Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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there were 11 people on that call. there is a reason that not one single person is responsible for transcribing it. why did pompeo lie & said he didn't know what was on that call when he was listening in?

All 11 people were not stenographers. Even in your link it states that some parts of the conversation could not be understood. Plus they only type out the relevant parts of the conversation. It's not under control of Trump. This is the way it's been done with all of Trump's calls, Obama's calls, Clinton's calls. It's been done this way for decades now.

Lt Colonel Vindman - who was tasked in transcribing & was instructed not to appear b4 congress - brought up under oath that the 'transcript' donny tried to peddle was inaccurate. hmmmmm...... funny dat.

Yeah, Vindmean, who is a renown Trump hater. So believe him instead of the transcript? Not to testify? It's likely he was the leaker.
Who cares who the leaker was?
They provided a very valuable service to the nation

Many people care who the leaker was, because it's likely he had an agenda working for the deep state. And thanks to this "valuable service" no other leader of a country will ever discuss important information with a US President over the phone again.

Deep State.....what conspiracy nonsense

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State. They swear to defend the Constitution not to defend Trump
According to CNN you are wrong, which doesn’t surprise me.

Melania Trump Fast Facts - CNN

Seems you are intimidated by strong women.

As First Lady, Melania travels the world and has had ample opportunity to demonstrate her mastery of languages. Yet, the only video of her speaking in French and Italian shows a rudimentary skill

Hello, my name is Melania, what is your name?
Then, back to English
Who cares? She's not trying to take over healthcare like Hillary did as First Lady, nor is she trying to take over what kids eat at lunch, like Michelle did. Sounds to me like you're just trying to find things about her to criticize.
Imagine First Ladies who actually take on serious issues?

Be Best? LOL
She's doing absolutely nothing to incur your feeble attempts to criticize her. That's the point. Who cares if she speaks 5 languages well or poorly? She's not trying to use them to enact policy.
Melania is a Trophy Wife. She is supposed to look good at the side of her husband.

She is very good at it
So why the whining about whether she speaks 5 languages well?
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Mrs obama was a political activist

Melania is not
So this jacket was just a fashion faux pass?

View attachment 293954
Who cares? Better question, why do you? I really think your irrational hatred is not helping you at all.
It's not about me kiddo, it's about this lame double standard accusation in the OP.

Try to keep up here, ok?
Again, who cares about her jacket?
Or, more likely, she's had her fill of the spotlight, knows what it's like to be in magazines and simply doesn't care what you think. Shocking, I know.
What about my comments imply she cares what I think? Your response is bizarre. Look at what trump has done to your brain.
That you ASSume she avoids the spotlight because of shame. I mean, because you know her so well and all. And since when do you believe that Trump has mind-altering powers? Your X15KZ foil helmet is on too tight.
Forget trying to avoid the spot light...

Why do you think she avoids living in the same building as her husband???
I don't have an opinion on that, because I don't know either one of them. Neither do you, and any reason you dream up is just an unsupported opinion.

But, since we're just playing in make believe land, maybe she just doesn't like the irrational hatred or the noxious atmosphere in Washington. Maybe she just prefers being away from professional haters who would comment on her every movement. Maybe she doesn't want to have idiots hollering questions at her every time she walks out of the White House. There are any number of reasons we can dream up why she doesn't live in the White House.
No, she lives in Washington....she lives at the White House...she just doesn't share the same space Trump lives in....she actually lives in the bed room Obama's mother in law lives in -- Remember when republicans were outraged over the mother in law living in the White House??

Just imagine if Michelle lived in a separate home from her husband during the beginning on his presidency and then refused to share the same bedroom that her husband shared when she finally decided to move to DC....would you be making excuses for her? Would you be saying "Oh, she doesn't want to be in the noxious atmosphere or Washington? Nope..

Because not knowing the Obamas well didn't stop trumpers like yourself from claiming that Obama is gay, his wife is a man and their kids are not really their kids, but paid actors...
Imagine. Key word there. I don't have to imagine because I know myself, and I know I never said Obama is gay, his wife is a man and their kids are not really their kids, but paid actors, so there's that. I really don't care about the relationship a politician has with his/her spouse, that's their business. I do, however, care when an unelected and unaccountable First Lady tries to take over the American healthcare system, like Hillary tried to do.
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Melanomia is what I call her, love how high school kids booed her little just-say-no to corporate state pharma opioids spleach.
Melanomas are generally thought to be incurable cancers. What a shame you marginalize such a sweet human being as First Lady Melania Trump who hurts no one. She defended the students who booed her, and she defends her son against mean people. She's a good mother and just as good a First Lady as the best of them.
Mrs obama was a political activist

Melania is not
Wanting schoolchildren to eat healthy meals is political activism?
Attacking white people for moving to the suburbs is very political and racially divisive


That is very political?
I think attacking white people is very appealing?
Show where she attacked white people....let’s see your quote

That does not even touch her statement in 2016 that for the first time she was proud of her country
Anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick knto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.
Mrs obama was a political activist

Melania is not
So this jacket was just a fashion faux pass?

