Ingraham: A first lady double standard?

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How is reporting unethical behavior plotting to overthrow a President

Your job description is to defend the Constitution. Every employee takes that oath. They are also briefed yearly on whistle blower responsibilities and protections

So where in the Constitution does it say for rats to report the President on anything? Unethical? Show me a law against unethical and how it's defined. How is that defending the Constitution when the word ethical is not even in the document.

Impeachment is for violations of high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of which Trump is guilty of. Furthermore the leaker is part of the deep state given the weak case he made for reporting this call. Trump did nothing wrong. He didn't demand a quid pro quo. He has every right to ask another leader to "look into" possible corruption by the past administration, even if one of them is currently running for the nomination of his party.
The President was violating the Constitution and it was reported. Demanding a bribe while in public office is against the oath of office.
It was reported, investigated by the IG and found to be a valid concern
It is now in the hands of Congress

That is not Deep State, that is the way our Constitutional Government is supposed to work

And this is where the lies are. Trump never demanded anything.
That is what the investigation will decide

Unfortunately, you will not be consulted

There shouldn't be any investigation because there was nothing to investigate. That's the point. It was more or less the deep state told all their members to look for something......anything they could possibly use to frame an impeachment, even if it was something they could lie about.
How the fuk does the deep state tell “members” to do anything?
is there a secret handshake so members can identify each Other?
Who is running the Deep State?
Many people care who the leaker was, because it's likely he had an agenda working for the deep state. And thanks to this "valuable service" no other leader of a country will ever discuss important information with a US President over the phone again.

Deep State.....what conspiracy nonsense

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State.

They swear to defend the Constitution not to defend Trump

People doing their jobs and reporting unethical behavior is not Deep State.

Plotting to overthrow the duly elected president is not psrt of their job description

Which is what the unelected Deep State was engaged in
How is reporting unethical behavior plotting to overthrow a President

Your job description is to defend the Constitution. Every employee takes that oath. They are also briefed yearly on whistle blower responsibilities and protections

How is reporting unethical behavior plotting to overthrow a President?

Let the Durham investigation proceed and we may have the answer to your question

We know about comey, mccabe, struck, page rosenstein and many others

But the facts have yet to be presented in a court of law

Let’s see where he investigation of Trump goes

Anyway you look at it, it does not reflect well on our President
Dems have shot their wad on investigsting trump and come up with nothing

But the investigation of dems and the Deep State is just starting
Speaking of faggety……

Any man who is as obsessed with a black woman having a dick like you are...most likely lays like this when he is typing dumb shit on

When one has no truth, when one cannot debate the issue, when one is confronted with reality that hurts....

yeah, responds like the above, a true tribute to "Affirmative Action Education...."
Speaking of faggety……

Any man who is as obsessed with a black woman having a dick like you are...most likely lays like this when he is typing dumb shit on

When one has no truth, when one cannot debate the issue, when one is confronted with reality that hurts....

yeah, responds like the above, a true tribute to "Affirmative Action Education...."
Says the guy who is obsessed with a black woman having a dick...

But can't offer any proof....suck a dick and live your truth.....stop blaming Michelle for your own tranny fetish
How can there be a double standard when Melania does so little compared to other First Ladies?

She has no issue associated with her. Be Best is a joke

Other than model fashions as she walks around with the President, she does nothing
She has no issue associated with her. Be Best is a joke

Other than model fashions as she walks around with the President, she does nothing


1. doesn't generate cash for the Clinton Foundation
2. doesn't get associates to go to prison for her
3. doesn't dance around with Jussie Smollett
4. has evidence she existed prior to high school ("Michelle" has no such evidence)
Melania is one of the least accomplished First Ladies in my lifetime

She makes almost no effort at the position.

Melania is one of the least accomplished First Ladies in my lifetime

She makes almost no effort at the position.


She is EASY on the EYES.

Michael Robinson and Hillary were the OPPOSITE.....

Thank Goodness we finally have a real hetro hottie as First Lady.....
Melania is one of the least accomplished First Ladies in my lifetime

She makes almost no effort at the position.

I have no qualms with Melania...she never wanted to be first lady, she never expected her husband to win....Now she has to get thru his presidency the best way she can...even if it means sleeping in separate bedrooms......
Melania is one of the least accomplished First Ladies in my lifetime

She makes almost no effort at the position.


She is EASY on the EYES.

Michael Robinson and Hillary were the OPPOSITE.....

Thank Goodness we finally have a real hetro hottie as First Lady.....
After all...that is the purpose they be objects for display......
So where in the Constitution does it say for rats to report the President on anything? Unethical? Show me a law against unethical and how it's defined. How is that defending the Constitution when the word ethical is not even in the document.

Impeachment is for violations of high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of which Trump is guilty of. Furthermore the leaker is part of the deep state given the weak case he made for reporting this call. Trump did nothing wrong. He didn't demand a quid pro quo. He has every right to ask another leader to "look into" possible corruption by the past administration, even if one of them is currently running for the nomination of his party.
The President was violating the Constitution and it was reported. Demanding a bribe while in public office is against the oath of office.
It was reported, investigated by the IG and found to be a valid concern
It is now in the hands of Congress

That is not Deep State, that is the way our Constitutional Government is supposed to work

And this is where the lies are. Trump never demanded anything.
That is what the investigation will decide

Unfortunately, you will not be consulted

There shouldn't be any investigation because there was nothing to investigate. That's the point. It was more or less the deep state told all their members to look for something......anything they could possibly use to frame an impeachment, even if it was something they could lie about.
How the fuk does the deep state tell “members” to do anything?
is there a secret handshake so members can identify each Other?
Who is running the Deep State?
Deep state is run by...

Melania is one of the least accomplished First Ladies in my lifetime

She makes almost no effort at the position.


So what? Whatever any first lady does is for show. We didn't elect her, we elected her husband. It wouldn't matter if she did something or stayed in the White House every day watching soap operas.
So where in the Constitution does it say for rats to report the President on anything? Unethical? Show me a law against unethical and how it's defined. How is that defending the Constitution when the word ethical is not even in the document.

Impeachment is for violations of high crimes and misdemeanors, neither of which Trump is guilty of. Furthermore the leaker is part of the deep state given the weak case he made for reporting this call. Trump did nothing wrong. He didn't demand a quid pro quo. He has every right to ask another leader to "look into" possible corruption by the past administration, even if one of them is currently running for the nomination of his party.
The President was violating the Constitution and it was reported. Demanding a bribe while in public office is against the oath of office.
It was reported, investigated by the IG and found to be a valid concern
It is now in the hands of Congress

That is not Deep State, that is the way our Constitutional Government is supposed to work

And this is where the lies are. Trump never demanded anything.
That is what the investigation will decide

Unfortunately, you will not be consulted

There shouldn't be any investigation because there was nothing to investigate. That's the point. It was more or less the deep state told all their members to look for something......anything they could possibly use to frame an impeachment, even if it was something they could lie about.
How the fuk does the deep state tell “members” to do anything?
is there a secret handshake so members can identify each Other?
Who is running the Deep State?

More than likely Piglosi or Shoemaker. It's one of the top Democrats. It may even be Schiff, who knows? But it's not hard to figure out who hates Trump and who does not. They know who to ask to find anything they can on Trump.

It is such a weak case for impeachment that we ever had in our history. But now it's obvious as to why. Purge posted a link to an interview with Shokin. He stated the reason he was fired was because he was indeed investigating Burisma at the time Joe demanded his firing.

All the puzzle pieces are starting to come together now. It certainly explains why the panic mode when the Democrats found out Trump asked Zelensky about looking into Joe and Hunter.
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