlight because of shame. I mean, because you know her so well and all. And since when do you believe that Trump has mind-altering powers? Your X15KZ foil helmet is on too tight.

Forget trying to avoid the spot light...

Why do you think she avoids living in the same building as her husband???
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