View attachment 293954
Who cares? Better question, why do you? I really think your irrational hatred is not helping you at all.
It's not about me kiddo, it's about this lame double standard accusation in the OP.

Try to keep up here, ok?
Again, who cares about her jacket?
I dont see any obvious message on her jacket so I dont care
I doubt she can speak other languages
Well we know she can't speak French, one of the "5" languages she claims to speak because there is video of her visiting a children's hospital in France and needing a translator to talk to the children.
Some people speak a second language, but when wanting only to convey sympathy, it may take someone who knows a language just a little bit better to ensure that no error is made in speaking. For that, First Lady Melania Trump is to be commended for ensuring that the children she visits are happy that she cares for their situation and is there only to show her loving concern.

I think you need to lighten up, ed, and show a little more than condescension to a person who is doing her best to make sure America is viewed as gracious when its friends' children are down, and she is there to lift their spirits in our behalf.
Wanting schoolchildren to eat healthy meals is political activism?
Attacking white people for moving to the suburbs is very political and racially divisive


That is very political?
I think attacking white people is very appealing?
Show where she attacked white people....let’s see you quote

as we both the deranged conservative brain....

LIBS are NOT white
We are a deeply divided nation

You could say cons are bad or libs are bad

and half the country will agree either way
Wanting schoolchildren to eat healthy meals is political activism?
Attacking white people for moving to the suburbs is very political and racially divisive


That is very political?
I think attacking white people is very appealing?
Show where she attacked white people....let’s see your quote

That does not even touch her statement in 2016 that for the first time she was proud of her country

I watched that video clip that YOU provided as evidence of her "attacking white people"

and saw NO FKN EVIDENCE of her attacking white people.

This proves you are deranged.
All 11 people were not stenographers. Even in your link it states that some parts of the conversation could not be understood. Plus they only type out the relevant parts of the conversation. It's not under control of Trump. This is the way it's been done with all of Trump's calls, Obama's calls, Clinton's calls. It's been done this way for decades now.

Lt Colonel Vindman - who was tasked in transcribing & was instructed not to appear b4 congress - brought up under oath that the 'transcript' donny tried to peddle was inaccurate. hmmmmm...... funny dat.

Yeah, Vindmean, who is a renown Trump hater. So believe him instead of the transcript? Not to testify? It's likely he was the leaker.
Who cares who the leaker was?
They provided a very valuable service to the nation

Many people care who the leaker was, because it's likely he had an agenda working for the deep state. And thanks to this "valuable service" no other leader of a country will ever discuss important information with a US President over the phone again.

Deep State.....what conspiracy nonsense

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State.

They swear to defend the Constitution not to defend Trump

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State.

Plotting to overthrow the duly elected president is not psrt of their job description

Which is what the unelected Deep State was engaged in
Attacking white people for moving to the suburbs is very political and racially divisive


That is very political?
I think attacking white people is very appealing?
Show where she attacked white people....let’s see your quote

That does not even touch her statement in 2016 that for the first time she was proud of her country

I watched that video clip that YOU provided as evidence of her "attacking white people"

and saw NO FKN EVIDENCE of her attacking white people.

This proves you are deranged.

You are entitled to your opinion
So you still have no real point on this thread. Thanks again for letting us laugh at you.

point is showing the complete hypocrisy & downright absurdity of the OP. you not getting that doesn't surprise me.

Why you telling me? Why not the Op? You seem to be as dim as I thought. I’m against trashing any First Lady. So your dumb ass point, only proves you to be a dumb ass. Carry on skippy.

You are one dumb person

i did. & i also told you. one post. you didn't hafta reply. but you did, & so here we are. seems like all you had to do was ignore it. yet like i said, here we are.


I never said different, did I? You are the one that responded to me, otherwise I’d never read your posts. Now, you don’t need to respond to me however I know you will.

of course i'll respond. i am not afraid to respond to anybody. btw - you started with the name calling. something donny tends to do & his 3rd trophy wife says it's a problem on the interwebs, yet hasn't really done anything about it. she shoulda taken up the cause of silicone vs saline.

Never said different, did I? All you did was run off on another tangent. Interesting ploy.
Ingraham: A first lady double standard?
The only acceptable woman in the media landscape is a liberal one and if you are not, you're just too dumb to know the difference.

ME: Of course there is a double standard, on this matter as on all others too. If Melania were a democrat, speaking 5 languages and being a beautiful model, she would be on every magazine and ever tv show every day.

Speaking 5 languages?
Can you prove with a video where she speaks French, German or Italian....go. She also lied about her college degree.

According to CNN you are wrong, which doesn’t surprise me.

Melania Trump Fast Facts - CNN

Seems you are intimidated by strong women.

As First Lady, Melania travels the world and has had ample opportunity to demonstrate her mastery of languages. Yet, the only video of her speaking in French and Italian shows a rudimentary skill

Hello, my name is Melania, what is your name?
Then, back to English

So CNN is now fake news?
All 11 people were not stenographers. Even in your link it states that some parts of the conversation could not be understood. Plus they only type out the relevant parts of the conversation. It's not under control of Trump. This is the way it's been done with all of Trump's calls, Obama's calls, Clinton's calls. It's been done this way for decades now.

Lt Colonel Vindman - who was tasked in transcribing & was instructed not to appear b4 congress - brought up under oath that the 'transcript' donny tried to peddle was inaccurate. hmmmmm...... funny dat.

Yeah, Vindmean, who is a renown Trump hater. So believe him instead of the transcript? Not to testify? It's likely he was the leaker.
Who cares who the leaker was?
They provided a very valuable service to the nation

Many people care who the leaker was, because it's likely he had an agenda working for the deep state. And thanks to this "valuable service" no other leader of a country will ever discuss important information with a US President over the phone again.

Deep State.....what conspiracy nonsense

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State. They swear to defend the Constitution not to defend Trump

Trying to undermine the President is the deep state. Look it up sometime. Nobody listens to the President phone calls looking to start trouble. Show me where that is in the job description.
As First Lady, Melania travels the world and has had ample opportunity to demonstrate her mastery of languages. Yet, the only video of her speaking in French and Italian shows a rudimentary skill

Hello, my name is Melania, what is your name?
Then, back to English
Who cares? She's not trying to take over healthcare like Hillary did as First Lady, nor is she trying to take over what kids eat at lunch, like Michelle did. Sounds to me like you're just trying to find things about her to criticize.
Imagine First Ladies who actually take on serious issues?

Be Best? LOL
She's doing absolutely nothing to incur your feeble attempts to criticize her. That's the point. Who cares if she speaks 5 languages well or poorly? She's not trying to use them to enact policy.
Melania is a Trophy Wife. She is supposed to look good at the side of her husband.

She is very good at it
So why the whining about whether she speaks 5 languages well?
Wasn’t my OP
What about my comments imply she cares what I think? Your response is bizarre. Look at what trump has done to your brain.
That you ASSume she avoids the spotlight because of shame. I mean, because you know her so well and all. And since when do you believe that Trump has mind-altering powers? Your X15KZ foil helmet is on too tight.
Forget trying to avoid the spot light...

Why do you think she avoids living in the same building as her husband???
I don't have an opinion on that, because I don't know either one of them. Neither do you, and any reason you dream up is just an unsupported opinion.

But, since we're just playing in make believe land, maybe she just doesn't like the irrational hatred or the noxious atmosphere in Washington. Maybe she just prefers being away from professional haters who would comment on her every movement. Maybe she doesn't want to have idiots hollering questions at her every time she walks out of the White House. There are any number of reasons we can dream up why she doesn't live in the White House.
No, she lives in Washington....she lives at the White House...she just doesn't share the same space Trump lives in....she actually lives in the bed room Obama's mother in law lives in -- Remember when republicans were outraged over the mother in law living in the White House??

Just imagine if Michelle lived in a separate home from her husband during the beginning on his presidency and then refused to share the same bedroom that her husband shared when she finally decided to move to DC....would you be making excuses for her? Would you be saying "Oh, she doesn't want to be in the noxious atmosphere or Washington? Nope..

Because not knowing the Obamas well didn't stop trumpers like yourself from claiming that Obama is gay, his wife is a man and their kids are not really their kids, but paid actors...
Imagine. Key word there. I don't have to imagine because I know myself, and I know I never said Obama is gay, his wife is a man and their kids are not really their kids, but paid actors, so there's that. I really don't care about the relationship a politician has with his/her spouse, that's their business. I do, however, care when an unelected and unaccountable First Lady tries to take over the American healthcare system, like Hillary tried to do.
Hillary had no legislative power
She tried to coordinate with those who did. Too bad she wasn’t successful, it would have been much better than Obamacare

But Republicans ran their fear campaign
Lt Colonel Vindman - who was tasked in transcribing & was instructed not to appear b4 congress - brought up under oath that the 'transcript' donny tried to peddle was inaccurate. hmmmmm...... funny dat.

Yeah, Vindmean, who is a renown Trump hater. So believe him instead of the transcript? Not to testify? It's likely he was the leaker.
Who cares who the leaker was?
They provided a very valuable service to the nation

Many people care who the leaker was, because it's likely he had an agenda working for the deep state. And thanks to this "valuable service" no other leader of a country will ever discuss important information with a US President over the phone again.

Deep State.....what conspiracy nonsense

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State. They swear to defend the Constitution not to defend Trump

Trying to undermine the President is the deep state. Look it up sometime. Nobody listens to the President phone calls looking to start trouble. Show me where that is in the job description.
Doing your job is not Deep State
They are loyal to the country, not the President
They do not work for him
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